A New Beginning || An Adesa f...

By Dolphingirl16

487 22 8

Adam and Alesa are a happy couple expecting a baby boy. They have a nice house in Minecraftia. Nothing could... More

Chapter 1: It Starts
Chapter 2- We stay here for now
Chapter 3- It was just a bad dream
Chapter 4: Reunions
Chapter 5: How many of these thing are there?
Chapter 6- We Need To Get Out of Here
Chapter 7- I'm coming for you Alesa you too Mason
Chapter 8: On the Road
(End) Chapter 10: A New Start? (READ A/N)

Chapter 9: I found you

25 2 0
By Dolphingirl16


"Come on!" I screamed as I approached the gate. We had walkers behind us, and we were out of ammo, with Ross and Jin injured, Jess and I couldn't take that chance of staying back to fight. 

There were a couple guards on top of the wall who aimed a gun at us.

"STOP!" One ordered. I yanked my cloak off of my head and turned to them giving a hard stare. They lowered their weapons.

"Open the gate!" Another yelled. The gate opened with a loud creak. I grabbed my melee weapon and turned around, letting the others in. When they were safely inside I ran over to the walkers and attacked. 

"Sky!" I heard someone yell behind me. I dodged to the right when a gunshot was fired killing the last walker. I turned around and ran inside the gate, helping the guards close it. Then rested my hands on my knees to catch my breath. Ross had the horse gallop over to where I was. He jumped down and leaned on the walking stick we gave him for support. 

"Hey you alright man?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah...we made it." I chuckled and looked up. A guard walked over to me.

"You must be looking for Alesa and Barney." He said. I nodded.

"They are here correct?" I asked. He nodded with a smile.

"What about the baby?" Jess asked, helping Jin off the other horse.

"She went into labor last night, she should be at the hospital. I'll take you to her." The guard told me. I swallowed hard and felt my heart start pounding. She's here. She's really here and I got here in time to see Mason. 

"Come on if we hurry you'll see her in time for the birth." The guard started running. I turned to the other 3.

"Go man, hurry." Jin smiled. Ross and Jess nodded. I nodded back then took off running. 

Everything was moving in slow motion, I ignored everyone's calls and cheers as I passed. I was focused on one thing, Alesa. I imagined her smile, I imagined her laugh and felt relief wash over me as we got closer to the hospital.

The guard pushed the doors to the hospital open and led me up flight after flight of stairs until we found ourselves outside Alesa's room. The guard stepped aside.

"She's in here. Good luck General." He saluted me then walked away. I turned to the door and my hand rested on the door knob. I took a deep breath then opened the door. There was a doctor and a couple nurses. I heard no baby cries but I could hear her voice. Alesa's voice, the one voice I've been dying to hear. 

"Adam's coming right?" She was out of breath. 

"Don't worry Alesa. Adam will be here." Barney's voice answered. My heart began to ache. I had frozen to the tile I was standing on. I couldn't breathe or move. The doctor turned around and smiled.

"Well, well, well." 

"Who is it?" Alesa asked. I stepped forward into view. Alesa gasped and Barney jumped to his feet. 

"Adam!" Alesa started crying, even Barney started tearing up.

"Adam." He whispered. I walked over and hugged Barney.

"Thank you." I whispered. 

"I'm glad you're here man." He whispered back hugging back just as tight. We released our grip and I turned to Alesa, her cheeks were stained and her face scrunched up as she cried. I walked over as she sat up ever so slightly to get her arms around my neck, she buried her face into my neck and started sobbing. I started crying too, one arm around her back and the other holding her head.

"I found you." I whispered. "Oh my god I found you." I kept crying and stroked the back of her head. I felt Alesa place a hand on my cheek and pulled away. 

"Alesa-" She cut me off with a kiss. I kissed back. So much emotion was in that kiss, relief, fear, love, many emotions that I couldn't even place. I pulled away when she yelped.

"Adam, Mason's coming." She whispered.

"I couldn't tell." I chuckled and sat down taking her hand. Barney squeezed my shoulder.

"Ross, Jin and Jess here?" He asked. 

"Yeah I don't know where the guards took them though." I answered.

"I'll find them and come back for you." He said and walked out. I turned back to Alesa, the nurses were prepping her for the birth. I squeezed Alesa's hand, she squeezed it back.

"I'm so glad you're here." She whispered.

"I've missed you more than you can imagine." I stroked her knuckles with my thumb. 

"Alright Alesa, you ready?" The doctor asked.


Blue eyes stared into mine. A head full of hair like mine, and Alesa's lips parted ever so slightly. He was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I stroked his head carefully. Alesa was asleep, she was exhausted, I can't blame her. Without the technology we had she needs a lot of time to recover. Mason was born healthy and absolutely perfect. I love him and I'll do what I can to protect him. Him and his mother. 

I'm a dad.

"How is he?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Ross. My eyes widened.

"Ross." I smiled. Ross limped over and sat down next to me. 

"He looks so much like you two." He smiled. I held Mason out to Ross. Ross seemed taken back, but held his arms out. I placed Mason in his arms carefully, showing him how to hold him. 

"He's beautiful." Ross smiled. I smiled back. 

"Ross?" I heard Alesa croak. Ross whipped his head up. 

"Hey babe." I whispered.

"Hey Alesa." Ross smiled. She smiled back then frowned she she saw his leg.

"Your leg." 

"The day of the break out in my village, I sorta got beat up, almost had to get this bad boy amputated." Ross pat his leg careful not to move Mason too much. Mason yawned. I took Mason from Ross and handed him to Alesa who cradled him in her arms carefully. 

"I'm gonna try feeding him." Alesa spoke and looked at us. Ross stood up putting weight on the stick.

"Alright, see you soon Alesa." Ross squeezed her shoulder then walked out. Alesa began feeding Mason, I laid down on the chair and let my eyes close.

I'm exhausted.   

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