The Lunatic Fringe and The Se...

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This is a Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins (aka The Shield.) fanfic. Yes the wrestlers. It's abo... Mere

Getting A Job Interview
Job Interview
Tension Of The New Job
A Part Of The Show?
Getting Into A Fight With The Champ
Camera To Diva
Debut 'Dating' The Champion
My Seth and Colby Romance
Dating The Champion
Number 1 Contender
Jon and Joe
Heel To Face
The Shield 2.0
Kitten and Puppy
"What have I done?" "You messed up..."
Diva Revolution and Kitten Thoughts
The New Diva Champion
Dean Ambrose Titty Master

New Day?

241 9 1
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Well the other day was sure interesting. I got to see Roman Reigns shirtless and meet him properly. Sadly when he had a shirt on though but I also got to meet Dean. Whom might I add is very attractive even more attractive then Roman. Just going to put that out there.

I bet he's even sexier naked.

Staring at the entrance door readying myself to walk in. I hope Phil doesn't make me do Roman's locker again for the towels. He probably will though since he saw me wearing the Reign's jacket on the first day of the job. Which let me tell you I definitely regret now!

Just from wearing some WWE merch of Roman's I successfully got Nikki Bella to already hate me. Get to the locker room of Roman's because of Phil and be laughed at by multiple people. Do I regret wearing Roman merch? YES! I don't need the fuken diva champion hating me before I even become a wrestler. Which reminds me I need to try out for NXT soon as well. I mean I am stronger then I was years ago and my skills are way better.

Hmm... I wonder if I ask Lana to introduce me to some of the other divas if they would help me train. Maybe that way I have even a better chance at becoming a diva myself to then become the champion. I will be the champion one day. There is no doubt in my mind to me that I can become the champion.

"HEY RYNN! You made it through your first day, how you feeling?" Phil asking me while towering over my short body. "Yes I did and I feel good." Turning to his tall frame looking up at him while saying to him. Smiling down at me before walking in front of me. "Good to hear, let's do what we did last time with the towels. I think Dolph likes you better then me anyways." just staring up at him before looking away at the entrance door following him in step. "Okay but I don't know about Dolph. He seems like a Casanova to me."

"He is." Phil saying before bumping right into the devil himself. "Rynn it's nice seeing my new towel wench again." Saying to me with a smirk on his pink lips whilst looking down at me.

Did he just call me a wench? He better watch out I won't let no one talk to me like that.

Furrowing my brows making my eyes squint at him with annoyance flashing all over my face. "Wooh, it was a joke come on." Saying with a sad smile as if I would just laugh it off. Rolling my eyes to him while Phil just stands there awkwardly by the door. "Hey I'm sorry okay. It was a joke and I won't make a joke like that again. Promise." Taking his hands putting them up in the air like a defense mechanism making me giggle a little. He's kind of cute when he's trying to make me happy. "You better promise." Stating to him with a smirk making his eyebrows point up a little with another smirk spreading across his face. As if reading my thoughts he knows I'm slightly flirting with him. I mean yeah he's kind of a casanova but he's still hot.

I couldn't go with someone like him especially since I just got this job, just not yet. But there's no shame in flirting right? I mean I'm young and I'm single while surrounded by attractive men all day, give me a break.

"So I'll see you later then." Smiling to himself walking out the door like nothing. Which to be honest it's nice to flirt with him, even if it's just the beginning, but it's even better to watch him walk away. If you catch my drift.

"Well let's get going, I guess?" Phil asking me with curious eyes while I just nod. Showing the security guard our badges to get in as work crew. Following him to where the interview section is seeing people setting it up to look professional. Mr.McMahon standing there with Renee as they talk about what's supposed to happen tonight and what questions she needs to ask.

"Rynn, Phil come here really quick." Mr.McMahon calling us over to is both looking skeptical but going over anyways. "Rynn can you do the first interview with Renee here after John Cena's match. You'll do the first three interviews with Renee since Jake is running late. Then help Phil with everything tonight. Good luck and show me your skills." Saying to me with Phil nodding for the both of us even though he already turned away to leave.

I guess I'm going to see a lot of Renee today, which is fine by me she seems like a down to earth person. Which to be honest after Nikki it's something I need.

"Hey Rynn, you want to do a test run with me before we actually record?" Renee asking me as I go over to the camera. "Yeah I want to make sure I can get a good angle of you and Cena." Saying back to her while Phil just sits on the floor casually. "Well let's see what you got then." Phil's light voice coming out in a type of squeaky fashion.

After trying test runs three times over before the match of John Cena's is actually over. "You ready!" Renee asking me with excitement bouncing in her voice while we wait for Cena to come back here with us. "Yeah just a bit nervous." Sheepishly admitting to her with Phil sitting by my side still. "Don't worry you'll do just fine." Reassuring me with his big blue orbs making me smile.

It's weir I've only been here for a little while but yet it seems like I fit so well here already. I mean I'm with my best friend Lana all the time now for one. Phil seems super nice and is always to help already. Which is super nice of him to be honest he's like a big brother already. Then there's Renee who's like a super active person who just wants to help me through life. I love it here already.

"It's okay Rynn. Cena's nice enough to do it as many times as we need to so don't worry." Renee's voice saying to me as we hear footsteps getting closer to us. Looking up slightly seeing a fall man in green, orange, and slight yellow. John Cena. It's so weird seeing him in person.

"Did someone say my name?" Asking in a way deeper voice then I thought it would be. I mean yeah you her him on tv all the time but in person it's a big deeper or maybe it's just me. It's probably just me to be honest.

"Yeah we were trying to reassure Rynn that it's okay to record more then once for a good shot. She's new here so she's a bit nervous." Phil shooting up at him making my face flush from embarrassment. Well he surely did say it flat out for me. I guess I don't have to tell him anything.

Looking down not wanting him to see the red of my flushed face. Thanks a lot Phil.

"She shouldn't be I'm not going to bite." Cena saying over to me as I just nod awkwardly. I mean he says he won't bite but he might!

Pointing the camera back at Cena and Renee making sure I have both of then in the screen. Making sure they are both setting well telling them I'm about to record with Phil fixing the lights for me with his tall limbs.

Finishing the recording of the interview with Cena and recording it with Cesaro and also Paige. Phil beside me as he yawn a bit leaning on my shoulder. Which to be honest even thigh he was light he had practically his whole body on me from being a whole foot taller then me. He's 6'3 and 5'3! "Phil!" Whining at him making him just smile before leaning more against me. "I'm so tired!!" Exclaiming to me with a yawn after it making me laugh shoving him off of me. "Oh shush! Come on let's deliver the towel or whatever we have to do before someone sees us goofing off." Stating to him as he just continues to grin down at me. "Fine, let's go."

Following him through some of the hallways just dodging some of the people. Trying to stay out of their way as best as we can until we hit the laundry room. "Well let's just deliver the towels now so we don't have to do it later and then we'll go to the cafeteria and restock some of the food." Phil saying down to me making me groan. "Towel duty is so boring." Telling him in honesty as he just shrugs. "It is but it's better now since I have someone to help me, now come on then!" Rolling my eyes at him but laughing after knowing he's trying to tease me by bossing me around.

Grabbing a basket this time full of towels so it's easier to carry as he does the same going over to the locker areas. "Okay so let's just do what we did last time I'll take this part and you take that part. It just makes it faster." Saying to me with a basket in his hand before walking away before I can even say something.

I hope no one is in their rooms because it's so awkward if someone is. Plus I don't want to bump into Ziggler again. Even though I was flirting with him earlier I don't want him to get to many ideas in his head. Also don't want another blushing Rynn encounter if Roman is shirtless. That's just going to be embarrassing!

Walking down the hallway knocking on the first door and waiting for a response. Waiting patiently but from not hearing one just walking in and putting a towel on the bench then walking out. Doing this over and over for a while before knocking on a door and hearing a voice on the other side of the door. "Come in." Oh god I hope this isn't going to be awkward.

Opening the door walking in with the basket in my hand covering my stomach as if it's a shield. "Sorry to bother you just bringing you an extra towel." Saying to the mystery man before grabbing one and looking up at him. "Oh you're not Phil. Are you new?" The man with brunette hair with the half blonde looking down at me asks. His upper half wearing a tight shirt with a yellowish golden color to look like a chest with abs on it. His bottom half in a tighter black spandex type of pants clinging to him with SR on the middle of them like a belt.

... Did I just walk into Seth Rollins locker room? ...

"Yes I am I work with Phil. He's making me do half his job for him." Saying to the tall man in front of looking into his brown eyes. Handing him the extra towel as he takes it setting it on the bench behind him. "Yeah that sounds like something Phil will do. Well nice to meet you I'm Seth." Putting out his hand to me giving him mine shaking it. "Rynn." Smiling at him as he gives me a gentle smile.

Wow he seems nothing like he does on WWE.

"Nice to meet you Rynn, well I got to go to my match but thanks I hope to see you around." Walking out the room with me behind him as I walk to the other door watching go down the hall.

I never would have guessed him to be such a nice person in real life to be honest. I'm actually kind of glad I met him.

Knocking on the next door not hearing anything so I just walk in putting the extra towel on the bench. After a while of doing this before walking back down the hall seeing Phil waiting for me playing on his phone. I bet he's playing flappy bird. He just seems like the type of guy to play flappy bird. Going over to him looking over to see my speculations being right, he is paying flappy bird. "You ready Phil?" Asking lightly seeing him jump slightly as if I surprised him. To be honest I kind of did I am like a ninja warrior!

"Yeah let's go give the girl towels then restock the food." Saying in a zombie like form still concentrating on his game. Wow he's really invested in that game.

After restocking the food we have nothing else to do for that day so right now we are just hanging out in the cafeteria area. Tossing a grape at Phil's mouth making if actually land in there as we both cheer. "YES I DID IT!" Exclaiming at him before taking another grape and tossing it at his mouth again. Missing his mouth as he points his tongue out at me. "Hey it's my turn!" Saying to me before grabbing a grape and tossing it at me. With his bad aim he misses me and accidentally hits someone behind me.

"Hey it's not very nice to hit people with grapes Phil." Stating in a joking form but Phil still having his eyes wide open in fear for some reason. Looking over my shoulder seeing Dolph shaking his head at Phil before smiling. Grabbing the grape from the ground tossing it back at Phil hitting his cheek making Phil pouf like a little child. "That wasn't very nice." Phil saying with his pout still making me laugh my ass off at them.

I swear everyone here is so mature and childish it's literally the best job ever. I love it here so much.

"Hey Phil!" Big E comes out of nowhere with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods following him. "Can you come help with the lights for us, no one is tall enough." Saying to him as Phil stands up gesturing for me to follow him. Which I accept immediately not wanting to leave my new friends side.

Going back to the interview part with Renee standing there with her mic laughing as Jake tries to reach the light. Laughing myself at the shirt blonde boy as he falls over hitting the floor. Phil going over there with ease fixing it for them so they can record what they need to. Sitting beside Phil as we watch them record before they start clapping to their theme song. "New Day rocks!"

Singing to their theme before looking over at me and Phil as we start clapping with them. One of them grabbing my hand pulling me up pushing me in front if the camera as I clap with them to the theme. Afterwards laughing loudly at how stupid I must have looked just now.

"You're Rynn right?" Big E asking me as I nod. "Yeah everyone has been talking about our new employee which usually no one notices someone new. But I guess it might be because Nikki doesn't like you to much." Saying to me giving a sour taste in my mouth.

What is this highschool? Like damn I wore a jacket chill out. It's not like I kissed him so she needs to get off her period and just relax. I don't see why she's even mad she has a bf and he has a wife. Seriously I do have morals unlike some people and one of those morals is I'm not going to flirt with someone that is taken.

Plus I have my eyes on someone else right now.

"Yeah I've gathered that much but it's fine there's always going to be that one person that didn't like you." Smiling up at just he just nods knowing I am right. "True, well it's nice to meet you. I hope to see you stuck around I'm tired of Phil messing with all of us when he's bored." Saying louder so Phil can hear him making Phil flip him off laughing.

Talking to then for a while before I feel arms wrap around my waist snugly to make sure I can't get away. Smirking a bit knowing exactly who it is already. "Excuse me but can I borrow her real quick." Dolph's voice saying before pulling me away from the crowd. Holding me by the waist still making out way around people kind of stealthily as if trying not be noticed by anyone. Taking me somewhere with no one around and where no one can hear us before pushing me against the wall a bit. Getting close to me but not dangerously close with a smug look on his face.

"Don't think I haven't been getting your subtle flirts." Stating to me with one arm on the wall by my head and the one by his side sassily on his hip. Still in his WWE gear his a denim jacket on making him look even more attractive.

I guess I just have a thing for men. Or I have thing for when people look like men.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Saying shyly as he just continues to smug already seeing right through me. He knows what I'm playing at already and it's hard to get. "Don't tease me Rynn, I know what you're doing." Looking away from him and at the wall before sighing lightly and answering him. "I seriously don't know what you mean." Slightly looking back at him as he bites his lip at me staring me up and down as if he's slowly undressing me with his eyes. Racking his eyes up and down once more before he just stared at my chest.

Grabbing his chin pushing his face up a bit to look into my eyes before pushing myself off the wall into his strong arms. Holding me knowing he's smirking but he whispers to me, "I actually am interested in you Rynn, I'm not messing around." Blushing a bit but not knowing if I trust him or not as I continue to let him hold me. Wrapping my arms around him as well before sliding down his back a bit and down to his ass squeezing it a bit making him chuckle.

"You should give me your number." Saying to him backing up a bit with my hands still on his ass. "Give me your phone beautiful." Grabbing my phone out my pocket giving it to him unlocked as he puts it in and saves it for me. Pushing it back in my pocket before looking around to make sure no one is around. The coast being clear even if it wasn't no one could see us since we are behind big boxes.

Turning him around and pushing him against the wall making him bite his bottom lip. Pushing my body on his putting my lips on his lightly kissing him teasingly before pulling away from him. Looking down at me not having any of my crap as he pulls me close. Smashing his lips on mine kissing me hard and deep. Grabbing my hips holding me in place as I kiss him back putting my arms around his neck. Kissing him deeper before biting his bottom lip making him moan a bit. Opening his mouth to let me slide my tongue in and rub on his. Tangling then together hearing him moan again feeling him slowly growing hard I'm his jeans. Giggling to him as he shouldn't be getting hard this easily if he gets the girls easily.

Maybe I'm just good at what I do.

Continuing to make out with him while he picks me up making me jump. Wrapping my legs around his waist as he turns pushing me on the wall. Not stopping what we are doing as his hands are on my ass with mine still around his neck. Shoving each other closer together before getting to heated. Hearing a noise close to is like rustling before hearing a voice. "The coast is clear." The husky voice saying as we both stop what we are doing.

Letting me down slowly both being completely quiet just staring at each other while we listen to the other conversation.

"I know you still like Roman and you spreading rumors on the new camera girl is showing it more. You're lucky I'm still you Nicole. Don't push me." The voice saying to whom I assume to be Nicole.

"No I don't! Just leave me alone John." The girlish voice shreaks in anger and obvious guilt. "So what? So you can go find Roman and try to flirt with again? Or so you can go find Dolph and try to get down his pants? Cause I'm sick of it! Nicole look around even Dolph doesn't care about getting with you! I'm the only one who actually cares so get your shit straight before I leave for good this time." The voice whom I'm now assuming to be Cena's as he angrily states at Nikki Bella.

Looking into Dolph's eyes as we both cover our mouths trying not to laugh at their stupid argument. Uncovering my moth grabbing his hand pulling it away from his kissing him silently making him smile more.

"John just leave okay!" The girl screams before we hear footsteps leave. Then the girl cry a but before Dolph rolls his eyes making it look like he's crying. Trying not to laugh as the girl stops crying after awhile before she scream out. "Dolph!" Walking away screaming his name as he looks at me unamused.

Staring back up at him unamused as we wait until we can't hear anymore footsteps. "I guess you should go to fuck the cheater." Staring to him unimpressed before he just laughs in my face. "I wouldn't sleep with her, I don't like desperate girls plus I do have some morals." Chuckling at me before pulling me into his arms again. Kissing my forehead while doing so actually showing me care.

- time skip -

Finally getting to my hotel room after everything for the day just thinking to myself while I lay in the comfy bed. My phone on the charger with my head in the pillow and thoughts twirling around me.

Yeah I fit right in here. In this job, it's perfect. Today was a new day but tomorrow will be much different and I already know that. I can't wait to see what the new day brings me.

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