Gender Fluid - Phan

By iusedtobetaller

41K 3K 2.9K

A phanfic. Gender fluid!Dan Gender fluid!Phil Lots of Phan, a little KicktheStickz Warnings: dysphoria, angs... More

1 - ???
2 - ???
3 - they/them
4 - they/them
5 - she/her
7 - she/her
8 - they/them
9 - she/her
10- she/her
11- he/him
12- they/them
13- they/them
14- they/them
15- they/them
16- they/them
17- they/them
New Story! (+ more)

6 - she/her

2.3K 171 166
By iusedtobetaller

As usual, Dani ate lunch with PJ and Phil and a few other friends. They all called her Dan and used he/him pronouns, but they didn't know any better. As far as they knew, Dani was a cis straight boy who said "mate" too much. Which she guessed meant the facade was working.

"So Dan," said PJ, once again causing Dani to shriek inside, "I've found you a girl. But I'm not letting you meet her until the dance this weekend."

Dani sighed. Not only did she not want a date, but the dance was this weekend, in just four days. She wasn't sure if the wait was good or bad.

"Peej, I really don't want to go to this dance," she sighed. From all around their table people cheered her on, telling her that "he" had to go to the dance, that they were throwing a crazy ledge party after and "he" just had to be there.

PJ elbowed her softly, "It'll be great. And don't call me Peej. That's a shitty nickname." Dani had been calling PJ "Peej" since the fourth grade, but she supposed if he wanted to be called PJ that was cool too.

"Can you at least describe her to me?" said Dani. She might as well make PJ think she was interested. He probably wasn't expecting her to stick with the girl anyways, just throw her away like the asshole Dani pretended to be. Like the asshole PJ was.

PJ grinned, "Well, she's pretty similar to you, except a lot hotter. She talks about Tumblr a lot, I don't know if that's a good thing. But she's hot, I think you'll be into her. I know you'll be into her."

Dani rolled her eyes, "Whatever man. Whatever you say." She took a victorious bite of her soggy school lunch hamburger, trying not to let her gag reflex kick in.

The rest of the table went on talking about girls and vaginas and sports, but Dani checked her phone for a text from P. They'd replied, finally.

"Sorry, slept late! Hope school is okay!" Dani smiled. P was the best at making her feel better. Their texts were always positive and made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. They were even more amazing over Skype, Dani just wanted to reach the screen and hug them.

"Dan, what do you think about Ashley? Is she hot?" asked PJ. Across the cafeteria Ashley, a member of the cheerleading team famous for "accidentally" not wearing underwear during a football game, walked to a table.

Dani shrugged, "She's okay. Her hair is cool." Dani mentally punched herself. So much for even appearing straight. Nice hair? There was so much more she could've said. It was so obvious that everyone wanted her for her boobs, not her fucking hair. Although her hair was nice, Dani was a little jealous.

"Yeah, her hair's cool, I guess... But look at those boobs, man! Those things are crazy, you think they're real?" Dani rolled her eyes. PJ was such an asshole, especially around their other friends. Alone, he was actually pretty nice, but he seemed to think that by acting like a testosterone fueled ape around their friends he might achieve coolness. In reality, he just came off as a fuckboy asshole.

The bell rang for sixth period and Dani answered P'a text in the hall, "Friend is still trying to set me up. Says he's found me a girl already."

"Maybe she'll be a good friend?" replied P.

Dani sighed. Knowing PJ's choice in women, this girl wouldn't be nice. PJ seemed to think that big boobs were more important than actually being a decent person.

"I wouldn't count on it."

Dani left for her next class, Biology. She didn't really like the class, but the teacher was okay and she liked their current unit, genetics. Usually her grade sat at around a C in Biology, like most of her classes. Dani definitely wasn't an honors student.

Sitting in class, she looked around at the girls, wondering who PJ could've chosen. There was Zoe, who seemed nice enough and was very pretty, but then Dani remember that she was dating Alfie, a loud, slightly obnoxious guy on the rugby team. Another possible choice was Emma, but she was taken too, by a red headed guy named Luke who instead of hiding his hair dyed it even darker. He'd once tried to get Dani to act in a film he was producing, but it hadn't worked out.

The last girl who had any potential in this class was Hazel. She seemed very nice, but also rather loud and slightly alcoholic. Supposedly she was the best when drunk, though.

None of them seemed like the type PJ would choose, though, and all of them were taken. Unless they felt like cheating on their boyfriends in front of the whole school, they were out.

Dani had given up on focusing on the lesson, letting herself rest her head on her arms and going to sleep. She'd stayed up far too late talking to P last night and it was taking effect on her in school. Not that it really mattered, she stayed up late anyways. She felt a sharp tap on her shoulder and looked up, straight into the eyes of the teacher.

"Dan, please talk to me after class." She didn't seem mad, just concerned. Still, a couple of Dani's classmates snickered behind her, making her cheeks blush bright red.

"Okay, of course," she stammered, staring down at her hands clasped on the desk.

After class, Dani questioned just leaving, but the teacher came up to her at her desk as she packed her things, making it impossible. There was no way she could get out of it now.

"I'm really worried about you, Dan. You made good grades at the beginning of the year, but right around October they dropped off the map. Is everything okay at home? I've noticed you're falling asleep in class a lot, are you anemic? I just want you to succeed."

Dani almost wanted to tell her everything. She was a nice teacher, and she wasn't wrong. Nothing was okay at home. Her dad was never home, and Mum seemed to compensate by bringing other men home. Nothing about Dani's body felt right, even when it matched her identity.

She couldn't tell the teacher, though. She wouldn't understand.

"I'm fine," said Dani, "I just don't really like the class." Then, after a quick goodbye, she left.

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