Never Look Back

Por trueluv

51.2K 665 59

Cali a young wolf kills her pack's Alpha after he tries to rape her. She spends the next 8 years running for... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

4.2K 60 4
Por trueluv

Chapter 5

Weeks went by and Tyson and I grew closer and closer. We were spending a lot of time together, it was getting to the point that I barely ever was at my house, cause he was always inviting me over for dinner which followed with a movie and we almost always were falling a sleep in each others arms.

One night after dinner we went up to his room to watch a movie and like anytime when he wanted more me time than movie time he put in a Disney movie. As soon as I saw the Magic Kingdom Castle on the screen I turned and sat Indian style on his sofa and waited for the conversation.

“So what do you want to talk about tonight?” I asked waiting to hear what was on his mind.

Tyson gave me one of his big grins and took my hand in his, “We have two new families that want to join our pack.”

“Really Ty, the pack is growing.” I was excited and happy for him. Over the last few weeks I got to see him in full Alpha form many times and he was a good leader and he took pride in our pack, he deserved a big pack.

“Yes. As I was saying two new families, but we only have one house available.”

“Where will the other family stay? Is there enough time to build them a house before they arrive?” I asked knowing that Ty would do everything possible to make sure the new families would feel welcomed.

“Well, we could have a second house available if you would be willing to give up yours.” he looked at me with apologetic eyes. He knew how much I loved living in my little cottage.

“Well, if it means making the pack bigger and stronger. I can give up my house, but where will I stay?”

Ty started laughing “Well Calisse I figured you could stay with your Alpha mate.” he looked at me intently.

I looked around the room, Tyson was clean, very clean. I wasn't sure if he could handle me being a lot messier than him. But his place was big enough for me and him, and truthfully I was going to have to move in with him sooner or later. “Gee... Ty I don't know. I might mess up your perfect little house here.”

“You can have the guest room.” He offered. “I can handle your clutter. It would be nice to have you around more often. I really would like to start getting closer and maybe, just maybe being a couple.” Ty raised his eyebrows and smiled at me.

I actually like the idea of spending more time with him. I was actually starting to really fall for him, and honestly I was ready to move on to couple status with him. “Ok, I can move in with you.” I agreed. “But guest room first.” Ty reached across and hugged me.

“Now are you sure about this?” he asked once again staring at me making sure I wasn't about to have one of my panic attacks.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes Ty, I've been spending nights here frequently lately, I think moving in would definitely make our meals together and movie nights easier.”

Ty leaned back on the sofa and started watching the movie. I watched him knowing he was actually taking peeks at me when I would look away. Every time I would glance at him he would look at the TV, the ground or the ceiling. Finally I just pounced on top of him and stared down into his eyes. “You can get a better look at me now from this angle.” I teased as I continued staring down at him.

Ty wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, “I think I like this position, you should be right here more often” He teased and then he pulled me down so my nose rested right at the base of his neck. Out of pure natural instinct I dragged my nose down his neck and I closed my eyes as I took in his extremely seductive masculine scent. I felt Ty running his nose over my neck and then he kissed my shoulder and uncontrollably I let out a soft moan. I could feel Ty's chest grumble with a soft growl in response to my moan. I eased up so I could see his face again. He was so handsome and his eyes were wild almost like his wolf at that moment. I continued staring and I brushed my hands through his hair, Ty's chest grumbled again with his low growl. I licked my lips, lowered my head and kissed him. Ty wrapped his arms around me tightly and I relaxed as I let his mouth move against mine. We both pulled out the kiss at the same time. Ty didn't make a big deal out of it although I could see the smile on his face out the corner of my eyes. I laid my head down on his chest and relaxed. We finished watching the movie and I stayed on Ty's chest. We kissed a few more times and then Ty walked me to my new room and gave me one final good night kiss.

After a few weeks later it was moving day we started moving my things from the cottage to Ty's house. The day of the move Ty had to go into town to get a few things for our place and for the pack so it ended up being me and the ladies doing the move. Well actually me, Salina, and Tia did the move and Dionna and her pregnant belly just watched. It was extremely hot outside I put on a small tank top, a pair of short shorts, and flip flops. My hair just seemed to be in the way so I pinned it completely up almost on the top of my head just to keep it off my neck.

Me and the girls walked back and forth between the houses, I couldn't believe how much junk I had accumulated in the short while that I was there. I don't know how many times we walked back and forth, but I ended up sweaty and tired. Finally after everything was done we all sat on Tyson's porch exhausted. Dionna lit the grill and started cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for everyone, Salina ran home and came back with two beers a piece for each of us except Dionna. Just as we sat back to enjoy our cool refreshing drinks the boys came back.

I watched as each of the girls hugged or kissed their mates hello. Tyson was leaning against the doorway smiling at me. He casually walked over to where I was sitting and with a quick move he picked me up, sat down, and sat me in his lap. Ty and I hadn't ever shown any real affection in front of others so this felt real strange.

Ty grazed his lips slowly over my shoulder and then he turned my face to his and gently kissed my lips. “Did you miss me today.” He whispered. I nodded my head yes, and he kissed me again. “I missed you too, sorry I wasn't here to help move everything.” He apologized and kissed me one more time. It seemed like everyone just vanished for a few moments as he and I talked.

“It wasn't all too bad doing it by ourselves, but it would have been nice to have had you here.” I told him as I leaned against his chest. Ty held me close and I felt his chest move as he chuckled silently. I sat up and looked at him. “What's so funny?” I asked.

“I got the perfect way to make it up to you.” He whispered with a huge grin on his face.

“How? It must be something really silly with the way you are grinning.” I told him

“I think it's been a week or more since you've seen your mate. So I think I'll let you spend some time with him tonight.” He teased still with his sneaky grin.

“What are you talking about Ty?” I asked completely confused.

“Let's go for a run tonight wolfy girl, so your heart can go crazy over my wolf.” He laughed.

I punched him in his arm. “You're so silly.” I laughed with him.

“Seriously though wanna go for a run. I want to relax a little with you and you always seem more relaxed after we have ran.” He asked pulling me back down to his chest.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure I'll go, if you want to.” Ty kissed me again and then he and I shared the one beer that I opened and passed the second one to Bret.

Later in the evening after everyone was gone Ty and I set out for our evening run. I watched Ty step out onto the back porch strip, shift and run off into the woods. He always would shift before me and run ahead I guess giving me privacy to peel off my clothes and shift. As soon as he was out of view and I felt comfortable I took of my clothes shifted and ran after him.

I tried to follow Ty's scent, but I couldn't find where he went. I paused in the middle of the woods scared, I actually couldn't sense any of the wolves from the pack. Looking around I started wondering if I had ran too far, or somehow got off track and went in the wrong direction. I turned and tried to backtrack, but now I was sure I was lost, I couldn't even see the lights from the pack homes. I had no idea how I could have gotten lost. This definitely was not one of the nights that a run was going to make me relaxed. I started panicking, Ty should have come to find me, maybe I wasn't lost, maybe something happened to him. I wanted to howl, but if I howl and there was someone else out there I could put myself or the pack in danger. Finally after sitting and waiting I heard footsteps.

“Cali” I turned startled to see Bret standing behind me. “Go back home” he whispered. “There's someone out here tonight. Ty said to send you home.” Bret pointed behind me, in the direction of my home. “Go home and lock the doors.” He whispered.

I started running in the direction Bret pointed. I have never ran so fast before in my life. My heart was pounding, it was hard to breath, I just had to hurry and get to my home, my bed. As I got closer I could see the lights. I could feel myself start to calm down. Then I heard howling and yelping. Somewhere, there was a wolf hurt a wolf in pain. I heard more howls and I felt like it was Ty. I wanted to run back in the woods and help him. But I was too afraid. I continued to run to the house. I shifted on the back porch, locked the doors turned off the lights and ran up to my room and sat in the middle of the bed. For hours, I could hear wolf howls, growling, and yelping. I felt like my heart was being pulled from my chest. I curled up on the bed and cried.

I don't know how long I stayed there crying and I don't know when the howling and fighting stopped. But the next thing I felt were arms picking me up and I was getting carried into Ty's room. Ty put me down on his bed and then he cuddled up next to me wrapping his arms around me tightly. “Are you alright” he whispered in my ear. I nodded my head yes against his chest. I could smell and see blood on him.

“You're bleeding Ty! Are you alright!” I sprang up looking him over.

He shook his head , “It's not my blood. I'm fine. Relax.”

“Who's blood is it.” I cringed he had so much on him, someone was seriously hurt.

“Nobody we know, we just spent the last hour getting rid of the bodies.”

“Bodies” I gasped

“Look Calisse, don't worry. I just need to know you are OK. Lay here with me for a minute OK, please.” he pleaded. I could hear Ty breathing heavily. His heart was beating fast. Ty started rubbing my back and he pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. His breathing went back to normal, and his heart started returning to it's normal rhythm. “Wanna take a shower with me? Since I've got you all bloody with me.” He asked as he stepped out the bed.

I was nervous, but I followed him into the bathroom. Ty started the water, he was already undressed because he never put any clothes on after the fight. He turned and looked at me. “Planning on taking a shower with your clothes on?” He asked raising his eyebrows.

I shook my head, and started taking my clothes off. Ty stepped in the shower before I was undressed. I stepped in the shower trying to keep my back to him. Ty put his arms around my waist and pulled me back to him. “Fancy meeting you here.” he teased as he eased us closer and then leaned down and started kissing my neck gently, sending chills through my body. I reached up and ran my fingers through his wet silky hair. He started caressing my stomach and nibbling on my earlobe. “Calisse turn around.” he whispered.

I turned around to face him. His wet body looked amazing. I had seen him many times while he was shifting, but this was definitely new to me. “I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?” he asked gazing into my eyes. “I just thought I was about to lose you tonight when I stepped in the woods and saw those other wolves. I can't lose you Cali...I love you.”

“Really Ty, you love me. With all my relationship issues, and my horrible past you still love me.” I was so shocked that he could get through all my history and the weeks of barely allowing him to touch me.

Ty pulled me to him, “Calisse, I am so sorry about your past, but that wouldn't push me away from you. And as far as your relationship issues. I have loved having to get to know you, and take my time with you. I think our bond right now is closer than any other mates in this pack.”

I wrapped my arms around him tight. “Oh Ty” I leaned into him, “I love you too.” I raised up on my toes and looking into Ty's beautiful eyes I kissed him deeply passionately. We continued moving our mouths against each other and letting our tongues explore each others mouths until the shower water turned freezing cold. Ty picked me up out the shower and wrapped me in one of his huge fluffy towels and carried me into my room. He kissed me good night and turned to walk out the room. But I stopped him.

“Ty stay with me tonight.” I reached my hand out to him waving him back over to my bed.

Ty looked over his shoulder at me. “Calisse I don't know if I can do that.” he hesitated.

“Please stay with me tonight.” I whined.

“Calisse, I want you so bad right now. I can't stay in the same bed with you. It would drive me crazy.” he turned to walk out the door.

“Ty, make love to me tonight.” I knelt on my bed begging him to come back.

Ty stepped back and wrapped his arms around me. “Do you mean that Calisse.” he asked, “Is that what you really want?” he checked again.

I nodded my head yes and tried to kiss him. But he pulled away. “We don't have to do this Calisse. I can try to lay next to you and just not touch you.”

“No Tyson I want you to make love to me tonight. I love you, I am your mate and I want to....” Before I could finish Tyson's mouth was on mine and he was easing me down onto the bed.

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