Saving His Life(Book 1:- His...

By Chocolate_Spidey

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Rohan Nanda is the yonger son of one of the greatest Indian business tycoons, Ashok Nanda. According to Rohan... More

A Little Peek In Life
The Party
The Accident
Heart Broken
Arrangements And Feelings
Craving Him
The Truth
Epilogue : Saving His Life
Important Announcement
Author's Note

The Actual Reason

3.8K 192 271
By Chocolate_Spidey

So, I would have already posted this chappie, if Wattpad didn't delete it for 3 times! Can you believe?!
As I said before, this story will be short. So I'm jumping into the actual plot now.
Picture:- Varun Dhawan as Rohan Nanda.
Howdy! Enjoy!
(Rohan's POV)

"Abhi, did you like Shanaya?"

Currently we were sitting in our college cafeteria. No, we were not bunking. It was lunch time. My other friends wanted me to hang out with them but I wanted to spend time with my best friend, seeing that he never bunked classes and I was never there in any of those stupid lectures.

Abhi was scribbling something on his copy. I peeked at it and saw a crazy math equation which was not at least within my reach of understanding. Abhi was studying Physics Honors where I was studying Accountancy. St.Maries was one of the most expensive and highest ranking colleges in Mumbai. Of course, worthless students like me were there because of their parents' money and talented students like Abhi was studying there with scholarship.

"Oi Abhi, did you like Shanaya?" I again poked his side but he was so concentrated in his goddamn of a math equation, he even did not spare a single glance at me. I narrowed my eyes.

"Abhi? Abhi! ABHIMANYU!"

This time Abhi put his pen down, folded his arms on his chest, left an exasperated sigh and looked at me with a scowl on his face. I grinned at him triumphantly.

"Did you like Shanaya?" I asked him hopefully. He gave me a flat look and was going to take his pen, I obstructed him.

"I want to tell you something."

Ever since Abhi and Shanaya met, I could say that those two did not get along well. I was really very upset when Shanaya called Abhi mute. Of course it was tough for them to become friends seeing where Shanaya was a social butterfly there Abhi rarely talked, but Shanaya promised me that she would make Abhi talk to her. But now whenever I mention him to her, she snickered. Abhi asked me that how she was for twice, but then it was like she never existed.

And it was taking a toll on me. Abhi and Shanaya both were the two most important persons in my life. And if they were not in good terms, then gradually it would become impossible for me to make everything perfect between them. So whatever I had to do, I had to do it quickly.

That's why I came up with a perfect plan.

"I was thinking about watching a movie an-"

"Piss off." Abhi said in a flat tone and concentrated in his stupid math equation.

My plan was to take both Abhi and Shanaya out, so that Shanaya could see the fun side of Abhi. But Abhi even did not listen to me on the first place. I frowned. Abhi was giving that stupid math equation much more attention that me, which was not acceptable.

"Abhimanyu Singh! You will go to watch a movie with me, Shanaya and Shreyan. And that's final!"

Abhi again put his pen down and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Shanaya is going. And you too are going." Abhi sighed and shook his head.



"I talked to Uncle Ravi. He said it was perfectly fine if I take you away for an evening. He also said that you were working so much that you badly need a day off." I smirked. Abhi narrowed his eyes at me.

"Sneaky." He stated and then shrugged. I fist punched in air.

"So, I'll meet you after college. We'll go to Shanaya's house first, pick up Shreyan from there, then we'll head towards the mall. And don't you dare to run away."

"Who's Shreyan?" Abhi suddenly asked. I frowned. Why the hell Abhi was asking me that?

"Shreyan is Shanaya's younger brother. He's bisexual." I said cautiously. He nodded slowly.

"So you'll be ready and-"

"How come you never mentioned about Shreyan to me before?" Abhi asked, curiosity dripping from his voice. Rage and anger tore through my every vain. My Abhi was asking me about an other boy.

I slammed my hand on the table. People from different table looked at me, astonished. Even Abhi was startled and looked at me, totally surprised.

"You listen, Abhimanyu Singh, I'm not going to tell you anything about Shreyan anymore and if you ever do look at him, no one will be more dangerous than me. You belong to me." I smirked and stormed out of the cafeteria.

(Abhi's POV)

I was waiting in the corridor as Rohan had told me. I really did not want to go but my best friend was too stubborn to listen.

Talking about him...

You belong to me.

Still I felt goose bumps on my whole body when I remembered what he said. My stomach flipped, little tingles made their way in my whole body. I belong to him. Of course I do!

That boy would be the death of me.

Speaking of the devil-

I saw him coming towards me. He had Shanaya beside him, he was holding her waist tightly, guiding her towards me. She was not even paying attention to where she was going, she was busy looking into her damn phone, on which her fingers were typing furiously.

Rohan gave me a half hearted smile, totally bothered by Shanaya's lack of interest. I sighed. Rohan nudged Shanaya.

"Babe, Abhi's here." He cooed to her softly. She nodded absent mindedly.

"Hey Abhi." She said in an uninteresting tone, not even looking at me. I nodded curtly but then mentally slapped myself. She was not looking at me, how could she see me nodding?

"Hey." I answered back. Rohan pulled her towards the parking lot and I followed behind. Only seeing him touching her made my inside burn in jealousy. Rohan took the driver seat, Shanaya was in the passenger seat and I was on the back seat. Rohan put the key in ignition and we drove out of college.

We did not talk a lot during the drive. Rohan and Shanaya were talking occasionally, I was totally silent on the other hand.

Sometimes later, Rohan stopped the car in front of a huge mansion. By the size of it, I could say it was definitely Shanaya's house. She hopped out of the car and went towards her house. I slumped on my seat, finally being able to breath again.

Rohan suddenly turned behind, leaning on his seat. He had a serious expression all over his face. I raised a brow.

"Okay Abhi, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Please talk to Shanaya! Show her that you too can be a fun person. Laugh, make sassy comments- do whatever you want- but just make a good impression on her."

I was stunned to hear my best friend. What the hell was he talking about?! Me making sassy comments?! Me laughing for a brat like her?! I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Last time I checked Rohan, she was your girlfriend. So you should be the one trying to impress her, not me."

"I know Abhi, I know", he ran his fingers through his hair impatiently, "Look, both Shanaya and you are equally important in my life. So I need you guys to stay on good terms! I can't tell that to Shanaya, but Abhi, you're my best friend! I know you'll understand. Please Abhi, at least for me?" He gave me his puppy face.

I took a deep breath. The thing that stung me the most that he told me that he loved us both equally. We were best friends since 3 and Shanaya met Rohan only 6 months ago. So it was not wrong for me to expect a bit more love from him, right? Guess I was wrong.

"You want me to change my personality because you want to impress your girlfriend?" I asked again. Rohan stuck his lower lip out at me, still applying his puppy face.


"Alright." I sighed. Rohan sqealed.

"I love you, buddy!" He chirpped and turned to sit properly. I sighed again. Guess I loved him too, that's why I was doing those things.

Just he did not know that.

"Sorry we're a li'l late." I heard the voice I wanted to hear the least. I mentally groaned. Shanaya gave Rohan an apologetic smile and hopped on the passenger seat.

"Shreyan, go sit behind." She said and seconds later, the back door opened and a guy came in and sat beside me. He had a cheeky and flirty look all over his face. His hair was shining for the extra hair gel he applied. About his height, he was a good one foot shorter than me. Rohan started the car. I did not miss the warning look he gave me through the rear view mirror.

"Hey handsome, what's your name?" That creepy guy asked me coyly. I gulped nervously.


"I'm Shreyan and I swear that we're gonna be best friends." He winked at me, biting his bottom lip seductively. He crawled near me and I moved behind. He again neared and I moved behind. Like this, my back was finally pressed against the car door and Shreyan was practically hovering on my lap.

I could feel a pair of eyes burning my skin by their glare. Rohan never liked any boy near me other than him. And now Shreyan was sort off straddling me and not to mention he called me his best friend.

Rohan was furious.

"You two, get a room! Jeez!" Shanaya snickered. I could feel Rohan's eyes darkened.

"No need to do that! We're already in the mall." He took a sharp turn, making us all gasp and finally stopped.

After parking the car (Rohan kind off smashed the back of a car as he wanted to get out of it as soon as possible), we entered the mall and headed straight towards the movie theatre. Shanaya was clinging to Rohan's arm and kept babbling about God knows what, while Rohan continued being grumpy. I lost all interest in impressing Shanaya (if I had any interest in the first place at all) and focused on the people beside me. Still my mind was telling me again and again that because of me, Rohan's mood turned all sore. On other hand, Shreyan kept touching me which I did not like at all, so I kept ignoring his whining about his looks and money.

We bought the tickets for Dilwale and Shanaya went to buy popcorn and coke for us. Meanwhile I tried to talk to Rohan but he refused. I sighed and looked around. Suddenly Shanaya's figure caught my attention. She was talking in phone. It was casual but the look in her eyes told otherwise.

Somehow I ignored Shreyan and crept to her silently so she would not notice. I could not catch anything other than "I'll meet you after half an hour". She then put her phone in her purse and paid for the snacks. Before she could spot me behind her, I came back to my seat.

After Shanaya brought the snacks, we entered the movie hall. Rohan made me sit between Shanaya and Shreyan but when he saw Shreyan trying to man handle me, he changed his seat with Shanaya. Now I was sitting between Rohan and Shreyan.

The movie started but I was giving it my least attention. I was stealing glances at Shanaya making sure that she was still there. After approximately half an hour, I saw Shanaya's phone flashed. She looked at it and excused herself telling that she needed to go to the bathroom and exited the hall. After squirming in my seat for some seconds I also excused myself and exited the hall. I was sure Shanaya was up to something and that something was no good.

After searching for her sometimes, I found her near the popcorn shop with a bald looking bearded man. I frowned. That man looked like some sort of businessman but what the hell was Shanaya doing with him? I hid myself behind their closest wall and listened to them. And what I heard made my inside tremble.

"Have you talked to my father?" She asked him.

"Yes I did. He told me to give him some months. I gave him 5 months."

"We don't need 5 months. Within 3 months, I can assure you that Nanda Industries will be ours."


"But are you sure about that, Miss Singhania? 'Cause the far I know, Ashok Nanda and his elder son Varun Nanda are quite clever and it's not easy to capture them."

"You know about their strength but don't know about their weakness. Ashok Nanda's younger son, Rohan Nanda. He is my boyfriend for 3 months now, we met 6 months ago. The far I know him, that useless freak with some stupid dreams will do whatever I want him to do. He's blindly in love with me. I can easily capture him and make Ashok Nanda do whatever we want."

"But still he's Ashok Nanda's son. He has his connections. He can easily capture us also."

"Then we have to kill him after our work will be done."

That man grinned brightly, mischief dropping from his face. He shook Shanaya's hand and went away. Shanaya turned, smirked and proceeded towards the movie hall. I ran into the men's bathroom and splashed some water from the sink and looked at the mirror.

Rohan's life was in danger.

I knew it! My instincts could never lie. I knew Shanaya was bad news. But I never knew that she would use Rohan, hell she could also kill Rohan for his father's company.

I did not even allowed the thought to come to my mind that she called Rohan useless and freak and called his dreams stupid. It was normal for her to talk like that because she never had loved Ronan. But Rohan really loved her and it would break his heart. Rohan never let anyone come near him. Other than me, Shanaya was his everything. She was his life! Did it never sting her humanity that the guy who loved her more than everything, she was going to destroy his life?

That's when it struck me. She did not have any humanity. She was also like other multimillionaires, she only loved money and power.

I had to save Rohan!

I had to tell him everything before it's too late. I had to tell him what I heard and warn him. I knew it would not be easy to make him believe me, hell our friendship could also break, but I had to do it. For Rohan!

I just could not let him die like that! I loved him! And he even did not pursue his dream yet.

If I had to die for saving his life, I would.

I left the bathroom and slowly made my way towards the movie hall.


We were sitting in Rohan's car in front of my house. Shanaya and Shreyan were already dropped in their house. In the way return, Rohan sent Shanaya in back seat to sit with her brother and made me sit beside him. Possessive!

Rohan's fist were clenched around the steering wheel, making his knuckles go white. I sighed and put my hand on his knee.

"I'm sorry, Rohan." I said sincerely. Rohan's jaw clenched.

"Fuck it!" He hissed under his breath and the next minute, he was in my arms, hugging me tightly. He thrusted his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply, his lips slightly brushing my skin in this process, making me shiver and go limp under his touch. His blunt nails dug on the fabric of my shirt as I felt him toring my shirt. Then his nails dug into my skin directly as he scratched the skin of my back, making blood roll down from my back. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily because of this excruciating pain and bit my lower lip to keep myself from screaming. It was Rohan's way to show his love and right on me. If he wanted to mark me like that, then be it!

He stopped his hands, his nails still digging inside my skin. I felt him lean and his lips brushed my earlobe.

"Mine!" He whisper-growled possessively through his clenched teeth. Then he again looked at me. I opened my eyes as I felt fat tears of physical pain rolling down on my cheeks. I saw Rohan, an expression of anger, jealousy and possessiveness all over his face. I smiled warmly through my pain only for him and leaned a little so that our foreheads were touching.

"Y-yours." I whispered back.
So, that was it! Phew!
I'm really sorry for not updating like forever..... 1 month!
I'm quite satisfied the way I finished this chapter. Rohan is the bottom here, but it's really sexy the way he takes charge.
Read, vote, comment- please? *pouts*
And..... Merry Christmas!
Also check out my other stories!
Till then, happy life!
_#Spidey, over and out!! ;-)

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