Blindside (Hisagi Shuuhei Lov...

By Amaterasu

29.8K 804 141

For years she has dealt with the hand given to her after a Hollow attack crippled her, both in mind and body... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Character Bio
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Blindside (Hisagi Shuuhei Love Story)- Prologue

6K 84 9
By Amaterasu

Author's Note: Fall is around the corner and I have for you the prologue for "Blindside". I promised my Soul Friend ShojoRomantica to put this story out first in a small line of Bleach stories I have planned ^^. So this is for you Shojo, hope this gets you and everyone else pumped and ready XD. I 'll make regular updates starting around the middle of fall, probably earlier, depends :P lol.

Final note: I do not own Bleach!


There were three things that she was aware of as her red orbs shakily stared down at the blood running down her arm and to her hands as she clutched her zanpakuto in her hands; with the small scythe-like end in her right, and the chain and ball end in her other hand.

‘I thought…I thought we were…’

A choking cough erupted from her as blood escaped her mouth. That was the cause of the first thing she was aware of…the cold, steel blade that was piercing her from behind, through her right shoulder just above her right breast plate.

“T-…” Again she coughed as the blade shifted to be pulled out of her weakening body. “T-Tossen…Captain…”

The second…was that her captain, mentor, and the person whom she felt was a kindred spirit to…was a traitor to the Soul Society. He, along with Sosuke Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, had betrayed everyone; taking advantage of the chaos that the Ryoka had been causing throughout the Seireitei.

“I know…your weakness…” The blind captain whispered as he ripped his zanpakuto from his third seat’s body, causing the young woman to cry out in pain.

He easily dodged the spinning attack that the weakened shinigami had made with her weapon in response to his actions. She completed her turn, keeping her left side open and facing the traitor as he joined the other two treacherous men. With heavy, pained breaths, the young woman gripped her scythe’s chain and began spinning the weapon in preparation for either attacking or defending; whichever might be needed. Light red hair, that was almost the same color of her orbs, hung around her face and shadowed her eyes as she hunched over from her wounds, feeling the blood running from both the stab wound to her shoulder and the deep slash running diagonally across her back. Both wounds had been made with ease due to Tossen’s knowledge of her flaw.

‘How could you…?’

That was the third and final thing that she had been aware of in the wake of events…The only person she had truly trusted with her secret, had used it to his advantage without any kind of hesitation. There was no remorse or mercy given. She was simply an obstacle in his path; a wall to be torn down. The streams of red running down her body on all sides and the sharp burning sensations that accompanied them enforced the Captain’s intentions.

 “I’ll kill you, Tossen!” A heavy glaze covered the shinigami’s eyes soon after her declaration as she sunk into a trance-like state, continuing to spin her chained weapon and hearing nothing else but her own words running through her mind like a broken record.

‘Traitor…you traitor…kill…I’ll kill you!’

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