All I need is you-Boyxboy- bo...

By TheXking

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Leo has everything he possibly needs in life. His mom was always so childish and free spirited, His brother W... More

Chapter 1-All I need is you
chapter 2-I hate puberty
Chapter 3-New problems and a new enemy
Chapter 4- Oblivious
Chapter 5-Forgiveness
Chapter 6- Shit hits the fan
Chapter 7- A turn for the worse
Chapter 9- A road with twist and turns
Chapter 10- The Getaway
Chapter 11- The Reunion
chapter 12- A happy ending (for now)

Chapter 8- A dark path

218 6 0
By TheXking

I eyed the man in front of me, there was little resemblance between us, but the way Wyatt was shaking with anger and he gripped my arm, forcing me behind him.

“What are you doing here John?” Wyatt snarled

“Don’t be that way Wyatt; I loved you, her and the boys.” The man tried to walk forward, but Wyatt only forced me back and snarled.

“You are a murderer and you wanted Leo to be one too, as soon as you and mom knew what each other were, you high tailed out of her life.” Wyatt was very close to the door, but the sound of a gun being cocked back made both of us stop.

“I have many spies Wyatt, I know this right here, is the Alpha of this territory and I know that him and my son have a bond.” John was had a blank face that was completely void of all emotions.

I pushed Wyatt out of my way, now I felt that hot painful anger I been holding in for years.  I did the same thing he did, keeping my face completely emotionless.

“Release Kay, father or you will die here.” I threatened

He winced when I said ‘father’ but then went back to the blank expression.

“You need to come with me, it’s time you became a hunter, but first you will stop running with this pitiful mutts” The way he talked about the wolves made me want to rip his throat out with my bare hands.

“You will not lay a hand on Leo.” Kay muttered

“I can kill everyone here and take him by force if necessary.” John threatened

“Dad!” A voice yelled behind them.

Everyone turned their attention to the owner of that voice and I stood in horror as a kid with my face walked over to my father.

“I told you, you can’t hurt him, omega will make sure he heals.” The boy whispered into John’s ear.

“I thought you had that under control.” John was now nervous as I stared at the boy.

“Cut the bullsh*t, who the f*ck is that” I yelled in anger.

“That’s Blake.” Wyatt said in confusion. “I thought he was a miscarriage.”

“The doctors were hunters, I had them tell you guys lies, they raised Blake as a hunter, but we made a mistake, they took the wrong child.” John stated

Wyatt growled and pulled me closer to him. I was still in shock; the Alphas were all eyeing the Look-a-like like he was a mesmerizing butterfly.

“Listen the hunters have the place surrounded and they’ve given me ten minutes to get my son, I’ve horrible things to make up for my relationship with Sera, I had to kidnap my own son and let him be raised by Hunters, then I had to break up a family once they found out about Sera and you, Wyatt, I had to leave or they would have killed this pack and took the twins.

‘Great now we’re suddenly a pair, I really hate that guy’ I thought as I stared at the look-a-like.

Blake glared at me and stuck up his middle finger; I tried to yank away from Wyatt and go over there, but Wyatt wouldn’t budge and he squeezed my arm as a warning.

“What did you mean by the wrong twin?” Kay asked again.

John pulled out a book and through it at Wyatt who caught it with ease. He begin to read the page that had a bookmark in it, I saw his face turn from a scowl into shock.

“So I’d just be giving you the strongest weapon and then with said weapon, you would destroy every supernatural creature in the world.” Wyatt deadpanned

“I’m only trying to do this without bloodshed.”

“Then you might want to release my son before I rip you into.” Dave was right there behind us, his face red and shaking with anger.

The betas in the pack house rushed out immediately rushed, snarling and growling in their wolf form. A bunch of cars pulled up and men came out with guns.

“Give us the boy!” One of them yelled

“Piss off!” Kay yelled in his face, then he spat in it.

John snapped and hit him with the butt of the gun. I snapped and ripped out of Wyatt’s grip, tearing my shirt in the process, I ran over to John, but was tackled by Blake.

“This boy dares get in our way, let’s eat him” The voice rang in my head

I hit him in twice in his jaw, but he caught my arm the third time and bent it into a painful angle behind my back.

“You can’t beat me; I’ve been training for years.” Blake said with a smirk.

“You’re obviously the younger brother.”  I said.

Then I hit him with the back of my head in the nose, making loosen his grip, I snatched away from him and then turned and kicked him in the crotch. He fell over with his hands between his legs, but he quickly recovered, he kicked my leg making me go down too, then he got above me and started punching my face. So far my lip was bleeding and I had a broken nose, he also had the same damaged. I through dirt in his eye and then kicked him off of me.  When he got back up, it was complete instinct, he snarled and bared his sharp teeth at me, I on the other hand roared at him, making Wyatt’s car alarm go off. All the betas returned to they’re human from and whimpered in submission. Even the alphas were whimpering even though they tried not to. I forgot where I was though and I was quickly snatch up by my father who shove a weak Kay to Dave.

“He’s already too strong for you” John said before he injected me with something and everything went black.







I woke up and a twin size bed, yea I already know I am caught, so instead of walking out and checking if I can make a getaway, I did something better. I screamed my F*CKING head off. The door across the room opened up and a bunch of men ran in, of course I screamed as I fought them off, when they held me down and cover my mouth, I continued. They were gonna inject me with that stuff again but, a voice rang out with so strength it made me wince.

“Stop yelling Leo” John yelled

I don’t know why I listened, but my mouth stop yelling and I looked at him, seeing white rage.

“F*ck you, F*ck that look-a-like and f*ck every damn year that I pitied and cried about you not coming back home” I growled struggling against the men who held me down.

My father simply ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

“Let him go” He said to the men

They let me go and I watched as my father said down beside me.

“I know you hate me-“

“Piss off, and the same goes to the little f*ck who thinks he can hide right” I interrupted him

On cue, Blake came out of hiding and walked into the room and sat on the other twin bed.

“I know you hate me, but I have never stopped loving any of you, I tried my hardest to save your mother but the hunter got to her and-“

I eyed him, shock and horror all over my face; I don’t remember what happen next because everything went black.







POV: Omega

I grabbed that man quickly, squeezing his throat in my grasp, before I could finish my attack, I was tackled by one of the men in the room, I quickly reversed his grab and placed my hand on his neck, and ripping his throat out with my bare hand, the man gurgled on his blood as I dropped his jerking body. Behind me I heard the clicking of safeties being taking off.

“Freeze or we’ll shoot.” One of the hunters said

“No you won’t” I smiled as I walked toward them. “A child born in darkness was born to destroy darkness” I said to Black and he looked at me with wide eyes.

A child born in the light...” he trailed off and looked at our father. “Was born to destroy it”

I continued to walk forward and a bullet came flying my way as a warning shot; I simply ignored it and then I was shot, directly in the head. My body fell to the floor and I watch as all the hunter go through the phases. First there was shock and they all stood and watch blood leaked out the back of my head, then anger, they yelled at the guy who shot me and finally acceptance (except for father who was crying over my body). I rose up and stared at my father, who stared at me in horror. The bullet spun itself out my head and the wound close up, father tried to back away but I grabbed his face and started to squish his skull.

“Brother!” the other omega shouted, gaining my attention. “Please he is our father, our blood” he was begging me not to kill him

I wanted to kill this man but, brother was right, I could not kill blood, I dropped him and walked over to brother. He looked at me with a brave stare, I roared at him and he roared back, making the glass window crack. Finally I can feel Leo rising back to the surface; I looked at brother and could tell that he felt the same about his other half. I closed my eyes and let Leo take over again.







I looked as Blake stared twice at me, then I grabbing his face in pushing him away, the hunters looked at me and fear, but I didn’t give them the time of the day.

“Clean this mess up.” I said pointing at the dead body.

I will not shed any tears, they killed my mother, I will only hate them, and I will find the one that killed my mother, for not anyone will get past my wall.

As they picked up the body and cleaned I walked over to my father who had a purple handed bruise around his neck.

“Give me you phone.” I told him

He complied and I dialed up the numbers.

“Hello” Wyatt was groggy

“Wyatt” was all I said

“Leo, where are you, please tell me you’re okay” he said everything too quickly.

“I’m cool, I chill, I’m gonna stay here for a minute, they are gonna take me to find mom’s killers.” I lied to him

“No, Leo listen to me, they wanna use you as a weapon, you and Blake are a part of a prophecy, you have a power that can kill all werewolves and Blake can make any werewolf immortal. Leo you have elder blood in you and I think it’s from your father’s side” he explained

I hung up the phone and looked over to my father.

Time to act.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen.” I said hugging him

“It’s my fault, I was meeting her, I would give her gifts to give to you and Wyatt but when we split apart, some hunters had caught her. I caught word of them catching a she-wolf and I tried to run to find her but I was too late” he hugged me tightly

He took the bait.

“It’s okay, I have you now, I have Wyatt and I have look-a-like” I said and I felt him smile against my neck.

“It’s Blake”

“Yea, yea, look-a-like” I said turning to smile at him, he did not return it

“We don’t look alike either, I better looking than you” he shouted

“I came out first didn’t I?” I asked father

“Yea you were first by forty-sevens seconds” he answered

I simply smile and kept my thought to myself.

I swear on my mother soul, I will kill this man and those who took part and killing her.

(A/n) So this chapter totally escaped me, and I may have failed as a writer, but I swear I’ll do better soon. Lol I think I should do either Kay’s, Wyatt’s or Black’s POV, what do you think, comment and vote please. Also don’t blame me about the slow updates, blame Elsword, that game is addicting

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