Dirk Strider X Male Father Re...

By DMC3Vergil

1.4K 53 9


Chapter 1

1.4K 53 9
By DMC3Vergil

*this was a idea that wouldn't leave my head. so its been geeting on my nerves 4 a while now ani hav 2 let it out

Dirk was panting heavily, trying to dodge and block your attacks the best he could. You held a katana in each hand, two more strapped onto each side of your hips. You were known by using all six swords, but you were currently using two at the moment. Dirk couldn't believe what he saw before him, from what he remembered, you had died long ago when Dirk was 6 years of age. But there was one difference about you now, you weren't wearing your shades. Instead, you wore a mask that resembled that of a demon's. The blonde's orange eyes widen as you disappeared, you reappeared behind the teen. Before Dirk could turn around to face you, you had swiped a kick to the side of your son's head. Causing him to fly to the side, the blonde had hit a stone wall, falling to the ground. Dirk slowly, shackenly pushed his upper half up, he coughed up blood. You floated down infront of the male,

"Father..." Dirk had spoken in a weak voice, he was tired and hurt, while you stood before him. You didn't even broken a sweat, you chocked your head to the side. You didn't understand the blonde, he has been calling you 'Father' and you didn't have any memory of seeing him before. Stealthing one of your katanas, You slowly begun to walk towards the hurt male. Dirk lifted his head up until you saw his face, his triangler shades were cracked, blood seeped from his nose and mouth, some bruises begining to form. You stopped in your tracks when you saw tears running down his pale cheeks, your Master had brought you to life from Dirk's secrets and fears. You were made to kill the boy infront of you, but you couldn't. Your body refused to move, your mind yelling at you to end his life. Your grip on the hilt tighten, Dirk wobbly stood to his feet. His one arm, pressing against his stomach, the male was hunched over. Trying to attempt to stop the pain, he stared at you as you stared back. You quickly flashed stepped towards the male, when Dirk saw this. He had did the same towards you, you both stopped in the middle. Dirk had his arms wrapped around your waist as his head layed upon your (Muscled/Slender/Skip This) chest, you stayed there frozen, shocked by what Dirk was doing. You had only left a scratch on his cheek, you could hear the boy whimpering as tears left his orange eyes. Your grip had loosened, the blade you held, dropped to the floor with a 'Clank'. Looking down at the blonde, you wrapped your arms around him.

"Please stop. I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Dad." Dirk whimpered the last part out quietly, your wide (E/C) eyes soften. Memories flashed before your eyes, remembering everything up to the incident that happened long ago. You brought a hand up to the mask, you swished the mask away. Causing it to evaporate into the air, moving your hand over your face. The dark shades you usually wore formed in it's usual place upon you face, the hand you used, you ran it through Dirk's blonde hair. You allowed him to cry into your (Hoodie/Shirt/Jacket/Muscle Shirt/Sweater/Long Sleeved Shirt),

"Ssshhh, its alright." You softly spoke to your son, Dirk looked up at your smiling face, it was a gentle smile. You ran a hand down the side of Dirk's face,

"You did what you thought was right." The (Fav Color) Orb that was connected to the necklace that you wore, started to glow that color. It started to float upward, it soon removed itself from around your neck. That necklace was the only thing keeping you in this world of the living, it was a portal to Dirk's deepest parts of his mind and it allowed you to freely move in-between worlds. "You were right to kill me. I was in rage because of your Mother." Parts of your body started to degrade into pieces, those pieces flowing into the orb of the necklace.

"I was blinded by anger and rage that I wasn't thinking correctly, I could've murdered you and everyone around me." You parted from the hug as more of you had entered the necklace, only your right arm and half of the bust was missing. Gently placing your hand upon Dirk's cheek, you smiled the best you could as half of your face begun to disappear.

"Its not your fault and it never was," you arm was now fully gone, half of your face the only thing that the Strider could see. Your shades had disappeared, showing you single (E/C) eye.

"It was mine for being selfish. I always loved you, my Son, Dirk..." You had spoken in a much quieter voice as you fully entered the orbed necklace, Dirk watched as the necklace's glow faded and it started to fall. The blonde went to reach out for it, but he lost balanced and fell to the ground. He had caught the necklace in the process, the male turned onto his side. Opening his hands to look at the (Fav Color) Orb, Dirk quickly closed his orange eyes as more tears fell from them. Closing his hands around the object, he brought it close to his chest.

"Father," the male whimpered out. Silently crying to himself, he didn't want you to leave.

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