Top 50 Star Wars Characters

By IsaacBear2000

3.2K 58 11

The 50 best characters from a galaxy far far away. More

50: Zett Jukassa
49: Dormè
48: Exar Kun
47: Lobot
46: Corde
45: Cyrus
44: Eeth Koth
43: Jek-14
42: Gaiana
41: Captain Panaka
40: Galen Marek a.k.a. Starkiller
39: Mara Jade Skywalker
38: Greedo
37: Tarrful
36: Chewbacca
35: Bail Organa
34: Bariss Ofee
33: IG-88
32: Ki-Adi-Mundi
31: Mace Windu
30: Darth Bane
29: Luminara Unduli
28: Plo Koon
27: Zam Wesell
25: Count Dooku a.k.a. Darth Tyrannus
24: Jar Jar Binks
23: Rey
22: Wicket W. Warrick
21: Darth Plageuis
20: Aurra Sing
19: General Grievous
18: Asajj Ventress
17: Rotta the Huttlet
16: Luke Skywalker
15: Boba Fett
14: Shmi Skywalker
13: Jango Fett
12: Padme Amidala
11: Princess Leia Organa
10: Obi-Wan Kenobi
9: Aayla Secura
8: Qui-Gon Jinn
7: Jabba The Hutt
6: Anakin Skywalker a.k.a. Darth Vader
5: Darth Maul
4: Kylo Ren
3: Yoda
2: R2-D2
1: Darth Sidious a.k.a. Emperor Palpatine

26: Cin Drallig

67 0 0
By IsaacBear2000


Nick Gillard




19 B.B.Y.


Jedi Order


Cin was a wise teacher who fought boldly to protect his Padawans when Darth Vader invaded their home.




1.73 meters


75 kilograms





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