Run Away.

By PoisonIvyLeague

5.9K 108 5

Renesmee Cullen finally snaps. But what happens when she runs away from her family, to the enemy family? Love... More

Run Away.
Run Away. Chapter 2.
Run Away. Chapter 3.
Run Away. Chapter 4.
Run Away. Chapter 5.
Run Away. Chapter 6.
Run Away. Chapter 7.
Run Away. Chapter 8.
Run Away. Chapter 9.
Run Away, Chapter 10.
Run Away. Chapter 11.
Run Away. Chapter 13.
Run Away. Chapter 14
Run Away. Chapter 15.
Run Away. Epilogue.

Run Away. Chapter 12.

287 5 1
By PoisonIvyLeague

Renesmee POV.

When I woke up I was back in my room. I slowly opened my eyes, not wanting to let my dream slip away. I could smell bacon, eggs, sausages and toast coming from somewhere in the cottage. I sat up. Huh, we're at the cottage. We hardly ever come here now. I looked at my bedside table, and saw three pictures; one of my whole family from when we went to the Amazon Forest, another of my parents and I when I was little, and one of me and Jacob and I. I was on Jacobs back getting a piggyback ride, I could still remember that day so clearly, my shoes had been killing me, and the car had broken down.

I remember wondering why Jacob hadn't just fixed it, he was a mechanic after all, and I knew that he carried tools in his car. I told him that I wouldn't be able to walk, so he told me to jump on his back, he'd carry me back. As soon as we got past the Treaty Line, my father had flew up to us, worried because we were so late. Jacob had explained what happened, but my dad didn't look happy. When we got home my mum had run out of the door with a camera, telling me that I would want to remember this memory one day.

'It's the little things.' She had told me.

I slammed the picture down, and rolled back onto my bed. I hadn't been lying there for more then a few minutes before I heard a knock at my door, I didn't answer.

'Renesmee, sweetie, if your hungry there's food in the kitchen.' My mums voice drifted through my door.

'I'm not hungry.' I answered, I could hear the coldness in my voice, and could practically see my mum flinch from it. I tried to keep my lie in mind, but my stomach rumbled.

'Sweetie, if your hungry you should eat. If you don't want to talk to us you don't have to. I'll make sure your father and I are out of the room.'

'Traitor' I whispered to my stomach, before getting out of bed, and leaving my room.

True to her words, my mum ushered my dad out of the kitchen, unfortunately she left Jacob in there. He was sitting at the breakfast bar, a plate over flowing with food in front of him. I almost turned around and walked out, but my stomach grumbled again. I couldn't believe it was being so much of a traitor today. Jacobs head turned to look at me, he looked like a completely different guy to who I left behind.

His eyes were dark, and bloodshot. His usually glowing face looked dead. His hair sat flatly on the top of his head. He looked so tired, so old. I wanted to give him a hug, but then remembered what he had done. He had snatched me away from place I was happy, from the guy I loved. My sympathy for him turned into hatred instantly.

I walked straight past him, snatching some food onto my plate, and walked back to my room. As soon as I got in the door, I put my breakfast on my bed and turned my iPod on. I wondered what was happening back at Volterra, what Alec was doing, if they were remembering to feed Elvis. As the song surrounded me, I ate my breakfast robotically. Then laid back on my bed, closed my eyes and tried to imagine what was happening in Italy.

After a while I got up, and walked to my small balcony. I sat on the ledge, and looked into the forest, trying to focus on the sounds surrounding me. I was fully focused when a knock at my door broke it. I tried to ignore it, but the person on the other side was persistent.

'Go away!' I yelled.

Instead of listening to me, he walked in. I turned around to see Jacob closing my door, and walking over to me. He sat beside me on the ledge. His shoulders slumped, and we both looked out into the forest.

'I looked for you.' he broke the silence first. ;I looked for you, everywhere. I should've known you'd be there, but those bloodsuckers that came to collect him told us they had no idea where he was. They threatened us to contact them if you or he contacted us. They were very good actors.'

I didn't say anything back, just continued to stare into the forest.

'I was so worried about you, Nessie.' he has turned to face me now. 'You kissed me, and then disappeared. I didn't know what to think. There was no possible way you would have gone of your own free will. He must have forced you. But I couldn't work out why. Maybe he just wanted to hurt us. He's evil enough to do that.'

I stood up instantly.

'Alec is not evil! He's a good man! And I love him!' I yelled at Jacob.

'No, Nessie, you don't. Soon you'll realise its me that you love. After all, w are meant to be together. And I will wait for you Nessie. Because you're my Nessie.' before I could stop him, he had leant down to m, and kissed my lips.

His hand wound round to my back, but I couldn't feel the rush I would get from Alec. His lips worked frantically on mine, trying to get a response. I couldn't feel anything, this wasn't the fireworks I got when I kissed Alec. I tired to push Jacob away from me, but he pulled me tighter to him, trapping me in his strong arms. I had never wanted to get out of anything as much as I did right now. My hands were pressing against his chest, trying to push him away, when my parents walked in on us.

My mums face lit up in a smile, my dad smiled only for a second. My mum ran over to us, flinging her arms around us.

'I knew you too would work it out, didn't I tell you Edward. didn't I tell you that they'd work it out?'

'Mum-' I tried to explain, but Jacob pulled me into his side, cutting me off.

'Yeah, like you said Bella, I only needed to talk to her.' a smile was plastered across his face, as he kissed me forehead.

With Alec just that was enough to make me want to throw him on my bed, but with Jacob it all felt wrong.

That night we went to the Big House, and Jacob broke the news that we were together. No one was listening to me at all. How could I tell them that this wasn't happening if he wouldn't listen to me? Alice had, of course, suggested we have a party to celebrate. For once I was just like my mum at the idea of a party, I groaned.

My eyes shot to Jasper, surely he could feel how I was feeling. He slightly cocked his head to the side, indicating for me to go outside. I excused myself, and Jasper said he'd go with me. We walked a little into the forest, just enough for no one to hear us.

'You're not happy.' he said.

'Uncle Jasper, I don't love Jacob, not like I love Alec.'

'You will, though. Give it time. You and Jacob are meant to be together. You have an Imprint.' he tried to reason with me.

I hated that everyone was using that as an excuse, the bloody Imprint! Just because we had Imprinted doesn't mean that I have to love him! Obviously seeing as I was in love with Alec. I could feel Jasper trying to calm me, as he took my hand and lead me back to the house. I realise that this was what I felt for Jacob. I loved him, but it was a familial love. He was my big brother, how was I supposed to love him any more then that?

As we got back to the house, I started to translate Wuthering Heights into Portuguese. I had gotten my love of books from my mum. I could remember when my dad came back from a hunting trip to find me sitting on the couch reading it. He had moaned so much. Right now he was giving me weird look, I just sent back a small smile.

Later that night I was sitting on the couch, listening to Alice rabbit on about the stupid party. It was going to happen on the weekend. Three days. I quickly told my family that I was tired and started to walk slowly upstairs to my room in the Big House. The room I had left my family in. The room that I had first realised just how much I cared for Alec.

I wasn't even aware of being followed by Aunty Rosalie, until I got to my door. I ignored her, and walked to the closet.

'Are you going to stand there whilst I change, or am I actually going to get some privacy?' I spat at her. I knew what they were doing, not letting me be alone.

' I'll be right outside if you need me.' she replied softly.

'Sure, coz you know, I don't know how to get changed myself.' Whoa. The Volturi really must've rubbed off on me.

She left the room, and I swiftly got changed, then jumped into bed, wrapping the duvet around me. I could faintly smell Alec from when he has sat on here with me. I took a deep breath, revelling in his scent, before falling asleep.

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