Interrogations of a Psychopat...

By TrafficCop

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A psychopath interrogates writers. Proceed with caution. More

Interrogations of a Psychopath - Wattpad Interviews


457 9 31
By TrafficCop

This is the TheAleksDemon, one of my real-life friends and a FABULOUS, FLAWLESS, INCREDIBLE writer who has talent that no one her age should have. (because it's so unfair! D;)

o1. What is your username and how did you come up with it?

TheAleksDemon. I have been obsessed with my own name since forever, and I've enjoyed the idea of not being pure, and anyway, I'm really crazy. Since my actual name means, "Protector of mankind," and is spelled with a 'k' rather than an 'x', I've been a fangirl ever since.

o2. When and how did you find Wattpad?

Friends recommended it to me, and I thought it would be nice to share my story ideas with other people and get my own work out there somewhere. I found out about it like last year.

o3. What is your favourite thing about this site?

I just love writing stories on here, and though I'm not fond of many stories that people publish due to my own bias, I love the diversity of ideas and ways of writing.

o4. How many books are you currently writing?

I'm currently writing 2, one a series, the other just a solo. I'm not done either xD


o5. Have you ever finished a book and how did that feel?

NO, sadly, and I really wanna know what it feels like.

o6. What is currently your most important project? How did you come up with this idea and what do you like about writing it?

'Breath of Flame' is my most important project right now. I did start it first, and I came up with during one of my fangirling days when I was obsessing over Game of Thrones. I've always loved fantasy, and I've written several short stories before in that genre, and I really wanted to make a big thing that I know I'd be proud of. I like the morbid freedom I get. I can put whatever I want, and my characters themselves are slightly mental and are incredibly enjoyable to write their different POVs, because they're all different. I'm going slightly crazy in the process.

o7. Who are your favourite real-life authors?

George R. R. Martin, James Patterson, John Green and countless others.

o8. What are you favourite published books?

Harry Potter series, the Divergent series, A Song and Ice and Fire series, Legend series, The Fault in Our Stars, Dark Inside, and more I probably can't think of at the moment.

o9. Who are you favourite Wattpad authors?

I am ashamed to say I've never read any books on wattpad. There's something with me and books on screens that isn't playing well with me. There's nothing wrong with, some stories are precious, but my eyes strain badly and make me confused when I read off a screen.

1o. What are your favourite Wattpad books?

See 10.

11. Who is your favourite book character and why?

Arya Stark. My badass eleven year old from Game of Thrones. God, this girl has been through so much and has like a body count of 9 kills. I don't know, she just seems so cool, and she's also part of my OTP so...

12. Who is your favourite character to write about and why?

Aleksandra Bane has gotta be it. She is mental, she has a bloodlust for murder, but she has feelings she likes to hide. She's also my namesake so of course. I also have a plan for her that is a dreadful broken road and I just like torturing my character.

13. What is your favourite genre to read and write?

Fantasy, like I've said repeatedly, hehe. I also love Sci-fi and Dystopian, maybe a little Horror but I get serious nightmares

14. What/Who is your inspiration?

George R. R. Martin. That cruel, ruthless author who has killed off so many characters.

15. How long have you been writing for?

I've been writing since forever, because I'm immortal.

(TC: You're immortal too?! :D)

16. Do you think you will stop writing?

I will never stop, and no force could possibly make me.

 (TC: And there's also the fact that you're immortal.)

E X T R A Q U E S T I O N S;

Favourite Season?

I legit thought you were asking for which season of what TV show and I got confused. But I like that time between winter and autumn.

What's your favourite movie?

That live action Peter Pan movie I think. The Peter in that was like my crush when I was in elementary, and I remember watching that movie over and over again in one day. I never got tired of it.

What three words would best describe you?

Artistic, Mental, Sarcastic

What do you like to do other than writing/reading?

Drawing and scrolling tumblr, if that's anything xD

If you could live in another time other than the present, which time period would it be?

I would live in the medieval times and get hanged for being outspoken and deemed a witch or something.

S P E C I A L I Z E D Q U E S T I O N;

If you met this "cruel, ruthless author who has killed off many characters" (George R. R. Martin), what would you say/do to him? Violence is accepted.

I would beg at his feet to stop before he starts killing off the characters from my ships because it's almost like there will be no happy ending for anyone in his stories. I will sob and hyperventilate, then he might laugh and I'll probably stand up, threaten him with a weapon and make him finish writing the whole f*cking series with my supervision because if Arya, Sansa, Gendry, Jon, Rickon, Bran, Brienne, Jaime, Tyrion, Daenerys, Jorah, Davos don't get a happy ending, someone is going to die, and it will no longer be his characters.

- - - - -

TC: And there you have it. The first of many interviews in this [glorious] book.

To read Breath of Flame + other stories, click on TheAleksDemon's page/icon thingy in the dedication.

The video on the side reminds me of TheAleksDemon.

The picture on the side is one of TheAleksDemon's SPECTACULAR-TOTALLYPROFESSIONAL-OMGI'MSOJEALOUS drawings from DeviantART. (woo! free advertising!)

Goodbye and goodnight. (;

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