The book of the adventures of...

נכתב על ידי Jayfeather555

153 19 163

Beware, this has stories of Jay and her kids, shadow, walrus, Lizzie, warriors, Sabie, and snowy. Read at you... עוד

A christmas (Non christmas) fic Pt. 2
Adoption stories
What stories would you like to hear?
New years
Hehe, oh kiiiiiiiids!
Official 2015/16 new years story SNEAK PEAK
Short story time

Shadow's death

15 1 15
נכתב על ידי Jayfeather555

xX-ShadowDancer-Xx XxSnowyFoxxX Saber4524 LizzieLou102 WalrusLili warriors010

It was a lovely morning in yet another day in the life of Jay and her family. Everyone had gathered at the table eating pancakes for breakfast. Well, almost everyone. Shadow was still asleep, even after 1 hour of Jay flinging her and tossing her around and nearly passing out of exhaustion trying to wake her, she still stayed asleep. Jay eventually gave up trying to wake her up and made breakfast. Eventually, everyone one finished their breakfast, and snowy demanded to go to the park, which was another story in itself that will be told another day. As soon as they left, Shadow was wide awake. She's been awake for a long time actually, and was surprised she didn't cry when thrown around. She was waiting for the perfect moment to sneak into her moms Tardis, but not before eating her moms pancakes, because HOLY CRAP were those tasty!

Shadow made sure the coast was clear before going into the tardis. When she did, she thought about what point in her life she wanted to see. After a solid five minutes of staring at the jumbo fuzzy dice hanging on the roof, she decided to see where nobody has ever seen. She was going to see... Her own death. DUN DUN DUUUUUN!

After typing in the time, the tardis teleported may years to the future, around her eighties. She walked out of the tardis and almost walked off a cliff. Shadow breathed a sigh of relief since she didn't fall. She looked over the cliff, and there she saw herself! Well, her 83 year old self at least. She was rock climbing, which was not surprising. Suddenly, her future self slipped and fell. "AAAAA MY BACK!" She said. Someone around her future self's age, facepalmed. Shadow anime gasped. It was warriors! Warriors shook her head. "How does someone break all the bones in their body after falling three feet off the ground?" She said. Soon an ambulance came and picked up her body, and rushed it to the hospital. Shadow walked back into the tardis and sat down. "Well at least my death wasn't too boring"

Suddenly the tardis spoke. "Your death? That wasn't your death sweet heart oh goodness no!" It said, having a similar voice to Tyler Oakleys. "It wasn't?" Shadow said. "Of course not! Here, let me take you there! WEEEEEEE!" It said as it teleported again, ten years more into the future. Shadow walked out and looked into the window of a house they landed by. And HOLY MOTHER OF MISHA COLLINS AND JENSEN ACKLES SHE WAS FAT AS HECK! It was her, only 93, and was surrounded by pizza boxes and soda bottles, watching re runs of gravity falls. Shadow was weirded out by how in the future she's just a blob fish only wrinklier, and older, and Grunkle Stan. Suddenly her future self died randomly. "Well that was disappointing" Shadow said. "Welp, I'm ready to go time machine!" She said. "It's tardis to you! Hmph!" It said.

Once teleported back to the present, she walked over to the couch and sat down. Suddenly the door was opened, and her family was there. Saber was covered in footprints, warriors passed out and was carried by Lizzie, and snowy had stars for pupils, while Jay looked as furious as she was during Christmas. "SHADOW. YOUR GROUNDED. NOW GET THESE THINGS OFF ME BEFORE I GROUND ALL OF YOU!" "O-ok!" She said, helping Jay. After that, she looked at them. "So what happened to you?" Shadow asked. Jay sighed exhaustedly. "I'll tell you later. Let's just say Misha Collins and his Fangirl base happened."
                                   The end

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