Shades Of Scarlett

By whapam

970K 1.4K 508

{Formerly known as Rejected Mate and Regretful Alpha} [CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN] After the death of her fat... More


131K 1.4K 508
By whapam

Everybody experiences pain. It's an inevitable part of life. Pain comes in many forms and while some would argue it isn't the case, physical pain was the easiest to deal with. At least in the short term. It's the emotional pain that cripples you. The one that would leave a grown man crying because his love just died. A pain that makes you want to sleep and never wake up ever again. 

Not everyone experiences it at the same level. Not everyone can deal with it. Not everyone can smile and forge on, but those who do? They are strong, no matter how vulnerable they may be in the moment. When your heart continues to beat and you continue to live your life to the best of your ability -- that is what true strength is. 


Life isn't easy for Scarlett. 

Though that blanket statement could be applied to just about anyone, for Scarlett it was different. Life was never easy for her. It was her fault really. At least that's what those around her told her. When she was seven, she lost her father. She had been playing in the woods near the edges of the border and a rouge wolf who managed to sneak his way in attacked her. Luckily, or unluckily, her father was there and saved her. She could never forget the fight that happened after that. Her father was gaining the upper hand on the enemy when he was jumped by a second wolf. Maybe it was his love for her that he managed to put down the two rouges, but it came at the cost of his own life. She was eventually found crying on her father's dead body, covered in his blood. 

It was after that day that her life changed. Her own family couldn't look at her the same anymore. Her mother, who had just lost her mate, was so overcame with grief that she directed all her frustrations and heartache on Scarlett. 

She was the reason her father was gone. 

If she had just stayed within safer grounds, her father would still be alive. 

Her brother was no different. He loved their father with all his heart and looked up to him as a role model. Not even the alpha had as high of a standing in her brother's heart as their father. When he learned of how their father died, he accused her of putting him in harm's way and she became the subject of his rage. 

"Why didn't you die instead of Dad?"

At the age of seven she became subjected to abuse. It was hard for her, when everyday she would be reminded time and time again that she deserved all the pain she was given. At first she couldn't understand why. Hadn't she lost someone she loved as well? How was it that she wasn't allowed to mourn for her deceased father? But she soon came to realize that it didn't matter if she felt the pain of losing him because she was the sole reason why he was gone in the first place. So she slowly grew up with the knowledge that she was a killer who wasn't worthy of knowing love or warmth. She deserved the pain because she was the one who caused her father's death. 

It's all your fault, she would hear. Day after day. Night after night. 

People say pain is easy. Is it? is the emotional pain easy? Or is it physical pain? She didn't know. And quite frankly, it was beginning to all hurt her the same. 


There was a slight murmuring in the background, like a voice on the radio lost in the white noise. Scarlett groaned softly, but snuggled up to the pillow and continued to sleep. She was warm and in a safe place. Darkness enveloped her in peaceful bliss as she laid there with no worries and nothing to stress about. Everything was quiet and tranquil, something that she rarely experience. But, the slight murmuring grew louder. Now, it sounded as if it was a laugh. It was faint at first but the longer she slept, the louder it grew. It wasn't a happy laugh at all. It was mocking.

She gasped as she was startled out of sleep, her wet pajama shirt sticking to her like it was a second skin. The bed sheets and the blanket were soaked in ice water and the window was wide open, sending in the autumn breeze that made her shiver as it blew against her wet skin.

Scarlett looked up to see her older brother, Jason, standing there with his phone, recording the whole event. In his other hand was an empty bucket. Her brows furrowed as she tried to push the wet blanket off of her, ignoring the smug smirk on his face.  

"Good morning Scar," he said mockingly, pointing the camera right on the large wet stain that soaked the bed.  

"Looks like someone wet the bed," he continued, sneering at her quivering form. 

Scarlett glared at him briefly before pushing him out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. She closed her eyes and leaned against the door. She could already feel the humiliation and embarrassment that was sure to come after he showed his friends the hilarious video he just got. 

What a great way to start off the day.

Glancing at the clock, she cursed and quickly scrambled to get ready. If she wasn't finished in about 2 seconds, she was sure going to hear about how-

"Scarlett! Get your lazy butt down here right now!" Came a shrill voice from down the stairs. She sighed and quickly changed out of her soaked sleepwear. She could feel her mother's heated glare from the staircase as she rushed to the bathroom. It wasn't her fault her brother was an asshole. She could never say that out loud though, lest she wanted to face her mother's wrath. Jason had grown up to look exactly like their father. It was a double edged sword really. It reminded the small family constantly of what they lost, but their mother became even more doting on him. Sometimes it was as if Scarlett wasn't even part of the same family. 

By the time she made it down the stairs, she was greeted with the usual insults that any mother would hurl at their children. 

"Why can't you ever be on time for once in your life? You useless child! You had to trouble your brother to wake you up on time for school? If he's late for the first day of classes, you're going without dinner tonight," her mother yelled.

Scarlett simply looked down at the ground and nodded, the words going in one ear and out the other. After her mother was done reminding her to "take care of her brother," she made a beeline for the kitchen in hopes of grabbing some toast before she had to go to class. What greeted her were the mocking stares of not only her brother, but his idiotic best friend Alex, and Alex's wonderful girlfriend, Jessica. 

"Glad the wake up call worked sis. Next time try not to wet the bed, ya?" Jason laughed. Alex gave him a fist bump, mirth swimming in his eyes. Next to them, Jessica giggled obnoxiously loud. She sounded like a guinea pig. She was a great girl...if great could be used to describe girls who went around bullying anyone who wasn't in her little squad. The more accurate term would be more along the lines of 'bitch.' Scarlett wasn't her only victim, but she was her most abused victim. It didn't help that she was dating Alex Smith, the next alpha of the pack. When at school, she could be seen parading the man around as if she had conquered some foreign land for her country. 

Scarlett mumbled a quick hello to the three and grabbed the toast from the toaster, making sure to avoid the others. After shoving the bread down her mouth, she walked into the living room, not wanting to impose on them. She knew she wasn't wanted in the room. As she left, she heard them talk and laugh with one another, envy swelling up in her chest. She could never have that. She quickly stamped down the feeling. It didn't matter to her. It shouldn't matter to her. 

She grabbed her backpack and hoisted it up on her shoulder, watching as they one by one went through the front door. Jessica paused and turned to look at her, a small smile on her lips. 

"Do you want a ride?"

Scarlett looked at her with surprised eyes, but before she could reply, Jessica let out a loud laugh. 

"You would've thought we would ride with a lowly virgin like you. For goddess's sake, I couldn't be caught dead being around you." And with a flip of her blonde hair, she was out the door. Scarlett stared at the closed door for a couple seconds before sighing. She only had fifteen minutes to make it to school now and her mother would come very close to killing her if she was late for the first day of her classes. She didn't have a choice though. The trio surely would take Alex's car and she didn't know how to drive so her only option was to walk. Better late than never. 

She was only a little ways from her home when a black car pulled up next to her. The windows rolled down and a familiar face appeared. 

"Need a ride, Scarlett?" 

She smiled at the sight of her friend. Her only friend, Ryan Smith.

"Is it that obvious?" She asked, a smile on her face. 

"Hop in loser, we're going to be late for school. I know my older brother can be a jerk and probably left you with no ride," he said with a grin on his handsome face. Scarlett rolled her eyes at his statement and easily slipped into the passenger seat of the car. 

Ryan Smith was the second son of Alpha Henry. He was the brother of the soon to be alpha, Alex. It still slightly surprised Scarlett how the two brothers could have such drastically different personalities. Ryan was warm and friendly, everyone loved him because he was a lovable goofball. Alex on the other hand was a work of art. And not in a good way. People flattered him and flocked to him because he had power. And he knew that. Not only was he spoiled, he was also arrogant and conceited. Scarlett wondered briefly before if he was found in a trash can and adopted, but she knew better than to voice her thoughts out loud. 

"Excited for your first day?" 

Scarlett laughed, watching the scenery pass by the window. 

"Please, you make it sound like I'm some freshman. Besides, the day already started off like shit with Jason tossing ice water over my head," she said dryly. 

"Are you serious?"

"I wish I was joking. Don't be too surprised when you see the video later." 

Ryan was quiet for a couple of seconds before saying lowly, "Seriously Scarlett, you need to stand up for yourself. You can't keep getting abused like this." 

She was surprised by the sudden seriousness of his tone, but she smiled fondly, thankful that she at least had someone who was thinking of her well being.

"Don't worry so much. I'll be 18 in two days! It'll get better from there," she said, not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself. 

Ryan shot her a skeptical look but didn't pursue the situation any further, for which she was grateful. 

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