Just a Cullen Story

By R_Doster

18K 94 73

It is time for the cullens to move away from forks and start their new lives else where..... lets see what un... More

Just a Cullen Story
just a cullen story...2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
13 and a half
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

939 5 11
By R_Doster


As they approached I saw who else was with Jacob. It was Seth and Embry. I stood there dumbfounded I did not know what to do, there was no escape from Emmett’s iron grip and Edward would catch me before I got to them. So I relaxed a little bit to wait to see what they had to say. When they got closer, the three of them put their hands up to show that they mean us no harm. I told Emmett I was calm enough to be released, as soon as I was back on the ground I started walking towards them. Edward and Emmett right on my heels, as I approached I noticed Jacobs face was sad, he was not happy to be here. Edward quickly grabbed me around the waist and held me. I knew he already knew why Jacob was here. I got five feet away from him and stopped, I asked him why he was here and he said “Bells, your dad is in the hospital; he is in really bad shape. We need you to come back to forks for a little while to tend to his affairs, I honestly don’t think he is gonna makes it.” 

I hit the ground and I was in hysterics. Edward was on the ground with me trying to comfort me. Alice was quietly sobbing I knew it was for my father I knew he was going to die. I reached up to grab hold of Jacob I needed to know what had happened to my father. I pulled Jacob down to the ground with me and I asked him what had happened? He told me that some young kid from out of town was causing a lot of trouble in town and Charlie went to pull him over for speeding, when Charlie got out of the car to go to him the kid pulled away and spun his car around and ran him over then backed over him. In the process of breaking every bone in his body including his skull he had a heart attack.  I had to ask Jacob when this happened and he told me four days ago. I stared at him in disbelief why was I not informed of this I asked? He said “Bella we tried to call you but all the numbers were changed.” Billy has been by his side for three days now and he keeps asking for you and he is getting weaker. I looked at Edward and he pulled out his cell phone, he was calling the airport making arrangements for our flight back to Forks. I called to Alice and asked her to pack our bags but of course she was already finished. Carlisle had already called the school to get us out of school on some family emergency. Apparently everyone was going back to Forks including Carlisle. I was going to need the support of my family. Carlisle came out then and said we were ready to go to the air port and that everything was taken care of between school and the hospital and we could leave without any further delay, Edward already had our flight arranged and even paid for the three wolfs to travel with us.  I glanced over to see Nessie putting her phone to her ear, she was calling Xander to tell him we had to go out of town for a family emergency and that she would call him as soon as we were off the plane to let him know that she landed safely, I seen out of the corner of my eye that Jacob was staring at her with a sour expression. THis hostility that Jacob was showing for his once imprintee was really getting to me. I quickly threw my shield around Edward and told him that I wanted to speak with Jacob alone and that Jacob could ride with me in my car while he rode with someone else. He glanced at me with the expression of sadness and I told him that it was only going to take a few minutes to get to the air port and then I would be in his arms again. He nodded once and I knew he was giving me the ok to do it. I looked at Jacob and told him that I wanted to talk to him alone on the way to the air port and I would like for him to ride with me there. Slowly he agreed but he did not look happy about it.

We got in the car and started down the long drive way, Jacob looked over to me and asked me what was wrong and why this was necessary? I told him I wanted to know why he hated Nessie so much. Jacob sighed and clenched his teeth and I reminded him I was no longer human and I could kill him with one swift blow to the head. He slumped back into his seat and said “well bells, it was really hard for me to realize that my words forced her to feel that I did not want her and it broke the imprint ties that held us together. I asked him if he knew how that works, breaking the ties. And he told me that we would sit down and discuss it when we arrived back at forks, he would rather have his father tell me about it so he did not get it wrong or skip over anything important. We sat in silence for the rest of the drive to the airport. I was thinking about everything he said, I do feel bad for my best friend but I am happy Nessie found a boy who will come and go. I heard Jacob tense up a little, and when I looked at him he had a very sad look on his face, I raised one eyebrow at him and he looked at me and said she is happy right? I sighed I knew he wanted me to say no, but I could not lie to him. I told him she was unhappy for a while but she is very happy now, I seen one tear roll down his cheek but before I could say anything else I realized I was pulling up to the valet parking. Of course Edward was waiting for me and as soon as the car stopped he was at my door before the valet had time to walk over to me. As Edward helped me out of the car, the man froze staring at me, I realized then what I was wearing, a cream colored sheer satin knee length dress with electric blue accessories. Edward tightened his grip on my waist as he was reading the guys mind and he bent down and kissed me, and said loudly so the human could hear, “how was your drive Mrs. Cullen?” the smug smile that played on his lips was hilarious. Jacob put his head down and started to walk away. I knew he really was not up to handling any type of romance when he was so alone in the world, I only felt slightly sad for him, and it was his fault for this undoing. Edward kissed me one more time and said that we needed to get on the plane it would be ready soon. I did not realize that we were taking a private jet straight to forks. 

When we got on the plane I notice the other two wolfs sitting there looking a little out of place, I realized it seemed like awhile to them since we had left forks but it was really only just a few months now that we have been gone. Seth of course looked a little bit more at ease then Embry did but I wonder why Seth seemed a little apprehensive. I let my shield drop to ask Edward why Seth seemed to be in a slump, and he shrugged his shoulders, ok so I knew I was going to have to ask him. So I sat down across from him and slid into the comfort of Edwards arms, then I looked at him, and very quietly I said “ Seth, you seem a little tense what’s wrong?” he looked up and his eyes narrowed at Jacob, I did not understand this but he seemed to collect himself and took a deep breath. Then he told me, “ well you know Bella I have only ever experienced being around all of you,  and you all seem so human, but being around that other vampire it has made me a little nervous to even be around you.” “This vampire is wild, I don’t think he is a newborn vampire but he seems crazy, like he was not in his right mind when he was turned. Carlisle looked up then and said I only know of one vampire that meets this description, he is Volturi.” I cringed I knew what this meant if I decided this vampire died it meant we would have to answer to them or if we let him live he would go back to them and we would still have to answer to them. But my mind was made and after I seen my father I would decide to kill him rip him from limb to limb. And I think I would enjoy it. Edward sensed my mood change and I knew Jasper felt my rage, they both looked at me and I was seething, venom was pooling again. Edwards arm tightened and I knew I had to tell him what was wrong. I told him I was decided on this vampire’s fate as it stood right now, Carlisle’s head hung just a small fragment and I knew he knew, what I meant. I looked at him. “ Carlisle I am so very sorry to have decided this and I do not make this decision very lightly but I feel that it will be done out of justice. I will not be hasty in my decision however I am very angry right now but I do have a lot to consider, please forgive me. He looked at me and his eyes softened then and I knew he would not hold my decision over me or anything. But I was not sure any more if I really had it in me to kill another. I am sure though that the wolves would agree to do me the favor. I was not going to set anything into stone as I knew Alice would see, so I decided to just drop it. 

We were in the air already and I was over my rage and I settled once again into my mind where no one else could reach me, as I was sitting there I felt Edward tense and my normal response was to look directly at Alice, who was sitting there eyes blank and far away with a grim look on her face. They both looked at me and then their faces looked devious. I did not want to even think what they were silently planning but I knew it had to do with me. I guess I would not dwell on it I had too many other things to worry about now. I sank deeper into my mind I vaguely heard the conversations around me I did not want to be apart of anything that they were talking about, I knew this was my family and I knew it was wrong but the more I thought about my dad the sadder I got about what I knew was coming no one ever escaped a vampire attack and lived to talk about it for long. I finally felt the plane tilt toward the ground, and I began to tome back to reality. Edward was looking at me with the most concerned expression and when I locked my eyes to his he looked relieved. I asked him what was wrong and then I noticed all eyes were on me. Edward said that they have been trying to talk to me for hours and it was like I was in a coma, I looked at everyone and said I was sorry and that I was just thinking about my dad. The plane was on the ground and circling the runway so we can exit the plane. I noticed a shuttle bus waiting for us as we got off the plane. Edward looked at me and said do you wish to ride the bus to forks or do you want to rent a car? I said I would rather rent a car so we were free to go to the hospital right away. He agreed and then he turned to the rest of the family and told them of our decision. I noticed Nessie in the back of the group looking down. At first I thought there was something wrong but then I noticed the smile on her face and her cell phone in her hand. I called out to her and she seemed a little startled. I looked at Edward and he said she had been texting Xander the entire trip she has been completely unaware of anything that has happened this evening. I looked at her then and asked her if she was coming to the hospital with us or going to the house with everyone else. She looked confused and torn she looked at us and then at her cell phone, then asked if she could come to the hospital later on tonight. I looked at Edward again and he nodded so I told her to go to the house with everyone and if her grandfather was up for company we would come get her. The entire family got on the bus while Edward and I walked to the airport. I heard the heavy foot steps of the three wolves behind us. I turned around and asked them where they would be so I could meet up with them later. Jacob said he was going to go and move the prisoner. Which I guessed he was taking him to Carlisle but I did not hear that discussion on the plane. I said my good byes eager to get to the hospital and see my father and make the phone call to my mother if I needed to. I still was unsure if I was ready to have her see me like this yet or not. I know it has been seven years since I turned into a vampire but I do not know if I wanted my mother to see me like this because I knew that if she seen to much the outcome would not be good and I knew I  had to protect her, she has never met Nessie in person either. She has seen pictures of her of course. I was so lost in thought that I did not even notice Edward towing me along to the rental kiosk. He asked me what type of car I wanted and that pulled me from my thoughts quickly. I scanned the list and quickly picked out a generic mustang. Not something to flashy but something fast enough for Edwards taste. We got to the car in the fenced in lot and got in the car quickly and drove away to the hospital. 

On our way to the hospital I Must have been in another fog because Edward actually yelled my name and when I looked into his eyes he asked me if I was alright, I just told him I had a lot on my mind with Charlie, this dangerous vampire and the Volturi, he knew they were my greatest fear. It only took a few moments to drive the few blocks to the hospital. I was glad it was cloudy here no need to be careful of the sun. We parked the car in the parking lot and made our way to the main entrance at a very slow human speed. When we got inside and to the information desk the woman who was working at the desk seemed to be awe struck, it was so rare that I have been in contact with humans that it still amazed me to see a human react this way and then realize that I was human not to long ago and that I acted the same way. Edward spoke to her and told her we were here to see Chief Charlie Swan. She looked at us and he said “I am his son in law and this is his daughter Isabella. She looked at me and I knew she was trying to see the human but I knew that is not was she was seeing. But she looked up his room number and told us that he was on the second floor in room two-oh-three. He was in a private room and we would not need to worry about being disrupted. I thought to myself that I was glad that this town had respected my father. After a quick thank you we went to the elevator. I knew Edward was getting irritated going so slow. This was not something we practiced much anymore only at school would we act human. We finally reached the second floor and as we came off the elevator Edward turned in the correct direction to the room we needed. We reached the room and the door was closed. I knocked and then I heard someone groan and we went in. There was my father in a complete body cast from head to toe. He tried to move his head to see who had come in and I knew he could not move very well. I spoke then “Dad please relax it is me and Edward. I heard the monitor and his heart rate had picked up in speed I was assuming in excitement. A nurse came running in to check on him and then she spotted us, she gave Edward and I a dark look and then demanded to know who we were. I said I was Bella Cullen and this was my husband Edward. She then looked ashamed and asked if we were related to Dr. Cullen, Edward said he was Carlisle’s son and I was Charlie’s daughter. And then she said she was sorry. They still respected Carlisle here which is a good sign. I went to my dad then and held his hand, he managed to choke out how cold I was and I told him that it was a little chilly outside in the rain and he nodded his head. The nurse looked and me with a pained look on her face and said that he has been waiting for me to get here. She excused herself stating that she needed to contact the doctor in charge of his care as she was ordered to contact him on my arrival. She came back a few moments later and told us that the doctor would be up shortly to speak with me. Which I heard the entire conversation with my ears. But this human thing was actually a little annoying right now. Right now I also wished jasper was here to help keep me in check. I went back to Charlie’s side so I could talk to him and I told him I loved him and that I was here for as long as he needed me. He looked over to me with his eyes and whispered “ I love you bells, I am so sorry I wont be here to see Nessie grow up and graduate high school, I sure do miss her.” I told him that I would bring Nessie by later and that I would also have Alice come in and see him as well. He seemed excited by that. I asked him where sue was, and he told me she was at home getting some rest. Just then the doctor came in the room and said my name when I looked at him his face was grave and sad. I knew that this was not going to be good however I knew I was strong enough to handle this Edward grabbed my hand and came out with me I knew he already knew because his face was also very sad. I wanted to cry but I knew no tears would come. 

We were out in the hall way and the doctor asked us to come to his office down the hall, we followed him and we let us enter first and then he shut the door behind us. The doctor took his seat and then looked to me and to Edward and said Miss Swan, I quickly corrected him and told him Mrs. Cullen actually, he then looked at Edward and said is Carlisle in town? Edward said that he was and that he would be here soon. The doctor then looked at me and said that he really wished that there was more that they could do for Charlie but it seemed like he was only holding on to see me one last time. He explained to me his injuries and about his heart attack, I made myself look devastated and ready to cry, I knew I was a horrible actress but I had to try. And then I heard the faint echo of a heart monitor. I seen Edward stiffen slightly and then he grabbed my hand tightly, and as if on cue a nurse came bursting in the door with out knocking and her hurry she screamed that they were losing him. Edward quickly called Carlisle and told him to come to the hospital and to bring Jasper we were going to need him. I ran to my father’s room and there he was having convolutions, his heart rate was skipping and slowing I knew this was the end. Was he really just hanging on just for me? It seemed like forever when Carlisle and Jasper came into the room. Jasper came and put one hand on my shoulder and sent waves of calm to me it subdued me slightly I was in mental pain. And no ounce of calm was going to help me. Edward was there with his arms around my waist pulling me from the room whispering in my ear telling me it would be better if I was out in the hall way until he passed. So there we were the three of us out in the hallway waiting for the screams to end which to a human it would be muffled by the closed door but to us it was as clear as if we were still standing there. I saw the look on Jasper’s face as he was experiencing my pain and Charlie’s as well as Edwards’s pain from me being in this kind of torment. I decided I just needed to get a grip on myself and deal with this later now was not the time to break down. I heard the monitor slow and then turn into the long winded wail of a flat line. I knew it was over then and that my father was gone. 

(A/N) HMMM..... next chapter we will see what becomes of Charile's death... what will bella actually do about this crazy vampire that killed her father.. so far Jacob is still safe but for how long? HA HA HA HA HA ..... Things for you all to think about..... until next time.......



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