Hunter's Beta (mxm)

By HunterAxel

551K 15.1K 692

Alpha- fearless leader stronger than any other shifter. Beta- second in command and faithful confident. Findi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter. 18 part 1
Chapter. 18 part 2
Chapter 19 (Part 1)
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 19 part 3
Chapter 20 (The End)
Chapter 21(Final attack)
Chapter 21 (Evil vanquished)

Chapter Eight

20.2K 577 19
By HunterAxel

Making her way towards the park grounds Dalia had a deep look on her attractive face. She was to have a meting in secrecy but the annoying shadow following her made things difficult. She had no doubts its one of Hunter's spies keeping an eye on her. They were too obvious really but she played along. She could lose him with a simple spell but it was risky all the spells she recalls were too invasive and destructive she needed something offensive as cowardly as that sounds.
Or not... she chuckled at her cunningness.

Why not face the shadow she thought looking over her shoulder she made a b-line for the pack house but took a detour smirking as the fool followed. Scanning the area not a pack member in sight she noted. When she passed the big willow she levitated up onto a branch. A few second later the enforcer came to a stop under her looking a lost. With her scent cloaked he didn't know she was above him and as quick and silent as cat she leaped right behind him focusing and releasing a bluish energy through two fingers to the back of his skull.

He dropped like a sack of potatoes. Her sneaky attack will keep him passed out long enough but the cherry on the cake is the last five minutes will be a blank. Making sure nobody noticed she backed away heading in the direction of the woods.

The patrols were easy as long as she stuck to the tree tops her cloaking spell was zapping some serious energy she had too be mindful. She'll need to be at full power when they open the seal of Zinn. She nearly got caught by ñ patrol group when one wolf in the group caught her scent and stood frozen at the bottom of the tree that she landed on, one of its branches also creaked. She caught herself with magic but one of them heard her. Thinking quickly she made the leaves impossibility dense just before the Wolf's neck snapped up. Shifters had super enhanced sight but in wolf form they were perfect she couldn't take any chances. She silently cursed this vessel and its limitations. In what seemed like hours they finally moved on. Thanking the ancestors she took of again. She needed to be back before the alpha returned.

Dewald was taking a shower with satisfied smile on his face. Hunter just left a minute ago reluctantly after getting a call. He looked really irritated thou. Dewald smirked was probably looking forward to showering together. Must be pack business Hunter had to fill in for his dad till he got back but seeing as he had an overseer he hated it. Elder Bennett was not an easy man but he knew what he was doing. He had to admit Hunter took everything in stride and tried not to growl at the wiser wolf. Or maybe it was something els. Just then his stomach growls.

Walking into the kitchen he quickly caught a little boy that came crashing head first into him he was about to ask him if he was ok but as the boy broke into a fit of giggles he knew he was good. "Stephen you know there's a no running rule in the kitchen." He reprimanded him but his voice was light almost playful. "Sowy Dee dee I mwiss you alot" the boy finished smiling showing his adorable gap tooth. "You hungry little alpha?" Stephen nodded. Dewald put him down ruffling his raven hair watching his dark brown eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ice cream please!" Dewald had to laugh at the perfect speech. "U got it little guy. What flavour he asks opening the fridge. "Chocolate!" The boy jump excitedly.

After they sat down eating Dalia walked in. "Hey homo, cutie she smiles at Stephen that smiles back with ice cream covered cheeks from licking his bowl. Dewald stiffens but one look at Stephen lets him shut his mouth. She's back to her old self again. "Whats a homo ?" Stephen's innocent voice breaks Dewald out of his thoughts. "Well..." Dalia begins but Dewald cuts her of. "A bad word." He glares at her daring her to say something. Stephen gasps. "You shouldn't say bad words he says shaking his raven head at her.

Dalia shrugs. "Kinda slipped out sorry." She said sounding anything but. Even Stephen could tell as much."Oh I'm famished." She says pulling a container out of the fridge one with lean meat mixed with a healthy salad. "And I totally need a shower." Dewald shook his head grinning at Stephen. "Please do he waves a hand in front of his face making Stephen laugh.

Dalia gives him a once over you scrunching up her face. But just turned and left the kitchen without another word. Having had enough of the childish bickering. She was tired after her meting not to mention channeling large amounts of energy can be tiresome.

She was just opening her door when Hunter's voice stopped her. "Where were you?" Looking over her shoulder she found him leaning casually against the wall opposite her room. "Well hello too you too babe I was looking for you. Can ask you the same thing." Hunter only cocks a brow at her. Dalia signs. "I went for a run ok." Pushing of the wall Hunter folds his arms staring at her intently. Dalia remained calm or so it appeared on the outside. When he finally spoke his tone was clipped. "Since my dad left yesterday no one is to leave the territory or go on runs without an escort." Dalia gritted her teeth at his gal. But remained silent bowing her head in submission.

Hunter releases a long breathe shaking his head at her. His tone changing to one of concern. "The rules are there for our protection Dalia. Security has been breached before and we're not taking chances don't go of alone again." He concluded. By the time he left Dalia was seething. How dare he play the concerned alpha? When he was just using her. She just about slammed her door shut. Her safety and the packs lame excuse. She knew better but for now she needed a shower and rest.

Alpha Xavier was one hour away from the pack fast approaching its borders. The visions if anything were confusing. He shared what he saw with Michael his Beta. The latter took everything rather calmly. But Xavier understood his lack of reaction as him seeing the bigger picture and the dept of what they were facing. His pack was once again in serious perilous danger. They had the biggest numbers but he knew almost everything was fallible to change sooner or later. Having witches as allies were far better than having them as enemies.

The current treaty among the supernatural has allowed longevity and somewhat peace. During the past they have lost greatly all sides included. His kind slaved under a tyrant, the witch hunts and the sire lines wars among the vampires. He dreaded approaching the Alliance.

Hunter was signing of on some paper work in his dad's office when his phone vibrated. "Hello." He answered closing a file then putting it way. "Hey its Alex." Hunter sat up at the familiar voice. "Hey man this is a surprise." Alex was another young alpha that trained with him at Pack Law. They weren't the only alphas there but they just got each other and became friends.
They were both extremely competitive by nature but motivated each other hence both expelling greatly. Both wanted to expand their horizons seeking something more than pack life and was genuinely interested in Pack Law. Not just coming to train here to became stronger and go back to their pack showing of their super training and stepping up as alphas of their packs. "Good one I hope or am I interrupting some alone time with your mate?"

Alex chuckles as he asked with fake sarcasm in his voice. "Actually no man was just finishing up some paper work." Hunter quipped grinning from ear to ear at the mention of his mate. He had to tell his friend."Well.." But he was cut of by Alex excited voice. "You cocky bastard, you found your mate?" He all but screamed. There was some shuffling and voices in the background an someone crumbling ...'were trying to work'... With Alex yelling about them moving to the rec room.

Followed by a curse then his friend's voice came through once again. "Awesome man congratulation. So let me guess she's blonde busty but not overly so with legs for days." Hunter had to laugh. "You just described Lizé." He deadpanned."Was worth a guess since you were seriously hitting that come on." Hunter grunted. "Don't know what your talking about man." Alex shook his head at his end. "Fine be that way." His friend could be so childish sometimes. "We were just close Alex nothing happened Hunter sounded exasperated. "Yeah tight so who is she?" Hunter took a deep breach before replying proudly. "Its Dewald." There was silent on the other end making him pull his phone away to check if the call was still connected. Then the silence was broken by a nervous laugh. "Man parents giving their girls the names of boys." Alex says signing.

Hunter wanted to face palm himself. Was it the shock or was his friend just slow. When Hunter signed into the phone. Realization must've struck Alex when he asked. "Omg you mean your Beta?" He asked his voice ending with a pitch. "The one and only." Footsteps were heard then a door opening and click of bottle cap. Hunter smiled at his friend dramatic behavior. "Sorry man I'm shocked didn't know you were even like that. He concluded. "I was just as shocked not mention nervous as hell. I found this amazing scent leading up to my room that seemed familiar but different and there he was. I just acted rejection was not even an option."

Alex smiled at the passion in with which his friend spoke about his mate. "From what you've told me he must be a great guy." Hunter stood up running a hand through his dark hair. "He is." He agreed glancing at the door. "Any way just wanted check on my best friend and to tell you I made the specialists team Tiberius made me sweat a bit but I'm in. "I told you, you had nothing to worry about and congratulation to you too."

He knew Alex would make a dam good specialist. "Was good good talking to you again Hunter see you soon buddy." After he ended the call patrol mind linked him about his fathers convoy approaching the gates. Just when he was about to leave the office his dad's voice boomed in his head. "Hunter you and Dewald meet me in my office. Shortly after Dewald made his way into the office looking worried. "Know whats this about?" He asks scratching the back of his head. "Nope no idea." Hunter says walking over coming to stand beside him. "Do you think he knows?" Dewald asked swaying from one foot to other. Hunter looked away guiltily before taking his mates hand in his. "Not yet but were gonna change that. He nodded determination etched into his features. They slowly inched closer and was about to kiss when the door opened and Elder Bennett walked in.

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