Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff th...

By thickerthandeath

167K 5.4K 3K

You live alone. You have one friend. You were an outcast. According to the rest of the world, anyways. You w... More

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
***Christmas Special***
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important A/N
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Quick A/N
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Prepare for Extreme Awkwardness in 3...2...1...
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 **Jeff's Birthday Part One**
Chapter 44 **Jeff's Birthday Part Two**

Chapter 39

1.9K 46 38
By thickerthandeath

A few weeks passed before Sally suddenly wanted to have her little girls-only party, announcing it on the very day she decided to have it.

That was what you were spending your Friday doing.

You grinned at Sally, who was trying her hand at makeup. She was currently putting eyeshadow on your eyelids, unaware of how messy her hands were getting in the process.

Flick, Insona, Jane, Alex, Gabby, Freakshow, and Angel were all gathered in Sally's room for her girls-only party... Which meant it was also time for girl talk.

Angel was singing quietly, her voice hauntingly infatuating, the words flowing like honey. She enjoyed singing- she sang quite often, as you had come to notice.

"So, how's the boyfriend~" Gabby chirped, smiling widely.

"Same as usual?" Your response came out more like a question as you raised your eyebrow at the girl's inquiry. "I don't know what you guys want me to say."

"Tell us the details." Freakshow said, smirking.

"Yeah, we want to know." Angel sang playfully.

"It's Jeff." You said blankly, confused as to what the girls wanted.

"Yeah, but Jeff's a boy!" Sally squealed, pausing her hand in midair to give you an innocent smile.

"Um... Yeah, you're right. He is." You couldn't help the smile that came to your face from Sally's 'observation'.

"So tell us the details! Is he a good kisser?" Gabby asked.

Sally made a face at the mention of kissing, but didn't say anything. Instead, she returned to smothering your face with makeup.

Jane made the same face, but rather than directed at kissing, it was directed at the mention of Jeff. However, she had become pretty close with you, so she tolerated him for that reason.

"Why do you guys want to know so bad? What, you missed your daily dose of Gossip Girl and now you want me to play the part?" You laughed, shaking your head.

"Don't blame us, not that much happens around here in terms of romance." Alex muttered, shrugging.

"Yeah. Alex is right. We girls need to stick together. We need to know about your love life!" Insona giggled. "And whether we need to beat Jeff up or not."

Jane smirked at that. "Yeah, it's like Insona said. So we know when to beat Jeff's ass."

You glanced at both females, a smirk growing from ear to ear. "You guys wanna know something?"

They all nodded their heads vigorously, urging you to share your secret romantic endeavors.

"Insona likes Laughing Jack."

"W-what? No I don't!" Insona argued, a heavy blush peppering her cheeks.

It was amusing, seeing the normally sarcastic, tough female flush bright red at the mention of her crush.

Gabby gasped, then squealed in delight. "Matchmaking!" She shrieked, smiling cutely.

"I... I don't like him." Insona pouted, crossing her arms.

"You so do. You wanna know something else, girls?" You said, your gaze now settled on Freakshow's lax form.

Freakshow raised an eyebrow. "What?... Me? N-no..." She blushed madly at the look you were giving her, turning away shyly. Like Insona, the normally obscure female reacted in a way no one would ever expect her to. It seemed she was shy when it came to romance. 

"Freak likes someone, too."

"Well, who is it?" Gabby demanded, grabbing your shoulders and shaking them violently. "I neeeeeeed to know!"

"Freak likes Zer0. Like, really likes him."

Freakshow's face burned intensely as she hid behind her hands, turning away.

"Freak, don't be so coy! There's nothing wrong with liking him!" Jane laughed, punching the black-haired girl's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"I hate you, (y/n)," Freak shook her head, sighing.

You grinned at her words. "Well, since it is girl talk time, and you guys weren't going to tell them, I figured I would."

"I don't like Laughing Jack, though..." Insona whined.

You snorted. "Ha, I've seen the way you look at him... One minute, you're deeply focused on the book in your hand, the next your gazing longish at the black and white clown. Don't tell me you don't like him. You so do."

Insona dropped her head in defeat, finally admitting her crush on the clown.

Freakshow's face finally calmed down, and she mumbled. "He wouldn't go for me anyways."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Angel sputtered, putting her hands on her hips with obvious sass.

Freakshow shrugged, looking out the window to avoid answering Angel's question.

"We have to get you people hooked up with your guys!" Gabby squealed, a little too loudly.

Alex cringed at the high-pitched sound that came from her twin's mouth, the edge of her lips turning down in a slight frown.

"I can do it myself!" Insona insisted.

"Then go do it right now." Jane smirked.

"Fine, I will." With that, Insona jumped to her feet. She yanked the door open, ready to dash out only to be met with the smiling face of the male she was just about to go see.

"Oh... L.J.," Insona stuttered, clasping her hands behind her back, bouncing slowly on the balls of her feet awkwardly. "Why are you here?"

"I came to deliver some candy~" He giggled, towering over the girl as he stepped closer, making her blush.

"Oh, really? Where is it?" Flick taunted.

"You caught me. I wanted to see what you ladies were up to~" The clown swung his arm around Insona, prancing further into the room. "Can I join?"

"Uh, no! Get out!" Sally shrieked, jumping up and pushing L.J. towards the open door.

"We totally weren't talking about you," Gabby chirped joyfully.


"Nothing." Insona said, assisting Sally in pushing the male out of the room. She quickly slammed the door shut, making sure the lock securely prevented the door from being opened by anyone on the outside.

"That sure was close, huh?" Flick giggled.

"Yeah, because no one almost gave my secret away!" Insona huffed, sitting back down, shooting a glare at Gabby.

"I... I think the cookies might be done," Frealshow said, getting to her feet. "I'll go get them."

The female walked to the door, and began to leave after unlocking it.

"Use protection." You said, laughing the girl's flushed face.

"Shut up." Freak responded, leaving before another word was said.

"So... What now?" Alex asked, glancing at the other females in the room.

Sally had, just a few moments ago, finished doing your makeup. Now, every girl in the room had some sort of makeup pasted on their face, whether it was simple lipstick, eyeshadow, or anything else of the sort.

Freakshow returned with the cookies, sitting down silently after setting the platter in the center of the room.

"Movie time?" Angel posed.

"Movie time." Flick said, looking to Sally for approval.

Sally giggled, nodding as everyone got into a comfortable position.

Instead of chick flicks, which were girl party norms for some, you all watched horror- it was natural, living in a house occupied by psychotic murderers. Though that didn't mean nobody jumped, or shrieked in terror during the movie marathon...


You had left Sally's room about five minutes ago, like the rest of the girls did, to take a break from the movies and get some fresh air outside.

While Flick and Gabby were engaged in a lighthearted game of tag with Sally, Insona and Angel sat talking with Alex. Two boys- who seemed to be more like entities of some sort- were near the twins. You had just met them earlier that day, despite it being an all-girls party. The two males were attached to the twins in a spiritual way, and intimately, too. Both were currently visible to you and the other girls, because they felt comfortable enough and wanted you to finally meet them.

Watching Gabby run around childishly was her entity, Tim. Hair the color of snow draped far past his shoulders, in an elegant way, matching the long white shirt adorned on his upper body.  His legs were clad in blue, much like the glowing eyes settled on his girlfriend's form while old sneakers concealed his feet. From what you had learned in having a small conversation with him, he was kind and joyful, like his significant other. However, like Gabby's sister, he wouldn't allow anyone that hurt her to get away unscathed.

The boy standing next to Alex, with his arms crossed, was Tom. Short coal-colored hair sat atop his head, and below were flaming yellow orbs, which were focused on the blue-haired female to his left. A shaded black hoodie met with dull blue jeans, finished off with sneakers that looked to have been through a lot- they were scuffed, and the soles were severely worn down. Upon talking to him, and observing some of his actions, you could tell he had a thing for Alex, but they weren't dating. Yet, at least. You hoped they would.

Meanwhile, you and Freakshow were battling it out in an arm wrestle, since she had beaten Zer0, and you had nearly beaten Jeff. The two of you thought it would be a good idea to see who would win in an arm wrestle. Jane was watching, switching from cheering you on to cheering your opponent on repeatedly.

"So Zer0, huh?" You asked, smirking. "How long?"

Freak let a small smile play on her thin, black lips. "A while."

"That's all you're gonna say?" You muttered, trying to subdue the female's arm.

She gave you an incredulous look, not responding verbally.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know. I don't think he likes me that way."

"You won't know whether he does or not until you bring it up. Unless he does."


"You should. I can be your wingwoman." You smirked.

"Uh... I'm good. Thanks, though," Freak responded jokingly, returning your smirk as she stuck her tongue out. "I don't know. Maybe I will."

"You better. I'll be watching."

With that, you went back to focusing on the task at hand: winning this vigorous war.

Unfortunately, as you strained to push Freakshow's hand down to the hardwood table, a new arrival tore your attention away from your game.

It was Jax. She was still adorned in all black clothing, with her katanas sheathed at her hips, and a longbow slung across her back. Her dog, Violet, stood patiently by her side.

"Hey..." She greeted slowly, taking in the view of the nine females staring back at her.

"So you came." You said, flashing a welcoming smile.

"I didn't have anywhere else, really... The forest's been my home for a while now..."

"Glad you decided to join us." You said, turning to the rest of the group. "Girls, this is Jax, a new member of the household."

You turned back to Jax, walking up to her. You told Jax each of the girls' names as you pointed at them, making a quick introduction.

"I'll take you inside to introduce you to the others, and show you your room." With that, you led Jax inside, her dog staying behind and running up to the ever playful Sally.

As you and Jax entered the house, all of the guys' eyes turned towards her.

"That's her, Slendy," Jeff said, motioning with his head. "The newbie."

"Don't call me that, child," the faceless man's voice boomed, as he strode up to Jax. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

You introduced Jax to everyone in the room, making sure to give her a brief warning on who to avoid (*cough cough* BEN and Jeff), and who is slightly less dangerous than those two- in personality, at least.

When Jax's eyes landed on Ticci Toby, she froze. Ticci Toby matched her look, the slightest of blushes spreading across his dim cheeks.

You inwardly laughed. So many matches to make, and so little time. Not really. You had enough time on your hands for that, now that you were being 'homeschooled'.

Ticci Toby stood up, stepping in front of you. "I can show her around, if you want." He twitched, smiling.

You smirked, nodding. "Alright, Toby. Take it away."

You watched the duo head upstairs, Ticci Toby speaking joyfully as he showed Jax around.

Smiling to yourself, you went back to the group of females eagerly awaiting your return, outside.

"So new Creepypasta, huh?" Flick stated, sitting on the steps of the porch, propping her head up in her hands.

You nodded. "She had skill. Lacked the experience Jeff and I had, but still. Untapped potential. Like the rest of us, before we all came."

"Where'd she go?" Alex asked bluntly.

"Ticci Toby took an immediate interest in her," you chuckled. "He decided to show her around."

"Is she gonna join the party or no?" Sally asked, tugging your shirt to get your attention.

"I don't know, Sally. You could go ask her?" You offered, sitting on the railing that encircled the large porch.

Sally nodded, darting inside to go find the new curly, brown-haired girl wandering the house with one of Slender's proxies.

Violet barked at Gabby, wagging her tail as she expected a stick to be thrown for fetch. The red-haired twin obliged, throwing a stick as far as she could, sending the energetic canine to go retrieve it.

"Slender didn't give you lessons today?" Angel asked curiously, standing next to you as her eyes trailed after the dog.

"No. I get Fridays and the weekends off."

You groaned, a sudden thought entering your mind, escaping from the confines of the abyss in which all of the information you never bothered to remember was laid to rest.

"Tomorrow," you moaned, heavily sighed at the thought. "I promised that I would have an extra lesson tomorrow. Damnit."

"Why'd you agree to it if you didn't want to do it?" Jane questioned, giggling at your behavior.

You shrugged. "I don't know, the extra lesson sounded appealing at the time. Oh well, I'll deal."

"Sup, girls?" A thick, Australian accent sliced through the air, causing every one of the females' eyes to fly towards the owner of the deep voice.

He looked about 16 years old, give or take a few years. Fairly tall, with a strong, muscular build, the male looked like he could take on anything that the world decided to throw at him. A crown of long, blood red hair sat atop his head, with emo-style fringe swiped to the side in a messy fashion. Piercing, crystal blue eyes sat under his eyebrows to contrast the bold red of his hair. Those blue eyes were saturated with what seemed to be kindness- he obviously cared deeply for those his orbs were currently settled on. You were willing to bet he cared for those inside the house, too. His legs were clad in fashionable, ripped skinny jeans, a hoodie the color of midnight adorning his upper body. A playful smirk was plastered across his face as his eyes settled on you. By his side was a massive gray wolf, sitting calmly in the midst of all the surrounding people.

"Brody, you're back!" Jane squealed, running into the teenager's arms, placing a firm kiss on his lips.

You laughed at the sight. It was new to you, seeing Jane so excited to see somebody, with a blissful squeal to match. It was unlike her, yet somehow, you expected nothing less.

"That's the guy Jane was talking about, right?" You wondered aloud, turning to look at your friends.

"Yep. They've been dating for a while now. He left on a killing spree a while before you arrived. I think Slender needed something done? I'm not sure." Gabby answered.

Jane pulled away from 'Brody', turning to look at you as the boy swung his arm around her shoulders affectionately.

"And who might this be?" Brody asked, motioning towards you with his head.

At that moment, Jeff appeared in the doorway, shooting Brody a mischievous smirk. "She's taken, dude. Eyes off."

Your boyfriend then stood next to you, wrapping a lean arm around your waist, pulling you against his chest.

"No fuckin' way! My best mate got a girlfriend while I was gone?" Brody smirked, eyeing you and Jeff up and down. "She's a keeper. Who woulda thought?"

"Hey, I'm sexy and you know it," Jeff said, sticking his tongue out. "(Y/n) would agree."

You shrugged playfully, acting as if you were debating his statement and its truth.

"You're right, you're right," Brody said, chuckling. "I'll catch up with you later. I gotta take my girl out on a date."

Brody and Jane intertwined hands, walking away from the house, and into the surrounding forest. The wolf stayed, chasing a poor chipmunk around the yard to entertain himself.

"That's Brody. Slender's right hand man, Zalgo's disowned son, and my best friend for years." Jeff said, watching the couple disappear into the woods.

"Zalgo?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Slender will probably tell you about him tomorrow." He shrugged, chuckling. "Isn't that what the extra lesson was gonna be about?"

Sally emerged from the house, followed by Jax. "Are we gonna continue the movies now?" She asked, smiling toothily. "Jax said she would join us."

You smiled softly at the little girl, nodding. "Yeah. I'll meet you guys up there."

The eight females disappeared into the mansion, presumably going back to Sally's room to continue the movie marathon.

You turned to Jeff, still sitting on the railing.

"Well, he seems cool. Australian?"

Jeff nodded. "Yeah. He gets along with everybody, except Masky, for some reason. Not sure why."

You smiled. "What about the wolf?" You waved your hand towards the furry creature a few paces away.

Smile had come out to join you and Jeff, and upon seeing the wolf, he darted down, playing with his wild relative.

"His name's Ash." Jeff said, smirking as he stared into your admiring (e/c) orbs.

"What?" You questioned, unaware of what Jeff was grinning at.

Jeff busted out laughing, holding his shaking stomach as he leaned against the house for support.

"What? What are you laughing at, Jeff?" You said, glancing around. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Heh... Yeah, you do."


Jeff motioned towards your eyes, unable to get another word out as he laughed at your face.

"Jeffery Woods, what is on my face?"

"Sally... Sally did your makeup, didn't she?" Jeff fell to his knees, panting and taking in all the oxygen he possibly could at once.

Your eyes widened as you realized what the killer was laughing at. Sally did your makeup, and since she was so young, she had no clue what she was doing.

"Oh god, I forgot! Shit." You murmured, smirking at yourself.

"Don't worry, you made a good first impression." Jeff chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you into his lap.

"Shut up. I bet you're enjoying this." You mumbled, shaking your head in embarrassment.

"Oh, I am." Jeff laughed, his warm breath caressing your neck.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You made that quite clear."

Jeff continued to laugh at you, his chest shaking from each breath he took and each chuckle that flowed from his mouth.

"It's okay, you're still beautiful." He smirked, kissing your cheek.

You shook your head, allowing a few giggles to escape from your own mouth. Suddenly, a noise rang out from your pocket. It was your phone, signaling that you had received a new text.

Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you checked to see the text.

I'm back.

I hope you guys liked this chapter- it was mainly focused on getting familiar with OC's, both new and old. But still, important at the end.

I have a few questions:
1) In the last chapter, I hinted at the reader possibly having hidden powers... What do you guys think they might be?
2) I'm curious- who do you think the mystery antagonist in chapter 37 is?

Also, a quick shoutout to AngelicNightmare22 , who has regularly messaged me and talked to me. Thanks for being you. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is the only gift I can possibly give you, so I hope I did well.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm working on the next one as you read this. If you read this. Peace! And thanks for you all being you, too!

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