The Shifter (PJO/YJ Crossover)

Autorstwa EndGame23

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AU The best people have the rottest luck that is one fact Percy has never forgotten. Walking into a meeting o... Więcej

Chapter 1/Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

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Autorstwa EndGame23

Sorry it's late! My draft got deleted and I had to start from scratch. Anyway here it is. Enjoy! 

Third Person POV:  

The mission was supposed to be a simple one. There was a fire to a hotel, and the league was too busy to take care of it. So, they had sent the Alpha Team to clean it up. Nightwing knew there was something else to this, but the Justice League wasn't talking.

The mission had gone well so far. Aqualad was putting out the fires, while the rest of the team was helping by getting guests and staff out. So, of course something had to go wrong. Nightwing was running through the smoke to check the upper level floors when he heard laughter coming from one of the extra rooms.

He entered the room. It probably would be turned into a deck and lounge room. The ceiling was was a pale blue with in engravings in another language. One of the walls was made of glass, they were about twenty stories up, if you were to fall through that you were dead on impact. Some tables were set up against the right wall, the middle of the room was empty. The room was breathtaking beautiful there was something wrong with it. The smell hit him first it was obviously bleach. The dark oak wood had a giant white spot like someone had taken the color right out of the floor. Something was happening or had happened here.

This something turned out to be the Joker. And when there was the Joker, Harley just had to be involved. Then again this was all probably her fault seeing as she was the one holding the giant flamethrower. Joker then smiled at Nightwing and Harley aimed and spread fire all around the room.

If that wasn't enough you had to also had to avoid pies that Joker was throwing at you while he was shooting you. It was enough to drive anyone Batty.

He remembered telling the team to get out. The fire had weakened the supports and they had less than ten minutes to get out before the whole building collapsed. That was when he took off his eye off Joker. Who took the chance to properly aim and shot Nightwing right in the side.

Nightwing fell to the ground clutching his side. The bullet had gone right through where the layers of Kevlar weren't there. Blood immediately start pouring out.

"Aww. Did the little birdie get a boo boo?" The Joker asked making his way around the partly demolished room. "Okay, I need you to answer some questions for Uncle J." He was suddenly standing on top of the eldest Robin, holding his crowbar, smiling creepily like he just figured out who Batman was. "Harley, be a dear and keep our guests busy. I suggest you start with the little kids that we have in the ballroom."

"Alrighty, Mister J!" Harley then skipped out of the room, leaving the hero alone with the Joker.

"Tell me which hurts more, A" Joker slammed his crowbar into his side, "or B." He changed his grip and hit Nightwing again. "Front Hand." He slapped him. "Or Backhand." This continued for a while, he refused to cry out and Joker laughing maniacally. Then, his saving grace came. The Joker got a phone call.

~Dude Looks like a Lady~

~Dude Looks like a Lady~

 The Joker was so surprised he let out a girlish shriek and dropped the crowbar. It clanged harmlessly on the ground, while Joker scrambled for his phone. It had purple case with a Joker chibi on it. He answered it his face showing panic.

"Listen Luthor, I promise he's not dead. I know I was supposed to kill him in front of the Bats. I got a little carried away. Please don't hurt me, I'll try harder, just please." Joker was practically begging at this point. Imagine his surprise when it was a young male voice that came through the phone yet.

"Not Luthor." was the reply. The reaction was instant, Joker demeanor completely did a 180, "So, since we've established that I'm not Luthor. How about you leave my friend alone or you'll find yourself back in Arkham."

"And... why exactly would I do that?" Joker shot back. When there was no answer, he looked at his phone screen which was now holding a blue a count down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Lights Out. Exactly at Lights Out a figure dropped down from the ceiling. There was a flash of red and a bang, then the Joker was lying on the floor unconscious. Nightwing looked up to see Percy standing there holding a fire extinguisher. He was wearing black jeans, a blue hoodie, and blue goggles with red tinted lenses.

"I thought you said this guy is a tough villain. All I had to do was hit him in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher." Percy sat down next to him and started to wrap his torso the best he could, carefully applying pressure to the bullet wound. When he was done, Percy lifted Nightwing's arm over his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?!" Nightwing questioned. Percy gave him an annoyed look.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want me to just leave you alone to deal with that maniac alone!" Percy snapped. Then, he sighed, and helped Nightwing stand up, "You're an idiot. You know that right?" Once Nightwing was fully standing, Percy helped him walk over to the door. "How did you even manage to bring a group of superpowered people in Gotham. I'm pretty sure Gotham's a no capes or supes zone, and Batman makes sure of that."

"Batman's currently off world." Percy knew that was the only reply he was going to get as they walked towards the cold stairs, the bright green exit sign glowed brightly in the dark hallway. That was the only light source except from the room that they had just left which glowed brightly as the flames claimed the room. Percy secretly hoped that the fire also claimed everything in the room, including the crazy-insane-currently-knocked-out psychopath. He pushed the door open with his shoulder, and together they slowly walked down the stairs.

"Was it your idea, to bring an atlantean and a martian to this mission." He finally asked to break the silence.

"No, why-y you assk?" Nightwing responded, voice slightly slurring. Percy realised that his injuries were probably worse than he had originally thought.

"Come on stay with me." Percy pleaded. "We're almost to the lobby, then we can get you some help okay? Just stay with me a little while longer." They were halfway down the first the flight of stairs, and Percy knew they weren't going make it at this speed. He'll probably kill me for this later, Percy thought. With his free hand he slid on his goggles, last thing he needs is for smoke and ash to blind at superspeed. Or he'll thank me. Percy laughed at the thought, Yeah that's not going to happen.

Making a last minute decision, Percy picks up Nightwing bridal style ignoring his protests, and shifts. He feels like he's been charged with lightning. With the new found energy, Percy races down the rest of the stairs. He's outside the hotel in under thirty seconds, Percy paused looking for the paramedics. He quickly sets Dick on an empty stretcher, before running back into the building to find Dick's team.

He found them in the ballroom. Room isn't exactly a correct term for it. It has huge mirrors that a line the wall on one side with landscape murals on the other. Fire is climbing the floor racing toward a group of hostages. They're little kids have to be no older than 10 all curled up together. They're dressed up for a party wearing dresses and suits with bowties. From the looks of it the kids are scared. The fire is getting closer leading the kids toward a corner, where they will be trapped. The older kids seemed to realise this and put themselves between the littler ones and the fire. Percy knew he would have to act fast he looked around assessing the rest of the situation.

The atlantean and the martian are knocked out, Percy can't tell if it's from the fire or Harley and Joker's goons. The archer is taking on Harley, while the kryptonian is protecting his teammates from the goons. Percy knew that wouldn't last long but he couldn't just run in or he'd have a target on his back from both sides. Schist.

Percy knew he couldn't take water from the firetrucks of the flames would spread even faster. He remembered the water tower a few blocks over he passed on his way over here. The water immediately reacted to his will breaking through the metal walls of the tower. It quickly rushed down the street towards the burning hotel. Fortunately the street was evacuated for emergency crews so, no one was swept into the burning building. It gushed through the double doors and efficiently putting out the fire on the floor. The kids no longer having to back up, stood up cautiously.

"Well, come on. We don't have all day." Percy stated towards the kids. They get the message and run out of the room and down the hallway. Turning his attention to the goons and Harley, the archer is down to her last three arrows and Superboy is slowly tiring. Using the water that didn't evaporate when putting out the fire, Percy uses that as a whip of sorts. It pinned one of the goons that tried to sneak up on Superboy from behind up against the mirrors and froze around his hands. Leaving the man hanging by his wrists a good ten feet off the ground.

"Thanks." Superboy grunted.

"No problem." Percy replied taking out another goon. "We can talk after we defeat these people." The whip swung around knocking out two more goons, while the kryptonian took out the last five. At the same time the archer got a lucky shot on her last arrow, and Harley crumpled to the ground. Percy looked up in time to see cracks running up the support beams. Right the fire was destroying the building, which would cause the building to start collapsing. Brilliant.

"We probably should leave now. Unless, you know, you want to be buried underneath at least twenty stories of whatever this building is made of." Percy pointed out. "Here you grab your girlfriend." He stated to the kryptonian, gesturing to the martian.

"She's not my girlfriend." Superboy argued.

"Really? Because it seems to me that you were protecting her more than him." Percy pointed out and directed to the atlantean. "Anyway, we don't time to argue. You grab her, I'll grab him."

"Are you leaving me out on purpose?" Artemis questioned.

"No, you sprained your arm most likely when you fell knocking Crazy out. Last thing you need is to be lifting anything heavier than your bow." Percy pointed at her left arm, which was hanging limply by her side. Artemis was doing everything with her right, trying not to have anything touch the left one. "It's kind of obvious."

"Fine." She snapped back. Percy lifted Aqualad on his back army style. Once they were actually outside she turned around. "So, who exactly are you? And what are you doing here?"

"I'm Percy Jackson, and I was responding to a friend who was being beat up by a psychopath." He shrugged. "I'd shake your hand but, they're kind of full at the moment."

They stopped a couple blocks away in front of a red, thing. Percy wasn't sure if it was a spaceship or what. He certainly was surprised when a hatch opened from the side, they climbed up the ramp. Percy let out a little whistle when he saw the inside of the ship. There was a med bay in the back, and seats in the front. He carefully set down the atlantean on the empty bed. He was setting up the fluids and IV tube when he was suddenly jerked back.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Artemis nearly shouted at him.

"Your friend is severely dehydrated and has first degree burns that need to be taken care of!" Percy argued back, but Artemis wasn't listening. She walked over and zip tied his hands in front of him, and then zip tied his wrists to a chair. "Thank you so much for this wonderful experience. See if I ever help you again." All he received was a glare.

Artemis moved to what seemed to be a control desk. She pressed a few buttons and the ship came to life. He may or may not have let out a little yelp when the seat belts wrapped around him. Superboy looked slightly apologetic, when he tied a blindfold over his eyes. "You can't know where we're going."

They flew for what seemed like hours, but with ADHD you can never really tell. He felt them land, and the blindfold was removed. He was forced to stand up and walk towards the the ship entrance by Superboy. He stepped out and was welcomed with the sight of a caveish space. A red robot which Percy recognised as Red Tornado walked towards them. "Artemis, please inform me of the identity of this new guest." He stated monotonically.

Percy stepped forward with one of the tied hands out in a greeting gesture, sarcasm dripped from his voice. "Nice to meet you. I'm Percy Jackson, the guy you were supposed to kidnap, then arrested, and kind of actually kidnapped. So congratulations your plan kind of worked." 

And that's the end for now. See you next time, and Happy Holidays.

Save the world

Fight Monsters

Get a secret identity

Happy Holidays!

Lilith NightShade signing out. 

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