Lilliana Snape (Book Four)

By 221bBakerStreet

95.5K 3.9K 815

All I wanted from Severus Snape was the same father, daughter relationship that I see my friends have with th... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Have YOUR say
Part 10
Help Needed
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 17

3.5K 176 52
By 221bBakerStreet

So, to make up for the short part I posted earlier, I have written some more for you so please show me some love! :)

PS: Criminal Mind fans, show yourselves to me! If you have no idea what I'm talking about then get on it! there's nothing better than Shemar Moore in just a towel and shiny wet from a him...seriously...though, saying that...I'm more of a Thomas Gibson Fan ;)

It's 2:22 AM so I'm over and out my pretties!


That’s what tonight was.

Being held, all night, within the embrace of Fred Weasley is a moment that I would remember until the day I die because I learnt that not all magic is words being muttered and a piece of wood being waved; it’s just as much a moment, a feeling, as it is a wand producing red sparks.

I was left alone all night; neither Fred or I were bothered by anyone and if we were, we didn’t notice so when time came for us to leave the magic behind I was very surprised to find that the only students left in the hall were me, Fred, Neville and Ginny. “Where are Harry, Hermione and Ron?” I wondered out loud.

“No idea” Fred replied as he clasped his hand in mine and walked us up the first set of stairs. “So, I don’t have any broken toes.”

“No?” I grinned up at him, stopping us before we could reach the top “well the night isn’t over yet.”

“You want to dance again?” He asked with a confused smile forming across his face.

Shaking my head, I stepped carefully on his toes. His hands automatically went to my hips to support my weight. “No, not right now” I muttered, staring right into his eyes.

Grinning, he ducked his head so his nose was at my neck. “You smell so good” he whispered into my ear “I could just…eat you up.” I looked up to see him bare his teeth at me, pretending to be a vampire.

My eyes widened in mock terror “oh, no, please don’t!” I begged jokingly “I have my entire life ahead of me!” He loomed closer “I taste bad!” He ignored me “I-I-I taste like week old bacon!”

Fred paused before grinning “tempting” he whispered.

“No, oh god-” I was shaking in anticipation of the awaiting feel of his lips on my skin. “Don’t kill me…”

“No promises” came his reply as his mouth found my neck and he bit down gently, not anywhere near hard enough to draw blood.

My heart was beating a frenzy when I felt his breath on my skin and, once again, I lost track of where I was and where I should be as my boyfriend spoiled my neck with kisses. “Fred Weasley put her down at once!” An all too familiar cold voice instructed angrily, making me jump back into reality. I lost my footing on the steps and felt myself overbalance before becoming airborne. I didn’t hit the steps, however, I flew right down them and landed in the strong arms of my father. “Twenty points from Gryffindor” he barked “for being out of bed past hours.”

“But curfew has been lifted for tonight!” I argued.

“The ball has finished” he told me harshly “you were both instructed to go back up to your dormitory and yet I find you canoodling on the stairs.”

I wiggled in his grasp, trying to get free but he just held me tighter “would you let me go?” I asked him angrily; annoyed that he was ruining my magical night.

“You, be quiet” dad told me angrily before turning his attention back to Fred “now go, before I take more points from Gryffindor house.”

“I’m not going without Lilly” Fred replied stubbornly.

“Then you are going to lose your house a lot of points” he retorted “because Lilliana is coming with me.”

“Put me down!” I yelled “I am not going with you, for god’s sake, why do you have to ruin everything?” I fought harder against his grip and finally fell free. I jumped up and glared at him “dock however many points you want from us, we weren’t doing anything wrong! You can’t dictate every move or decision I make just because you’re here, dad!” I stormed back up to Fred and grabbed his hand before pulling him away.

“Get back here, Lilliana!” Dad ordered but I ignored him. I couldn’t care less what he was going to do; I was angry at the fact that he always seems to make an appearance at just the wrong time, stopping me from doing things that teenagers do. I’d had a wonderful night and he had to pop up like an annoying spot and ruin it! I wasn’t angry, I was livid.

Fred didn’t even try to talk to me as we made our way back to the portrait of the fat lady. He knew that I was fuming and he knew that it was better to let me seethe but he broke the silence when I flung myself into the seat beside the fire. “Lil…I understand if you don’t want to-”

“Don’t want to what?” I snapped at him. “Don’t you dare start, Fred Weasley. You are one of the few things in my life that makes me not want to fling myself out of my dormitory window! I love my dad but it’s so hard to be me with him breathing down my neck all the time; I wish that I could have gone to a different school, that way he can’t interfere all the time!” I curled my hands into fists and growled angrily before grabbing something that looked like a ball of wool from the table and lobbed it into the fire.

He came over, sat down beside me and put a hand on my leg. “Lil, your dad is just trying to protect you; I get that and if you want to-”

“Want to what?” I snapped again. “For god’s sake Fred!”

“If you would stop interrupting me-” he sighed “if you want to take a break from…us…till your dad gets off your back then I understand.”

I looked at him in shock “do you want to take a break?”

“What? No! I was just-”

I grabbed his head in my hands and kissed him with all of the force I could muster. “I love you” I told him sternly “you are the only stable thing I have in my life right now but if you can’t cope with this rollercoaster that I suggest that you get off now before one of us ends up getting hurt.”

The look on Fred’s face was unreadable and I studied him carefully, looking for that reply where he’d get up and walk away. “You love me?” Was all he could utter.

“That’s what I said” came my reply.

His face broke into the biggest smile that I’d ever seen and he pulled my head to his so that we were nose to nose. “I am not going to leave, Lil, do you understand? I’m in this for the ride and I’m not going to get off if things start getting rough. I love you and nothing that has happened or will happen can ever change that. I am not going anywhere; you’re stuck with me, Miss Snape. Think you can handle that?”

“Hell, I’ve come this far” I smiled, my anger was evaporating fast “why bail out now?”

“You’re so convincing” he laughed “how about saying that with a bit more heart?”

I sighed before flinging myself at him and in my best ‘chirpy girl’ voice said “of course I can handle that, baby!” I laughed as I pulled back before saying “I like playing with fire, Weasley; do you think that you can handle me?” in my normal voice.

“No” he shook his head but smiled slightly “but that’s ok because I don’t want to handle you; I don’t want to ‘contain’ you. I love that you’re spontaneous and quirky. You’re one of a kind, Lilliana, and I love that about you so, no, I can’t handle it but I will do my best to be right there beside you. People like you aren’t meant to be ‘handled’” he told me as he slid closer “you’re a wild one, baby.”

“Oh my God” I laughed “how cheesy can you get?”

Fred laughed along with me “not much more than that apparently!” He agreed “but seriously, I had a great time tonight and for someone who can’t dance…you were amazing.”

“Per-lease” I shook my head at him “I bet I looked like I was trying to bat away a bee or something.”

“No” he shook his head as he stared at me “I promise; you looked perfect. Look, Lil, don’t worry about your dad; he’s just being a parent, he loves you and you know that he does. Parents are meant to interfere and, one day, you’ll understand when you become one too.”

“Kids” I shook my head “are they really worth the trouble?” I’d never really imagined having any children of my own but then I hadn’t had a normal childhood because I’d spent the majority of it thinking that my dad hated me and acting out just to get some kind of reaction from him. Fred had come from a completely different background. He had two loving parents, a huge collection of brothers, a beautiful sister whereas I worry about the Malfoys, I worry that dad will get bored of me and hand me over to them or that, one of these days, he really will do something that will well and truly break my heart.  

“Hey” he took my hand in his and squeezed “tell me something that I don’t know about you.”

I frowned, confused at the sudden change of topic to our conversation “why?”

“I just want to know you better.” Came his simple reply.


His blood was boiling as he watched his daughter hurry off, hand in hand with Fred Weasley; he had nothing against the boy besides the fact that he was dating his daughter and that alone was enough to get the hate cells whirring. Severus Snape hadn’t thought this far ahead, he hadn’t even thought about his daughter wanting to date…especially at this age and he was angry; not at her but at himself. He was angry at the fact that he felt completely unprepared for this; he could take her pranks, her attitude…hell, he could even take the fact that she had the intelligence to defeat a fully grown nesting dragon by herself without killing it but this was a completely kettle of fish.

It was wrong to have taken his anger out on her because she was right, they hadn’t done anything wrong but when he found them like that he could have quite happily killed the boy without a backward glance. He relinquished the hold he had on his wand and sighed now regretting the fact that his temper had gotten the better of him again. “Forty points to Gryffindor” he muttered; returning the twenty he’d taken unfairly and giving an extra twenty as a silent apology.

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