Being A Thug

By Mizzvikky

37.8K 1.4K 203

Yandy all grown up lives with her millionaire father. Her Boyfriend was murdered and they don't know who kill... More

Chapter 1: The Flashback
Chapter 2: The black Van
Chapter 3: 18th birthday
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapters 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
ALERT!!!!!! ALERT!!!!!

Chapter 14

804 36 5
By Mizzvikky

Picture of Tiara in media!!!

Sorry for late upload.

Yandys P.O.V

I've been staying at my masters for about a month now. He keeps me in his basement until he needs me for his sexual cravings. When I first got here he showed me around. I thought I was going to be his girlfriend or something. Until he put a knife to my neck and told me I was going to be his slave.I pray every night that my dad would find me. Every time I pray something worse happens. Every Friday night his friends come over and pay him to 'play' with me. I was all the way in Canada,in the winter, on a cold ass floor. And I wouldn't never forget the bruises he gives me.

Today he went out to his trap house. He was a drug lord here in Toronto's streets. He had a daughter named Tiara and his crazy baby mama Florence that always seems to appear at the house

Toya's P.O.V
Robert was being very support to my baby girl. Yea, the doctor said I was having a girl!. We went to the hospital for an ultrasound. The doctor put the blue jell on my stomach and started to rob it. Robert was right by my side holding my hands. "You are 30 weeks pregnant. The baby could come in some weeks or so" the doctor said wiping the jell off my stomach "so the baby's okay? Everything's fine?" Robert asked so concerned. I was grinning, so excited that he actually cared. "Yup, just stay off your feet for now on, and if your working you should be on maternity leave" the doctor replied "don't have to worry about that, She don't even have a Job" Robert laughed

On our way home Robert stopped at the trap house. Him, Andre and the other boys were setting a trap for the drug lords in Queens, which was King and his crew. Robert was so focused on searching for Yandy he forgot that I was waiting in to the car for hours. I took the keys he left in the car and drove off home.

Hours later when I got home I started preparing dinner. Robert finally returned home angry
"Who told you to fucking leave with my car, Toya I don't play like that" he said sternly
"You left a pregnant woman in the car for hours Robert, while you did stupid shit." He grabbed my wrist that I was using to cook
"Finding my missing daughter is shit?" He asked me
I release my wrist from his grip "you should be focusing on your unborn daughter, she needs you more than anything, I need you"
Robert stormed off to his side of the mansion without saying a word. I sucked my teeth and continued cooking.  I managed to put my secret powered 'recipe' into his food.

Yandys P.O.V

Flash back:When I first got here

I thought I was dead, I could hear voices but I couldn't see them. I couldn't feel my hands nor feet. All I felt was a nice warm soft sheet under me. I cuddled onto the bed. Then I felt hands slithering up my top. The hands started feeling my breast has another hand went inside my underwear. I started squirming around until the hand slapped me. It took off the cloth covering. I could see this man dark skinned with a black mustache, with only his boxers on. He had lust in his eyes. I screamed but he covered my mouth and whispered in my ear "if you don't want to get hurt little one, obey my rules"
    Tears started to fall from my eyes, when my hands finally were released. I slapped him across the face. The biggest mistake I could have made

Present time:
   I had to baby sit his daughter Tiara ever since his baby mama left her here. She hated me so much. She thought I was her dads newest girlfriend or whatever. I was really good with kids but this 7 year old could push my buttons.
"T.T you have to shower before your dad comes girl, it's 6pm" I said to her
T: my name is Tiara F.Y.I
Me:Well your dad calls you T.T
T:You aren't my dad
Me.What's it gonna take for you to shower
T:10 bucks
Me:Ha, your funny

I pulled off her top and tied her curly black hair up into a messy pony tail.  I grabbed her hand, and tried to pick her up and put her in the bath. Minutes later Master D arrived at the front door. Tiara heard the door close and ran out of the bathtub half naked. She jumped into her dads arms

"Daddy! She hurt my arm, look! Look!" Tiara cried showing him the red marks on her hand.

Me:No, it was an accident
T:Was not!
    Me: was too!
I was trying to take her a shower
"T.T go in the bathroom now." He said putting her down. She walked past me and sticked her tongue out at me
"Yandy wait in my room" he said sternly

After waiting 10 minute he finally came in. He unbuckled his belt. I thought he was gonna try to sleep with me again, but I was wrong. He took off his belt and hit me with it on my thigh. It was the first time he attempted to hit me with something other than his hand. It could feel the sting and the mark starting to appear. After the first 4 lashed he sent me to the basement.

1 week later

After a week of constant beatings because of Tiara. I lost all respect for that little devil child. I was in the basement one night when I saw Tiara approach me with a glass. In my head I thought she was going to throw it at me. But she gently handed it to me.
T:Are ya thirsty
Me:No thank you
T:Why you shivering
Me: Because it's freezing down here
T:Why can't ya come up there with me
Me:Because your dad said
T:Who cares 'bout that ol'man
Me: bye Tiara

I turned and faced the other way. I didn't want anymore trouble with that little Girl. I heard her walking off.
" I sorry Yandy, for the trouble you got in cause me" she said.
I didn't turn around. I felt her warm hands around my neck hugging me from the back. I sat on the ground with my knees to my chest. Her body warmed my freezing back. When she left the cold chiseled my bruises.


Toya's P.O.V
After Robert ate his dinner he instantly fell asleep. That was my plan. I took his keys to his car and headed out for shopping. If he was awake he wouldn't let me go. After 8 bags at 'Babys R us' I returned home. When I got back I placed the keys on the kitchen counter and went to the refrigerator. When I turned around Robert was there, with just his underwear on.

Me:You up
R:Where'd you go
R:What the hell Toya
Me:I need to shop for my Baby Robert Damn

He grabbed both my arms trying to stop me from walking away
Me:Let go

I instantly felt pain in my stomach. I bet over "ouch!!" I screamed
I felt water running down my legs
"Toya!?" He screamed
"My water just broke! The baby's coming" I shouted

Now y'all know where Yandy is. Toya got her wish indeed. I need name suggestions for Toya's baby comment down below!!
Not writing the next chapter unless I get some name suggestions

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