Enchanted Bones

By DarkFoxKirin

22.2K 684 1K

You were frightened and fed up. These monsters kept on attacking you to try and kill you but you hadn't even... More

Crying Flowers And Crazy Goat Momsters
The Shit That Hit The Fan
You Might As Well Be A Tall Glass Of Water Cause Monsters Be Thirsty
Morning Mayhem And Monster Mania
Who Knew That The Thing From The Black Lagoon Was Pretty?
Is It Just Me, Or Is He Gayer Than Elton John?
Running For Your Life Is Great Exercise
A Fish's Betrayal And Dinosaurs That Would Look Fabulous In A Straight Jacket
Oh Look, Assassinations And Greedy Cannibalistic Spiders!
TEMMIE, And Amalgamates, And A Goat King, Oh My!
Facing Off Against The Monster Goat Version Of Dr.Jekyll And Mr.Hyde
NSFW: What We Were All Waiting For ;)

Pinky And The Brain, Reincarnated

2K 64 44
By DarkFoxKirin

But even with your padded F/C jacket, you were freezing your buns off! And nobody liked cold buns.

A glance at Flowey sent a bolt of panic through you. He was shivering and wilted. The vines that were wrapped around you were loose and had a fine layer of frost coating them and you. You gently but hurriedly unravel Flowey from around you and stuffed everything inside of your jacket. You held him close and hoped for the best. "It-it's g-gonna be okay F-Flowey. You'll see." He gave a weak snort from within the confines of your jacket. Rude much? You step over a large stick and keep walking.


You jump and whirl around. The stick from earlier was now broken into little pieces.

Now might be the time to run.

You whip back around and dart through the frozen forest. You could hear heavy footsteps behind you, crunching through the snow. Fuck this horror movie shite! You're not dying today! You pick up the pace and see a gated bridge. As you reach it, you find out that it's locked and the bars are too close together to slip through. You grip the bars and look up. There! If you could climb your way up, you'd be able to make it to the other side! Guess all of that hiking and rock climbing came in handy, huh?

Just as you reach the top, you hear someone behind you yell. Nope. Not stopping. You maneuver yourself over the top of the gate, and drop down to the other side. You crow with delight and turn around.

"Y O U D I R T Y L I T T L E C H E A T E R ."

You scream and flinch backward. Not even a foot away from you is a skeleton. It was wearing a black jacket with white fur lining the hood and inside. He had black shorts on with yellow stripes on either side and red sneakers with yellow socks. You glance back up, he was about an inch shorter than you, and find out that he has sharp teeth, one of which was pure gold and twinkled in the dim light. He was sweating profusely and had a glowing red eye floating around in his left eye socket. The other was empty. His voice was deep and scratchy, almost like a crow's croak.

"Y O U S H O U L D K N O W B E T T E R T H A N T O R U N F R O M A N E W F R I E N D . N O W , H U M A N . . . S H A K E M Y H A N D ." Confused and frightened, you hesitantly reach out and clasp his bony hand.


You yelp as you yank your throbbing hand back to cradle it against your chest. The walking skeleton chuckled and showed you something that wasn't in his hand before. A 'joy' buzzer was taped to the single bone that made up his palm. You pout and rub your injured hand. "That wasn't very nice."

The skeleton stops laughing and gives you a look. "cheating isn't very nice. now, that gate was supposed to stop any human trying to cross the bridge. yet you just climbed over it like you had places tibia." After a quick glance around, he begins to chuckle again. What, was he afraid that someone would be mad at him for telling a pun? "but, since you gave me a good laugh, i'll let this go just this once. next time, you'll have to deal with my brother, papyrus. the name's sans, sans the skeleton. what's your's sweet cheeks?"

You blush and shift from one foot to the other. "Y-Y/N. It's... nice to meet you, Sans." Oh, God. Like comic sans? And his brother's name was Papyrus? That wasn't very fonty. You stop yourself from groaning. Not you too!

Sans motions you to walk with him before shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. "alright, here's the deal. i haven't laughed like that in awhile, so i'll let you go. my brother papyrus however, is a human hunting fanatic." He stops and stands infront of you. "but, don't worry. i'll take good care of ya." He smirks.

You frown. Something doesn't feel right. You're about to confront the skeleton about it when two very large hands slam down and grip your shoulders. You screech as you're swiftly twisted around to face a much taller skeleton. This one seems to be almost two and a half feet taller than you! (You quickly calculate that that makes him around 7 1/2 feet since you're around 5 feet.) This must be Papyrus. His hands, which are still holding on to you, are covered with crimson leather gloves that almost come up to his elbows. He has matching semi-high heeled boots and a long, tattered cape of the same color. His skull is longer than his brother's and his teeth were sharper and more jagged. He had what looked like a black metal chest plate with many gold metals on the left breast. The bottom of his ribs, arms, spinal cord, and the very top of his hip bones weren't covered but had a bone-fitting black material covering it. He had black leather pants with a gold studded red leather belt that had a scowling gold skull that looked a lot like the skeleton wearing it. His eye sockets were smaller than that of his brother's and had a glowing red pinprick of light in each one. The left eye socket was cracked. A long crack went from the top of the socket before branching off into smaller fractures. A smaller crack did the same at the bottom of the socket. He also had large dark eyebrows. How that worked out, you don't know.

"SANS! FOR ONCE, YOU'VE ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING RIGHT!" You see Sans's chest puff up in pride as you flinch at the loud menacing volume of the taller skeleton. Now, his voice was a bit higher, but had a rumble to it. You shiver as the second skeleton begins to examine you. "SO, YOU'RE A HUMAN?" You wonder if it was too late to deny it. "HOW DELIGHTFUL. YOU SHOULD FEEL HONORED HUMAN, FOR YOU SEE, YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE YOUR SOUL TO PAPYRUS, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE! NYAH HA HA HA HA!" Aw hells to the naw! Didn't you just say that you weren't going to die?

You crane your neck around to bite the bone that was exposed on his forearm as hard as you could. "NYARGH!" Papyrus snarls as he lets you go. Sans looks just as surprised as his brother.

Not wasting another second, you bolt for the trees, dodging glowing red bones as you go. Behind you, you hear Papyrus yelling at Sans. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE, GO AFTER HER!" Remembering the incident from earlier, you quickly swerve to the side, just missing the shorter skeleton as he appears right infront of where you were just at. You snort at his dumbfounded look as you run faster.

It's too late when you look forward again.

The breath in your lungs goes whooshing out as you slam into Papyrus' chest. Fast fucker. Before you can even bounce off, his long bony arms envelop you like steel bands. You squirm as you feel Flowey's trembling form shift to avoid getting crushed. Sans notices this and shoves his hand up your shirt. "H-hey!" You squeal as he snatches Flowey and brings him out into the frigid air.

"well, well, well. what do we have here? a little stowaway weed." Sans' eye glints with malice as he grips Flowey tight. The silver flower whimpers as he squirms in the skeleton's tight hold.

"Leave him alone you big bully!" You shout as you struggle to escape the taller skeleton's trapping embrace.

"SILENCE HUMAN! THIS COULD HAVE GONE MUCH MORE EASIER FOR YOU HAD YOU JUST COMPLIED! NOW HOWEVER, YOU WILL HAVE TO SUFFER WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" Before you could even comprehend what he was saying, Papyrus had already lent forward and chomped down onto your shoulder. You scream as you thrash around. Something strange was happening. Your blood dripped down from the wound as Papyrus drew away. "THERE! NOW-" He gets cut off as you continue to shriek and writhe.

He tosses a confused and slightly uneasy look toward Sans. The smaller skeleton just shrugs helplessly as he and Flowey stares at you too. "i don't know bro, you're the one that bit 'er!" You give one last shrill shriek before a bright violet light flashes where Papyrus had bitten you. The larger skeleton drops you, startled, and you flop into the snowy ground.

Cautiously, the two skelebros approach your still form. When you had fallen, your jacket and shirt had covered up the bite. Papyrus reaches forward and pushes the fabric down and gasps.

The bite was completely healed.

But, there were also bright violet veins branching out from said area. There was still an outline of Papyrus' teeth, and it glowed the same deep red as his magic. Sans looked from his older brother then back to your barely conscious self. "uuuuhhhhhh..." Forgotten, Flowey squirms loose of Sans' slack hold and hides inside of your jacket again.


Sans rubs the back of his skull uneasily. "i'm not sure bro. but what i am sure of, is that we can't find out if the human's dead."

Papyrus glares at Sans. "YOU THINK THAT I DON'T KNOW THAT!?"

Sans shrinks into his coat. "o-of course not, bro! you're the smartest royal guard there is! i was just... uh... sad! you know, about the fact that we can't take her soul before we find out what went wrong, that's all!" Sans starts to sweat even more as Papyrus glares at him for another moment before bending down to pick you up. You have to purse your lips in order to not lose what little of Toriel's pie that you had eaten earlier onto Papyrus' boots.

Your vision starts to fade as you hear one last thing. "COME SANS! WE WILL TALK ABOUT WHAT TO DO WITH THE HUMAN AT HOME."

Everything goes black.


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