I Wont Give Up (Book 1 )

By Elladoraxoxo

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Sophie Carlton is best friends with Stiles and Scott she knows all about the lives of werewolves and other my... More

I Wont Give Up
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 20

759 13 3
By Elladoraxoxo

That Night Me,Stiles and Scott decided to go to a party for some girl Stiles used to know as a kid

"So whose brilliant idea was this party again" I ask

"Mine and it is a good idea we need to have fun"Stiles says

"Hes right Soph we need to have a little fun now we have the whole Alpha thing on are case"

I just look at them and say "Fine but don't blame me if something bad happens because whenever we go to a party in beacon hills something goes wrong"

"That's not true there have been plenty of parties we have been too when something hasn't gone wrong"I say

"She has a point Stiles" Scott says

"Anyway Whats with the look you were giving Scott"

"What look"

"The look you have on your face now" Stiles says

"It just feels weird going to another high schools party"

"I have know this girl since kindergarten okay and she promised she would introduce us to all of her friends"

"No Alison No Lydia Tonight we are moving on"Stiles says also

I look down as im walking thinking of Isaac now he has woken up he moved back into Derek's Apartment and now Peter is going to try and extract memories from him so he can see exactly what happened to Isaac when we were separated.

"You know what you guys i am not really in a party mood so im going to head home" I tell them with a slightly convincing smile

"Are you sure Soph i mean when do you ever say no to a party"Scott asks me

"Since i have alot on my mind okay you guys go ahead and have fun you can tell me about it tomorrow" I say heading back to my Car

"Hey Soph you know everything is going to be fine" Stiles calls after me i just turn and nod my head slightly when i get into my car i turn the engine on i don't head home though i start driving to Derek's

"Hello anyone in" I shout

"Sophie why are you here" Isaac asks me

"I need to tell you something"He just looks at me after i say that

"And don't get the idea that im saying this because i pity you because that's not true" he nods his head and looks down

"I'm telling you this because its time i was honest with you with my feelings for you"

"Sophie just spit it out okay"I look directly at him

"I Love you Isaac" he just looks at me like he doesn't know what to say

"Well say something"

"You don't love me Sophie"

"Yes i do I wouldn't say that if i didn't mean it"

"Well then you don't want to love me"

I just look at him

"Are you kidding me right now Isaac i just told you i loved you and now your pushing me away really"I just turn around and walk out the Apartment to a wall and i slide down it with tears in my eyes

"Sophie is everything okay" I look up to See Sarah

"Yeah Everything is perfect Sarah i just Told Him i loved him and he acted he said i shouldn't"

Over the summer me and Sarah have gotten closer i told her everything about the werewolves and hunters also everything that happened over the past year and a bit.

"Wow okay well lets get you off the floor and back home and we can tak more about it there okay"She says helping me up

"Yeah your right i just don't understand him when someone tells you they love you your supposed to say something back but don't make them regret it"

"He loves you Soph he just doesn't know how to say it so hes started to push you away you cant let that happen don't give up on him"

I just look down and run my fingers through my hair

"I want to take it back so much i have never told anyone i love them before and now i regret it"

"Sophie he will tell you"

"Part of me dosnt want him to"

"But part of you does" She states

When we get home i walk up to my room straight past my parents who are having some argument Sarah follows me upstairs and sits on my bed beside me

"So what are you going to do"

"Im going to forget i ever told him" I say resting my head on her legs

"Are you sure thats such a good idea"

"No but telling him wasn't a good idea either"

"You told him okay he knows how you fell and well that's a good thing now all he has to do is tell you"

I just close my eyes and start to fall asleep

The next morning i wake up  and look at the clock we have about an hour to get to school

"Sarah Wake up we have to get to school"

When we are getting ready

"How are we even sisters i mean your tall and well blond and I'm Brunette and medium height"

"Well we have different dads so that could be it"

"Yeah i guess so do i look like a girl who has just been humiliated"

"No because you wern't but you do look really nice" she says smiling at me

"You look nice aswell by the way but you always look perfect so not much of a change there"

She looks at me again and has a slight smile on her face

"Ready"I ask her

"Yup lets get to school im sure you want to ask the boys about the party"

"Yeah that's why i want to go to school" i say sarcastically

"You know you will cut yourself sometime with your sarcasm"

"Trust me if anyone is going to cut themselves it Stiles" i laugh

She smiles as well once we get to school Sarah walks to her friends and i walk over to Lydia and Alison

"What happened to your wrists" i ask pointing at them

"Some girl looking for Scott grabbed them really hard and left bruises and now they match they make some sort of sign i think" Alison says

"She was looking for Scott" I ask her

"Yeah it seemed kind of urgent"Lydia responds

"So are you going to tell Scott"

"Yeah we already did hes getting Derek to have a look later today"She says putting some things in her locker

"Do you guys mind if i come with"

"Of course not your part of the team" she says smiling at me and i just laugh

"Do you know if Isaac is coming back today?" Lydia asks me

"No i don't and why are you asking me" I ask her while we start to walk down the hall

"Oh i don't know maybe because your kind of going out"

"Not just kind of by the looks of things" Alison replies

I just ignore them and walk to are first class in silence at lunch Me,Scott,Stiles,Lydia and Alison meet up with Derek in an empty classroom and Lydia and Alison show him the marks.

"I dont see anything" Derek says

"Look Again" Scott replies

"How exactly is a bruise supposed to tell me where boyd and Erica are"

"Maybe its some sort of Logo" I reply and everyone just looks at me and i just look down

"Its the same on both sides" Scott argues

"Its Nothing"


"Whats that when its at home" i ask Lydia

"Its seeing patterns that arn't there its a subset of apophenia"

Everyone just looks at Lydia and i just smile

"They are trying to Help Derek" I say to him

"These two this one who helped resurrect my psychotic uncle" he says pointing to Lydia

"And this one who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack"

"Okay alright come one nobody died look there might of been a little maiming but no killing that's what i call an important distinction" Stiles says i just elbow him and look at Alison

"My mother died"Alison says quietly

"Your families little honour code killed her not me" Derek replies

"That girl was here looking for Scott I'm here to help him not you"

"If you so desperately want to help find something real"he says before walking off

"Well that went well i say looking around the room"

"Yeah it went spiffing"Stiles replies back

We start heading to the next class which for me Stiles and Scott was Business

"What would a pack of Alphas want with Erica and Boyd"Stiles asks

"I don't know maybe to put them against each other"

"Oh maybe its not them they want"Scott replies

"So what they want Derek like they are recruiting"Stiles says

"They could think of a better way don't you think"

All of a sudden scott stops and starts staring at the Alpha Twins

"Scott are you okay man" Stiles asks him

"What yeah course lets get to class"

 "What was that about"I ask Stiles while linking arms with him

"I have no idea"He replies

Once we get to Class i sit behind Stiles

"The Stock Market its based on two Principles"Coach Says who happens to be teaching us this class

"What are they ?" He asks

Scott puts his hand up

"Yes Mcall you can go to the bathroom

 "No coach i know the answer"Scott replies

Coach laughs and notices Scott is serious

"Oh your serious"

"Its risk and reward"

Stiles turns to look at me i just shrug

"Wow who are you and what have you done with Mcall don't answer that i like this version better"

I all of a sudden started to get a really bad headache and i start to hold my head trying to block out the pain

"Coach can i please be excused" I ask him trying not to show the pain

"Uhh yeah sure Carlton"I just nod and run out the classroom

When i got to the bathroom my head started to hurt again,i start to look through my bag for some pain killers but just my luck i don't have any left all of a sudden i start to get flashes of something but i cant make out what it is.I feel like I'm going to pass out from the pain when all of a sudden it stops.I just look into the mirror It doesn't look like i just nearly passed out.

 Once i get myself together i walk out and once i do i see Stiles talking to his dad about Heather apparently shes missing and apparently Stiles was the last person who saw her.After they talk i walk over to him.

"Hey what was that about" I ask him

"Oh just Heather the girl i went to the party for is missing but i could ask you the same thing what happened to you in there"He asks me and i just walk over to the lockers and sit down against them

"Oh nothing just i had a really bad headache but i have been getting them alot recently and i also see images well not exactly images more like flashes of something i forgot to take my pills but im fine now" I say trying to put a smile on my face

"Well if you need anything im here you know that right"He asks me smiling i just nod and rest my head on his shoulder

"I told Isaac I loved him last Night"I say to him

"What and do you"

"No Stiles i told him that because i felt like it of course i meant it"I say rolling my eyes at him playfully i put my head against the lockers

"And what did he say"

"That i shouldnt love him and im probably mistaken well along those lines"

"Well hes an idiot Soph hes lucky you even plucked up the courage to tell him"he says looking at me

"Yeah well that's the last time im telling someone i love them first"I say laughing lightly and i just look up to See Stiles looking at me

"What"i ask him

"Nothing but as i said Hes an idiot not to love you and if he does not saying it"

"You know there was a time i would of killed for you to tell me you love me more then a friend"i admit

"Really"he asks me confused

"Yup i had a massive crush on you and i just realized it stopped when i met Isaac"

"So until last year"He asks me

"Yeah" i say nodding my head

He just looks over at me and smiles i look at me straight in the eye i realize i close we are sitting when all of a sudden the bell rings and we both stand up,Ignoring the fact we nearly kissed.

Scott comes over to us and starts asking Stiles about what his father wanted.

"So you think they kidnapped heather to turn her"

"Derek did say it was easier to turn Teenagers"I say to him

"But what would a pack of Alphas want with a baby"

"Scott i dont know but this girl is my friend we used to take bubble baths together when we were 3"

"That's not strange at all"I say and they look at me

"Anyway we got to find her"

"Then we need to get Isaac to remember"I say

"How Peter and Derek failed do you know any other werewolves with another trick"Stiles says

"Maybe not another Werewolf someone that knows alot about them"Scott says

When we get to the Animal clinic we start putting ice into a bath and stiles comes to talk to me

"Are you sure you want to be here"he says

"No but i want to know where they are"

I walk over to Deaton and Isaac

"So i hope your prepared to be absolutely freezing"I say to Isaac

"Obviously its not going to be comfortable but if we can slow your heartbeat down long enough it will put you in a trance"Deaton says

"Like being hypnotized"Isaac says

"Exactly you will be half transformed it will access you subconscious mind"

Isaac kneels down and touches the ice

"Yeah that definitely wont be very comfortable"I say he looks up at me

"How slow does his heartbeat have to be"Scott asks Deaton

"Very slow"

"How slow is very slow"Derek asks i just look at Deaton

"Nearly dead"i look at him with wide eyes then down to Isaac

"Are you kidding me so if we don't do this right we could kill him"i say

They all just look at me

"Its safe though right"Isaac asks deaton

"Do you want me to answer honestly"

"Not particularly no"Isaac says

We all hear someone putting rubber gloves on and turn to see stiles

"Stiles Take them off if we arnt using them you arnt"and he takes them off i just laugh at him when he comes to stand next to me.

"Look if it feels to risky you dont have to do this"Derek says

And me and Scott just nod at Isaac

 But Issac takes one look at the tub before taking his shirt off i try so hard not to look and as always fail and he gets into the ice. I just look down and stiles has the same expression of i cant believe he is doing this.And we all push Isaac down into the Ice but he keeps coming up and struggling before we can get the right heartbeat.

When we finally succeed Deaton start asking him all these questions about that night Isaac starts freaking out saying he dosnt want to that

"Lets go back to that night you found Erica and Boyd is it a house a building"

"No its not a house its stone its like marble"

"That's perfect can you give me any other description"

"Its dusty empty"

"Like an abandoned building Isaac"

"Someones here,Someones here"

"Isaac relax"

"They See Me"Isaac starts freaking out and trying to wake up

"They are just memories you cant be hurt"

 He start to relax I walk over to a table and pick up a piece of paper and a pencil and i start drawing what i saw in my vision it starts to look like a vault and a name of some sort

I hear Deaton ask Isaac to tell them what he sees

"Hes talking about the full moon about being in control on the full moon"

"Is he talking to Erica or Boyd"

"I dont know i cant see them i cant see any of them"

"Can you see anything else"

"There worried about what they will do on the full moon there worried about if they are going to hurt each other"

"If they are locked in there together on a full moon they are going to tear each other apart"Derek says

"Isaac we need to find them right now can you see them"


"Do you know what kind of room it is any kind of marker a number a sign"

Isaac sits up

"There here,There here"

"Its Alright"

"They see me they have found me"

"This isn't working Isaac where are they"

"I cant see them its too dark"

"Isaac where are they"

"Don't confuse him Derek"Deaton says

"His heart is racing he will go into shock"Deaton also says

"Derek let him go"I shout at him but he ignores me

"Where are you what did you see"Derek yells

"Its a Vault its A black vault" i look down at the piece of paper

He all of a sudden jumps up and says

"I saw the name"

We hand him a towel as he gets out

"Its uhh Beacon hills first national bank its an abandoned bank there keeping them locked inside the vault"we all just look at him

"What" he asks us confused but looks at me

"You don't remember what you said before you came out of if do you"I reply

"No"he shakes his head

"You said that when the caught you they dragged you into a room with a body"Stiles says

"What body" he looks around

"You said it was Erica's"I say back

"Shes not dead okay"Derek says

"Derek he said that there was a dead body its Erica doesn't really need much more to interpret" I say

"Then who was in the vault with Boyd"

"Someone else obviously"Stiles answers for me

"Or maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle the one who saved you"Scott says looking at Isaac

"No she was different not like us she was more like Sophie and whoever was in the vault with Boyd was like us"Isaac says

"Maybe thats how Erica died they put them up against eachother and see who wins"

"Well were getting them out tonight"Derek says

"How i mean Isaac might have done it but he was still caught"I say to him

"And how are you going to get through a vault door"Decaon asks him

"We need a plan"Scott says

"How are we going to think of a plan to break into a bank vault in less then 24 hours"

"Somebody already did Beacon hills national closes its doors after vault robbery doesn't say how but i doubt it would take very long to find out "Stiles says

"How long"

"Its the Internet derek minutes"

The next morning i wake up on Stiles Bed with Paper all around me i look down and See Stiles on the floor and Scott on a chair.

"Guys get up"Mr Stilinski says to us

"Stiles,Scott Wake up"I say trying to help but i decide just to yell

"Guys"they both wake up Stiles with a piece of paper stuck to his face i just laugh and pull it off him

"I have to get to work you three get to school"

"Dad any look trying to find Heather"

"Nope nothing yet"He replies to him and walks out

"Ten Hours and Nothing"Stiles says

"Hey were going to find something"Scott says

"Yeah finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead or Boyd any less be dead"

"We still have time"Scott says

"Is this whole remain optimistic in the face of danger a part of the whole be a better Scott Mcall thing"I ask him looking for my Jacket

"Not if it dosnt work"He answers

"No It works"Stiles says looking down at a piece of paper and starts chasing after his dad while handing us the paper.And it shows Stiles dad arresting the guy who robbed the bank now that's just lucky.

  Author Note :The Video on the side is one i made to show Isaac and Sophie so if you have time to watch it please do

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