It Started With A Fire

By SwigMista

3.1K 119 49

Liam-young firefighter Zayn-young Language Arts teacher for high school Louis, Josh-firefighters Harry, Nia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

713 34 14
By SwigMista

✔️Fire Chapter 2

Zayn's POV

I woke up to some smoke. I looked around the room and I couldn't see anything. I can't do this, I can feel a panic attack coming on. A few minutes later, I was pulled out the fire. I couldn't recognize who it was because I was coughing so hard. Someone patted my back and gave me a water bottle.

"You okay mate?" I hear a some what familiar voice. "What's your name?"

"M'Zen and no. You?" I answer.

"Alright, I'm going to pick you up and bring you to a safer spot. Don't be nervous or anything. You'll be fine. A doctor is on his way to check if your okay. And I'm Liam." Liam replies.

He picks me up gently and brings me to the back of the farthest firetruck from my burning home. I looked at the fire which I regret. A flash a memmories of seeing my family in the fire came across my mind. I quickly looked away and I see Niall and Harry running at me. Soon I was in a bone crushing hug.

*cough* "Guys. can't. Breathe." *cough* I tried to say.

"Oh my gosh Zayn. Are you okay?" Niall rushed out.

"How do you feel? Do we need to take you to the hospital?" Harry rushed out right after.

"Guys *cough* I'm alright *cough cough*" I answer.

"Okay Zayn, the doctor is here to check. And the rest of the fire fighters are going to finish with the house. Are you alright? You seem pale." another familiar fire fighter asked. "By the way I'm-"

"Louis." Harry answered.

"Yeah and you're Harry Styles and Niall Horan. I remember you guys when we were kids. And Zayn Malik, I'm sorry for your lost but you're going strong. You will be fine, you'll do good in life." Louis says.

"Am I the only one that doesn't remember you." I asked.

"No, Liam doesn't remember anything either so you're not the only one." Louis replies. "We should hang out sometime, get to know each other." and he winks at Harry.

"Oh we should go now. Erm bye Niall and Zayn. See ya later." Harry says and tries to drag Louis away.

"Harreh *cough* you can't go now. *cough* you got school mate." I stop him.

"Ugh fine." he whines.

"Hello, you're Zayn Malik right?" the doctor asked me.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Alright so I'm just going to check your breathing and do you smoke?" he asked.

"No why?"

"Well after the fire and all that smoke, it would be very hard for you to breathe. So breathe in for me and hold it." I do exactly what he says. "Now breathe out slowly and let me check your heart beat. Okay good. You'll be fine just go easy for a while. Alright, be safe. Bye." And he left.

"Alright boys, let's get ready for school." I said and they look at me weirdly. "What? I don't want to let my class down."

"By the way Zayn, here's a doctor note." Liam told me and handed me it.

"Thanks mate." I answer.

"It's weird having people from Britian here. Where ya from?"

"Bradford. You?"

"Wolverhampton. I don't think you should go to school today."

"I will, it's not *cough*about what you think. *cough*"

"The news people are here to talk to you by the way."

"Alright, Harry and Niall, go to school. You're already late. Be my substitute for now, I'll come in a few."

"Okay, bye mate." Niall waves bye and takes Harry with him.

"And we are live in 3 2." a voice says."

"Welcome back and here we are live with the owner of this burning house. What's your name?"

"I'm Zen Malik."

"Alright so before we get on with the story. How about a little background information. Obviously you're British so we're in England are you from? Tell us everything."

"Well yes*cough* I was in England. I was born in Bradford, *cough* then moved here to *cough* start a new life."

"What was wrong with your old life?"

"Uh, well. *cough* I don't want to talk about it. It *cough* triggers too many bad memories." I look down.

"Oh, okay. Well you have a nasty cough there. Mind telling us what happened?"

"Well there's not much to say. I'm a teacher at a high school. I woke *cough* up to smoke and I was about to have a panic attack but I was pulled out the fire. *cough*"

"Well thank you for your time. Good luck with that cough, hope you feel better. Bye." the news reporter ended and the camera shut off. "So Zayn Malik, here's my number. If need a place to stay, I'll be here." she winked.

"Erm no thanks. I think *cough*I have enough on my hands right now." I replied and walked away.

Oh wait, I have no where to go. I decided to call Niall since Harry has his younger sister living with him and Niall is lonely.

"Yello?" Niall asked.

"Hey Niall, um can*cough* I live with you until my house is remade?" I asked.

"Of course mate. You know where my house his. You have a spare key."

"Thanks, I'll see you later."

"Yeah whatever. By the way, pretty sure the whole school saw the interview thing."

"Alright, atleast *cough* they won't ask where I was. Bye Niall." I hung my phone and walked to Nialls house.

I unlocked the door, walked in, and went to get ready for school. Since Niall doesn't have anything I normally wear or have, I took a pair of his black skinny jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. With the doctor's note, I walked out of his house and I notice I don't have my car keys and I'm not allowed to walk.

"Hey Malik! Ya need a ride?" Louis smirks.

"Yeah thanks mate, you know where to go?" I answer.

"Yeah Harry told me."

"Oh?" I wiggle my eyebrows "What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing for now. Come on. Don't wanna be more late than you're already are."

"Yeah true." I start having a coughing attack.

Louis looks at me with worried eyes after I calmed down. "I really don't think you should go teach. With your coughing, you should rest. You look exhausted, you might pass out in the middle of the class."

I rolled my eyes and told him "I'll be fine."

"Well don't come to me when you feel like you're dying." he said and we were on our way.

Of course I almost fell out of the truck because there's no doors from where I am. Which explains why Liam is holding on to me so I won't fall.

"Oh yeah, we have that fire fighter thing today at this school." Louis said.

"I was waiting for you to figure that out." Liam says and I laugh.

"Also, I'm supposed to have two fire fighters in my class room. I have a big classroom and there's supposed to be two other classes in it. Harry and Niall will be in the room." I tell them.

"Then let's go." Louis says then picks me up and runs down the hallway.

"No Louis! Put Zayn down right now!" Liam yells, chasing after us.

After a while or more like a minute later, Louis gives up and drops me on the ground.

"Ow Lou that hurt." I whine.

"Aw well I'm sorry Zaynie." he teases.

"Alright, lets get to your class Zayn." Liam says and helps me stand. "You sure you're okay? That was a lot of smoke."

"Yeah m'fine Leeyum." I smiled at him.

"Alright love birds, let's go. And Zayn, your accent is just whoa. You say Loueh, Harreh, Zen, and Leeyum instead of Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam." Louis says.

"Uh thanks?" I asked and raised my eyebrows. We entered my classroom and once again, I was attacked with hugs. *cough* "Can't. Breathe." Then all that weight was gone. "My god Harreh and Niall, you don't have to hug me so much."

"Sorry mate but looking good." Niall says trying to cheer up the mood.

I laugh at him and replied "Niall, these are your clothes.*cough* Why are they so big on me?"

"Because you're short." Harry snickers.

"Oi mate, you're mean." I punch him in the shoulder then cross my arms and pout.

"Awe I'm sorry Zayniepoo. I'll make it up to you. I will make brownies." he replies.

"Oh my god! Really?! I love you Haz!" I hug him and I hear the class laugh. Louis coughs behind me so I said "Oh yeah, as you know I was just in a fire and I shouldn't be here but I didn't want to let you down. These are the lovely men that saved me. Lewis and Lima Bean." I introduced them.

"Actually It's Louis and I was the one who pulled you out. Not this weak Lima Bean." he states proudly.

"You wanna go Lou?" Liam smirks and puts Louis in a headlock.

"Let go of me." Louis yells.

"Not until you say the truth."


"Then you'll never get out. And no more carrots for you, Carrot Boy."

"Okay okay, I give. You're the one who saved Zayn."


"And you're stonger than me."


"And, and. Um. Can someone help me here? Oh wait I know. We can watch Toy Story right now."

"Alright." Liam lets go of Louis who sighed in relief.

The classroom starts filling in with the other two classes with their teachers.

"Alright*cough* so this will be a tight fit but today we have two fire fighters with us to explain everything what they do. Someone *cough* told me that they did this to little kids but this will be different. *cough* Plus they're british. From what I can tell, all of you love mine *cough* and Mr. Styles's british accent, then Mr. Horan is irish, you'll love these two. Please welcome *cough* Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson." I annouced once everyone was situated. "Also, sorry for my nasty cough. I just came out of a fire, *cough* give me a break."

"Thank you Zayn, please sit because you look very pale and sickly honestly." Liam says.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes.

I sat in my chair and I suddenly felt light headed. About halfway through, I just fell asleep with a head ache. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I felt someone shake me but I couldn't get up. Everything felt so heavy.

'Zayn come on get up'

'come on, this isn't funny mate.'

'Stop playing tricks'

'Get up'

I felt someone put me on the ground but I'm laying on my back.

'what'd the doctor say?'

'all he told Zayn was to take it easy'

'Thats a bad doctor'

'should've took him to the hospital'

'come Zayn, please wake up' I felt someone slapping my face lightly.

'should we throw water on him?'

'No! That would put his body in a state of panic'

'oh yeah, I really don't want him to wake up to a panic attack.'

'Zayn, come on man, wake up'

'his breathing is a bit slow'

'how do you know'

'because I know a lot about this stuff. I can become the school nurse'

'come on Zayn, wakeup buddy'

'can you hear us?'

'respond in anyway if you can'

I groan in response.

'thank god he's still alive'

'try to open your eyes'

'can you do that for us'

I tried but it's really hard. I finally got my eyes opened but I was blinded by the light.

"Zee! You're okay!" Niall yells and hugs me. I groan and hiss in pain. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Where does it hurt?"

I couldn't respond, I can barely keep my eyes open. I start closing them because it's really tiring.

"Zayn, try to keep your eyes open." Louis says.

"He probably had too much smoke in his system and now its effecting him. His body is shutting down, it wants to sleep." Liam says and puts my head in his lap.

"Come on Zayn, stay awake." Harry says.

I opened my eyes again, but it was hard. I start to pass out, more like fant. I feel my eyes rolling back a bit and I soon only saw blackness. I hear voices but they sound distant and I start dreaming of all the memories I had with my family. All the way from when I was born to the fire accident. Suddenly, I felt a shock go through me. I jumped awake.

"Oh my god Zayn!" Niall yells.

"Relax, just a small shock." Louis says.

"Sit down, you need to relax." Harry says after.

"Come here." Liam said and hold out his arms. I notice the classroom is empty but I sat on Liam's lap and cuddled into his side and start crying. "Ssshhh, it's okay Zayn. Relax, it's gonna make it harder to breathe if you cry." he shushes in my ear.

"Zee, what's wrong?" Niall asks softly.

I shut my eyes tightly and mummbled "M'family *sniffle* gone."

"What do you mean?" Louis asks.

There was a knock at the door and I see Perrie and one of my students.

"Oh my god. Zaynie!" Perrie yells and runs to me.

I couldn't look at her, I just buried my head in Liam's shirt. I hear my students foot steps walk closer and he asked "Mr. Malik, are you alright?"

I shook my head, so Harry and Louis went to go tell everyone I'll be fine. I look up and I can see Niall trying to get Perrie out the room but they're just arguing.

*cough* "Perrie, not to be rude of anything *sniffle* but can you please leave?" I asked softly making them stop arguing.

"Not until I get a kiss." she replies.

She's always like this, all she wants to do is date me.

"Just get out." I told her.




"JUST GET OUT." I yell which made my voice crack at the end.

"NO I WILL NOT." she yells back.

"Yes you will. Just get out, he doesn't want to see you!" Liam says loudly.

"Ugh fine, I wish you'll die in a fire." she says angerly and walks out.

"I wish I died with my family too." I mummbled to myself.

"What?" Liam asked.


"Alright so I guess I'll take you to Niall's house so you can rest. Can you stand?"

I nodded and tried to stand, I did but it was hard to walk. I'm really exhausted. Liam picks me up, so I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. I noticed that he's in normal clothes instead of his fire gear. He basically carried me to Niall's and he took the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door.

"Zee?" he asked after he put me on the couch.

"Mmm?" I responded.

"What'd you mean about your family?"

"They died in a fire." I mummbled and fell asleep.

I heard Liam sigh and then left.

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