Befriending the Titan | Ongoi...

By Kazuna22164

30 5 4

"Aunt's boyfriend is in the house. What a long night I will be having!" More

Befriending the Titan

30 5 4
By Kazuna22164

          As I set foot on my grandmother's doorstep, I felt the freezing wind on my skin. I hugged myself to get warm. I carefully listened to the song the wind blew. The trees were dancing to thebeautiful rhythm as many creatures joined in. 

Whoosshhh who-o-o whoosshhh.

You can hear to wind blow violently while rain crashed down from the dark clouds. The chattersin the warmly lit house didn't ruin the frighting tone, for it was Halloween.

"Yay!Trick-or-treating! With Auntie Diane and Sorn!" my sister screamed, jumping around me.

I couldn't help but smile at her up-spirited presence.


A fter clipping a little purple spider onto my long straight hair, I skipped out of my aunt's bedroom and into the living room.

"Hey there!" I heard an excited deep male voice say.

My aunt's boyfriend was in the house! I thought.

"I see you still haven't figured out my name yet," I sighed as I plopped myself on one of the

brown sofas.

"Nope" he replied, popping the "p".

"How come?" I asked as I rose an eyebrow.

"You don't know mine, so I won't bother to know yours" he exclaimed.

Madness boiled inside of me.I especially don't like it when he makes good come backs.I stared at him for a few moments. He was still standing at the door way, until my aunt came to his view.Only then, he sat on a sofa across from me. He patted the empty space on the couch,signaling my aunt to sit next to him. 

"Love birds,"I mumbled with a faint smile.

I played my favorite song on my iPad called, "Maji Love 2000%". I couldn't help but squeal. I jumped around the room where it was filled with pure, sweet voices from the song.

"So you watch anime?" Mr.Good-Come-Back said getting a glimpse of what I was listening too.

I nodded in response.

"I told her that you two could talk all day about anime", my Aunt said, suddenly joining in our little conversation as she entered the living room.

I sat back down on my favorite couch which swings me back and fourth. Eeeccckk , the couc made the horrible noise but kept swinging myself anyways.

"Do you know Sword Art Online?" I asked Sorn (his real name) . 

He nodded.

"But I haven't finished season two. So don't spoil," he grinned.

I zipped my mouth, trying to contain the laughter inside of me because of the way he was glaring at me.


            "Is it time?" my sister asked in a eager tone, for the sixth time.

But all our attention was on Sorn's phone where 'Attack on Titan' was playing as an action movie in real life. The anime was already creepy but turned into real life was even more creepier.

"Ahem!" sister furiously cleared her throat.

No answer. I looked at the corner of Sorn's phone. 6:45pm, I thought.

"Auntie, it's 6:45" I nudged her since she shut her eyes at the horror of being killed by a Titan in the movie.

"Okay let's go!"she said quickly running to her room. I laughed as my sister joined along.

"Instead her curiosity killing the cat, it scared her," Sorn chucked.


           "Finally out of the house!" I jumped for joy. 

After 30 minutes of getting ready and chit-chatting, we were finally strolling down the street. 

"This is Halloween, this is Halloween!" I sang in a high pitched voice, making me sound like a witch.

I stopped when I realized something.

"How do you trick-or-treat?" rising one eye brow, giving the sign that I was really confused.

"This is your first time isn't it?" my aunt asked with curiosity laced in her voice. 

I shyly nodded.

"Well, their porch lights need to be on," Sorn replied behind me.

I turned around and walked backwards to see Sorn and my sister far behind.

"Catch up you two!" I yelled.


           Finally we found one house, that was lit up. Bang bang, the door sounded when I knocked. No answer.

"Wait," Sorn whispered "Count to ten seconds."

"One. Two. Thre-" I counted quietly. 

"Mississippi," Sorn cut me off.

I counted all the way to five Mississippi's, and we were out.

"My feet hurt" my sister moans after we knocked on three different doors in the neighborhood, but none replied.

"Are we early?" my aunt asked looking at Sorn.

A rainy wind blow through my hair making me shiver.

"No. Just a wet night," he answered my aunt as he held hands with her.

She blushed, or was it my my eyes tricking me.


          As we walked along the dark street, we heard a cry for joy. 

"Kids, come here!" a man yelled to us across a street who was holding a bag filled with treats.

 "Go!" my aunt hurried us. 

We quickly ran towards him to collect our treats. 

"Thank you!" my sister and I both said.

 First trick-or-treat,not a house but it counts. Soon we were able to get five houses. Not bad for the first time trick-or-treating on a rainy night. We decided to go to my aunts old house.


           "How's your love life?" Sorn asked nudging me as we walked down the hill.

"Don't have one. And I don't want to take another step into this thing called "romance." I said, not caring.

"You're the one to talk," Aunt smirked.

"You're now making 'love' a subject instead of a feeling" I annoyingly protested.

Everyone laughed at my fuming face.

 "Sashi and (boys name, not mentioning) kissing in the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" sister sang.

These people love to tease me, I thought

"Ooo, so you have a boyfriend?" Sorn smirked.

I ignored him for heavens sake.

"She even dreamed about having her first kiss," Aunt grinned.

I hate being teased.

"I did not," I argued sounding pretty calm.

"Let me have you first kiss!" my Aunt walked faster to catch up with me.

"Never!" I shouted.

"I did when you were a baby," her fading voice called back.

"I don't count that as MY first kiss," called back.

I wanted my first kiss to be with the person I'll soon be married too. 


           Finally, we were able to get three houses including my other aunts old house. There was moment of peace and silence. I glance back to see my Aunt and Sorn hugging after another we finish trick-or-treating at ahouse down the hill. I'm so not used to all this.

"Gags!" I regretted sounding so loud.

"Ooo. Okay, if that's how you want to play," he smirks as he crashed his lips onto my Aunts.

Now I truly did want to gag. Suddenly, he chased us out of no where and my sister and I ran farther up the hill.


           Finally, we decided to go back home since my little sister was starting to get a cold.We were walking back to our house when we notice grandma passing candy out to little children. My Aunt, sister, and I pretended that we were also trick-or-treaters.

"TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!" we yelled when the door opened.

My grandma laughed when she saw us.

"Keep it down little girls," Sorn pretended like his ears were bleeding.

Entering the brightly lit house, a warm feeling flowed around my body.

"So warm!" I hugged myself.


          Talking off my wet flats, I sat on my favorite couch, and dug through all my candy. After sometime, we all went towards the kitchen to have a snack.

"I have a new story!" I happily shouted after finishing my plate of mac-and-cheese.

"What story will it be?" my aunt replied.

 She and her boyfriend sitting around the dining table hugging each other.

I pointed in their direction.

"You guys!" I laughed.

"Playing like that again," Sorn smirked.

I gotta stop playing that game with this guy, I thought

He grabbed my hand and squeezed me in a bear hug. Now I know why he almost made my Aunt cry when he bit her.

"AHH!" I yelped with widen eyes.

After ten seconds, I escaped. 

Heh heh, victory is mine!, I thought to myself.

"You shouldn't have let her escape," I heard my aunt say after I ran towards the living room.


           Even for the cold weather, it was fun trick-or-treating. The one thing that frightened me the most was my aunts boyfriend. He had the scariest costume; himself. I'm glad I met him, now know what's ahead of me in the future; the Titan (Sorn). Again I stepped out the warm house and into the cold night. I listened hard for the rhythm, but instead of hearing a scary tone, I instead was over flowed by the warmness of the tone. I hummed along with it.

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