Minecraft:The Game Of Surviva...

By Ninja_XxXxX

979 18 16

A player by the name of Steve was living a normal life,with normal people,nothing strange or weird happened i... More

Chapter 2-Mutation
Chapter 3-Returning

Chapter 1-To The Village

440 7 5
By Ninja_XxXxX

I wake up with the sunlight shining through my window,I get up from my bed and put on my clothes,After that I go to the bathroom and clean myself,then I go downstairs to work as a blacksmith.

I work alone because my parents died,I still don't know why though,Unlike every other kid I see,I have to work everyday since I don't have any parents or relatives,so this is my everday plan:
1.Smelt ores from mining 15-30 min.
2.)Trade the ores for money(Financier),food(Baker),
and an iron pickaxe(Miner).1 hour
3.)Go mining 30min.-1hour

After i was done with all of these,The baker asked me in a really excited voice "Hey,Steve wanna help me bring these food to the other village?"

"Sure." I said to him,and without a word he showed me a horse with food chests beside it,and when I was ready he gave me a map to where we were going just in case we got lost.

On our way the baker asked "Are you nervous?" he asked curiously,I replied with a no,but i was a bit nervous becoz it was my first time in another village.

After a few hours of riding we finally reached the city walls.I was amazed at the sight of such tall walls,I could tell the baker was pretty excited but why should he,every week he goes to village to village setting up shop earning extra cash.

Once we reached the village I saw the name of it,"Nakatara village"I said to myself,The village seemed pretty nice so far.

Once the baker finished setting up shop he told me I should go exploring see what I can find,then he gave me 2 stacks of coins I could use,he said it was only a fragment of what he'd pay me.

I went around seeing what I could buy,I already had an Iron pickaxe and sword,but it's always so light for me, and I don't like the damage it has "I need a diamond sword!" I said frustrated.Everyone stared at me then kept walking.

After walking for a bit I saw something that interested me,"A WEAPON'S DEALER!" I said as I ran to it I went to see inside and all I saw were swords,armor and ores,but the only one I wanted was a diamond sword in a glass case.

I went to go and get it out from the glass but someone stopped me,"No no no no no you cannot have it,this sword is PRICELESS" he said irritated,I could see his what he looked like,blond,blue eyes,tall. "But if it's priceless why is it in a shop where they sell weapons?" I said confused "Very well,do you really want that sword badly?" I nodded,he sighed "Okay,but to have it you need to earn it".

A few minutes later

"Where are we going?" I asked "To the training area,that's where we will fight" he said,as we got closer he lead me to a colloseum.

I saw lots of people fighting either hand to hand or using bows,"Let me give you a tour,on your left we have a weapon station and the sections of the arena there are 4 sections:The hand to hand,bow to bow,sword to sword and random"

"On you right we have the 3 types of skill training:Parkour,Redstone,and
Building.Get all that?" I nodded,

"Okay,then let's go to the swords area to fight and see who is worthy of the sword" he got his diamond sword and gave me a wooden one he found "hey isn't this a bit unfair,I mean you have a diamond sword and I have a wooden one" I said angrily "Well it IS my sword and just to prove if you are worthy"he said,we kept arguing until I sighed I sighed in defeat "Fine if it means having the sword quicker then I'll have the wooden sword" I said.

In the Arena
There was an open space and a platform to watch on top so people can watch "You ready?" he asked,I nodded then he said
"3.......2 1 GO!"

I only had a little reaction time but I managed to dodge his first attack,I swung my sword at him but he just managed to dodge it "Your not that bad"he said "Same here" I saw people around the arena watching in their seats,he also managed to see this "Give it all you've got,let's not ruin the hopes of the audience just yet" I nodded then the fighting started again,all I could hear were sword clashing and the crowds cheering,he swung his sword again but this time I wasn't able to dodge it and it ended up making my sword fall.

"Well,I guess we already have a winner" he said looking at the crowds "Not if I can help it!" I ran towards the sword like my life depended on it while dodging his attacks behind me from him with his diamond sword.

I was finally able to get my sword and run from his swing,YES his sword is sruck to the ground,now's my chance,I ran for him with all my speed and finally landed a blow on hm knocking the sword to the wall and him to the middle "Ok,NOW we have a real winner" I said pointing my sword at him,at first his face had that mad expression but after that it turned to a smile.

"Okay okay,you won fair and square,I guess you can have it" he said handing the sword to me.

Once I got it I was so excited an even the crowds were cheering.
"Oh I forgot to ask you,what's your name?" I asked "Hashunito"he said with a smile "What's your name?" "Steve" I said,we shaked hands and then went out of the arena.

At the shop......

"So,what have you gotten while you were away?" the baker asked while counting all the emeralds he got,"Not much,except THIS" I showed him the diamond sword I got."OH MEH NOTCH,A DIAMOND SWORD!!!!"he said shouting and pointing at the sword.

"HOW'D YOU GET DAT!?!?!?!?" he said still suprised at the fact that I got a diamond sword."Well,I guess bringing you here was worth it wasn't it?" The baker said in a calmer voice (I still haven't given the name coz two things:I need a name from the commments,and I am gonna give the name later on in the story).

Meanwhile on the way to our village......................

I could see the sun slowly going down and the moon slowly starting to rise,I could tell the baker was scared because of his expression.

We were almost at the village until we heard a hissing sound
"Uhhh what was that?" I asked slightly scared,the baker didn't say anything probably deep in thought.

After the hissing,we heard groaning,unhuman noises,and rattling bones,but before we even realized,IT WAS NIGHT!!!!!

Soon we saw what made the noises:Creepers,Zombies,
Endermen and skeletons. Me and the baker were in so much fear we couldn't even move ourselves even if we wanted.

So we just made the horse go faster than ever,but the skeletons hit my horse with an arrow. I fell of the horse,the baker came back for me but was punched by a zombie so hard he got knocked out while he was still on the horse running,I was cornered inside the woods until I remembered something.......MEH DIAMOND SWORD! I forgot all about the sword until now,the sword gave me confidence that I would win,so I just swung my sword at evert mob that came near me.

*Pant,pant,pant* most of my energy is gone and so are the mobs,there were only 1 mob of every species,it was almost dawn and I could see the sunlight............UNTIL I get hit in the head! I was becoming unconsious,I layed down on the ground because my body couldn't move a muscle,the last thing I saw were all the other mobs get hit in the head.

My vision.............

Is becoming blurry..........

Only one thought came to my head.............

I hope the baker is alright.

Well guys sorry for ending it with a cliffhanger it's already night at where I live and I havel ots of school,projects,homeworks and all that stuff.But I will update as soon as I can.thX,


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