•{°More Than Emotions°}• A se...

By lyds2014

617 30 42

This Is the sequel to the amazing, epic lover story that is 'The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy.' After a long... More

Chapter 1: Alice
Chapter 2: Mary
Chapter 3: Alice
Chapter 4: Jared
Chapter 6: Jared
Chapter 7: Alice
Chapter 8: Branson
Chapter 9: Alice
Chapter 10: Jared
Chapter 11: Alice
Chapter 12: Jared
Chapter 13: Alice

Chapter 5: Tristan

48 1 2
By lyds2014

I paced back and forth in the waiting room. People looked at me strange, like they had their own problems and I should just sit down and quite bugging them. But I didn't. How could I? That was my girl, my Alice, that I'd seen held scared and then a short half hour later seen on the floor holding her mothers hand.

I'd tried to run to her but they wouldn't let me. They wouldn't let me within ten feet of her. Didn't they know? Didn't they know what she was to me? They must have, they saw the way I'd freaked. Everyone knew. It wasn't that hard to tell. Well, everyone but her that is.

She just thinks I'm joking when I say all th9ose things. Sometimes I am, but other times...

She thinks I'm content with being her best friend for the rest of my life. I used to think someday I'd leave her and move on, if she never got it, but now, in this waiting room, I know I'd wait forever if it meant she'd be okay.

"Tristan?" An old mans voice asked.

I looked up and saw Alice's grandparents scurrying through the door towards me.

"Grandpa Stall." I siad, "Thank god. They won't tell me anything."

He grasped me in a hug and then quickly let go and started hobbling towards the receptionist, "Don,t you worry my boy. I'll take it from here. Excuse me," He said to the lady behind the desk, "I'm here to see my son, his wife, and their daughter. The name is Stall."

I tunred to Grandma Stall. I'd never met her before so I was unsure of what to do when she sat down in the chair next to my backpack and began crying.

I looked to her husband but he didn't notice, he was talking to the nurse and filling out some forms.

"Umm," I started and took an unsure step towards her, "Mrs. Stall?"

Her head snapped up, "Yes, what is it? Who are you?"

"Oh, uh. I'm Tristan. I'm Alice's friend." I said cautiously taking another step towards her.

"Oh, god. Is word out already? The world knows now, I guess. My son is married to the daughter of some mob gangster! I might as well kiss my reputation at the club goodbye!" She flung her hands in the air and then brought them to her knees.

"Be nice." Grandpa Stall scolded her, "This is the young man that ran two miles while being chanced to the police station, risked his own life, and saved your sons."

She looked back up at me with stunned and confused eyes, "Is that true?"

I didn't know what to say. I shrugged. That's when a nurse came out of two swinging doors, "Stall family?" She called, searching the room for us over her glasses which she wore low on her nose.

"Thats us!" Grandpa Stall said.

She smiled, "You may see them now." She waved a finger at us to fallow her. We all stood and forgot our previous conversations.

"How are they?" I asked.

 She started spewing a bunch of medical terms real fast like, non of which I understood. When she'd finished Grandpa Stall and I looked at each other.

"English please." He requested.

The nurse laughed and ushered us into an elevator where she pressed the number eight. "Basically, what I said is that they should all be fine. Branson Stall is awake and eager for company, his surgery went swimmingly, though the bullet was so far in they had to remove a rib, he'll be alright though, nothing life threatening. Mary Stall is also awake, and has nothing to show from last nights unfortunate events than a bruise on the side of her face and maybe a sprained ankle, but Alice Stall still remands unconscious. We're not sure why. We didn't give her any medicine that would render her incapable of awareness, and she doesn't have any injuries either. So we are assuming that she'll wake up soon. If not then we'll give her something through her IV to wake her. If even after that she remands unconscious for more than twenty-four hours we'll have to go through with a brain surgery."

"What?" I snapped, "Brain surgery. What the fuck?"

"Sir, please calm down." She said, "It's a highly unlikely scenario." A pager on her waist buzzed and she looked at it quickly as we were led out of the elevator and down another hallway. "Now, then," She said, "It's not everyday that we have a whole family of patients at once, but for when we do we have family rooms."

"So they're all together?" Mrs. Stall asked.

"Yes, they're right down here." She led us to the last door and opened it up. Grandpa Stall and his wife both rushed in, but I still stood there, too afraid of what I might see. "Listen," The nurse said to me, "She's going to be okay. There is something you can do to help her though."

"I'll do anything." I said, "Does she need blood? Because I've got blood, I've got plenty." I said eager to do something; anything.

She laughed "No sweetie, just sit with her and hold her hand and talk to her, those things might help her wake up, okay?"

I blinked, "That's all?"

She smiled, "That's all."

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