You're My Freedom

By HipstuhhLouis

485K 15.9K 3.5K

Yup no one likes me. I'm a burden but hey, I'm smart and I've got a future ahead of me. When I'm 18 I plan on... More



993 68 30
By HipstuhhLouis

Previously in chapter 39...

He threw the piece of glass on the floor, but his hands made way to my neck.

It happened so fast, I couldn't breathe. My hands immediately wrapped around Harry's wrist as I tried to pry his hands off my neck.

I began to cough uncontrollably as the need for air became more and more urgent.

"H-Harr-" I tried.

He was so angry, I could see it in his face. I was going to die.

My legs started to give out and I could feel the room start to spin. He finally let go of me and I fell immediately to the ground. I was next consumed by darkness.

Chapter 40...

Madison's POV

I was running in the middle of the forest. Everywhere I turned all I could see was green. Green bushes, green trees, green leaves. I can hear my name being called in the distance. I snapped my head in the direction I believe I heard my name being called.

I could see Zayn encouraging to follow him through the unclear past.

"Hurry," he said.

I tired to catch up to him, but it was so hard when all the tree branches kept getting in the way of view. I could faintly see him getting smaller and smaller as I tried to reach him.

"Zayn! Wait, Zayn!"

I jolted up and started to panting repeatedly. I look around the room where I found myself in a bed with white bed sheets on.

I immediately felt uncomfortable and sore around my neck. I put my hands on it to feel what was wrong and I quickly retract my hand, feeling pain at the touch of my neck.

"Why were you calling his name?"

I gasped as heard his voice. I look at Harry who has been sitting in a chair on one side of the room.


"You said his name in your sleep. What were you dreaming about?" he asked.

"I d-don't k-know," I lied.

"Fair enough."

I don't remember ever getting to bed yesterday. Harry had been so violent and angry. I started to replay the events that occurred yesterday. A cold shiver ran through my body.

"Sleep well babe?" he asked me.

I stared at him nervously. Why was he acting as if nothing happened last night?

"Did you lay me down here?" I asked.

"Yes, I wanted you to be comfortable," he answered plainly.

There was a moment of silence.

"Where did you sleep?" I asked.

"I didn't. I stayed here watching you," he licked his lips.

I felt uncomfortable and exhausted. The more I talked the more my throat hurt and started to throb. I noticed that I was not in the dress I wore to the wedding. I was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt I made sure to pack on the trip.

"Did you change me?"

"I wanted you to be comfortable. Is it really so hard for you to understand?"

I got up from the bed and scratched the back of my head. My eyes caught the mirror and I gasped at the sight of my neck. Black and blue bruises trailed on my skin.

I quickly turned around to meet Harry's eyes.

He stood up in his place and met my gaze.

"I truly wish those were love bites on your neck, shame," he inched closer towards me.

I took three steps back and was cautious of his movements.

"You nearly killed me yesterday," I spoke.

"You did kill me yesterday. You killed me emotionally, and has no possibility of ever feeling the same again," he continued to come closer.

Tears started to stream down my face and I suddenly became more worried about my life.

"Shh shh, don't cry, baby," he cooed and tried to embrace me.

"No,no,no! What are you going?!" I cried.

He hugged me tightly and rocked my back and forth. He tried to comfort me with words, but his presence made me anxious. He ran my hand through my hair as my face was pressed against his chest.

"Harry," I cried.

"Baby, don't worry. We'll work through this," he answered.

"We will not work though this, don't you understand I don't love you? Get that through your head. Look what you've done to me," I push him away and point to my neck.

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You got me really upset yesterday, I'm sorry. God, you telling me you're in love with Zayn is And childish."

"Irrational? Childish? How dare you?-"

"No, how dare you! You played me like a fool. And shut up you're giving me a headache," he complained.

"I'm leaving," I get up and tried to go through the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" Harry grabbed my wrist.

I looked down at my wrist and then up at him.

"I'm leaving!"

"Do you want me to get all worked up and replay yesterday's events?"

"No, just let me leave."

"And why would I do that?"

"Why wouldn't you do that?"

"I haven't forgotten what you intended to do with the little recording you had on your phone," he smiled slyly.

"You stopped me from doing that last night Harry. You destroyed my phone!"

"Only did it for our own good, baby."

"You're demented! If I don't have any proof to show to the authorities it wouldn't make a difference if you let me go," I tired to explain.

"Oh yeah, but I know for a fact that you'll tell your parents. And knowing how they are...well you see, I can't risk them knowing something that dirty about me," he scrunched his nose.

"You're sick!"

"Mmm, being dirty isn't always a bad thing, right, Madison?"

His grip tightened around my wrist. I rush of pain immediately shot straight through my arm.

"Ow!" I shrieked.

"You won't be leaving here. Ever," he frowned.

"You can't keep me here forever. My parents will wonder."

"Oh I already made sure to take care of that. You see I talked to them over the phone just last night and Robert has grown a liking towards me. He trusts me. He trusts me more than you do and you're my girlfriend," he scoffed.

"When the break is over they will become suspicious. And don't forget Zayn knows what you did to Glenda. He'll come get me," a small smile forms on my lips.

"That would be unfortunate...for him. I will kill him without hesitation if he so much lays a finger on you. And anyway, he won't be looking for you."

"Why wouldn't he be looking for me once he catches up with what's going on?"

"I made sure of that. It was sort of stupid of me to break your phone yesterday, but I made sure to get a replacement phone so I can keep in contact with anyone who tries to contact you," he laughed.

"Not that anyone will really try to get into contact with you," he finally let go of my wrist.

"Zayn texted you yesterday...he seemed a bit worried."

"What did he say?" I asked urgently.

"That's not important, it's what you said that was important," he shrugged.

"What did you do?!"

"I told him to stay away AND that you don't want anything to do with him. I told him that you loved me and that you're accepting my wedding proposal. I told him that you wanted to be left alone," he rolled his eyes.

My heart sunk. He couldn't have believed that could he? It did come from my phone... He thinks I don't love him, oh my god.

"What happened, love? Cat got your tongue?"

I fell on my knees and I looked up at him. Tears started forming in my eyes.

"You wanted to know what he said?" He asked me.

"He didn't reply. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch," he said.

I started to feel terrible ache in my chest. I gasped and tried to get some air. My vision became hazie.

I shut my eyes and rubbed them trying to find clarity. Zayn thinks I gave up on us? How could he think that?

"Come on, I don't want to see you like this," Harry tried to pull me up.

I shook my head.

"Don't be stubborn, I'm sorry," he pleaded.

I kept reflecting on Zayn. What was he thinking at this moment, does he think of me negatively?

Harry pulled me up my arm and guided me to the bed in the middle of the room.

I continued to cry and weep when it clearly hit me that Zayn believed I didn't love him.

"Hey, hey, there's nothing to cry about," he cupped my cheek.

I turned away avoiding his touch.

"Look at me," he squished both sides of my face.

"I love you okay? And that's all that matters right now, yes?"

I ignored his question.

"Yes?" He narrowed his eyes.

I nodded my head.

"Good," he delicately pressed his lips against mine for a moment.

"I'm going to order breakfast from room service. You haven't eaten and it's 11 in the morning."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you're not going to order, then I will for you," Harry said.

"It'll be a waste of food I'm not hungry."

"I am not taking no for answer missy," he said as he got up from the bed and started to dial on the hotel phone.

Zayn's POV
I texted Madison just about a hundred times, but she hadn't replied.

I almost showed up at her hotel, not caring whether Harry would find me or not.

How could I let her go with him. I thought they were just going to have a private conversation for a second, but they never came back to the reception.

My phone beeped in my hands I jumped up in place, enthusiastically when I saw that it was a text from Madison.

Madison- Zayn, you need to leave Harry alone. I don't want to play with his feelings anymore. I love him. He's not responsible for Glenda, we were wrong.

I frowned and shook my head as I read the bullshit things she wrote to me.

Me- Wdym you love him? You told me you didn't. What happened? Tell me everything

I hit send and I grew anxious when I saw the ellipses on the bottom of the texts.

Madison- He proposed and I'm accepting. He's truly the love of my life, I'm sorry.

Me- Proposal? How could you say yes. You clearly told me you didn't even like him and plus I thought we had a thing going? What about Glenda?

Madison- Whatever we had was the real joke. Forget Glenda, I am happy with Harry. If you text me again, I will tell Harry everything. Leave me alone.

She loved Harry? This had to be a joke! She's at least told me dozens of times that she's afraid of him and she doesn't like him. Why would she have such a change of heart all of a sudden?

Did the proposal really convince her that she loves him? What about me?

I thought we were good together, I thought she trusted me.

There has to be something else...

"Niall!" I shouted.

"What happened?" he rushed into the living room of the hotel room with one shoe on.

"Any word from Madison?" He asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know if they're her words," I tossed him my phone.

He catches it effortlessly and scrolls to see what had happened.

"Sketchy," he concluded.

"Yeah, what should we do?"

I'm nervous as hell. I want to see her. Why would she say she loves him? Niall tossed my phone back to me.

"I think we need to sleep on this, and tomorrow if we don't here from her again, then we are obviously going to be doing some snooping around," Niall decided.

"I suppose that's alright."

Niall took his other shoe off and plopped down on the couch next to me.

"Why so worried mate? She can handle herself, she's a tough one," Niall tried to sound supportive.

"Yeah, but it's Harry we're dealing with..."

"If Harry was the one to write and send you those messages, he's clearly in love with her. So he wouldn't lay a hand on someone he loves."

"When did you get so bright?" I joked.

"Chick flicks, who knew!" He motioned exaggeratedly.

My smile slowly drifted and turned into a frown when I started to evaluate what was going on with Madison. Was she alright? Was she even thinking of me? How could she accept his bloody proposal?

Once I get my hands on Harry, he will see. That son of a bitch.


Happy New Year!!

I might update again tomorrow!

-A x.

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