In love with the teacher, the...

Bởi Bananasareturquoise

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WARNING: If you read this book you will be assaulted with extreme sarcasm, horrible clichés, and lots, and lo... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: New state, New school, New troubles
Chapter Two: A New School
Chapter 4: Why Can't Everyone just leave me alone??

Chapter 3: Strange boys in Kansas

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Bởi Bananasareturquoise

As I stumbled into the classroom, my shoes letting out an awkward squeak as I came to a stop, I realized as I stood up and saw everyone in the class staring at me with barely concealed hatred that I was late to class.

My whole face burned , and I shamefully walked to the first empty seat I spotted, cringing away as people smiled and greeted me.

One brown haired girl, petite with dazzling turquoise eyes, even leaned out and whispered "I really like your outfit! Would you like to sit with me at lunch because you're so beautiful and I'm drawn to your aura of sophistication and would want to do nothing more than to be friends with you?" After hearing her heart-wrenching words, I had to open and close my eyes several times to stop the tears from coming out, how could she say something like that? I had done nothing to her and she was already out to get me!

Who knew moving to a new school could be so hard, first block and I was already being harassed by numerous people.

Sitting into my desk, I quickly got out a pen and a notebook and hid my face from everyone's watching eyes, trying to draw little to no attention.

As I sat there, I started doodling pictures of the hot teacher guys abs, daydreaming that  maybe one day I could find a guy like that who would treat me right and think that someone as average and plain as me could be worth going out with.

Focused on  my drawing, a masculine voice whipsered into  my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"You're a really good artist." 

I quickly spun around, hands ready in a karate pose, ready to take out the newest threat. I was greeted by the most dazzling gold eyes, and I let out a dreamy gasp, feeling like he was seeing INTO MY SOUL.

My whole world had stopped and now was revolving just around these heart-piercing eyes. He suddenly let out a ferocious roar, terrifying several students next to us and sending one girl screaming out of the class room.

I was too enthralled by him to even notice, hungrily gazing down his chiseled face, that would make any model envious. His eyes suddenly turned completely gold, leaving no white in them, and he began to make some sort of growling noise, hair sprouting out of his hands and face.

I pulled back, shock racing through me as I noticed this change. "Um, your eyes are kind of freaking me out, and you're getting really hairy." I kindly stated

His eyes grew wide and he pulled on his jacket, massive muscles rippling as he pulled the hood up and turned away from me, his hands covering his face as he shoved his head into his open backpack.

"Erm, maybe it's the lighting?" He said, voice muffled by the bag.

I nodded, this making complete sense and not questioning it at all, the lighting in this school WAS really bad.

He then stood up, backpack still over his head, and sprinted out of the classroom, knocking over several desks and running into the wall before he finally found the door and ran out.

He was so mysterious.

People around me watched his departure and whispered something about "Alpha" and "Werewolf".

Maybe this was some sort of foreign Kansas slang, I wondered, shrugging at the strange ways of country folk.

Settling into my desk, the teacher finally arrived, strutting into the class room, he headed over to the desk, his blonde hair shining as he set his stuff down and picked up a clip board.

He looked awfully familiar, I thought, staring more intensly at him as he stood up and walked to the center of the class, his white button down shirt  showing off his extremely fit body, huge muscles nearly bursting out of the shirt, several girls mooned at him, drool coming out of their mouths.

I couldn't believe my luck, the man who visciously assaulted me about my appearance and lied to me was back!

I ducked under my desk, hoping he wouldn't notice me and embarrass me even more in front of all my classmates.

He glanced down at his clipboard, calling out peoples names, until he reached mine.

"Kaitlin Washington?" He called, searching the room for me. Depressed, I couldn't believe even with the name chart in front of him he couldn't get my name right. . I knew from the start that this man was out to get me. I curled up even more under my desk, clearing my throat, I deepened my voice, hoping to disguise it, "It's CAITLIN, and I'm here."

I could see people shifting in their seats to try to see me, probably jealous that I was related to the father of our country, George Washington. I know, I know, it's really cool and makes me obviously makes me a natural born leader, but people have always been envious that I was related to someone so famous and were always plotting against me.

"Is that her under the desk?" someone called, revealing my position.

"Dang it darn it do!" I cried  angrily, having no choice but to face the class. I stood up, brushing myself off, and said "Oh sorry, my pencil was under there."

"Your pencils on your desk." A boy to the right called out, his anger towards me radiating off of him as he smiled, pointing to the traitorous pencil.

I glanced at the pencil, and ninja-like, I knocked it off my desk, knowing that only that evil boy would now know of the lie I told, but he could be dealt with later.

"Nope, see, it's right here!" I cried, leaning down and snatching the pencil back up.

Sitting back down in my seat, my teacher smiled at me.

"Welcome to Countryside Katylyn!"

I nearly burst out crying, why could no one remember my name? This first day couldn't get any worse, but as usual, I was wrong.

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