The Past Of Luna's Faltering...

By lordicorn

1K 53 4

Princess Luna, a beautiful alicorn princess of the starlit night goes through an endless adventure of fun, ma... More

The Start Of Equestria
A Faltering Star
The Nightmare Hast Returned
Overcoming Obstacles
The Elements Of Harmony
A Mysterious Day

1000 Years Of Peace

115 7 0
By lordicorn

  Day after day and night after night did Celestia raised and lowered the moon. All her subjects have seemed to forgotten of her poor dear sister Luna and admired the bright sun. After hearing about Luna's banishment though, all of Equestria held a festivity called the Summer Sun Celebration as a celebration of Nightmare Moon's banishment, but it only served as a terrible aching reminder of having to banish her own sister for Celestia. Another holiday was made called Nightmare Night.
   Luna tried to regain strength on the moon. Using her magic she was able to make food appear and a comfy home, but hatred was still in her heart. She oftenly cried about her sister sending up to the moon. Often she would look down on earth and scheme of her return.

Celestia POV:

   Tis has been almost 500 years since my sister's banishment to the moon. I hope she is alright and the lullabies are working. Oh how boring the castle is without Luna running around joyfully cheering and prancing. Perhaps I shall enter her room.

   "Luna" I whispered. It was so quiet in here. Everywhere I look was cleaned and the same as it was 500 years ago. I stared at her dark midnight blue bed and felt my eyes filled up with tears. How could I have been so foolish? To let my dear sister bear the weight of royal responsibilities and not noticing that not one single pony cared for her or her night. I walked to her desk. Staring at the table I silently put my head down and cried.

"Princess Celestia? Your royal majesty?" Exclaimed one of my royal gaurds. "Hm? I- what? Oh hello Sunshield." I said. He looked at me with an expressionless stare. "You have a royal subject request meeting in 10 minutes, your majesty." He said. "Oh very well then. How long have I been asleep?" I asked. He said," I think about only 20 minutes, your majesty." "Oh. You are dismissed then Sunshield." I said. Sighing, I silently rose up and out of Luna's room, locking the door behind me.

Entering the throne room, I stared at the long stained glass windows. Trying to look regal and proud I gently strode down to my royal throne. The first pony came in with their requests. Hours later the ponies stopped coming. Oh, how I wished my sister was here.

Luna POV:

Thy hates her! Thy absolutely despises her! Thy ruthless uncaring sister. Thy hates her! Thy hates her, Thy hates her, Thy just absolutely HATES HER!
Tis has been 500 years since thy banishment. Oh, how thou moon's cheese taste absolutely terrible. We refuse to eat thou moon cheese, but absolutely must to not starve! Thy does not knoweth how long thou moon cheese age is! Thy castle is growing quite old and uncomfortable. When can thy get of thy moon? Oh thy dear sister. Thy shall certainly plan for a return, to destroy thou once and for all! Hmph. Thy just simply cannot wait till that day!

Thy must turneth back to Nightmare Moon. Thy must recreate thy spell, but how? Thy hast been thinking. Thy only casted a part of thy spell so thee hast Nightmare's black wings. We shall no longer be stuck here in thy precious moon. Oh, when can this terrible banishment end? Thy bets thou precious little subjects are basting in thou precious light.

Nobody in particular POV:

Luna stared down at the moon in anger and hatred. Slowly, she tried to return back into Nightmare Moon and also enter her sister's dreams. Celestia however could not protect her subjects' dreams due to her inability to fully control dreams and night. 500 years came and went as Celestia raises both the moon and sun. She watched as ponies and friends passed away and generations after generations are created. There were no more evil in sight or anywhere. Equestria has been in peace for a very long time as Luna plots and plans for her return, slowly gaining strength to fully transform back into Nightmare Moon.

Many more years has past and it has been almost 1000 years. Celestia has found a prized pupil. A few fays before the summer sun celebration, both Celestia and Luna had a dream of a prophecy. The mare in the moon, also known as Nightmare Moon, shall return on Summer Sun Celebration, which is on the longest day of the thousandth year. Luna jumped in glee and laughed a wicked laugh. Celestia calmly woke up sighing with gratitude that her sister shall return, but also in fear of how her sister will return.  Celestia knew a new bearer of the elements of harmony is in Equestria and after seeing her prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle, perform magic she assumed it was her. Secretly putting the prophecy in a book, she hoped Twilight will soon read it. Celestia also knew that the other bearers of the elements of harmony were located in Ponyville.

       On the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, Celestia made Twilight head onto Ponyville, while Luna completes her transformation as Nightmare Moon. Hours later, Nightmare Moon followed the stars that help aid her in an escaped from the moon and returned to Equestria. As for Celestia, it was time to raise the sun and hopefully see her sister, but right before she can raise the glowing star of light, Nightmare Moon appeared before her evilly smirking.

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