By AurumTrancy

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=Chapter One=
=Chapter Two=
=Chapter Three=
=Chapter Four=
=Chapter Six=
=Chapter Seven=

=Chapter Five=

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By AurumTrancy

We reached their house, and I assure you it was a big, humungous, house. Manor that’s what it is called. Everything was coloured pale gold and latex white. Statues of Greek gods (or was it Roman?)  stood. Before the manor stood three fountains, one on each side and one at the center. Each fountain has three statues of magnificently structured robed women.


“The Muses,” Skylar informed.


I turned to him, “It’s beautiful,”


He blinked infront of his laptop. I felt my throat caught my breath. Well, I know that’s just a blink. But I swear that blink came to me like ‘Awe!’ He clapped it down and darted his glasses on the opposite window.


We stopped at the front of the mansion. Beyond the tiled stairs there were three young men, each had the same height and had a coloured fringe of hair on its left ear. They wore dark suits, and their neckties were as the same colour as their lock of hair.


“Miss Booke,” Ted introduced. “These are Crimson,” he said to the man with a green fringe of hair.


“Auburn,” he told the blue one.


“And Red,” he said to the yellow fringed one.


“Nice to meet you, Miss Booke,” they bowed.


Cool, huh?


I smiled at them. I noticed that they all have red hair mainly, and they also look alike.


“Are they brothers?” I asked.


Ted nodded. “Yes, miss. They are triplets, to be precise,” he said. My eyes widened in fascination. “The three of them will be your butler,”


“What?” Wow, three butlers for me? “Why?”


“There are many reasons,” Skylar said. We walked on, the three lads with Ted on track, “The media, assassins and such. To protect you,”


“But why three of them?”


“They are the best of the Academy,” said Ted, “Fortunately, the three of them tied first on the exams,”


“According to the Academy, the only ones who got 98% and above the exams are the only examiners qualified to graduate,” said Skylar, “And the butlers who tied must share their principle,”


“Oh,” I muttered, half listening to what they were saying.


“Here we are,” I heard Auburn, or whoever the three of them, said and walked through the door.


I had not been looking to where we were going. My eyes were on Skylar’s nape. He was infront of us. I was admiring on how his hair at the back was fixed, like a fluffy pelt of a black grizzly bear. My hand was itching to touch it.


Auburn’s gentle happy tones bring me back to earth. I saw him about to reach the doorknob.


“Wait,” Crimson, identified by his green lock of hair, dragged Auburn, “Listen,”


‘One thing about the Hue brothers,” added Skylar, “is that they perform as one,”


“Not again,” said Red.


We were there in complete silence.


“What?” I asked, “What is it?”


We heard stomping sounds and a girl’s giggle. Someone was scorning. Another one cursed. It came nearer and nearer.


The immense door slammed open. The force seemed to slap my face. A milky-pink haired girl appeared. She greeted us with wide happy brown eyes.


“Oh my gosh,” she exclaimed as her eyes began to gleam, “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygossshh!!!” she bounced up and down, her manicured hands clasped on her chest. I thought I just saw many twinkling stars around her. “Danny cute, they just arrived!” she yelled inside.


When she received no reply, she hollered again, “Danny, I’m not playing cute around!” she turned to me, “You must be Jacqueline,”


“Jacky,” I nodded. We shook hands. This girl is so loud.


“Cordelia Dianne Juno,” she introduced to herself, “Just call me Cordelia. Do come in,”


“Is this supposed to be my house?” Skylar scorned, “You must watch your noise, Cordelia. It isn’t funny,”


Cordelia’s expression softened, “Oh. Uhh, sorry,”


Swissh! That was painful. I could have frowned.


“This way,” Ted and the Hue brothers led us.


The couch was too long to be a couch. It was architecture of smooth thick black wire, tangled until it formed a divan. I sat on it. It was comfy. Crimson, Auburn and Red stood behind me. Skylar sat one seat apart from me.


“Hues, be in the kitchen,” Ted commanded. All three of them nodded, bowed, and walked away.


Too too casual.


“Please, wait here,” said Ted as he was going upstairs. Cordelia ran, knocking Ted out of her way upstairs.


“Daniel! Danny!” Cordelia exclaimed happily, “I’m cutely telling you, they’re here!” she made a grunting sound, “Don’t worry, Gil. I can manage him.”  She said as if she was talking to someone. “Come on, you’ve got to see her. She’s got a small, flat cute nose!”


My nose really caught anyone’s attention. I blinked and touched it. Was it really that small?


Skylar gave a snort, but he didn’t smile. “Nice,”


“It runs in the family, Sir Bloodson,” I told him, hiding my face.


“I didn’t ask about it,” he snapped.


How rude of him! I could have given him a knocker! I clenched my fist.


We watched Cordelia pulling a tight-lipped boy down. It was obvious that he was irritated. He was frowning with his gray eyes. He hid it under his brown hair.


“Lady Juno,” a blonde bodyguard, probably hers, pleaded from nowhere. “Please be careful on the stairs,”


I think Cordelia didn’t notice him, so she rusted down with her clapping stilts, and then stopped before us. She tugged his shoulder.


“You see?” she told him, “They’re sooo cute together!”


Now she calls us cute. Ugh. Not with this guy.


Daniel sighed and fell on a couch.


“He’s my fiancé,” she declared, “I think you cutely know about it,”


I smiled at Daniel, a tight one.  I think I was affected on how his mouth was really shut. He gave me a slight nod, then turned to Skylar.


“You forgot to fix your hair again,” he told him.


I shot a glance at Skylar. Was it?


Cordelia chuckled and handed him a comb.


“Where’s Cedric?” Skylar brushed his hair.


“He’s with Tara,” she said.




“What?” I said, “Where are they?”


“In their cute bedroom,”


“What are they doing?”


She didn’t speak. So did others. That’s when I started thinking.


“I think they’re doing something … cute,” she told me nervously.


Somehow, I find that answer a relief. “Well, if you don’t mind me asking, who arranged your marriage?”


“We’re not married yet,” Daniel told me, “Just engaged,”


He said the word just like a dreadful one.


“Our parents did, of course,” shrugged Cordelia, then smiled. “I’m so cute happy they did it. I wouldn’t meet someone as cute as Daniel if it weren’t for them,” she plopped beside him and locked her hand with his. She gave a soft squeeze.


“H--, Hey, cut it out,” Daniel scorned as pulled his hand. I noticed before he did it he squeezed back. He looked away from her and touched his mouth, more of like cover, with his fingers (the one Cordelia touched.) His ears were blushing as Cordelia stared at him, smiling fondly. Sweet.


I heard something, like a low moan. I thought it was Skylar, who shuffled on his seat. Then a door was heard close. The moaning stopped.


“What was that, Ted?” Skylar asked.


“I’m sorry for such annoyance, Sir Bloodson,” a different voice answered. It was so low, yet light. I don’t know how to explain the tone.


A man as huge as Ted, younger and not as brawny, came from the stairs. Unlike also Ted (I couldn’t help comparing,) he was wearing a tailcoat. He surveyed us with cool gold eyes.


“Are you sure they’re not fighting?” said Skylar.


Were they fighting? I thought they were doing something cute. I think fighting is cute for Cordelia.


“No, sir,” he said, then turned to me, “Gil Daark, Miss Booke. Sir Daniel Leon Lyric’s butler,”


“How’d he recognize me?” I asked Cordelia after Gil left.  Cordelia has still been gazing at Daniel with starry eyes. I feel comfortable of her than Skylar.


“Atty. Frazier had declared about you last Sunday,” She said, “Frazier is just cute talkative.”


“He’s too sociable,” said Daniel, still avoiding Cordelia’s twinkling eyes, “Loud as his clothes,”


“Why does he wear those kinds of clothes?”


She shrugged, “We don’t cutely know. But I thought it was cute,”


Just then, the Hue brothers appeared and said, “Tea is served,”


“Finally!!” Cordelia exclaimed, her eyes still glimmering, “Tea at the orchard, with four of us! Like a date. It would be sooooo cute!” she stood, clenched Daniel’s wrist and dashed outside. Daniel flapped behind her like a thin paper.


“How many times she could say cute in a day?” I muttered under my breath.


“About 600 times,” he snorted back. “50 times per two hours,” he stood up. “What about you? How many times could you say what in a day?”


“What?!” I said, insulted. That got me thinking. I’m not that what person, or … maybe I am?


The orchard was stunning. Different multi-colored flowers and vines flourished. Every plant has its dew, reflecting the golden sunlight. Glittery butterflies fluttered on each plant, dancing graciously and kissing each heart of flower, curiously at noon. It was a refreshing sight. Everything is so glossy. An immense circular porcelain table was delicately planted on the small-tiled floor. The chairs were porcelain, too. They were painted by a slender powder indigo flowers Cordelia had said. I forgot the name of it.


She was beaming on us as I sat beside her, while Skylar and Daniel sat across us.


“This will be your second date today with Skylar,”


“What?!” I said, surprised. Was that a date?


Cordelia giggled, soft high-pitched and truly, cute. “Isn’t that cute?” she said.


Oh, Crap!


The tea was served. Scones, creams, grape preserves, chocolate-iced cake, pies, lemon tarts, loaves of green crested bread and colorful cookies were piled on the table. I couldn’t believe they could get these ready within minutes. And how on earth could four people finish these pastries? Boom!


I took one milky yellow cookie and scanned it.


“Butter cream,” muttered Daniel. He was already eating a pink one. “Nina made it,”


“Tara’s bodyguard,” Cordelia told me.


I took a bite. It was butter cream.



“A butler can cook?” I popped the cookie in my mouth. I watched Auburn, (or was it Crimson or Red?) put a slice of chocolate cake infront of me. The cherries and wafers were covered with thick, inviting chocolate, standing at the mount of sweet stuff. “There are female butlers?”


“Yes and yes,” said Skylar, “Every butler in my house takes charge of the household, too. As for female butlers, Nina Luzz is lucky to pass the Academy. They don’t pick male students only. The Academy accepts females, too, depending on how they can endure their task.”


I looked at Daniel for confirmation, but he focused himself on the pastries. He took a tart and chewed slowly, enjoying the moment. So I glanced at Cordelia instead.


“He really likes sweets,” she winked. Daniel blushed. “Isn’t it cute?”


I smiled at her, just for her not to be offended. Sometimes you need to please the person who is too inspired.


I took a sip of my tea. It was the first time I drink tea, aside from iced tea of course. Disappointment hung in me. The heck about the people saying ‘tea is delicious’? It just tasted like warm water with a leafy scent. But, oh, it really compliments with the cakes. I think I won’t drink tea without bread, like this cake I just finished within a minute.


I heard Cordelia gasp.


“What is it, Lady Juno?” Auburn, or one of his brothers, asked. “Don’t you like the tea?”


“Uhh … well,” said Cordelia, “Nothing about the tea, Hue. It was very cute. The thing is …” she took my hand when I put down the teacup. “Why don’t you have the engagement ring?”


Her slender hands were so soft on mine, almost like a silky feather. She stroked my ring finger. “It’s not cute, you know,”


“I …” I let my voice trail and withdrew my hand, “I forgot to wear it,”


“Well next time don’t,” Cordelia said, “You must wear it, like me,” she raised her hand, showing her engagement ring.


It was implanted with pentagonal sapphires, three of them, like blue flame which outstood every star. The middle one was huger than the other two. Each was crowned with small splinters of blood ruby. Around the gold ring was stunned with more starry sapphires.


“Whoa,” I said, “It’s beautiful,”


She began to beam again, “And it’s really cute. Danny gave it to me after I--”


“Well, look who’s here.”


We turned toward the voice.


“Cedric,” Daniel said before his scone.


Cedric’s milky blonde hair was wetly slicked back. His teasing green eyes, lighter than Skylar’s and more like Daniel’s, was on me. He smirked on me.


“Yo, prostitute,” he said.


I straightened up, stunned. What did he call me, a prostitute?


“Cedric!” Cordelia scorned eyes wide.


“You should not talk like that, Sir Lovemist,” Red, or one of his brothers, pleaded.


He opened his arms wide and shrugged. Suddenly, he looked innocent.


“That’s what I heard from the rumors,” he apologized.


“Since when?” asked Daniel.


“Fuck if I know,” he answered, sitting beside me, “All I heard is that she,” he gestured at me, “was some bitch who fucked herself just to get a piece of shit,”


I hate his language. I whipped my arm up and planned to slap Cedric’s mouth with the back of my hand. When I thought better of it, I stopped it. I can feel Cedric’s breath.


“Sorry,” I said, putting my hand down, “I really don’t like people being rude like that,”


He snorted, “Oh, really?”


“Others said she’s a gold-digger,” Skylar added, ignoring my reaction. Darn!


“You already know about it?” asked Cordelia.


“Yes,” he brushed his suit, “A gold-digger. Some articles says that you would enchant me and then kill me after you and I are married, like a … witch,”


“The hell!” I gasped, “I wouldn’t do such thing,”


Cedric nudged me, “He’s telling the truth,” he muttered.


I raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”


“Stop talking about me,” Skylar told us. Cedric chuckled.


“You psychic ass, Sky,” said he. I frowned.


Cedric picked his tea the Hues had served. I noticed that his arms and neck had faint scars, mostly on his wrists. His chin also had a small wound near his lip. Below his ear was implanted by a small gold band of metal. It shone faintly.


Before I could ask him about it, Cordelia poked me.


“Were you home-schooled?”


I shook my head no. Cordelia began to beam again.


“You see, Danny?” she shook Daniel’s hand, “Could we go to school together with her? I’m getting cute tired in home-studying. It’s not cute. Please! Please!”


“I dunno,” Daniel shrugged, “If Miss Booke would allow it,”


“You can go to school,” I offered, “You can start on the next school year,”


“Interesting,” said Cedric, “I’m on it,”


“People will recognize us,” said Daniel, then faced me. “Do you study in a private school?”


I nodded, “Supported by my aunt,”


“We could use aliases,” said Cordelia, “We’ll disguise,”


“Would that be risky?” I asked.


“No. maybe Sky will do something,” Cordelia turned to Skylar, “Right, Sky?”


 Skylar had started on his laptop, “You don’t need me. You can do it yourself. There are many ways. And I won’t mind you for what you three had been planning. I wouldn’t join,”


Cordelia’s expression loosened, “Umm, okay.”


Cedric nudged me again and whispered, “You just think he’s shitty mean. Well, he really is. He knows how to make people stop fucking up,”


I shot my eyebrows up.


“He reads psychology books,” he muttered, “He can’t live without it,”




“Stop talking about me,” Skylar scorned, now in a higher tone. Cedric doesn’t seem to be affected with it. He smirked.


“Fuck you, Sky,”



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