⋆The Survivors [UNDER CONSTRU...


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In the last few centuries, humans have pushed themselves almost to the brink of extinction with wars, famine... Еще

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Author's Note

Chapter nine

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Twenty. Seven. Hours.

That was how long I had been stuck in the back of a van that was obviously overfilled with people. My legs were cramping like never before and the thick air was heavy with an array of smells of all ranges possible from the human body. Honestly thinking about what I was smelling and breathing made me visibly ill. I was sandwiched between Eli and Duke who had his eyes closed tight trying to keep calm and still beside me. 

The entire Chicago group had taken it upon themselves to throw question after question at me utterly fascinated with my story and how I survived. Most of the questions were kind if not a little intrusive. But some seemed to want to be assholes about the whole situation. It all came down to the fact they couldn't believe that not a single human had seen me and the Goliks had never taken notice of me. There was even a moment when the conversation shifted to whether or not I could be Seeker, sent to infiltrate.

"How the fuck would I get messages back to them? Better yet, how would they even know where to drop me off? Because if they knew where you guys were hiding out, why not just send in a fleet to take you out themselves or bomb the place?" I had snapped back, venom in my voice which had quelled those trains of thought. 

Duke and Frankie came to my defence as well, more insulted at the fact that the Chicago group believed they could be duped by little old me. Spencer, by some miracle, had fallen asleep most of the journey, his head resting against someone's shoulder from the other group. Eli had been quiet, his eyes closed as he rocked to the motion of the van. Every so often I would feel his eyes on me but when I tried to meet his gaze, he would look away closing his eyes again.

We hadn't had a moment to speak to each other meaning he hadn't asked me about what had happened with the hybrid man. It left me on pins and needles, worried about his reaction and hoping I could catch him in private before he told Duke and the others; especially around the Chicago group. I tried to imagine if the roles were reversed, how I would have reacted in the same situation. 

Honestly, I wasn't even sure how I was going to explain the situation because I didn't understand it myself. I had no trouble killing Golik when I was threatened, I could even live with watching hundreds burn alive. But I couldn't hurt him, not him. 

The photo he had given me, by accident or on purpose, was heavy in my back pocket. I wanted to take it out, to look at it and almost transport myself into the memory of that day but I knew with all the questions and eyes on me, it wouldn't exactly help my case. 

Duke and Frankie had planned to head back to the Chambers, to settle all the patients before going to Chicago in a day, perhaps even bringing more people with us. But they hadn't counted on the group heading to meet us so Duke made a split decision to head straight back with them. All the patients were moved onto the trucks with ease, except Lydia who had latched herself onto me. 

She'd begged and pleaded with us to let us go, saying she could be of some help and that she was scared to go with the others. I reassured her she would be completely safe with Reece and Ryan and promised that once I had returned, I would come to find her. 

"Ask for my brother, Ollie. He is lovely, very kind and he'll help you if you're nervous. But for now, you need to get going, Lydia." I smiled sadly and after a few moments, she relented nodding as she got in with the others. 

Reece and Ryan were sent back with the other driver who had met us, someone I didn't know, and although Ryan wasn't happy with it, he hadn't kicked up a fuss. Reece even gave me a quick hug wishing me luck before we watched them drive off heading back to the Chambers. 

"We're coming into base," Bishop called out and there was a general sigh of relief throughout the van. Although the conversation had distracted me from the smell, it didn't help with the stiffness that found in my body. 

The van slowed down, the van getting dark as we headed into what appeared to be a warehouse and the second Dunham hit the brakes, we burst out of the van though most of us toppled over each other. I breathed in the fresh air, shaking my head free from the smell as I moved away from the group putting my hands on my knees. My body shook with tension trying to shake the feeling back into my legs as Frankie moved beside me bowing her back with a satisfying crack. 

"Fucking hell... I'm never doing that again. I'll fucking walk." She sneered, her complexion almost green as Spencer yawned behind her stretching his arms over his body with a grin. 

"I had a great nap, what's wrong?" He mused and Frankie huffed at him reaching forward to touch her toes. "You guys seem tense, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it," I scanned around cracking my neck in the process to see Eli walking away from us. Gritting my teeth, I walked towards him and kept my pace calm as I called out to him. He seemed to ignore me and with my wobbly legs, I jogged towards him reaching to grab his arm with force. "Hey!" I hissed at him but he ripped his arm from my grasp. 

"What Olive?" He snapped at me folding his arms over his chest. 

"You gonna let me explain or you going to act like a child and throw a tantrum?" I murmured harshly hoping that no one was paying attention to us. He bristled at my accusation his body turning defensive and I tried not to roll my eyes at him. 

"What more is there to say? And don't worry, I'll wait till we get back home before spilling your little secret rendezvous. Ryan did think it was odd that he didn't attack you and I see the feeling is mutual." Eli hissed at me and I felt like he had slapped me. Resisting the urge to scream at him I took a deep breath letting go of my clenched fists before reaching into my back pocket.

"You have no fucking idea," I shoved the photo at him raising my chin as he grabbed it frowning. His eyes went wide, his jaw dropping as he pulled it closer to examine the photo. He was probably remembering the day just as I had when the hybrid had shown me. "See? You have no idea what is going on here." To be fair, neither did I...

"How did you get this?" He whispered, his finger running over the picture almost as if he could reach in and go back in time. I softened, the tension leaving my shoulders as I inhaled deeply stepping closer to him. 

"The hybrid... He..." I rubbed the back of my neck trying to think of a way to say it all without sounding like a lunatic. "I was just looking through the offices when he came up to me. He didn't attack me on the train and he didn't attack me then. He said he knew dad, that he is alive and to prove it, he gave me this." 

"And how can we be sure he isn't lying? He could have taken this from dad." Eli murmured his eyes never leaving the photo.

"To do what? He could have killed me twice and didn't. I don't understand what he is doing but in my gut... I believe him. In fact," I took the photo slowly from him and put it in my pocket, "He threw me my pack as we were leaving which has something very valuable inside. C'mon, we should show Duke and the others." 

Finding my pack I called for Duke and Dunham to follow me over to a table. I opened my back as some others began to crowd around us and I pulled out the tubes containing the maps. "I found these in the office building in Salt Lake. With everything that had happened I hadn't had a chance to show you guys but," I began unrolling them and using bottles of water to keep them from curling back up. Eli helped me as I spread out each of the maps in front of them with a smug grin. 

The crowd had gone silent as we worked and once we were done I inhaled standing upright and raising my voice so everyone could hear me, "Salt Lake, Chicago, Houston, Las Vegas... Maps lay out what they have planned for each city. I'm not sure how old they are though," Sergeant Dunham looked stunned as he pulled the Chicago maps towards him and I cleared my throat, feeling everyone's eyes on me. "I also found some other papers but they're written in their language so unless anyone can read them, they're a bit useless. But I thought it better to be safe than sorry." 

"These match up with what we have already seen. Bishop can you... Thank you." Agent Bishop was already beside him with crudely drawn maps that they had drawn up themselves. There was a moment of silence before Agent Bishop began to nod slowly, a smile spreading on her lips. "Yeah these match up nicely, we appreciate this. It's going to be a big help." She looked towards me and I nodded giving her a half smile. 

It seemed that bringing these plans had all but silenced those who seemed to think there was something more to me. Eli put a hand on my shoulder reassuringly as Duke and the others began to plan with Dunham and Bishop and I finally sat down resting my head against the cool concrete of the warehouse. Eli had kept his word and hadn't made a mention of the hybrid and I was glad of it. 

I hope I'm doing the right thing.


"Tell me everything one more time but slowly Michael," Doctor Simpson whispered as he checked out my arm, changing the bandages. The bombing had been a bloodbath, many people dying in the process but with Olive's warning, I had made it out the back before it had gone off. All of the aircraft transporters had been blown up in the process and I had to sit there and wait for others to arrive. 

"Your daughter was just standing in the office building, the new one on the eastern side, and looked like she was collecting the blueprints for the new settlements when I came in. She did pull a gun on me but she didn't seem to have an intention of doing anything though. When I showed her the picture and told her about you, she seemed to relent and there was a moment when she was close enough for me to touch... And I just wanted to stay there with her. Your son Eli came in shortly after and tried to shoot me but Olive threw herself against me. The first bullet knicked my arm but when Eli figured out I was the hybrid as he called me, he tried to attack me again. Wore himself out, I didn't hurt him don't worry Doctor, but Olive picked up her gun and I knew... I knew what she wanted to do. So I shoved Eli away and she shot me in the arm, giving Eli and herself a chance to get out of there. But... she stopped and stared at me and I felt it. I think she felt it too but she simply told me to run, to get out of there. I threw her pack to her and then I left, the explosions narrowly missing me in the process." I knew we were alone but I kept my voice low as he finished the bandage. He had listened intently nodding along before leaning back in his chair, shifting his glasses to rub his eyes roughly. 

"After our last talk, I did my research on the connection that Golik have with each other and it sounds very much like mates that are seen within pop culture or grey wolves or even swans." I frowned at him and he shook his head, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his thighs. "When two Golik sees each other, both parties feel the connection and there is no way to truly stop it. She wouldn't understand what is going on in her mind but she would feel a certain way towards you. She'll want to protect you, to help you as you do with her. It may not be as strong because she is still mostly human but regardless..."

"It doesn't matter. I... I want to go find her, to be with her. I don't care in what capacity, I just... I don't understand it myself." I ran a hand through my hair and frowned feeling a twinge of pain in the arm Olive shot me in. Pain was a funny thing to feel, my arm screaming at me trying to keep me still. 

Doctor Simpson seemed about to explain something but he shot up, straightening in his chair. I looked around hearing a group of people heading down the hall, heavy armour rattling and I slowly stood up as King Cezar and Titus walked around the corner. In the hallway, I could see guards standing watch barring the door. 

"Hello, Michael. Doctor Simpson. I didn't realise that Michael had a check-up today or perhaps we are doing more learning?" He asked walking into the room and the tension was palpable enough that I could feel it settle into my skin. I felt my fingers twitch anxiously and there was a thought that almost froze me in my tracks. 

This is the man who is wanting to hurt Olive... I could reach out and crush his skull. Or I could rip his head off-

"I was just making sure his arm was alright, I wasn't on the scene and wanted to eliminate the possibility of infection." Doctor Simpson moved into the centre of the room and he pulled him up a chair for the king. 

"Ah... Excellent. The human trait of being susceptible to disease and viruses is quite troublesome. Hopefully, Michael takes after the Golik in him in that regard." King Cezar mused and Doctor Simpson bowed his head lowly. I hated seeing him like this, it made me uncomfortable. A part of that was that he was the closest confidant I had but another part knew that if Olive knew that her father was like this, it may make her sad. 

 "Anyway, the reason we've come is because the footage from the Salt Lake City bombing has just been cleaned up and presented to us. We had already suspected human rebels to be a part of it but imagine my unpleasant surprise to see your daughter Alfred, running into the building with what appears to be your eldest son. I forget his name... The burly looking one."

I turned my gaze to Alfred and I watched him slump back into the chair, his face turning white as he swallowed, "My son... is alive?" he asked in disbelief and I frowned at him shocked. I just told him that his son was alive... Meaning he was lying directly to the king's face, I thought bewildered. Humans were terrifying. 

"So. Which brings me to why I've come today. Michael," I blinked turning to the king and his expression made me pause. He looked almost giddy about what he was about to say and I felt a cold sweat beginning to build on the nape of my neck. He held out his hand and Titus produced a small plastic bag with a simple gold chain with a pendant attached to it. Alfred's reaction was instant as he cried out almost like he was reaching for the bag but Titus glared at him, freezing him in place. 

"No... NO! Please," Alfred breathed panicked, his hands clenched by his side and King Cezar ignored him as he held it out to me. I didn't take it, not understanding what was going on around me. 

"Michael... This belonged to the good doctor's late wife and she handed it down to his only daughter Olive. She wore it every day until she killed two humans a few months ago. I'd like you to find her for me, I don't care how you do it but I want it done." He spoke lowly, his face almost twisting into what I assumed was meant to be a smile but it looked wrong. No, it looked evil, I thought afterwards as I swallowed trying to ignore every instinct inside of me to reach out and kill him. We'd never make it out of here alive and I needed to live, I had to get to Olive and protect her from this man. 

"And what do I do when I find her?"

"Kill her of course." King Cezar shrugged as it was the most obvious thing in the world and I experienced a wave of nausea as Doctor Simpson slumped into his chair, looking ready to rip out his remaining hair. 


"Surprised these idiots haven't souped up their security," Spencer murmured on the edge of the building's roof, staring through his binoculars. Our little group from the Chambers, except Duke, were stationed on the north side while Duke and the others had spread themselves out on the southeastern side. Some of the human structures survived the demolishing but that was because they had found the space they needed and incorporated the original structures it seemed. 

The difference between Salt Lake City encampment and the Chicago base was like comparing a speck of dirt to an entire pile of dog shit; there was no comparison to be made. Salt Lake had four buildings, only one of which seemed completely built. Whereas Chicago seemed up and running and fully functional, the base being so big I couldn't even see the other side of the base. And they wanted us to perform some sort of miracle and blow the entire thing up with the little amount of explosives we had left. It wasn't like they supplied a lot more to help with the mission.

Not fucking happening fellas. 

"Duke, this is fucking insane," Frankie murmured having grabbed the binoculars off of Spencer, shaking her head. "There is no way we are going to get anywhere near the control centre, which we are assuming is in the middle of this fucking maze, let alone have the ability to plant any charges. Don't get me started on the fucking supplies we have left..." she continued to grumble as I studied the map Bishop had duplicated for us, the maps weren't exactly up to date but it was better than what they had originally. We were updating as the others called stuff out to me so we had a better idea of what we were doing. 

"15:25 transporter coming in as scheduled," Eli murmured noting it down on his pad and I turned to the map leaning against the wall, trying to find some comfort on the cold floor. The one thing we'd learnt throughout our time out was that the Golik loved their routines, if there was a schedule to be had, they stuck to it. 

"Guess we could capture a transporter and head in, we know their schedule after two days of just watching them." Spencer shrugged and I wasn't sure it was a joke, until Frankie swung her fist out and hit him in his thigh. "Okay... Ouch."

"Idiot," she murmured sighing and returning to watching the base in silence. Two days we had been watching and two days we went back to their headquarters, letting those in charge argue about the plan. Dunham seemed convinced we could pull it off while Bishop and Duke seemed more reluctant, waiting for the right moment. During our time, we had learnt a bit more about the base; we knew there were some prisoners here though where they were, we had no idea and even though they didn't have a lot of security it was hard to miss the guards in heavy armour and weapons that patrolled the area periodically. 

"Woah... Woah... Fuck!" Frankie hissed suddenly causing us all to jump up in alert. Turning around as even from here I could see the transporter that had just come in was shaking with some force from the inside. Reaching for my binoculars I frowned looking through just in time to see a mammoth of a human man run out of the open hatch and throw himself onto two Golik soldiers who were trying to wrestle him down. The man seemed enraged, reaching for one of the Goliks and beating his skull in. Blue blood sprayed all over him as he let out a thunderous battle cry. From all over soldiers began to converge on his location trying to contain him but he wasn't alone. Two human men raced after the first, both of them seemingly still in handcuffs but they looked around wildly. Both men were covered in blue blood, so much so it had soaked into their jumpsuits. When the other soldiers ran around the corner, they threw themselves at them almost like they were trying to rip them apart with their bare hands. 

I could only watch in horror, the rest of us stunned into silence when a horrible loud ear-piercing sound echoed throughout the entire base. Immediately I covered my ears, my eyes watering at the intensity of the sound and pain. It felt like it was reaching inside my brain, pressure began to push horribly and I felt at any second my brain was going to explode. My body seized up and I fell backwards hitting the ground hard covering my head with my arms, trying to make it stop. I wanted nothing more than to scream, to cry out and beg for them to stop but I couldn't. We were far enough away that we probably wouldn't be heard, but if all four of us screamed then we would be in huge trouble. 

I gasped at the pressure relieved itself and I gasped, and my head rang painfully, blinking the tears away as I tried to push off the floor but my entire body was shaking with shock. From the centre of my ears, I swore I felt blood beginning to pour out as my equilibrium returned slowly. Managing to roll onto my knees, I raised my head to see everyone else still recovering, Frankie had curled up into Spencer's chest, her eyes shut as she still covered her ears in pain. 

"You okay?" Spencer asked the two of us and I nodded slowly, touching my ears to make sure the bleeding had stopped. Eli shifted beside me and before I could check on him, he pulled me into a hug resting his chin on my head. I closed my eyes letting out a shaky breath holding him tightly. 

"You sure you're alright?" He whispered into my hair, smoothing it back and I sighed swallowing hard. His hands were shaking against my back and I let myself relax just for a moment as I nodded slowly against him. The four of us remained quiet for some time, trying to return to normal and I had to ignore the pain within my inner ear, hoping that my eardrum hadn't just burst. 

From the floor, I heard the radio crackle to life before Duke's voice broke the silence. I turned in time to see Spencer reach for it, turning the volume down. "You guys okay?" Duke asked sounding a little shaky himself. 

"Yeah we're okay, just shook up. Get a look at those prisoners?" Spencer murmured leaning back against the wall to peak over the edge. I slowly pulled away from Eli smiling in reassurance as I picked up the papers I had dropped and brushed the dirt off them. 

"Yeah, they were really tearing them apart with their bare hands, wild to see especially cause they were chained up." Duke noted before adding as an afterthought, "Could be useful if we can get them out- Ah fuck! Imperial hover inbound, get down!"

Spencer shut off his radio as we all scrambled to get against the wall, keeping our heads down. Imperial hovers were nearly impossible to miss or mistake for any other type of hovers. They were incredibly huge, almost as big as the ones that had originally plagued our skies when the Golik had first arrived. With huge heavy armour as if expecting an attack, it moved slower than most aircraft that had come out since the invasion. They were pale white in colour, not a speck of any other colour on the craft itself and on it had their huge royal sigil on the sides. In a large trapezium with a white background with black edges, was a large scaled hand that was holding or grasping a large red ball. The irony now it seems was that it was probably grasping worlds as they went around conquering different worlds. It was the most hideous piece of engineering I'd ever seen but you had to appreciate their theatrics. 

"Surely one of the royals wouldn't be coming here? There would be no need," Eli muttered in disbelief as we watched it slowly land in the centre of the massacre. In the time of the sound weapon... thing they had managed to drag the three humans into one of the buildings. Swallowing I put the binoculars on the ledge of the wall and watched as the hatch opened. A few guards walked out, all covered with weapons and royal sigil armour but when the final person appeared, I nearly dropped my binoculars over the edge. 

You have got to be kidding me!

Looking at Eli from the corner of my eye, I watched as it took him a second before he met my gaze with wide eyes. I inhaled slowly not drawing attention as I slowly nodded, confirming that it was him. Frankie and Spencer were frowning in confusion and I quickly turned back to look down. 

He was dressed in all black in complete contrast with the other guards as he stepped to the side, letting other Golik soldiers rush into the hatch before removing a load of boxes. He stepped into the sun looking up with his eyes closed as if he were just enjoying the sun when his hand went up to his neck. I squinted trying to see what he was fondling with but from here it was impossible. There was a moment when he stopped freezing in place and I felt a zap run up into my neck stiffening my entire body. Eli reached for my leg trying to steady me but I remained frozen. 

I wasn't sure how I knew, I wasn't even sure if I was right but something inside of me knew he knew I was here. As I shook my head and looked again, I could see him looking around the base as if he was searching for something. 

"Who is that?" Frankie frowned pulling away as he finally walked off, a weight lifting off my chest. Eli removed his hand from my leg, leaning forward to give me cover as I tried to calm myself, keeping my composure. 

"Not sure, doesn't look like a Golik but doesn't really look human either," Spencer murmured turning back around as the two of them began to muse about why they'd sent an imperial hover. Everyone knew that the royal family had a daughter and a son but they were never seen in public. 

I tapped my foot anxiously closing my eyes as I rocked back and forth, trying to think of a way to get into the facility to see him. I had to know more, why was here and what the hell he was doing. What was his game... I had to know. An idea struck me so suddenly that I completely disregarded the stupidity and craziness of it all. 

"What if... the way we get in is to get caught and go in as prisoners," I spoke so fast the three of them turned to me, I think unsure if I was being serious. Eli, having known me the longest, caught on quickest and shook his head furiously.



"Absolutely not!"

"No way Olive." Frankie tacked on looking at me like I was the biggest idiot she'd ever seen and I gritted my teeth reaching for the radio. Spencer passed it over to me tilting his head as he pondered it seriously. "There are too many variables, we wouldn't be able to get you out and... How the hell would you even get out?"

Ignoring her and Eli's look of bewilderment turning to Spencer, "You in?" 

"Fuck it, why not?" Spencer spoke nonchalantly and Frankie spun around to punch him in the gut, winding him as he fell over, his forehead pressed into the floor as he wheezed, "I'm still in." But I was already radioing Duke.

"Hey, you there? It's Olive. We may have an idea..." 

"I don't like it," Eli muttered to me as I handed him my gear and I sighed having heard him say it for the millionth time. I'd rolled my eyes at him so much, my sockets were beginning to ache. It didn't help that the Chicago group had somehow managed to find some coloured contacts. One of the women in the group had a chest of different wigs and had spent time sticking pins into a wig they were shoving onto my head. Duke and the others were sure that we would have been caught on some sort of surveillance so as a precaution, Spencer and I were being made to wear wigs and contacts. 

"Yeah, yeah I get it okay. You don't like the idea. But unfortunately, we've been here for two days and no one has come up with a half-decent plan." I frowned already scratching my head but a swift hand from Maria sent my hand back into my lap. She'd thrown on a short blonde pixie cut hairstyle that made me look so strange even Eli had cracked a smile at me. Spencer had gotten a long black wig that hung down to his shoulders and I was half convinced that it was a woman's wig but regardless he kind of looked good with black hair. 

Checking all the things we would need I picked up the lock-picking kit, thankful that it was small. I had never used one but Spencer had nodded easily telling me he could do it if I could get it in the building. We were going to be searched, we knew that but finding places to hide stuff was hard. Inhaling deeply I spun around from the group and quickly flipped my singlet off before slicing into my bra. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Eli groaned turning away from me and I ignored him slicing the centre gore where it was filled with wires and hard. "You think they won't take your bra?" 

"I think it'll be worth the risk," I murmured shoving my singlet back on before leaning down to my boot. Without hesitation, I ripped out the sole of the shoe and put the smallest knife I could before shoving the sole back in. 

"Two minutes out," Duke called out from the front and I inhaled feeling a wave of nerves hit me all at once. Sighing heavily Eli slumped beside me in the truck rubbing his hands on his thighs roughly. I watched him, noting the tension throughout his body but I didn't say anything, knowing he was working up to saying something to me. 

"I'm worried because I don't want anything to happen to you, Olive. We just got you back," Eli murmured to me and I pressed my lips together resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. I reached for his hand feeling like the worst human ever. 

"Hey... I'm coming back okay? I promise." I smiled squeezing his hand and I felt him nod slowly. "I may not make it out safely, I may get a bit hurt but I will walk out of there." 

"You better because if I have to come in and get you, I'll be pissed." He tried to joke but I knew he was serious. He wasn't a one-man army but for me, he would be. Frankie by his side no doubt. We just sat together for the limited time we had remaining and when the truck began to slow down, he held onto me for a moment before letting me go. Eli had aged so much throughout the years and I could see the stress was really gaining on him. I hated that I was adding to that stress now. 

"In and out, you hear me two?" Duke turned around to glare at Spencer and me, "You've got a limited time frame before we come in and the place burns down. So let's get this done." Duke hadn't been pleased with the idea but he knew that this was the only way to get the job done. 

Opening the doors, Spencer and I jumped out quickly and the truck wasted no time before speeding away. The dust kicked back hard on us and both of us coughed heavily, feeling the dirt get into my eyes. I tried to rub my eye but I felt the contact shift painfully so I just settled for being blind. 

"And then there were two..." Spencer mused running his hands through his black wig, careful not to pull on it. 

"And then there were two..." 

Getting caught wasn't hard, it was going to be getting out that was going to suck. All last night Bishop and Dunham had drilled into us the blueprints and logically where certain things would be. But Duke had stated our biggest gamble was talking to the three men we had seen tear apart the Golik. If we had them, it could be a little easier. 

We walked in a straight line towards the main buildings I began to sweat beneath my wig, trying hard not to itch in fear that I would shift it around. I tried to relax but every single time I thought about what we were about to do, I felt like running and screaming hoping the truck would turn around and take me back to safety. 

"Don't look so tense princess," Spencer grinned as I glared up at him, "We got the saviour on our side?"

"Is that your nickname?" I snorted and he raised an eyebrow smirking at me. "What?"

"Surprised you haven't heard people talking about it at the Chambers. It's why Katie is so annoyed with you and your arrival. I mean she is kind of a bully and you don't seem like someone easy to bully-"

"What?!" I squealed in confusion and Spencer laughed throwing his head back as he continued walking. "Tell me what you're talking about. Please."

"Well... You rocked up when we were in a rut. A few months ago, we'd lost a fair few people in a raid and no one seemed willing to go back out again. I think everyone was kinda content to let it be, but then you came. You called us out on our bullshit and seemed to set a fire under our asses. For some people in the Chambers, you've become like the poster child for the revolution." He hesitated before chuckling to himself again, "You're like our Katniss Everdeen. Aw c'mon, you don't know it? I forget the name but it came out like a century ago, like 2012 or whatever. Frankie and I found this old DVD disc that was scratched to high heaven and basically-" he dove into the story about this girl and what the plot was and I couldn't help but laugh in disbelief at him. Spencer was just so easy to be around, his laid-back attitude infectious and without realising it, I found myself relaxing as we walked towards certain doom. 

As he was halfway through the second movie, the best one in his opinion, the ground began to shake and the windows began to rattle with force. We stopped in our tracks, my hand unconsciously reaching out to Spencer when two transporters rounded the corner. Everything in me told me to run, to escape but Spencer grabbed my outstretched hand keeping me in place. 

"Do not move or we will kill you!" A voice came from a speaker and I felt myself begin to shake with genuine fear. "Turn around and put your hands up slowly." I let out a shaky breath as I turned closing my eyes waiting for a torrent of bullets to pepper my body. Beside me, I could feel the tension getting to Spencer but we complied. "Good. Now kneel down on the ground. Place your hands on the back of your head and link your fingers. Someone will come out to retrieve you."

From behind us, I heard the wheezing of the hatch open and I bit into my lip trying to steady my nerves. This was after all this was my plan, my own idea. 

"Here we go," Spencer muttered and I nodded slowly as boots hit the pavement. As we were handcuffed behind our backs, I turned to see a Golik standing over me almost blocking out the sun. He was entirely bald with no eyebrows either. He was a lot slimmer and much taller than any Golik I'd ever seen. But the sadistic smile that played on his lips was enough to make me swallow a sob.

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20 years ago, the world was on the brink of extinction when the Galactic Federation saved Earth. Since then, humans pledged our loyalty to serve them...