⋆The Survivors [UNDER CONSTRU...

By lolagreen_

130K 5.4K 1.6K

In the last few centuries, humans have pushed themselves almost to the brink of extinction with wars, famine... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Author's Note

Chapter thirteen

4.1K 194 32
By lolagreen_

"Olive Simpson, you open the door right now or I'll break the door down!" Eli roared the next morning and I shot up out of bed, groaning in pain clutching my ribs. My eyes were heavy and burning with lack of sleep and my entire body seemed to radiate pain. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to hide Michael forever in my room but I didn't think people would find out so quickly. Swinging my legs out of bed I tried to fight a yawn I hoped that Ryan and Reece didn't get in trouble for my actions. It's not like they knew what I was doing, I just suggested that Ryan go to bed and leave Michael in my care. Turning to the floor, I sighed softly seeing Michael laying peacefully in the little makeshift bed we made for him last night. I had pushed it right beside my bed and there had been a moment I wanted to ask him to just share the bed with me, but I held my tongue. I'd offered him the bed out of polite instinct but Michael had smirked at me knowing that I didn't want to give it up. 

Stepping over him carefully and slowly putting my sling on, I moved to the door and swung it open. Eli and Duke stood in front of me and I put my finger to my lips frowning at them both though neither of them looked impressed.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? Seriously, I don't have my watch and it's dark in my room-" I tried to tease quietly but Eli looked ready to burst a blood vessel. 

"If you think-!" I hushed him sternly shaking my head as I leant against the door, my eyes barely open and he sighed harshly before continuing more quietly, "If you think you can talk your way out of this Olive you-"

"You guys need to relax honestly. Michael helped me last night and I didn't fancy letting him sleep in a room without a bed and with shit everywhere. He is right there see?" I opened the door just enough to show him sleeping on the floor not having moved a muscle, despite the shouting and banging from Eli.

"Hunt isn't impressed Olive, you know he wanted him kept under lock and key until he had sorted things out with everyone. You have to learn to not just do things without going through the proper authorities." Duke chided at me and I sighed stepping forward to close the door softly behind me. 

"Look, it was late at night and no one saw us. I'm sure people know now because you all probably made a huge fuss over it all. I'll speak to Hunt but until he is given a room, I think it would be best if he stayed with me. Oh," I gestured to my sling and the bandages over my body, "I'll be out of commission for six weeks, doctor's orders. Michael can help me around and it'll keep both of us busy." Eli seemed to finally register that I was in a blood sling and his anger melted away instantly to genuine concern. 

"Wait, what happened? I thought you said she was fine," he turned accusingly at Duke who looked just as confused. 

"Cracked ribs and cuts with bruising. My hands were cut up by the glass but I'll be fine. I've got some medication from Francine but I'll be utterly useless for the next two months." I shrugged with my good arm and Eli sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Duke however looked deep in thought nodding slowly as I spoke. 

"Okay... Well, there is going to be a huge meeting today in the upper levels. Do not bring Michael," Duke spoke sternly and I nodded, watching him breathe out shaking his head in disbelief. "I'll... I'll speak to the general. But Michael will be under your responsibility Olive. If he fucks up, it falls on you got it?"

"Done." I nodded cheerily and Duke shook his head before turning to walk back to the elevator. "Thanks, Duke!" I called out to him and he waved his hand over his head without turning back. Turning back to Eli I faked a yawn with a mischievous grin to my brother, "Well I'm going to go get some rest. See you later," and without letting him get a chance, I slipped back into my room and locked the door for good measure. 

Michael hadn't moved, his breathing normal as he continued to sleep through all that noise. Lying back in bed, I turned to face the wall on my good shoulder and sighed. The stuffiness of the rooms always seemed to get to me first thing in the mornings. Back before the invasion, I would often sleep with my window cracked open just enough to let in a cool breeze. Closing my eyes I tried to envision it, a cool breeze drifting in from a window, but my imagination was not nearly that good. No matter how much I hated the cold of winter or the sting of summer, at least I had been moving and being deprived of something as simple as the weather was enough to make me a little crazy. 

I tried to shift in the bed, trying to get comfortable but I end up kicking off the blankets in pure frustration. I jumped when a hand landed on my hip and I opened my eyes to see Michael very close to me steading me. "Olive, are you alright?" he murmured, his voice thick with sleep.

I smiled nodding trying to ignore the shiver that went through me as Michael pulled his hand away from me. I realised I was very close to the edge of the bed and a second away from falling onto him, "Yeah, I'm okay."

"I didn't mean to touch you, it's just you looked about to fall and I didn't want you to hurt yourself," he explained quickly causing me to smile resting my head on my arm. He was cute as he floundered around and I just watched until he ran out of steam. 

"It's okay Michael, I was just... dreaming about stuff I miss," I explained and he sat up to rest his chin on his hand leaning against the mattress. 

"Dreaming... I don't know if I get it. I know the definition of dreaming but I don't think I've experienced it." He explained and I sighed closing my eyes as I began to talk smiling. 

"Well, the definition would be spot on to what it is... Some people don't remember their dreams and they say that dreams are things you've been stressed about or want in your life. Some dreams can be really weird though, like ignoring the physics of the real world," I opened my eyes as I trailed off and his eyes were so close to mine I couldn't help but stare. Michael's eyes were so blue so clear it was almost reflective. "Your eyes are so..."

"Golik?" he whispered looking down at the mattress and I shook my head as I went to touch him, only to be stopped by my sling. Frowning I slipped my arm out and gradually reached out letting my fingers brush against his midnight hair. It was softer than I imagined, I thought as Michael slowly turned to me blinking stunned by my touch. I tilted my head against the pillow, shifting closer as I let my fingers trail through his hair, letting my nails scratch against his scalp. 

"I was going to say they're beautiful," I muttered my cheeks flushing as I went to pull back but Michael closed his eyes, his hand cupping my own as he rested against the mattress. "Michael?"

"That... feels very nice, if... if you could-" he stuttered but I smiled shifting closer to him. I continued to let my hands run through his hair. He shuddered against the mattress and I smiled just being with him. We lay there together quietly for a long while, Michael's long eyelashes almost casting a shadow over his cheeks. Feeling bold, I let my fingertips skim down the side of his face and let my thumb brush against his cheeks. His skin was soft and smooth, unblemished and I shimmied down the bed so I could study him better. Michael's eyes remained closed but I heard the shift in his breathing as I continued to touch him. I felt tingles explode over me and I felt the intimacy of simply touching his face beginning to overstimulate me. 

"Olive..." Michael breathed and I froze swallowing about to pull my hand away but he captured it in his long fingers. "I'd... I'd like to return the gesture. If you were comfortable with that," he spoke barely above a whisper and I nodded slowly, not trusting my voice. His eyes opened almost sleepily and I let my hand fall from his. 

Closing my own eyes, I breathed in as deeply as I could and relaxed my body. His fingers danced over my warm cheeks, swirling around before the tip of his finger trailed up the tip of my nose. I swallowed trying to keep calm, wanting to not move a muscle but it tickled. A small smile spread across my lips, fingers moving up to my temple where the swelling had begun to go down from yesterday. 

"Is this uncomfortable?" he asked softly and I shook my head, my eyes opening lazily at him. 

"No it feels nice, it may put me to sleep," I mumbled and I watched him give me a half smile as he rested his head back on the mattress. Swallowing I shifted out of his reach and immediately he pulled away worried but I smiled, reaching to tap the mattress beside me. "Come lay with me, that can't be comfortable."

"Ar-re you sure?" he stuttered though he began to shift to sit up more. When I nodded he slowly moved to lay on the bed beside me, the mattress dipping with him and we were so close, I could feel the warmth of his body rolling off him. "Did you want me to..."

"You can keep going if you'd like," I cleared my throat, slowing down my breathing and he lifted his hand to run his finger down the side of my face, drawing a line along my jaw before dipping down to the curve of my neck. He continued to explore my face, my neck and shoulder bones, his fingers like feathers and I couldn't stop the shivers that rippled through me. Every time he would ask me if I was okay and after convincing him that it was fine, that I was enjoying it, he stopped asking;, when he would find a particular spot that I seemed to enjoy, he would always trail back to it. The calm and serenity that I felt could have lulled me back to sleep, the pain was easier to handle with Michael's feather-like warm touches. 

But unfortunately, things don't often go how we want them to.

Banging on my door caused me to sit up quickly in fright and I groaned, the pain sharp in my side. Michael looked more concerned about me than the sudden rattling off my door handle as someone tried to get in. I frowned which only deepened when I heard who was standing behind my door. 

"Olive! Olive open the door," Josh screamed and I winced wondering who in the hallway would be stopping to watch the latest bit of gossip unfold. I should have known, I groaned moving around Michael and slipping my arm back into the sling for support. 

"What do you want Josh?" I called through the door, not wanting to see him and desiring nothing more than to go back to bed with Michael. 

"Is it true? Are you with it?" Josh sneered through the door and I felt like he had slapped me. If Michael was an it then what did that make me? As far as my bloodwork was showing, I didn't seem to be exactly all human myself. I felt my temper beginning to rise as I clenched my fists throwing the door open. Josh looked dishevelled and his eyes looked a little wild. I kept my hand firmly on the door but only opened it just enough so that he could see me. 

"Yes Michael is in here and it is none of your fucking business what the fuck do I get up to and with who okay?" I spat at him gritting my teeth and Josh stared at me in complete astonishment. "Now if you can kindly get the fuck out of here, I need to rest!"

"Olive... Olive, don't be mad... I just- I miss you so much okay? When you arrived I was so happy and relieved that-"

"That you felt the need to fall into Katie's arms?" I blinked tilting my head at him and by his sides, I could see his fists clenching tightly. "Look I may not like Katie but the way you treated her in front of everyone, dismissing her as if she meant nothing? That made me truly see that you are someone I never want to be involved with and I'm only sorry that it took me this long to realise what a piece of shit you are."

I tried to close the door but Josh lunged forward trying to push the door open. I hissed in pain as the door swung open at me, hitting me in the process. I felt my entire body nearly double over at the sharpness in my chest. I stumbled backwards as Josh advanced and my eyes went wide as suddenly Josh's hand seemed to be reaching... for my neck? I would have tilted my head in confusion if everything hadn't been moving so damn fast. I winced bracing for impact closing my eyes when I heard a gurgle in front of me. Michael's hand had a death grip on his wrist and someone from behind Josh had gripped the back of his throat with one very large hand. 

I watched in horror as Jon yanked Josh out of my doorway and into the hall where Ezra and Robin were moving into Josh's space with menacing intentions. I stepped forward but Michael beat me to it, his eyes filled with rage that I had never seen before. His other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me gently into his side and I swallowed as I could only watch the scene unfold, the shock still settling within me. 

"Look sir, I don't know what your mama taught you about how to treat women," Ezra's charming voice spoke low as he leaned against the wall by my door, "But I was always taught never to put a hand on a woman, no matter how much they make you mad."

"I wasn't-" Josh tried to speak but Jon seemed to only squeeze harder causing his eyes to bulge. He tried to rip his hand away from Michael but neither Jon nor Michael was letting him move an inch. I placed a hand on Michael's chest, blinking up at him as I watched a vein in his neck throb violently and I didn't know how to help. 

"Michael... I'm okay. You saved me, he didn't hurt me," I murmured softly and finally Michael pulled his gaze away from Josh to meet my eyes. I gave him a gentle smile though it was full of strain from the situation and mercifully, Michael sighed slowly letting go. Josh's wrist was marred with his handprint as he began to reach up to stop Jon from crushing his throat. I think what freaked me out the most was that Jon's entire hand wrapped around his neck with ease. 

"Ezra..." I warned softly noting that people were watching us as I pushed Michael back into our room. 

"Come near her again like that and I'll have my brother here show you what happens to the body when you break every single bone in a human body. One at a time," Ezra smirked nodding to Jon who pushed Josh away as he hit the floor hard. He coughed violently as he scrambled away, his hand on his throat and I groaned thinking about the ramifications of what just happened. 

I expect a visit from Katie in my future, I turned to thank the Tremor brothers but they had seemingly pushed their way into my room. Robin was already looking through my things, specifically the weapons I had stashed in my room but I didn't mind. Michael moved quickly out of the way, keeping me by his side and it felt nice, his hand sat on my waist letting me be enveloped by his warmth. I could still feel the tension in his body and I slowly reached up to cup his cheek so he would focus on me. Eyes were simmering with rage and I could almost see the control he was fighting to remain here, to not chase after Josh for trying to hurt me. 

"I'm fine Michael, breathe..." I cooed softly ignoring Ezra's smirk as Jon ducked down to admire the room. I knew they would have their things hidden away in whatever room they had. Michael was shuddering with rippling tension and I inhaled deeply before wrapping my arm around him. I rested my head on his chest, closed my eyes and waited for the tension to ease from him. After a moment, probably not knowing what to do, Michael's arms raised slowly and wrapped around my shoulders. I breathed him in, nuzzling his chest and I felt him shudder but I knew it wasn't from rage. 

"Aren't you two cute and gross?" Ezra's voice reminded me they were there and I frowned not wanting to leave Michael's embrace. 

"What were you even doing outside my room Ezra?" I mumbled into Michael whose hand had raised to begin stroking my hair and I hummed in appreciation. 

"A meeting is being held in about half an hour and Eli sent me up to get you out of bed, thought you should eat or something," it was like his words brought a bucket of cold water over me and I groaned, holding Michael tightly in my arms before looking up at him, resting my chin on his chest. He continued to brush his fingers through my hair, staring at me curiously and I sighed nodding slowly. 

"Okay... Everyone out. I need to get changed." I murmured and ten minutes later, I was ready to go; my hair in a braid and a gun on my holster resting against my hip. I wore a jumper because it was cold in the Chambers but I made sure people could see that I had it on me. I knew what I was about to do was stupid and could lead me into more trouble but Michael had every right to be here and I didn't think it was fair to keep him locked up in a tiny room because other people were scared. Frankie's words haunted me as we headed to the elevator, reminding me that sometimes people needed time but Michael hadn't done anything to these people, they had no reason to fear him. 

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked Michael leaning against the back of the elevator and riding it down to the cafeteria. The Tremor brothers stood in front of us, Robin rolling his eyes as Ezra began to push up on Jon who simply held a hand to his forehead unperturbed. 

"Yes... Ezra and Robin explained what could happen but I'm more concerned about you. Your... friend seemed like a prelude to what may happen and I don't want you to be hurt or sad because I'm here." he murmured before leaning close to whisper in my ear, a shiver like an explosion rushing through me, "But I want to be here. With you."

"I want... I want you here too. They won't understand... But they will," I caught Ezra who was smirking at us and I smiled with my teeth as I leaned forward to dig my fingers into his side roughly. "Besides, we have these boys who will protect us so it'll be fine. Right darlin'," I muttered sinisterly still grinning widely. Ezra flinched away from me swatting at my hands but nodded all the same, rubbing his sides.

"Course we will," he coughed as the doors opened to the cafeteria, a cacophony of noise greeting us. My stomach seemed to remember what food was and my mouth watered as I stepped out with Michael at my side. It took less than five seconds before the chatter in the room went quiet, the only sound was our boots hitting the ground and I had to fight the urge not to look down at the floor. Michael seemed unbothered by the stares, perhaps used to it and Ezra was trying to smother a chuckle strutting through as if nothing was wrong. 

Piling on food for both Michael and me, I spotted the first free table I could and sat down, digging into my food like a starved animal. Michael sat down across from me beside Jon and Ezra and Robin flanked me. The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop and I did my best to stop myself from looking around. Although it was quiet, I didn't miss the slight tension rising within the room. Robin beside me pulled his weapon so it sat on his waistband and I nodded appreciatively as I continued eating. 

After a moment, Ezra leant back in his chair and boldly yelled out, "So! About the impending doom of the human race," and it seemed to break the bubble of silence, the noise enough to drown out anything substantial. Robin rolled his eyes leaning forward on the table, his eyes closed and before I could ask, Ezra nudged my leg shaking his head. He turned instead to Michael and leant forward ignoring his plate of food. "So what kind of food do you like to eat Michael? Is this to your liking?"

I stared at Ezra like he had grown another head but Michael shrugged munching on the food thoughtfully, "I don't know. I've never thought of it before, I eat when I'm hungry and don't worry about it tastes." He frowned tilting his head before adding, "Is that weird?"

"No, I don't think so," I swallowed a mouthful before turning to Ezra, "Should find some chilli for him or something, see if he worries about the taste after that." I teased and Ezra nodded along as they began to discuss their food preferences and what they tasted like. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to keep Michael calm but I was sure Michael wasn't registering the tension in the room. 

Glancing around the room I saw a lot of quick head turns as other tables huddled in big groups, looking over their shoulders when they thought it was safe to do so. I sighed putting my spoon down, the anxiety of the situation getting to me and my stomach twisted uncomfortably. I tried to keep still but I could feel the paranoia beginning to build as I kept turning around to see who was staring at us. Uneasy seemed the fill me and Michael was even beginning to pick up on it, however, the boys kept him occupied. 

Robin leant over to me, reaching to take some bread from my plate as he murmured, "They're mostly talking about Michael's history, what he was really and it's his eyes. They're scared mostly but there are murmurs... We'll need to be mindful of how we proceed," Robin pulled away and I nodded trying to remain calm, eating but not even tasting the food. I forced myself to keep looking at my food, pretending to be engaged in the conversation but all my nerve endings were standing at attention, unable to settle down. 

I jumped as a food tray slammed down on the table nearby and I was already on my feet, my weapon unholstering from my waist. Turning around I saw a man who I couldn't place but it was the rage in his eyes that seemed focused on me and the clenched hand on his gun that drew my main attention. He was stalking towards me and beside me I could feel Robin and Ezra jumping to their feet. 

"I do not give a flying fuck if you have saved hundreds or thousands of people Simpson, but you flaunt one of them in our midst, laughing and joking as if he isn't the fucking enemy!" he was waving his gun around, never pointing at me and I hear everyone behind us scattering for cover. I swallowed tightly as I flicked the safety of my weapon. "He charmed his way in here with the promise of information and yet you allowed him to put his hands on one of our own? Yeah I heard about what he did to Josh's wrist, almost broke it in two. You are letting this monster sit here, eating our fucking food makes you just as bad as one of them!"

The entire room was silent and tense, their eyes flickering between this man and myself. My hands began to shake as I clutched my gun in my hand as something dark began to bubble in my chest. I pulled back a sneer glaring at the audacity of this man to call Michael a monster when he had done nothing but assist and aid us, to call me as bad as a Golik. My entire body felt hot, shaking with the tension as I stood across from him and I watched as disbelief seemed to cloud his features as he let out a humourless laugh.

"You're seriously mad? You're mad because I'm speaking the truth about him?" He let out a roaring laugh, utterly void of satire before sidestepping me and raising his weapon at Michael. 

I whipped my weapon up, levelling it at his face with both hands and Ezra and Robin followed suit. I could hear Michael trying to stand up but Jon was struggling with him to stay still. A chain reaction of weapons being drawn and cocked echoed throughout the room and even Jon had to stand up as he growled at the people who would shoot us in the back. My focus remained on the man in front of me, knowing that if he shot Michael I'd put a bullet right between his eyes without even thinking about it. 

"You shoot him, I'll kill you." I threatened slowly and he had the nerve to look stunned by my reaction. "He has saved my life twice, has helped out in Salt Lake City and us in Chicago. Josh tried to attack me, yeah I fucking bet that was conveniently left out huh?" I snorted gritting my teeth at him, "Michael stopping him from trying to strangle me! He has done fucking nothing to anyone here except fucking exist!" My voice burned from screaming and my rips smarted but the rage inside of me was building and I wanted to shoot this man. I could survive out there alone and I felt like the Tremor brothers would come with me. I'd miss my brothers, it hurt to even think about not seeing them but I would do it. I knew that at that moment. 

"You dumb bitch, I lost my wife-!"

"And I've lost my parents! My friends! My aunts, uncles, my grandparents!" I raised my voice, my ribs pulsing with pain but I kept going, "You are not the only person in the entire world who has ever lost someone! Everyone in this fucking room in this building has lost someone. Michael didn't kill anyone, in fact like Michael hasn't even been alive for that fucking long! You all know nothing about him! He has done more for this cause than you have because I have never even seen you before!" I screamed standing firm as I tightened my grip on my gun. He was flushed, clearly not expecting me to scream at him and the little jab at the end had him turning the gun towards me instead of Michael.

The elevator opened with a soft ping but I refused to glance over, the man following suit as we stared each other down. Multiple footsteps were heading towards us and Duke's booming voice echoed throughout the cafeteria. "Weapons down now!" Duke ordered and I heard Ezra click his tongue before lowering his weapon. "Olive! Darren! This is a direct order, do it now!" 

"He will fucking shoot Michael!" I growled back not lowering my gun or removing my gaze and the man, Darren seemed to incline to agree with me. 

"Anyone shoots him, they'll be shot on sight," Spencer called out and there was a horrified murmur that seemed to echo throughout the cafeteria. "I'd lower the gun if I were you Darren, she'll fucking shoot you without a second thought. Unlike y'all in here, she can afford to leave this place and live out in the wild." Darren's hand began to shake as he glanced around the room, probably looking at all the people he would need to leave behind. 

"Think you got what it takes Darren?" Frankie snorted coming up to my side and nudged me almost playfully, "C'mon Olive, put it down." She murmured to me and I slowly lowered my gun though I didn't put it away. Darren seeing he wasn't going to be labelled a hero like he thought he would put his gun down with a grunt shaking his head in disbelief.

Without a word, he stormed off into the crowd of people who parted for him and I sighed heavily when I saw a group leaving with him, all putting hands on his back in support. Holstering my weapon, I ran a hand over my face trying to shake the adrenaline that was coursing through me but it only made me more jittery, like everyone was watching us and someone would pull a gun to attack him. 

"Why is it when guns are pulled, you're always involved," Eli slapped my back hard and I spun out of his grasp, twitching as my hands curled ready to strike at him. I blinked away looking horrified but he didn't say anything, "The meeting is about to start, we're needed."

"But Michael-?" I started but Jon and Robin gave me a thumbs up both of them sitting on either side of Michael, who looked at me with nothing but concern. Naturally, he was more concerned about me than the fact that this mob of fucking humans were about to kill him. 

"We've got him, don't worry," Robin promised and I moved over to Michael who spun in his seat to stare at me. Even though Jon and Robin would look after him, I couldn't shake the uneasiness of the situation. Squatting in front of him, I sly placed my gun in his lap and the stunned look on his face was enough to make me crack a smile. 

"Take my gun, just in case," I murmured putting his hands over it and he shook his head as Eli moved to my side shaking his head at me. 

"He isn't allowed-"

"Eli shhh," I glared at him gesturing over my shoulder, "You think I'm going to let this fucking mob take advantage of the fact he is unarmed? You're very mistaken." I snapped and Eli sighed exasperated at me looking around to make sure Duke and the others didn't see.

"I don't need this," Michael murmured putting it back in my hands, "I can move fast, I'm very durable and Jon and Robin will help me. I don't want you to get into more trouble because of me," Michael nodded firmly and I let it go, holstering my weapon. 

"Okay... I'll see you soon," I stood up and wrapped my arms around him and this time he returned the gesture this time nuzzling into my chest. I fought a giggle, my cheeks flushing as I rested my cheek against his head for a moment before letting him go. Eli looked mildly stunned by the interaction but didn't say a word leading Ezra and me towards the elevator. 

Eli spent the time explaining how this was a town meeting of sorts and although it was a little early, Murphy and Hunt had thought that it was best to have it early instead. There were other concerns that needed to be addressed, such as the sudden influx of people, where to put them all and the food supply were the main ones. Naturally, Michael and his status here would be spoken about but Eli believed that it would work out in Michael's favour considering there was a 'don't shoot' order going around. 

As we walked in, the room fell silent and I rolled my eyes as Ezra and I moved to the back of the room standing near the door just in case. Waiting for the meeting to start, I closed my eyes tapping my head against the wall rhythmically. I knew that if I had shot Darren, I would have taken Michael and Hercules would have happily left this place without a backwards glance. My father had said that the pull between us was due to whatever had happened to me when I was younger but I hadn't realised it was so strong. The fact I would have turned my back on the only family I had left, who I had just gotten back was baffling and I had never been that type of person and yet here I was. 

I need to go speak to Doctor Mark, I thought as the room got quiet once more. I knew that there had been lots of files that were specific to a doctor or physician, so I had to wonder whether or not there was something in there that could help explain my condition. 

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see General Hunt standing on the dais, gavel in hand as he called the meeting to order. I looked around to see where Donald Murphy was but as the room settled down and those who could sit down, he was nowhere in sight. 

"Thank you for being here today," he called focusing everyone's attention on him. I hadn't realised that there were a few people who were glaring at me from over their shoulders. I fought the urge to flip them off or even childishly stick my tongue out. "I know we have a lot to get through so please be patient and let's get through it. Item one on the agenda is the subject of our food supply in the storage room. Now I understand there is some concern considering that our last attempt came up with nothing, that we are suddenly going to run out of food due to the inflow of people. I can assure you, we have plenty of food here from all the years that we've been collecting and storing. We are well prepared so please do not come to me with your food concerns. We will be fine. Item two-"

For an hour he spoke about trivial matters, Chambers operations and utilities were discussed and Ezra looked ready to pull his fucking hair out. The community would ask questions based on each item which would lead to a discussion by the end of the hour, I felt like I was going to walk out, ready to smash my head into a wall due to boredom. I was surprised that the General took care of these sorts of things and wondered then what Murphy's job was as the Chaplain. Ryan had insisted that he wasn't a religious person, not that it mattered, but I had assumed he was running the place. 

"Finally, item nine," Hunt took a deep breath, pulling off his half-moon glasses before knitting his fingers in front of him, "the hybrid. I know everyone here has heard about him and thanks to some individuals, you've all probably seen him or had a glimpse at him. In the eyes of the Chaplain and myself, he is human. He is half human but what matters is that he is part human. He is allowed to stay," I breathed out in relief and Ezra placed a hand on my shoulder in support. While relief raced through me, unease seemed to fill everyone else. 

"That's not right!" One person in the crowd cried out and it was like watching a domino effect. One after another people began screaming that it was wrong, that he was still part Golik and that they didn't want him here. Eli beside me glanced towards me gauging my reaction but I was staring at Hunt whose jaw tightened at the sudden noise. His eyes did flicker to me and I gave him a cold stare, he knew my position and he knew I would leave and I had become a valuable piece in his plans. I knew I should feel guilty, disregarding everyone else's worries but I was beyond caring. Michael was what mattered, his safety was paramount and I would do whatever it took to make it so. 

"In saying that!" Hunt shouted, his voice hard and with no room to argue everyone settled down, "Same rules apply to him. You attack him, he has every right to defend himself and those around him. You kill him, we'll kill you or kick you out of here leaving you for the Golik to find. Do I make myself clear?" 

"What happens when he betrays us?" Someone cried out and Hunt slowly turned to the person with the coldest stare before he glanced at me.

"He is on probation, he will not be permitted out unless under extreme supervision and I personally will be enforcing this." He paused for a moment and when I gave a slight nod, he continued, "But yes... If he does betray us, we'll I do not think it needs to be said what will happen to him. Are we content? Settled on the fucking matter?" Hunt asked and although I could see and feel that everyone wasn't satisfied, there wasn't room to argue.

"Well if tits go up and you leave, we're leaving with ya darlin'," Ezra murmured to me and I nodded in appreciation, ignoring Eli's alarmed expression but Hunt slammed his gavel down ending the conversation. This had gone just as well as I could have hoped for and so long as there were consequences then I believed Michael would be safe. 

"Excellent cause I have an announcement to make and then I'm getting the fuck outta here," he smiled leaning back in his chair as he pocketed his glasses, "The Chaplain and I believe that we needed a small group of people who can be our... A-Team if any of you young folk get that reference. Since we are beginning to step up our operations, with the assistance of Michael and the information he is providing to us, we will need a group of those who are trained and have already proven themselves. Duke will be the team leader, along with second-in-command Frankie. Both experienced and level-headed. Spencer, Olive and our newbie Ezra will be joining their ranks. However, Olive was injured in our last outing, her brother Eli will take her place until she can resume her new duties." I turned to Eli raising an eyebrow who shrugged, elbowing me but I doubled over in pain hissing through my teeth.

"Dickhead," I whispered wheezing in for breath and he winced apologising quickly.  

"That is all. Get out of here," Hunt dismissed everyone and the room began to empty quickly, no one coming over to congratulate us or even look in our direction. I wasn't expecting it, but I was surprised to see that when people brushed passed me, they looked nervous now. I wondered to Eli but he was already being swept into the crowd, people patting him on the back and wishing him good luck. 

"Congratulations Olive, Ezra," Doctor Mark came up to me holding his hand out and I took it smiling, my other hand still clutching my ribs. Ezra pretended to tip an imaginary hat at him, "Seems you two are rising through our ranks quickly."

"Ranks? Does that include benefits?" Ezra answered immediately back and the good doctor blinked not sure if he was joking or not. 

"Ah... I'm not- I don't- Ah, Olive! May I speak with you privately?" He sputtered out and I nodded, telling Ezra to head back without me. He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he left the room letting the door shut behind him. I turned back to the doctor opening my mouth but he slowly shook his head gesturing to the door. "May as well chat in my office, I see you're still clutching your ribs. Should monitor that, my wife will be distraught and angry if you get any more hurt."

I followed Mark in silence, ignoring the stares that followed me and when we got down to the infirmary level, I was surprised to see it was completely vacant. I swallowed wishing I'd brought my paperwork but I felt like it would have looked extremely suspicious and I didn't need that kind of heat right now. 

He gestured for me to sit down and out of nowhere, Reece stepped around the corner looking at a clipboard. "Oh... Hi Reece," I wheezed clearing my throat and he smiled at me, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. 

"Okay... So, we're in a safe space here. Reece is actually my assistant as he will be taking over when the time comes for me and my wife. Now Olive, you have to trust us. We're only trying to help and from the documentation that your father provided we wanted to get a better understanding-"

"Oh. You know then," I sighed leaning back and closing my eyes. "I only... Found out when I read my letter. It had my and my brother's doctor records from when we were kids. I didn't understand why he would have sent it until I read through it." I felt the blood draining from my face and Reece moved to sit beside me putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"It seems we got the same records. Your father didn't give us any more insight other than what the documents showed. So what we would like to start with is a few samples from you and compare them to the ones we have collected." Mark continued rolling on his chair to his desk to flip open a folder. On the same desk, I could see the photocopied versions of my family's medical records and I sighed nodding pinching the bridge of my nose. "We have Golik, human obviously and now Michael's DNA structure. Comparing yours with theirs will give us a better insight into what we are dealing with here and how we move forward."

"We'd like blood, salvia, some hair and if you're okay with it..." Reece trailed off removing his hand as he stuttered for a moment and I raised an eyebrow confused when Mark sighed looking at me seriously in the eye.

"We'd like your pee dear. Just so we can cover everything," As quickly as the blood drained from my face, it flared up as I sat back completely baffled. 

"Look... I think blood, saliva and my hair are enough... But if worse comes to worst, I will," reluctantly, "give you my pee." I clicked my tongue mortified shaking my head and Mark smiled standing up and gesturing for me to get into a surgical chair. 

Doctor Miles worked extremely carefully with me and Reece began to drain two vials of blood from me. I was relieved to see it coming out red but then again, Michael's had also been red so it didn't mean much. I closed my eyes as they worked, taking out some of my hair with the roots on the ends as well as swabbing the inside of my cheek. After I'd been thoroughly poked and prodded, they declared that I was free to go. 

"Everything will be done by tomorrow so I'll have Reece come up and grab you," Doctor Miles promised as Reece took them to a back room that I hadn't noticed before. I threw on my jumper nodding as I leant forward, my elbows resting on my thighs before stopping him. 

"What... What are my chances?" I asked softly and he sighed shrugging. 

"I can't give a definitive answer... But from the records? I'd say you aren't all human," he whispered and I felt like he had just punched me in the stomach as the wind knocked out of me. I hadn't known what to expect from that answer but I had hoped that maybe he had told me it was just a misunderstanding and that what I was thinking was ludicrous. But the more time I spent with Michael, the imprinting as my father had called it and the almost terrifying need to protect him by any means... I knew what it would say tomorrow in the report. 

The doors to the stairwell opened up and Mark and I jumped in surprise to see Katie standing there staring at the two of us with an unreadable expression on her face. I tried to control my face, to make my mind blank but my heart took off into a sprint that I couldn't recover from. Mark was no better as he began to stutter asking her what she was doing here and that he hadn't been expecting her. 

"I was going to ask your wife for more bandages for my brother... But I can see you are all busy," she almost spat the b in busy giving me a once over before shrugging, tapping her foot impatiently and I slipped off the chair forcing a smile at Mark who was sweating. 

For fuck sake, "Thanks again for checking my ribs, I'll be back tomorrow for more medication," I didn't look at Katie as I waited for the elevator, Katie moving to the cabinet with Mark who was trying to make idly chitchat to no avail. As I was stepping into the elevator, I glanced over my shoulder only to find Katie staring at me with an unreadable gaze. 

Did... Did she hear us?

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