When It All Comes Crashing Do...

By itskourtniee_

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"No, no, no! This cannot be happening!" My mother cried out. The funeral was last week, and now we are at the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

140 7 5
By itskourtniee_

Brandon’s POV

“He’s just not my favorite person in the world right now.” I replied to Alicia’s question of why I don’t like my father. “Baby.” She said as she took my chin and made me face her, “Tell me.” I sighed as she laid my head in her lap, beginning to play with my hair.

I began to speak, “He’s just not a good dad. He’s always at the hospital working as an OBGYN. I understand that he has to be there a lot, but he could at least spend a little time with his family. He’s all about work and doesn’t care about anything else in the world. Now that his grandson is here, it seems like he’s been out of the house a lot more. I know he’s disappointed in me for having a child before marriage, but he shouldn’t keep that held against my son.”

“I’m sorry to hear all of that, but I promise it’ll get better. Everything happens for a reason. He’ll come around, trust me.” She kissed my forehead and got up, getting ready to leave. “I guess so.” I whispered. As she was getting ready to leave, my dad walked in the room. I knew that this was going to end badly.

Alicia’s POV

I was getting ready to leave Brandon’s house when the door screeched open. I looked up to see a man who looked almost exactly like Brandon, “You must be Mr. Hawkins.” I smiled as I extended my hand to acknowledge the foreign man standing in front of me. He just looked me up and down before turning his attention to Brandon, “Who is this hoe that you have in my house?” The man asked sternly.

I scoffed and grabbed my bags. “Alicia, please don’t go.” Brandon said, “No let the little tramp go. Nobody said she could be in my house. Now get out little girl.” He said pointing at the door. I didn’t want to cause any problems in someone’s house when I didn’t even know them.

“Daddy, stop calling her out of her name. She has one you know, it’s Alicia. And it’d be greatly appreciated if you would use it.” Brandon said standing up for me. It made me smile a little until Mr. Hawkins looked at me and said, “Why are you still here? Go!” That was enough for me because I was going to punch him in the face.

I grabbed my things and Bre’s car seat before charging out of Brandon’s room. I almost made it out of the door when Mrs. Hawkins said, “Alicia, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into my husband. I apologize sweety.” I gave her a small smile before wiping the tear that was cascading down my cheek. I walked out to my car, and once I got situated I drove home.

When I got into the house, I didn’t speak to anyone. I just ran up the stairs into my room, slamming the door behind me. I sat down on the couch for a minute to gather my thoughts. I then gave Bre a bath and put her to bed.

I got in the shower and began to think about everything that I’ve been going through since leaving Nathan’s house. I went from hating Nathan and everything associated with him, to regretting everything that I said about him. I went from being poor, to living in this extravagant house with all of these lavish possessions. I found out who my father is, only to wishing that it was a lie since he’s also the father to my daughter. Our daughter. All of this is too much to handle. I know people say that running away from your problems doesn’t make anything better, but maybe I need to get away from it all.

When I got out of the shower, I finished up my project and was about to go talk to my mother. I opened my door as soon as she was about to knock on it. “Come in mama.” I sighed “What’s wrong honey?” She asked me as I locked the door behind her.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me that Marcus is my daddy?” I asked her. Her eyes bulged out of her head as she began to hyperventilate. “I-we-he-I was-and then he-and we were-and you-and-“ “Mama, breathe. It’s okay, I’ve excepted the fact and I’m not angry anymore. Upset? Of course, but I’m not furious anymore.”

“I know you must hate me now, but I just couldn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to hurt.” “Seriously mama? No offense, but that’s the dumbest excuse that I’ve ever heard in my life. This man raped me! He raped his own daughter! And now he has a grandbaby who is also his child!” I huffed out trying to hold back my tears.

“I know baby, I know. But there’s nothing we can do now.” She said “I know, but we need to get away and we need to do so fast.” I replied “Why? It isn’t like there’s anything left of him to do.” My mom replied. I began to tell her about me seeing Jessie and her explaining to me everything.

“Well, all of that is true. But I can’t leave.” She said “Why?” I asked in frustration, “This man has been nothing but horrible to us.” I said “I love him Alicia! That’s why I can’t leave!” “What?” I yelled “Are you crazy? You must be gone in the head. You’re going to stay with this man after everything that he’s put us through?” I asked.

“I can’t help my feelings towards him. There here and here to stay!” My mama said. She must’ve lost her mind. You know what? He must’ve already drugged her. I need to get her, my baby, and myself out of this house as soon as possible.

The Next Day: 7:50 AM: School

I pulled up at school, and got my back pack and purse. I was walking in the school when my phone vibrated. I reached into my purse and grabbed my phone. I had a text message from Brandon that read…

BooBear: Turn around <3

I turned around and saw him sitting on the hood of my car with flowers and chocolate. “Awww!” I blushed as I walked over to him. “What’s the occasion?” I asked him as he stood up and gave me a long hug. “Nothing, I just want to apologize for last night. That is not how I intended the night to end.” “It’s okay baby, it wasn’t your fault.”

“I know, I was just hoping to make you feel better because I saw you leave in tears.” He replied. “Well thank you!” I smiled “No problem!” He kissed me. Then the bell rang, “I need to get to class before I’m late.” “Alright, I’ll talk to you later.” He gave me another hug and left.

Lunch Time

When I got into the school, I placed the flowers in my locker because I didn’t want to mess them up but I carried the chocolate around with me all day. “Why are you smiling so hard?” Sandra asked as we grabbed our lunch trays and sat down. “Because, he’s so sweet!” I beamed as I pulled out the chocolates.

“Who-ohhh! Awww!” Sandra said as she had an epiphany. “So, why the chocolates?” “Don’t forget the flowers!” I cheered before explaining to her what went down last night. “He’s you father? And a drug dealer?” Sandra shrieked. I nodded my head, “Why didn’t you tell me right away?” She asked me “Because, I’m trying to forget about the whole thing. And every time I think about it, I get teary eyed.” I said as my eyes began to water “Like right now!” I sniffled.

“I’m sorry!” Sandra said as she came over and gave me a hug. “It’s okay.” I sighed. “So what are you going to do?” Sandra asked me. “I don’t know, but I need to figure something out fast…”

2 Months Later

It’s been a long two months of convincing my mother to leave with me, but she won’t budge. I can’t stay here any longer because last night I was walking into my room with groceries in one hand and Bre in the other…

“Bre be quiet!” I huffed as I tried to make her be quiet. She was balling her eyes out from exhaustion. We’d been out all day and she was tired as it was way past her bed time. I couldn’t close the door, so I laid Bre and the groceries down on my bed trying to hurry to get back to the door.

But when I turned around, Marcus was at my door giving me one of those lustful looks. ”W-w-what do you want?” I stuttered “You.” He simply said before closing the door and coming over to me. He pushed me back on my couch climbing on top of me. “No! No!” I shouted “Please, somebody help me!

“ I screamed at the top of my lungs. He was laughing at me, “You’re wasting your breath. I gave everyone the day off and let your mother go out with Samuel to dinner.” “You’re lying! They wouldn’t leave me here with you!” I cried out “I told them you were going to a friend’s house!” I smiled reaching for my belt buckle.

I wasn’t going down without a fight, so I kneed him in his manly parts. He was on the floor rolling around from the pain. I got my bat from the corner of my room and began to beat him senseless. I had to make sure that he was completely out, so I hit him in the head one good time to make sure that he wouldn’t wake up anytime soon.

I used all of my strength to drag him down the stairs and lock him in the basement. I went into his office and grabbed me and Bre’s documents. Like our birth certificates, vaccinations, etc. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed the bags that I had packed since the day I talked to my mom about leaving. I had about three suitcases full of clothes and shoes  for both Bre and I and one back pack full of food and drinks.

I put all of my things in the trunk of my car before going back upstairs and putting a now sleeping Bre in her car seat. I grabbed her baby bag and stocked up on diapers, wipes, formula, a couple bottles, and I grabbed her favorite stuffed animal along with a picture of her, myself, and my mother.

I went to my car and put her and her diaper bag in. I locked the doors before running back in the house, grabbing a plastic sack and running in Marcus’s room. I knew that he kept a drawer full of cash but I just had to find it. God must’ve been on my side because the first drawer I opened was loaded with money.

I started stuffing money into the bag when I heard a door slam. “Alicia?” Marcus growled. I closed the drawer quietly and peaked out of the door. He began to go upstairs to my room, so I snuck out of the front door, started my car, and drove off.

I had made it out of the house, but I needed to stop somewhere before I left to wherever I was going. I went to Brandon’s house. I text him when I pulled up and asked him to come outside. He came out a little later in basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and some socks.

“What’s wrong baby?” He asked me. I just pulled him into a hug and cried on his chest. “I’m sorry.” I wept “About what?” “I’m leaving town.” I didn’t want to look up and see his reaction so I didn’t. He didn’t say anything so I got into my car after whimpering, “I’m sorry. Tell Sandra I love her.” I started driving away when I heard him yell, “Wait!” But I couldn’t and I wouldn’t. The only way he could come after me was if he ran, because his car was in the shop and both of his parents were gone.

I drove around for a little while, when I came across this Motel Inn. I pulled up and walked up to the front desk after taking Bre out of her car seat and walking in.”Hello, are there any rooms available?” I asked the front desk lady. “Hi, and yes there are. How long are you planning on staying?” She asked me “Honestly, I don’t know.” I sighed as a tear rolled down my cheek.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” She asked “I don’t really want to talk about it right now.” I sniffled “Well, that’s alright. But if you need anything, my name is Sandra but you can call me Ms. Sandy!” She smiled at me. “That’s my best friend’s name!”

She told me the price to stay for a week, and a paid her upfront. She helped me carry my bags into the apartment like room. It was a lot nicer than I expected and I was glad for it.”Thank you Ms. Sandy.” I half smiled “No problem sweetheart!” She then left the room at that.

I laid Bre down since she was still asleep. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone. I had messages and calls from, Brandon, Sandra, Marcus, and my mama. I didn’t reply to any, instead I took it in the bathroom and threw it in the toilet. I knew it wasn’t going to flush so I let it sit there and fill up with water. I was starting my life completely over, and that included leaving behind those who meant the most to me, Brandon, Sandra, and even my mama.

So, that was yesterday. Now I’m going to try to enroll myself into high school and Bre into daycare. “Good morning Ms. Sandy.” I smiled as I walked up to the main desk with Bre on my hip. “How’d you sleep honey?” She asked me “I slept okay, but I have a question for you.” I replied “Okay.” “Where’s the nearest high school and daycare center?”

“Come on, let’s sit over here.” She gestured towards the sitting area across from the breakfast are. When we sat down, she began to speak, “Well, the nearest high school is up the street, about five minutes later. But there aren’t any daycares around. The closest one is about forty minutes away.” I sighed at the news I had just received.

“What am I going to do with Bre?” I whispered to myself. But I guess Ms. Sandy heard me because she said, “I’ll keep her for you!” I don’t know if I should leave Bre with her. I already did that to her with Mrs. Price. “I don’t know about that.” I replied as I held on to Bre tighter.

“Oh child, don’t be scared! I have a degree in childcare.” She said as she stood up, went behind the desk, and brought over a plaque with her name in bold letters written across the top of her diploma. I sighed and shook my head, “I just can’t leave my baby with anybody that I don’t know. It’s to risky.”

“Trust me honey!” Ms. Sandy smiled “I wouldn’t hurt a fly!” “But what about other people who come in here?” I asked “There isn’t any business here. Nobody had been her for about a month in a half before you came.” She sighed “How do you keep this place up with no business?” I wondered “My brother loans me money, he says I don’t have to pay it off. But I’m determined to do so.” “Why?” I asked her.

“This was my father’s motel business, and he passed it down to me right after I got out of college. He would have given it to my brother, but he moved out of state. So I never got the chance to pursue my dreams of owning my own daycare.” She said “I’m sorry to hear all of that!” I said softly. “It’s okay. Now, let’s go get you enrolled in school. It starts in three weeks and you don’t have any supplies our uniforms. You’ll let me keep Bre right?”

I was getting a good vibe off of her so I nodded my head yes. “Good, now go get dressed so we can go!” “You’re coming with me?” I asked “Yeah, I don’t have anything better to do!” I smiled before going back to my room. I put on some jeans, a t-shirt with a thin sweater on top, and some toms. I dressed Bre in a dress and sandals, grabbed my purse and put some money in my wallet, documents, and left my room.

“You ready?” I asked Ms. Sandy “Yes.” We got in my car and she gave me directions to the school. We were there in no time. When we got to the front desk, Ms. Sandy pretended to be my guardian. She posed as my aunt. The front desk lady, who’s name I learned was Ms. Rowe, told me about the uniform policy and said that I would get my schedule on the first day of school.

We thanked her and drove to the nearest Levine’s to get my school uniforms. We walked in and I tried on the uniforms to find my sizes. I ended up buying two pairs of khaki pants and shorts, two pairs of black pants, one pair of black shorts, one pair of navy blue pants, three white shirts, two navy blue shirts, and one black shirt.

When we got back to the motel, Ms. Sandy came in my room and watched Bre while I put away my clothes and shoes that I had already along with my new uniforms. I came across the bag full of money and Ms. Sandy saw it. “Now Alicia, I expect a truthful answer when I ask you this. Where in the world did you get all of that money?”

I couldn’t lie to her, even though I’ve only known her for two days now. I sighed and told her everything that I’d been through and by the end of my story, I was in tears. She came over and hugged me and said, “With God’s help, you can make it through all of this.”

The Next Day

I knew that the money that I had would run out soon, so I needed to go and find a job. I asked Ms. Sandy to keep Bre, and she agreed. I got dressed in some leggings, an off the shoulder shirt, and some Jordans. I left the motel with the intent to get a job at a fast food restaurant. But while I was driving, I came across a strip club.

What other way, except selling dope, was that easy to make fast money. I pulled into the parking lot and walked in. I asked for the manager and the guy at the bar pointed towards an all black door. I walked over to the door, only to be rudely answered.

“Who the f*ck is at my damn door? I’m busy!”

A/N: Okay, so I know I haven’t posted in a while, so I made it a little longer. And my internet was down, so I couldn’t post as soon as I wanted to. And I’m going to start setting goals now for my chapter…soooooooooo 3+ comments and 5+ votes for the next chapter. Please people! J

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