By AurumTrancy

90 1 2


=Chapter One=
=Chapter Two=
=Chapter Three=
=Chapter Five=
=Chapter Six=
=Chapter Seven=

=Chapter Four=

6 0 0
By AurumTrancy

I noticed that he doesn’t have the faint hair that his brothers had. His hair was thickly black, clumsily covering his forehead. It seemed like it haven’t been cut for eight weeks. His green eyes, unlike his brothers, were brighter under his rectangular glasses. I can feel that he’s too witty for me.


He continued to scan me, like some laser light flashing on every part of me. I averted his gaze and just played with my thumb on my lap, then began tap-tap-tapping imaginary piano keys. My hands were cold. If Amy and Drew was here, they could tell he was cute.


I don’t understand why most rich teenagers are good-looking. And why on earth most men in a couple are good-looking? Hell!


“So,” he started in a hard tone. I don’t know if he is being stern or not. “Your whole name is Jacqueline Ramritzy Booke?”


“Yes, Sir Bloodson,”


“I see you have a foreign side?”


“From my grandmother,”




 “Yes, Sir Bloodson,”


“Please, address me Skylar,” he requested, “You’re not my client, after all.”


Yeah sure, Skylar. But I don’t want to. We don’t know each other yet. I decided to call him with Sir. I nodded, as always.


He examined me again. I felt really small, as if he’s a giant waiting for me to move. When I tried meeting his gaze, I dropped it again, now feeling insulted. I just figured out where he was looking: on my nose. I really have a small flat nose, me, Levi, Mom, my Aunts and Granny. Only Carter had a pointy nose, inherited form my father. Obviously, Asian blood had started on my Granny, only taken on the females in the clan.


I crumpled my face, raising my head, and then rubbed my nose with my fingers, slightly.


“Why did you choose to marry me?” he broke the ice. Bang.


 Inside me, I could have squirmed. “I have no choice,”


“There are many options,” he offered. “You can find a lawyer,”


“We don’t have enough money,”


“Surrender the land,”


“We have nowhere to go,” I said, judging on what Carter had told us.


“But aren’t you afraid?”


Well, am I? Of what?


“Of me?” he said, “Of what I can do to you,”


Well, I haven’t thought about that.


I shook my head no. “I can be tough. I will be.”


I pinched my forearm. What am I saying?


My sweaty hand moved and took a piece of fry, then I chewed on it.


“Where is the ring?” he said.


“At home. I haven’t looked at it yet,”


“Once you settled in my house you have to wear it,”


I shot my head up in surprise.


“We will start living together,” he said with a straight face. “Next month,”


“What?” I said as polite as I can be, “Where?”


He clasped his hands and rested his chin at the back of his hand. There was an annoying glint on his glasses.


I’ve never been teased, aside from my brother. I never allow myself to be treated like that. But I think I’ll let this one pass. We just met.


“Just near your place,” he said, “Not so far from your school,”


“You are going to transfer me to another school?” I just snatched a burger in front of us, then took a huge bite. I’m getting messed with this guy.


He raised an eyebrow. “You want me to?”


“No!” I spat. Bread crumbs showered on the table. I clapped my mouth with my hand, eyes on the wet fragments.


“Don’t worry,” he said, ignoring the mess I made. Thank goodness! “I wouldn’t do it. I would prefer you to be home-schooled,”


I chewed on, still thinking.


“I see,” he told me, “You will need your friends.”


I dropped my gaze. It was true.


“I have no friends,” he told me.


Yeah, right. Then I realized. How on earth could he get no friends?




He looked at me straight in the eye. I think his glasses would have cracked if it has laser in it. I felt like I would fall from my seat just to dodge his glare.


“I’ve never had a friend,”


“But the Lovemists and the Lyrics--”


“They’re not my friends,” said he, “Both are my clients.”


“What about your parents?”


He didn’t answer. Somehow, that gesture made me pity him.


Then I frowned. Was he playing tricks on me?


“You’re kidding, right?” I asked.


Another glare. Bang. “I’m dead serious. I’m narrating all these to you because you are my fiancée.”


I took a large bite again on my burger. The mayonnaise melted on my tongue.


“Isn’t this too fast?” I asked. “You know. We just met, and--”


He just shut me up with another sharp glance. Bang. “No, not at all.”


I spread the wrapper of the burger, surprised that I ate it all that fast. I crumpled it back and attacked the sundae instead.


“Where are they? The Lovemists and the Lyrics?”


“They are waiting for you at home,”


I paused, “What? Where?”


“As soon as you have done eating, we can leave,”


I melted the cream in my mouth, “Don’t you wanna eat?”


“No. I’m fine.” He said.


“Granny said that a person must never eat alone,” I shared to him. “I could--”


“I’m full. Just do what you want,”




I took a vengeful spoon of cold cream and popped it in my mouth. Somehow, I find my situation hilarious.  It was just like having a friend (a tough one) that you will endure for a lifetime. But I think this friendship wouldn’t last. Granny had advised us to avoid expecting things.


I gazed around the dinner. “Why did you choose to meet me here?” I told him.


“I just want to try something different,” he said, “In truth; I thought it would be nice to you,”


“Well, thank you very much,” I placed the empty container down the table. The spoon cluttered inside it.


“That was fast,”


“Sundaes aren’t difficult to eat,” I said, “Or maybe things like that,”


We left, and Skylar paid for us, although it was only me who ate. I snatched the soda that had been there. I felt embarrassed that we didn’t share the pay at all.


And I also felt embarrassed for what I acted infront of him. He, his family, owns the land, and I’m just the merit.



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