Our Beautiful Mistake (Comple...

Bởi JustBeachy101

1.2M 34.9K 2.4K

I looked up at his towering height, as he crashed his lips to mine. Fire and passion in a whirlwind, as his l... Xem Thêm

Copyright Guidelines
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Important, Please Read!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16- Clear up
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part 1)
Chapter 30 (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note YOU NEED TO READ THIS!!!!
Just a Note
Something you need to know..


25.3K 502 33
Bởi JustBeachy101

Aiden and Ari's outift above^


Adele moment there.. Anyway here is the much awaited Epilogue (at least for me), I just wasn't ready to say goodbye to my characters yet, so here we are again!

*Warning- This Epilogue contains suprises that will come to you as a shock, do not read if you have heart problems, or have a history of heart problems.

Side Affects may include: Heart attacks, difficulty in breathing, headaches, constipation and diarrhea. You have been warned..



A few weeks later..

"We need a day to ourselves."

I looked up at Aiden, wiping away the sweat from my brow. We had been on our daily run, that we had started a few weeks ago because of all the baby fat I had gained during the pregnancy, not that Aiden was complaining.

He was built like a freaking machine, and our runs was like walking to him. I was pretty fit before the kids, but bingeing on donuts and cookies quickly made that a distant dream.

"How are we going to do that with the twins?" I asked, laughing at the thought of leaving my kids alone.

"I'll get my mom to take care of them, just please, we need to spend some time together." he pleaded.

"Okay, okay, well spend a day together." I sighed, giving in. There was no point in arguing when I knew I was going to lose.

"I love you." he said, kissing my sweaty forehead.

"I know." I said, kissing him square on the lips.

We slowly jogged back to the mansion, enjoying the fresh air and the scenery, while the thumps of our steps against the concrete matched our labored breaths.

"Race you to the door!" I said, picking up my pace with the strength I had left.

"Oh no you dont!" Aiden said, right behind me.

I was closing in on the door, but was suddenly launched in to the air as Aiden wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around.

When he finally had set me down, I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull his lips to mine. I deepened the kiss, distracting him by roaming my hands up and down his chiseled body.

He groaned in my mouth, and right after, I stomped as hard as I could on his foot and took off to the door.

"Son of a bitch!" he yelled, holding his foot in pain, which I laughed at.

"You little devil!" he exclaimed, running up to me, he healed pretty quick.

"I couldn't help it!" I said, giggling at his face of discomfort.

"I hate that I love you." he said.

"Well then I hate you." I said, tip toeing to kiss him.

"Mhmm, that could work out." he said in to my kiss.

I broke away before it got too hot and heavy, and made my way to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle and drinking half of it.

Aiden came in to the kitchen with his phone on his ear, muttering a few words that I couldn't quite comprehend, and hung up.

"What was that about?"

"Boring company stuff you wouldn't care about." he said, coming up behind me and kissing my neck, leading to my mark.

Lately, we had been touching and kissing more often, I didn't know why, but I guess the twins had brought us closer, more then ever before.


"Anyway, get dressed, we're going to the mall." he said.

"The mall, that's down playing things a lot." I said.

"I know, but after what happened last time, I figured we would do something a little different." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Sounds good to me." I said.

I walked upstairs to our room to get dressed, and picked out a white lacey top, and my blue jeans which a paired with my comfiest boots. We were going to do a lot of walking so I had to be prepared.

I hint of mascara, and a swipe of lip balm was all I needed, and with that I was ready.

I walked downstairs to find Aiden waiting for me. He had on a dark blue button down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khaki pants which he matched with loafers. Damn did my man look hot.

"You look gorgeous." he breathed out, when he saw me walking down the spiral staircase.

"Thank you." I said, leaning in to him as he kissed my forehead.

I took his hand to the nursery, and we made our way to the twins room were Katherine was, holding both Hayden and Kayden.

I took Hayden from her and kissed his soft forehead. "Bye honey, mommy and daddy will be back soon."

Kayden was in the arms of his father, who was murmuring his own goodbye. We switched babies, and did the same goodbye.

I had given Katherine directions on everything, even though I knew she could do everything much better then I ever had.

It was the first time that I was leaving my kids alone, and it was damn hard.

Before I had a chance to say anything else, Aiden had pulled me out of the room, marching towards the door.

"Hey, I still had something to tell your mom!"

"I know, but you were taking forever."

I huffed at his answer, but slid in to the front seat of his car, the door closing after me.

We drove to the mall in silence, only the sound of classical music drifting though the expensive speakers. His hand found mine, and he raised it to his lips, kissing the smooth skin there.

I internally melted, he was such a gentleman, his striking blue eyes stared in to mine.

We finally arrived at the mall, and got out of the car, Aiden holding my hand. We made our way through the crowded parking lot to the front entrance.

Shops lined a huge pathway, which was more like a street. It was absolutely huge. We really didn't need to buy anything, so I had no idea what Aiden was thinking.

I guess he wanted to be normal for a while, I mean it's not like every person you meet is on the cover of every damn magazine. But his mission didn't last as much as he wanted because a pair of girls, not even the age of fifteen approached us asking for autographs and pictures.

I glanced at Aiden, who didn't seem at all bothered at the interuption, and signed the girls shirts and took selfies with them, which I avoided.

They asked Aiden a few questions about our kids, and blissfully sighed at the pictures of them that I pulled up on my phone.

They asked us to join them for lunch, which I was about to decline, but Aiden quickly agreed.

Something wasn't right. First he took me to a mall, of all places. If I knew Aiden, which I did, he would do something grand, attention grabbing that would stun me in the most spectacular way.

He had something up his sleeve, and I intended to find out.
The girls led us to a small cafe, and promptly ordered there meals, which were both salads.

I internally shook my head, these girls would probably jump off a cliff for a few seconds of attention of a man, which was pretty sad. But I had promised myslef I wouldn't judge anyone too quickly. So I kept an open mind.

Aiden ordered a sandwich and I did the same. The girls, whose names I later learned were Sydney and Olivia. They talked to us on small subjects, chattering away. They were sweet girls, and pretty.

Sydney was your steroitypical blonde, but the way she spoke was anything but that. She was smart, and as she told us, a dancer. So was Olivia, who was a pretty black haired girl.

Not soon after, we finished our lunches, and Aiden payed for us, as well as the girls, who were grateful. The noisy chatter of the mall slowed down as a song played overhead on the speakers.

I didn't know the song, but I guess the girls did, because they looked at each other, squealed and led us to an empty, vast space at the mall and started dancing in perfect synchronization.

I stared at them, when they said they could dance, they were being overly modest. They soon drew a crowd, and two boys joined them as well. The chemistry between the couples was absolutely breathtaking. Soon, more and more people joined.

Holy shit, it was a flash mob. I had never seen a flash mob in person, just on TV. But it was just as amazing as in real life. They danced like there lives depended on it, in smooth swift motions.

After a few minutes of complicated splits, tricks and flips which left the audience completely awestruck, the soft, mellow music shifted to a more upbeat song.

I knew this one though, it was "Marry You" by Bruno Mars. Aiden was at my side, looking at the dancers in utter awe, I guess he wasn't used to this type of thing.

The catchy tune caught almost everyone's attentiom, and I was entranced by the dancers, so I didn't notice when Aiden ran in front of the group and synchronized perfectly with them.

He was a good dancer, and my eyes never left his. The song slowed down a bit and Aiden approached me, dropping down to one knee. My hands flew to my face, he was proposing! Holy mother of Noodles!

Aiden looked up at me with expected eyes. He didn't have to say anything at all. I knew he loved me. I knew he would cherish me forever, and protect me. I knew we wouldn't let each other down, and I knew my life would just get better with him.

He took a deep breath and popped open the lid of the small box. In the box, nestled between the smooth cobalt velvet, was the biggest ring I had ever seen.

It had a huge center piece, and two surrounding rings that was studded with diamonds. It was absolutely gorgeous.

The only thing that was even more amazing then the ring was the an holding it. Tears swam in my eyes and slowly leaked down my face.

"What do you say?" he whispered.

" Just say I doooooo-ooo uhu,
Tell me right now baby,
Tell me right now baby, baby.

Oh, it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you."


Aiden stood up with a huge smile on his face, slipping the ring on my finger. I hugged him as hard as I could, and kissed him, slowly and passionately.

I round of applause from the speculating crowd brought us out of our embrace. I blushed and hid my face in Aiden's chest, who gave a low chuckle.

"I love you." he said, kissing my forehead as each dancer from the flash mob handed me a single red rose, and saying there congrats. I thanked them for the dance, and the rose.

"I love you to." I said when the final rose had been handed to me.

Sydney and Olivia had handed me two teddy bears, and a poster that said congratulations. I hugged them both and said my thank you's.

They had been apart of this the whole time. After our moment, random strangers had come up to us, wishing us a good luck, and some even asking for pictures of the twins, which I proudly showed off.

"Let's go home, baby girl."

He led me to the car and we drove back home, Katherine and Mark greeting us at the door. My future mother-in-law squealed at the big rock on my finger, taking my hand and examining it closely, while Mark proudly slapped Aiden on the back, giving him a hug.

Adam and Axel came in to the foyer, congratulating us. I hugged Adam, ruffling his curls, while he kissed my cheek, blushing.

Axel hugged me tightly whispering in my ear that he always wanted a sister. I smiled, and teared up a litte.

My baby boys were brought to me, both with there eyes wide open. I kissed them both and Aiden did the same.

It had been an amazing year. I had gotten pregnant, given birth to twins and gotten engaged, all while gaining a family.

I called up my brother giving him the news, and I was shocked to know that he already knew. Apparently, Aiden had asked my brother permission first, being his old fashioned self.

"Good job sissy, you caught yourself a good man, never let him go."

"I wont." I promised.

And I knew I wouldn't.


Part two of the Epilogue coming soon!!

So what did you think?? Wasn't it romantic? Overly cheesy and sappy, I know, but it was cute, right?

It was legit goals, so want this to happen to me!!

Part two of the Epilogue will be up soon, I couldn't fit all of the juicey-ness in one chapter.

I hope you liked it!!

Tell me if you didn't :(

I really can't belive that happened.. Ahhh so happy for them, even though there not real...

Sorry to break it to ya..

And yeah stay tuned!!

Oh and the clip above is how it looked like, just with different people!!

Isn't that so romantic, check it out!! He can dance too, I love a man who can dance, what about you? It's so cute and planned out.

Qotd: What do you like in a man? Did you like the clip above, it's the dance moves exactly. Check it out!! He is amazing!!



P.s. I'm in Michigan right now, anyone live there? I can come visit you.. ;)

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