The Life I Always Wanted (Min...

By EmmanuelaBoss

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Kianna is an adopted teenager who is lucky enough for her adoptited parents to be Nicki Minaj and Drake. When... More

The Life I Always Wanted (Mindless Behavior Fan Fiction)
My Kind Of Love...
My Man
The Sister, The Brother, The Allies, The Enemies (Part 1)
The Sister, The Brother, The Allies, The Enemies
Truth or Truth
True Reasons

Same Mistakes

796 26 8
By EmmanuelaBoss


I'll update noww. But for the rest of the week I have 2 Re projects to hand in and I’ve only done half of one sooo I’ll make this long as possible. Excuse my spelling mistakes because I'm doing this right now.  

Play the song :)


Kianna's POV


I was walking around London Zoo with my foster mum Sabrina. She was nice and all but always ignored me for her new boyfriend Nigel, who works in this zoo. SOOO ironic right? NOTE SARCASM. I wish she'd just realise tha- 

Kianna: oww-errr 

???: S-sorry, I-I wasn't watching 

I rolled my eyes and walked passing not even looking at the person. People nowadays. Yeah, yeah so what if I wasn't concentrating they could have walked around me. 

ANYWAYS, we stopped as the dolphin show this was gonna be exciting I thought to myself, I mean, who DOESN'T like dolphins. I sat down with Sabrina as she continuously smiled at her phone. Nigel. I don't even know what she saw in him I mean...he gave a random girl on the street his phone number then lied saying it was his cousin. His parents are both an only child in their separate families. Douche. 

*15 Minutes into the show* 

Sabrina: I-I'm just going to the toilet wait here yeah 

Kianna: Whatever 

I watched her leave her seat and walk to Ni-Ashley?! 

Ashley was Sabrina's ex boyfriend, he was sweet and always bought me stuff and always spent time with me AND Sabrina. 

I felt a presence next to me, and felt more than one pair of eyes on felt like everyone in the auditorium was watching me like, did I forget to wear my trousers...nope I'm wearing them. 

???: Hey.

Hmmm. Husky voice, woo I'm gonna marry that voice! I me- 

???: Earth to beautiful 

Kianna: wha-what? Confused 

I pouted. 

???: cute. So hey me and my friends wanted to know if you and your friend or sister wanted to show us around. 

I couldn't look at this bumhead. I aint no hoe, yo! 

Kianna: You’re British, you should know your way round easily. 

I moved into Sabrina's old seat. Ugh! She's probably gone to burger king with Ashley. 

???: Okay. I just wanted you to come. 


Kianna: 1. I'm not some hoe you can borrow off the roadside 2. EVERYONE STOP STARING. 

What happened to privacy in this world! 

???: Okay, lets start again, I'm Harry Sty- 

Kianna: Nope. Don’t know you bye 

By telling me your name won't change anything asshole. 

Harry: Hey! I'm no asshole Just cos the latest gossip says so don't mean it’s true! 

Kianna: Well my back for saying that out loud and I don’t give a leprechaun about wha-

Harry: Do you know One Direction, like are you a Directioner 

I really don't wanna look at his face but I can feel him staring. I wanted to slap his face. 

Kianna: Who doesn't I mean they are literally brainwashing the sluts at my school the only good thing is Harris Tiles got them to wear less make up...he said that girls should not look like their face was raped by crayola and that natural is better. I love him for that. 

Harry: I think his name is Harry Styles babe an- 

Kianna: same thing 

Harry: and I love you too 

He kissed my cheek. Huh? How would he know Harry Sty- 

??: stupid bitch stole mah boyfriend. She's probably still a virgin! 

That bitch behind me better is rehearsing for her school play cos I will trample on her blond extensions. 

Kianna: is that a play you rehearing for?

I smiled sweetly at the girl behind. 

??: I'm talking 'bout you, whore 

Kianna: you smell that Harry?

He sniffed the air and looked back at me confused. 

Harry: No babe, what? 

Kianna: burning plastic. move from the sun I hate the smell, did you fall out of the box Barbie omg I guess you only "Ken" is the kennel I'll take you to. 

Harry bit his lip to contain his laughter, I'm I would to...If I weren't too busy cussing he "made in china" ass. 

??: 1. I don't smell I use deodorant 2. No I didn't fall out my box and 3. WHY would you take me to a kennel? 

Kianna: 1. more like "human repellence" 2. Oh, you escaped and 3. because if I slap you its animal abuse so they would do is there for me now scurry along you can take your BOYFRIEND because who needs boys when you have frickin' FOOD 

He glared at me before walking away wiggling her inexistent bum. 


Harry stared at me in awe. I rolled my eyes at his and stood up walking away. 

Harry: Go and chase your roadside slut now. Bye. 


Kianna: so yeah Harry kept stalking me and done something that no-one could ever do or compete against. 

Harry: No stalk search. 

Kianna: Same thing 


Interviewer: So today we have One Direction on E4 today (A/N: British channel I'm not sure if that’s in America I’m not even sure if it IS British LOOL)

Stupid fan girls started screaming in the studio. Ughh! I went to change the channel from this rubbish. 

Alessia: NO LEAVE IT HERE!  

Alessia was one of the girls at the care home. Yup back there again. Sabrina had to go to Tanzania for an abroad doctor's training course. 

Kianna: for 10 minutes only. 

Interviewer: So Niall, how's the new album going? 

Niall: Ahh, It's, great. I got more solo's since #LetNiallSing was trending. I'm happy and I'm truly grateful to our girls...and guys if there's any. 

Awkward boy 

Interviewer: And Harry, we've seen you with a girl at London Zoo. We even have footage. 

HA. So he did go after her haha-hoooo 

Alessia: Kianna that's frickin' you!! 


She grinned watching the television, oooooo, that girl can cuss. I'm confused wha-

Harry: Yeah that day was funny, sad and confusing 

Interviewer: What do you mean? 

Yeah Harry what DO you mean? I just rolled by eyes at his annoyance.

Harry: funny because of what she said, sad because she just left me there! And confusing because I felt like I knew her but I have never seen her before. Do you guys have a picture of her? 

Interviewer: Yup, right here! 

A picture of me watching the dolphin show as Harry was about to take a seat next to me. Like, how do they get this stuff?! 

Harry: So yeah, that's her, she's real beautiful, down to earth, and realistic, she's defo not a slut she chose food over me-well boys actually AND her face wasn't raped with crayola! 

He was smirking at the camera, that better be directed to the girls at my school. He really did look sorta like a paedophile when he smiled. I'm gonna have to do background searches on him... 

Interviewer: so I heard you wanted to do something about this. 

Harry started looking a bit nervous for some reason, playing with his leather jacket in his hands. 

Harry: We-well, if you're watching, as in t-the girl on the screen. 

My picture again. For picture sakes man! 

Harry: Please call on this number. I won't stop searching until I find you. You seem like you are the one. A-and I wanna be there, I don't know but it's weird how 2 week ago I was saying that I don't want a relationship for at least a month, the next week I meet you, now this week...I'm searching...for you. 

Whyyy meee? Why not Plastic McPlastic. 

Harry: Oh and sorry for bumping into you before ahaha

That was him?! 

Interviewer: One lucky girl, do you wanna tell Directioners?

Harry: Yup, start looking out for my girl, make posters, flyers, t-shirts whatever. Just find here for me...I'll even give who ever finds her a tour of Louis and my house. 

Interviewer: Wow. Big proposal Harry! So if you're the lucky girl who Harry's looking for please dial this number 0845 021 2121 (A/N: A real number in London, for a Radio station) Once again it- Oh it looks like we have a caller. Hello? 

Well, it surely aint me! 

?: Hiya, I'm friends with Kianna! She's in the living room I'm in the corridor. 

I stared at the television screen in horror, as Harry’s eyes glowed. 

Alessia: yeah s- 


Interviewer: I guess that's your mysterious girl right? 

He was laughing. Shit! He heard me. Ahh oh well I cou-


Alessia: Okie dokie. Oooo, and hii Zaynnn I like LOVE you 

Zayn: Love you too babe! 

Ugh. Seriously Alessia. SERIOUSLY! 

Alessia: It's for you Kianna! 

Double ugh. 

Kianna: What do you you really need to stalk me? Ugh! 

Harry: No I- 

Interviewer: Okay, while Harry and this mysterious Kianna, let’s have a quick break. 

While everyone went on break Harry was silenced on the other side of the line. 

Kianna: I guess you had fun with Little Miss Barbie. Ey?! 

Harry: I'm not INTERSESTED in her its YOU. The way you don't care makes me want you more, hold you in my arm, protect you, love you like no-one has ever done, take care of you like no other human, watch you grow up, see yo- 

Kianna: I aint your frickin' child you know 

He sighed at the other end he can sigh all he likes. Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh, and sigh. 

Harry: just give me a day to prove you wrong...I can be anything and everything you want. 

Kianna: Why are you bloody pushing yourself on me...I met you 2 weeks ago...not last year. 

Harry: fate. 

Kianna: huh? 

Harry: fate. It brought us to meet. And it WILL bring us together. 

I was getting irritated. Like leave me and my life, then MAYBE we'll get along.

Harry: Seriously?! I'll leave you alone...about relationships 

Kianna: Triple ugh, I said that out loud huh? 

Harry: yeah 

He was was hot. 

Hopefully I won’t do something stupid! 


Princeton: Now tell him about us. About our special time. 

Kianna: What? When you kissed your ex on OUR date. Ha. He was there; I don't need to tell him. No need getting angry for no reason. 

Princeton: So you’re H-

Kianna: Harry's girlfriend? Yeah, nothing will change that. 

I gripped the hand of my trustful boyfriend, the one who's stuck by me since Ms.ChinaMadeDoll two thousand and forever. 

Princeton: then how did you end up here...with me. 


Kianna: Don't mess with me Styles. 

This boy made my blood boil. I hated the way he acted things were fine after he flirted with other girls. 

Harry: I don't know why you give a damn; you don't pay attention when you boyfriend opps I mean bestfriend Asa was all over you at your leavers party! 

Kianna: Is this what this is about...HIM I barely like him as a friend anymore...he broke my heart...are you just gonna do the same then walk away when I need you most. If so walk out know. 

Harry: I promised you I'll stay no matter what so don't give me any of you crap I won't stand for it! 

He was literally screaming in my face like, MOVE! Ugh! 

Kianna: I'm happy to leave now, I hope you're pleased. I don't wanna see you so just break your stupid promise! 

I pushed him out of the way and pulled off the promise ring he gave me. I sighed before walking out. 

Kianna: I don't know...maybe it wasn't meant to be. 


Kianna: meeting you Princeton, reminded me of how much Harry was jealous, he smashed a- 

Niall: AHAHAHA you said smashed, have you forgotten what it means in Britain! 

Kianna: Be-

Niall: -have. Yesh mumma. 

I smiled at his cuteness, so cute; it's not understandable that anyone could hate him. 

Kianna: Anyhoe, HIT an interviewer into the wall, for smiling at me, it may have been dangerous but real cute to know someone CARES. 

Princeton: Bu- 

Kianna: But I'll try not to make the same mistakes with him again. So good day Princeton. Harry, could we bunk at your hotel tonight babe. 

Harry: As long as we go back to sharing beds like before. 

Kianna: If that makes you happy. 

We left. 

I left 

His life

The house.

The stares. 



A/N: FINISHED THE CHAPTER :D but please realise that my computer plays up so if I don't update bare with me. Roman wasn't built in one day. But this chapter happens to be. 

oooo a facts 

Niall love Nando's (TGI Friday's in America or do you have Nando's)

Well I'm visiting the second half of my school tomorrow, my school is split in half year 7-9 on one half year 10-13 on another...I'm moving to yeah 10 WOOHOO *does inbetweeners dance* (search One Direction Inbetweeners dance) ALSO, I'll update next week AND Smashed is like getting laid etc. yeahh...

OMG, so yeahh, Asa is an old friend...we're not really close awkward after he dated a friend and then broke it off. 

~Emman *mwah*

P.S Sorry if this is a suckish chapter

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