Imperfectly Perfect

By Liya_Loves_1D

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Nadia seemingly has a perfect life, a perfect job, and a perfect personality. She is highly imaginative and f... More

Chapter 1 - The first meeting
Chapter 2 - Who do I have in office?
Chapter 3 - I like him, I hate you
Chapter 4 - Thank God for Liam
Chapter 5 - Unrequited is painful
Chapter 6 - Look at yourself first
Chapter 7 - Truth after six years
Chapter 8 - I was just trying to help
Chapter 9 - How could you do this?
Chapter 10 - Don't cross the limit
Chapter 11 - I am done with you
Chapter 12 - Friends? I guess
Chapter 13 - What did I just feel for you?
Chapter 14 - You were right, he's a liar
Chapter 16 - With you, not him? Strange
Chapter 17 - Thanks for Everything
Chapter 18 - I hope you're okay
Chapter 19 - The first kiss
Chapter 20 - Why do you care so much?
Chapter 21 - Maybe, I like you
Chapter 22 - You make me so happy
Chapter 23 - You and I
Chapter 24 - Tell me about your family
Chapter 25 - I love you, I really do
Chapter 26 - I can't bear to lose you
Chapter 27 - Happy Birthday Liam
Chapter 28 - Always by your side
Chapter 29 - Baby, I'm all yours
Chapter 30 - Many, many happy returns of the day
Chapter 31 - You're my only one
Chapter 32 - Broken, numb and lost
Chapter 33 - Leaving everything behind
Chapter 34 - Goodbye
Final Author's Note

Chapter 15 - Long drive outside the city

28 4 0
By Liya_Loves_1D

"Assholes," I say as I toss my mobile on the couch.

I leave an exasperated sigh before surrendering myself as well on the couch.

Reason? My friends.

We planned to have a nice Saturday night, and just as I thought finally I would get some peace and fun to clear my head off Steven and especially Niall, they cancelled the plan.

I'm so very pissed at them and hugely disappointed. I hate cancelling plans at the nick of time, and that too for stupid reasons like "the pub is way too far from my house." Sundays are off, what is the problem then?

I thump myself down on the couch and continue growling. I even left office early in order to meet them, and cut my chance of doing more stories that indirectly also means more incentives for the month.

Anger embraces me so bad that I feel myself inside a bubble of hot air, capable of busting any time. I take a glimpse of the time from my mobile, and learn that it's only 6.30 Pm. I know this is the perfect time to go out and enjoy the Saturday night away. But, with whom? The question reverberates in my mind. I can't remember if Liam and Niall's apartment was locked or not because I barged inside my flat in great haste. Therefore, I rise to my feet and walk out of my apartment to go check on them.

The heels of my shoes make a clanking noise on the floor. When I reach the boys' apartment, I see that it's locked. I sigh, instantly realizing that it was stupid of me to think that they'll be at home at this hour on a Saturday. Liam has a girlfriend and Niall's life colorful in every sense of the word – he must be partying hard somewhere.

Depressed even more, I return to my place, and sit perched on the couch. All that I anticipated to do tonight after meeting my friends run in my mind and I get sadder. I was so looking forward to go out.

The feeling takes such a huge control on me that I instantly stand on my feet.

"I will go out, even if it means alone," I say.

Without wasting any further time, I grab my handbag, mobile and keys, and leave the apartment. I lock and simply go down the stairs, not letting any second thoughts change my mind.

I don't know where I am heading to, but I know I need to shop to calm myself down. On hitting the road, I board a bus en route to Majestic – yet again an unplanned move.

Whilst on the bus, I decide to take an auto rickshaw from Majestic bus stop, and go to MG Road and Brigade Road to do shopping. Satisfied with my plan, I plug in the earphones and start listening to music.

Owing to being Saturday night, auto rickshaws stay lined up near the Majestic bus stop to go to MG and Brigade Road – the ultimate stop for both shopper as well as partygoers in Bangalore. I board one as my mobile informs me that it's 7.30 Pm now.

For some reason, my mind goes to Steven. I think that in the whirlwind of incidents that have been happening to me lately, I've not realized that my temptation for him has completely gone away. I see him in office, and yet fail to feel the old, familiar rush. I don't know if it's because he lied to me about being in Chennai or is it just the change of scenario between Niall and I – I know that whatever the cause, my heart feels free of unnecessary weight and undeserved sadness.

On reaching MG Road, I pay the auto driver quickly and start walking along the stretch of pubs and bars. I round KFC and keep walking towards Brigade road, remembering that some of the best pubs of Bangalore are situated there.

After engaging in a 30 minutes long shopping spree, I find myself walking up the stairs of Guzzler's Inn. I know it's small and right place for me just sit, watch a match, and basically chill.

As I reach the inside of the bar, a waiter welcomes me and escorts me to a two-seat table – right in front of the television. I take a deep breath and happily place my shopping bags on the other seat. The waiter hands me the menu card, and start perusing it.

I know I couldn't more than "I shouldn't" get drunk because I've to go back home alone. Getting drunk and going home alone would only mean a big-bonus-day for the cab drivers, bus drivers and conductors and auto rickshaw drivers. Therefore, I order one large beer and a plate of pepper chicken. At this time, the massive television screen shows the start of an EPL match between Liverpool and Chelsea. Although I'm a fan of neither of the two clubs I pick Liverpool over Chelsea for no reason whatsoever.

When the match is 10 minutes on and I'm totally into it, the waiter brings me my orders.

"Thanks," I take a short glimpse of his face and nod along, trying to not miss a single snip of the match.

Suddenly, someone very familiar comes in my vision, and I turn to my left at the family table to check once again.

To my utmost surprise, I see Niall along with four girls and one boy having major laughs while drinking. None of his companions look familiar to me and I assume they might be from his office.

Unknowingly, I smile on my own looking at Niall. He looks usual – in a blue half sleeved shirt and dark skinny jeans, and brown suede boots, but I feel different. Ever since I wanted to kiss him, I've been feeling very different. It's bizarre and very surreal and I hate it.

I break my gaze from him lest he sees me staring at him. However, I know that I can't hide in here forever because he'll spot me and once he does he'll ask me to join him and his friends, which I'm not at all interested at. Therefore, I hold my beer glass and pepper chicken plate and move to another table, far away from Niall. I'm almost done settling myself at the new table after placing my last shopping bag on one chair when someone calls my name from the back.

And I know it's Niall.

I close my eyes and swallow, not wanting to talk to him et al.

"Yeah," I smile, and turn around regardless, pretending to be completely normal.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, eyes widened and very excited.

"Ahhmm...." I look around me. "Shopping, I came for shopping," I point to the shopping bags.

"That I can see," he nods. "But, what are you doing here, alone?"

"What? Can't a girl have some lone time to herself, watching a match and drink beer?" I roll my eyes, hoping that he leaves me alone.

"Noddy, you know you're not good at lying to me," he tilts his head and crosses his arms before his chest.

I glare at him for a little longer than normal. His blue eyes twinkle like the bright stars, and somehow that makes me so numb and weak in my knees that I feel like losing control of my body. Also, I know he's right. All those times I've tried to lie to him about Steven and get away with it, he had caught me, so this is going to be no different.

I sigh and look at the ground. "I came here alone," I mumble.

"Why?" he asks, his voice very deep.

I look at him again. "Because my stupid friends cancelled the party at the nick of time," I throw my hands in the air, and shrug in disgust.

"Your friends? You've friends?" he stifles a laugh.

I grit my teeth at him and turn on my heels to grab a chair at my table. However, Niall holds me by my elbow and pulls me closer to him.

"Alright, just kidding, Noddy. Why so grumpy?" he smiles, breathes aerating on my face.

I move back a little and settle my top. "Me and my friends were supposed to meet for drinks today, but they cancelled at the last moment. Apparently KR Puram is quite far from MG road," I roll my eyes.

"KR Puram is not far from here."

"I know, but who would explain that to my moron friends."

"So, you came down here alone to shop and drink?" he points to my shopping bags.

"Pretty much. Shopping calms me down," I nod.

"And the match?"

"I love football, in fact sports as a whole."

"Reaaalllyyyy," his eyes widen for the second time, and leans back to take a glance of my face.

I hit on his arm mildly, and smile.

"Those are your office friends, I reckon," I eye to his gang, who are literally ogling at us now.

Niall turns his head to take a glimpse of them. "Yeah....they are," he looks at me again, and smiles.

"Nice group," I raise my eyebrows.

"Right," he laughs mildly. "So, what are your plans afterwards?" he pockets his hands.

I shrug, and occupy one chair at my table. I grab my beer glass and take one long sip. "Just go back home and sleep, I guess."

I continue sipping on my beer and eating chicken, so I don't see what Niall does apart from that he simply stands there, silently.

"Do you have to go to office tomorrow?" he asks.

I look at him. "What?"

"Your office. Can you not skip work tomorrow?"

I furrow my brows. "For what?" I ask, very confused.

He takes a deep breath. "My friend Arjun has a car. I was planning to go for a weekend trip to Chheekmaghalour, outside Bangalore, you....I mean, I wouldn't mind if you came with me," he scratches the back of his head, appearing extremely nervous.

I keep staring at him with mouth agape for so long that I think I don't even blink my eyes. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe that NIALL HORAN is asking me to go on a weekend trip with him. First, dinner and now trip? What's in the earth's name is going on with him?

I feel my heartbeats race up and sweat forming on my forehead. Finally, I close my mouth and swallow. I break my gaze from him and look down. I know he's waiting for me to respond, but I absolutely have no idea what to say.

"Ahhmm...." I mum.

"No, it's okay, if you don't wanna go, I mean, of course, why would you, I mean....duh....right, I'm sorry...."

As Niall talks, I keep looking at him. I don't know what's his reason is to ask me this. Only yesterday, when I pestered him to answer me why did he think I might actually like him, he shoved me off and completely avoided the question. However, now here he is; asking me to go on a trip with him. I will never know what goes on in his mind.

"I should probably go, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you," he says, and turns around to leave.

I don't know what happens to me, but I grab his hand and cease him.

"Why do you want me to come?" I ask, rising to my feet.

He turns around to me again. His sapphire like eyes, fixated on my brown ones.

"I don't know," he shrugs. "But, I'd much rather go with you than go alone and die of boredom."

I stifle a laugh. "Why not ask Liam?"

"Ahh....he's with Sophia. Apparently, she feels that Liam doesn't give her much time, so they never leave each other these days," he shrugs more.

I laugh, knowing that Sophia must've talked to Liam about her little problem.

I find Niall glaring at me, and I know he's waiting for my answer.

"Fine, I'll come with you," I smile, feeling an intense rush of emotion run through my entirety.

"Cool, finish off your booze and chicken, and I'll get the car keys from Arjun," he pats on the side of my shoulder, and turns on his heels.

I smile and shake my head, taking the chair again. I do a bottoms-up with half beer, and instantly feel tipsy. I try to do the same trick with the chicken pieces, but after eating three pieces, I can't anymore.

"Ready?" he asks, as he stands beside me now.

"Eat the remaining pieces while I use the washroom and pay the bill," I say.

After using the washroom, I walk up to the bill counter and pay the amount. When I walk back to Niall, I see that he's already emptied the plate and is holding my shopping bags.

"These are too many, you know, Noddy," he says.

I laugh. "I didn't tell you to pick up my bags." I take the bags from him.

We walk up to Niall's friends next. They immediately put down their glasses and smokes to flash me smiles.

"Introduce us, Niall," one girl says.

He smiles, scratching the back of his head for the second time. "Yeah," he hums before putting an arm around me. I look at him, shocked.

"These are all my office colleagues," he says to me. I nod and wave at them.

"This is Tania, next to her is Tanvi, then Kaya, and Farida," the four girls smile from ear to ear at me.

"Hi," I smile as well.

"And this is Junedh, he's Farida's cousin, and this is Arjun," Niall says. The boys smile at me. "This is Nadia, she is my neighbor."

"Hi, nice to meet you all," I say.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," Junedh says, and winks at me. I nod and laugh loudly as does everyone else.

"So, what do you do, Nadia?" Kaya asks, taking a drag from her smoke.

"I'm a journalist. I work as a staff writer cum reporter for Global Monitor, it's a website," I shrug.

"Sounds awesome. Journalists are sexy, and I can't agree more," Junedh smirks. I blush, looking at the ground.

Everyone makes a teasing sound, except Kaya who I see only smoking with a sullen face.

"Alright, I'll see you guys on Monday. Had a lovely time, bye, goodnight," Niall says. "Arjun, keys?"

"Yeah," Arjun nods and sticks his hand inside his pants' pocket before fetching the car keys and handing it to Niall. "Drive safe and take good care, okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm a good driver," Niall smiles and pats on Arjun's shoulders.

We bid everyone goodbye one last time before Niall and I exit Guzzler's Inn.

It is very crowded when we hit the street, therefore; without wasting any more time we board the car and Niall hurriedly drive off the busy and congested area.

Arjun's car is crazily expensive with the overhead capable of both opening and closing. Owing to the weather being pleasant and absolutely no tendency of rain, Niall chooses to keep the overhead opened. Cold breeze run against my skin and my hair is all breezy. I fish a hair band from my handbag and tie my hair in a bun, noticing Niall staring at me from the front rear mirror.

I break my gaze from him, and look away, blushing inside.

"What is the name of that place again?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Cheekmaghalour," Niall retorts.

"It has to be something else, you're not pronouncing it right," I say, and pull up the internet of my phone.

I browse nicely and learn that it's "Chikmagalur" actually – a beautiful place outside Bangalore, surrounded by mountains and valleys, and famous for coffee plantation.

"Chikmagalur," I say.

"What else did I say?" Niall asks.

"Cheekmaghalour," I imitate his accent, and both of us laugh.

"You wanna go home once, so we pack and then leave?"

"I think that would be nice," I nod.

"Cool," he nods as well, and takes a U-turn.

As Niall keeps his eyes on the road, and drives; I keep looking at him – the way he bites his lower lip, the way he blinks, the way he runs his hand through his blonde hair, the way he hums songs. I don't know why I'm noticing such intricate details, but as I do I get the urge of kissing him more and more. I don't know what this emotion I'm feeling is, what the reason is, and most significantly, how to fight it. It is enhancing its dominance over my self-control and I'm badly failing to regain my consciousness.

The thoughts weaken me and I keep my head on the window sill. Several images of the city come to my sight, and I somehow try to keep Niall off my head.

My silence keeps any possible conversation between us during our ride back home. I get down the vehicle quickly and start running up the stairs. I hear Niall's footsteps behind me, but I don't stop to confront him now.

I barge into my apartment, and run to my room. I grab a tiny travel bag from above the wardrobe, and throw in whatever clothes I find before me. I'm losing my mind right now, and a strange excitement is slowly filling up my system.

After I'm done, I lock my apartment shut behind me and jog to Niall's apartment. I find him wearing a tiny rug sack while concentrating on locking his flat. Once he's done he stares at me, brows furrowed.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I know I'm panting. "Yeah," I nod.

"Let's go," he says.

We go down the stairs and finally hit the streets. Suddenly, I become very aware that I'm heading out on a trip to an unknown place with Niall. I feel weird that it doesn't bug me for not wanting these moments with Steven anymore when I was head over heels with him even a week before.

The awareness alerts me, and I grab Niall's hand. He stands in extreme close proximity to me, and I know his lips might touch my forehead if I move even a tad. I lift my head up slowly to meet our eyes. His hair moves in the breeze, and eyes shine brighter than the stars above in the sky.

"Why do you think that I might like you?" I ask, out of the blue.

"Not now, Nadia," he shakes his head.

"You've to answer me. I let you get away once, not this time. Tell me why did you say that day I actually like you?" I pester, tightening my hold of his hand.

He takes a deep breath. "Because you do."

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"I've told enough, now let's go before it's too late to check in a hotel there," he rushes me and opens the front door for me.

I keep glaring at him, but he pushes me inside and I cave in. Niall jogs across the car and occupies the driver's seat. He keeps our bags in the back seat and starts the car.

I turn to look outside and rethink my feelings for Niall.

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