Sensation (h.s)

By harrysgirl1212

246K 7.8K 5.9K

Harry and Kate are completely different people. Harry is 29, a professor at the University of Chicago, a bit... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three

Chapter Fourteen

5.9K 158 104
By harrysgirl1212

Kate's point of view

"We should go out tonight. Actually spend our weekend doing something fun for a change." I hum quietly to Harry as I stand behind him at his desk. My arms are linked around his neck and my fingers are sifting gently through his unruly hair while he does work on his computer.

"Are you saying we never do anything fun?" He teases in return, turning his head up to look at me.

"No, I'm just saying we should do something more exciting than drinking at your apartment and messing around until I go home. Don't you want to say you did something exciting over the weekend for a change?"

"Who would I tell? You're the only person I talk to and that wouldn't be very exciting since you would have been there with me." He playfully nudges my shoulder with his, chuckling softly at his own lame joke.

"You could tell your colleagues. I'm sure you're the youngest professor here so they'd probably be jealous of your bachelor life-style." I begin kissing down his jawline until I reach his neck, already loving the feeling of his body relaxing into mine.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'd love to know about me taking out a student to get drunk in hopes of getting her to come home with me." His tone is still playful and I find myself slowly less amused by kissing his neck in a taunting manner.

"Never mind, then. I'll go out with my roommate or something." I ruffle his hair with my hand and step away with a dramatic sigh.

We've only spent two nights hanging out this week including our Monday accidental sleepover. He promised Wednesday when he called me to come over just to get him off that we could do something fun this weekend, but apparently our definitions of fun are two different things.

"Kate, I'm just messing with you. Come back here." He spins around in his chair to face me, but I manage to ignore him. My pocket mirror is found easily in my bag and I begin to touch up my lipstick while continuing to give him the silent treatment.

"Baaaabe." He whines childishly, earning a small grin of amusement from me. He doesn't say anything else as he stands from his chair and paces over to where I'm standing.

"Where do you want to go tonight? I'll leave it up to you." His arms link securely around my waist while I roll my lips together, attempting to finish my lipstick before turning back to him.

"I didn't have anywhere in particular in mind." I place my makeup back into my bag and straighten out my shirt before turning back to look at him.

"You've been going out in this city for a few more years than I have, so you should pick." I add. His bottom lip is pulled between his teeth when I turn back to look at him, making my stomach unexpectedly churn. His dress pants and nicely pressed button-up shirt are doing no justice on my already raging hormones.

"You make me sound like an old man. I probably know about as much about clubs here as you do."

"You are an old man. You're pretty sexy for an old man, though." I teasingly press my lips against his jaw and pull away, grinning at the slight outline of my lips from the lipstick left on his skin.

"You certainly know how to make me feel good about myself." He rolls his eyes playfully and we both giggle a bit. Without wasting a second, we both lean in and press our lips together. I'm sure I'm smearing lipstick all over him now, but I certainly wouldn't pass up a kiss to keep my makeup in tact.

"I have one more proposal for you." I add after a minute, tangling my fingers into his hair as I pull away from his kiss. Our foreheads press together and his fingers press gently into my hips as he pulls my body flush against his.

"Go on." He hums in return.

"My roommate is going to some big frat party with her boyfriend tonight and never passes up an opportunity to sleep over at his house, so I think you should come stay in my dorm tonight. We always go to your apartment. Wouldn't in be nice to change up the scenery for once?" I wait patiently for him to consider my words while my fingers sift through his soft hair. His body is warm and inviting and the tighter he holds me the more I wonder if I'll ever be able to move away from him.

"We always go to my apartment because we know for a fact no other college students will unexpectedly barge in on me screwing you senseless. Also, how would I get out the next morning? There's going to be people all around campus and your walk of shame is a bit more respectable when you're leaving my apartment versus me sneaking out of your dorm room in yesterday's clothes."

"Oh, whatever. Excuses excuses." I roll my eyes playfully in return while he chuckles softly.

"Okay, well maybe I just don't want to be squished into your little bed all night. It's nice for the intimacy but I'm a man with needs, and one of those needs being to stretch out while I sleep." I feel our bodies sway slightly as he holds me close to him, sighing as he gently kisses my cheek.

"Well your woman with needs requests we sleep in my bed for a change." I slowly move my lips along his jawline and he hums contently.

"My woman, huh?" He murmurs in return. My movements stop in surprise of my own slip up, but neither of us say anything else about it. Without acknowledging the words in the slightest, our lips lock together once again in a sloppy kiss that has my heart racing. For as many up and down emotions as I have about our whole non-relationship relationship, he knows exactly how to make the butterflies in my stomach swarm with life.

Just as I'm about to pull away to say something else about how we should spend the night at my dorm, we're interrupted by the door to the lecture hall being abruptly pushed open. I nearly trip over my own two feet as I scurry to get at least two feet of distance between us.

Just as my head turns up to meet our unexpected guest, I notice the dean walking in, typing away on his phone and not acknowledging us. I look back at Harry and nearly faint at the sight of lipstick smeared across his mouth and some even down his jaw where I can distinctly remember kissing.

With some much-needed effort, I silently motion for him to wipe his mouth. He looks at me in complete bewilderment for a moment, then seems to catch on. With an easy swipe of the back of his hand, he wipes the residue from his mouth, but some stain of the burgundy color remains on his plump lips. I stare at him in awe and for a moment forget we're in the presence of administration and that I can't kiss him until we're both blue in the face.

"Ah, there you two are. I was hoping you'd be here this afternoon, Kate. Everything going alright?" The dean asks in a conversational tone, slipping his phone into the pocket of his nicely ironed shirt.

"Yep, everything's great. I was just about to send Ms. Stevenson home for the day, actually." Harry answers in a formal tone, offering a tight smile as he looks between us.

"Oh, lovely." The dean looks around the room and back at us, then sighs lowly.

"Anyways, I'm just here to tell Kate that she has officially completed her two months of after-school assistance. I must say too, Kate, Styles here has some pleasant things to say about your work ethic. I think he'd keep you around to help all the time if he could based off of his review on you." The dean chuckles heartily and I fight back my own smile as Harry's cheeks tinge nearly the same color as his lips.

"Well, Professor Styles knows I'm always here to lend a helping hand if he needs it." I smirk in return, seeming to not phase the dean while Harry nearly chokes on his spit.

"Well, you two seem to work good together." The dean nods in approval and I cross my arms over my chest, nodding along with him.

"I definitely appreciate Kate's help these past couple of months. Hardly seemed like a punishment on my behalf, really." Harry speaks up.

"Certainly not. I enjoyed helping Professor Styles with simple grading or even a few problems he faced. Small or big." A small smirk turns up on my lips and the dean continues to stay oblivious to the innuendo despite Harry looking like about to faint.

"Very well then. Good work, Kate. It's nice to see a student and a professor collaborate so well despite the circumstances." He pats Harry's shoulder in a friendly manner and we both nod, seemingly unsure of how to respond.

Harry takes it upon himself to walk Dean Arnold's up to the door of the lecture hall while they chat mindlessly about some golf match from the weekend before. I sling my purse over my shoulder and trail slowly behind them, keeping my distance to leave them to their conversation.

When he finally is disappeared out the door, Harry locks it and turns back to me. I lean against the wall a few feet away and smirk intently as he paces over to where I'm standing.

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think? I'm sure it'd go over fucking great if he had been looking when he came in and saw us kissing." His fingers tangle frustratedly into his hair and my playful attitude slowly seeps away.

"It's fine, babe. He didn't see anything. We'll just have to be a little more careful next time." I reach out to touch his hips as he moves in front of me, but he's quick to push my hands away.

"This isn't a joke, Kate. There will be no next time. No more of this shit while we're on campus. There's just too much risk." He breezes past me and I bite my lip, unsure of how to respond. I don't like being talked to like an incompetent child, but I also don't want to ruin the potentially fun weekend we were supposed to have.

"Okay, well, good thing I don't have to come here anymore after classes. We don't have to worry about it." I shrug my shoulders and he scoffs in return.

"Now that you're not in my class anymore you shouldn't be anywhere around here. It will be beyond suspicious if you're creeping around here if you have no reason to be here." He sits down at his desk and buries himself back in his work, not bothering to look up at me again.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you alone then. You seem a little stressed today so maybe we'll talk tomorrow, or something." I grab for my sunglasses to slip onto my face and turn back to the door to leave.

"Yeah, maybe that's for the best." He dismisses in return. I only glance over my shoulder at him for a second before pushing open the heavy door to leave.

I don't know what he wants me to say or do. It's not my fault that we were almost caught kissing, and if it is-- its just as much his fault.

I need to get myself in check before I get hurt. I'm making this out to be much more of a relationship than it actually is. Friends with benefits is merely our title and it shall remain that way.

I spend the remainder of my afternoon moping around my dorm and trying not to analyze everything in my head to the point of feeling insane. My phone has been buzzing in my purse all afternoon, but I haven't bothered to check it. It's either Harry or Lena in some existential crisis, but either way, I don't really feel like getting involved.

I take a shower around five and take my time drying my hair and getting cozy in a pair of fluffy pajamas pants, along with a sweatshirt. The fabric of the sweater is cozy and strangely nostalgic and takes me a while to remember where I got the piece of fabric. When it finally hits me where the sweater is from, I find myself cuddling further into the fabric rather than burning it like I should. The sweatshirt used to belong to him and I recall packing it when I was leaving Florida, thinking I just needed one thing to remind me of that portion of my life.

As I lay in bed around eight PM attempting to find interest in a movie, it becomes more and more difficult as the minutes pass. All I can think about is the fight with Harry and multiple memories that flood my mind of him. I don't want him on my mind, but it's hard to just forget. Especially when I'm still sleeping in his clothes.

I find myself laying on my pillow with my phone in my hand and my email pulled up. The message he sent me a few days ago stays prominent on the bright screen and I skim my fingers over the initial of his name, hoping it will somehow remind me of him. What the hell am I doing trying to make a no strings attached relationship work? I know in my heart and in my head I was better off in a relationship with a jerk who didn't respect me than I am trying to figure this new fling out.

I'm honestly not sure in the end if it will hurt worse having the one I love thinking I tried to kill him or the one I'm smitten over thinking I'm nothing more to him than someone to get him off when he's in the mood.

Around ten, my movie is ending and I realize I haven't taken note of anything that happened in it. I click on another one easily and allow the noise to take over the silence of the empty dorm room while I attempt to fall asleep, clutching his sweatshirt and cuddling a pillow as if it will make me feel better.

Just as I'm about to finally allow sleep to overcome my mind and body, a soft knock sounds at the door of the dorm. I ignore it and stay in my spot, assuming it's one of Lena's friends or something. Nothing worth getting out of my bed for.

A moment later when the silence is granted to me once again, I'm interrupted, but this time by a voice.

"Kate?" The low rasp comes out in an almost inaudible noise that I know I couldn't hear if the hallway wasn't silent. A light tap follows the voice and I finally get up with a frustrated sigh to move towards the door.

Without saying a word, I swing open the door and look up to see Harry staring back at me. He's dressed in a black sweatshirt and grey joggers that sit low on his hips. His hair is tied up in some sloppy bun and he looks exhausted.

"What are you doing here? Someone's going to see you." I grab his arm to pull him in the room so that we're concealed. He lectures me this afternoon about us potentially getting caught then shows up at my dorm in the middle of the night, clearly here to see me on a personal matter? I can't follow all of his back and forth.

"I had to come find you. You weren't answering your phone and I was worried about you." He stands in the darkness of the room and stares intently at me as I lock the door and flick on the lamp. Once there's some sort of illumination in the dark space, I turn back to look at him, but nearly fall back again in surprise.

He's standing with a sweet pout on his lips and a single rose in his hand that's outstretched towards me.

"I'm sorry for blowing up on you earlier. I was being completely unreasonable and I shouldn't have made you feel bad about something that wasn't your fault. We both need to be more careful and it's not going to work if we aren't making a team effort." He steps towards me with the flower and sets it on the table behind me so that he can slip his arms around my waist. I hesitate for a moment to respond to his touches, which clearly has him worrying.

"Kate, I said I'm sorry, babe. Please don't be angry." He nuzzles his face into my neck and sighs lowly, tightening his grip on my waist with each second that I don't move to hug him in return.

"Kate..." His voice drops to a whisper, sounding the slightest bit pained. I don't want this situation to escalate to what I know it never will be, but I also don't want to ruin moments like this thinking about the fact that it will never be anything more.

"I'm not mad. I'm just... I don't really know." I finally lift my arms to link around his neck and he sighs in relief.

"You know that's, like, the only thing I won't accept. I don't like to be talked to like I'm an idiot." I pet my fingers through his hair that I can manage to touch outside of his slightly adorable bun.

"I know you don't. I didn't think before I acted and I was just upset and... I'm sorry. Why wouldn't you answer your phone?" He leans down and unexpectedly lifts my feet from the ground to wrap around his waist instead. Loud laughter spills from my mouth as I try to balance myself on him while he giggles along with me.

"You had me so worried. I thought you were pissed off at me and went out to a bar alone and found someone better." He walks us across the room and drops me down onto the bed, immediately moving to hover over me.

"Better than you? Not possible." I murmur back in a playful tone.

"Yeah, I know." He gets cocky easily and I grin while he nuzzles his face into my neck again. My fingers sift through his hair for the millionth time while he rolls over onto my side and pulls my body against his.

"Can I take you out tomorrow night to make up for screwing up our plans tonight? Maybe we can do dinner and drinks instead of just drinks and... Sex." He chuckles softly and I join in for a split second before realizing what he's asking.

"You want to take me out to dinner? Like, a date?" I lean up on my elbow to look down at him and he cracks a handsome smirk.

"Yeah, we can call it a date. I probably owe you some food in return for everything you do for me."

"Such as?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he leans up along with me. Our lips graze each other's for a second before he's pressing his forehead against mine.

"You made me come twice in one night over Thanksgiving break. I owe you my life." He teases back, skimming his lips down my jawline.

"You made me come twice, too. I think we owe each other."

"Okay. We can buy each other dinner?"

"Yeah. Oooor..." I bring my own hand down to cup him through his thin pants and he inhales sharply.

"We could do another trade off tonight and whoever gives the better orgasm gets to be treated to dinner by the loser." I finish, smirking as he continues to kiss down my neck and chest.

"Okay. I think you should keep in mind though... I am older than you, and more experienced. I've given women some pretty intense orgasms in the past. Like- hold them down on the bed because they can't stop shaking- intense." I feel his hand skim down my side and slowly dip his fingers into the waistband of my shorts.

"Oh really? Well then you've been holding back on me." I cup both sides of his face and kiss him hungrily. His hand is slowly moving further down into my pants and leaving me breathless as I attempt to focus on kissing his lips and neck. I can barely remember to breath with the way his fingers are rubbing against my sensitive nerve.

"Oh, baby," I toss my head back as the pleasure begins to overwhelm my mind. I can feel him grinning against my jaw as the pet-name falls from my mouth.

"Yeah? Sounds like I'm about to win myself a free dinner." His fingers prod bravely at my entrance while he nibbles gently at my earlobe.

"Hey, I have an idea. We haven't done this yet." He moves down my body and I wait patiently to see what he has in mind. My eyes flutter shut as I grip the sheets, anxious to feel his next move. The second I have the sensation of him pressing hot kisses on the insides of my thighs, I nearly roll off of the bed in anticipation. I've kissed his plump lips far too many times to know exactly what he's capable of doing with his mouth.

It doesn't take him long to have my shorts tossed across the room and my sweatshirt pushed up to my chest. He sits on his knees in front of the bed and slowly works his way up towards the area between my legs. As soon as I feel his tongue lick up my center, I nearly roll from the bed.

"You taste even better than I imagined." He admits with an obvious smirk just in his tone. His lips wrap around my bundle of nerves and suck harshly, leaving me unable of any sort of response.

It feels like an eternity that he stays put between my legs, driving me utterly insane. I pull his hair and claw at the bed sheets in attempt to stop myself from screaming, but when he adds his fingers to the mix and curls them in a certain position, I can't hold myself together any longer. My high hits me like a ton of bricks and Harry stays true to his word of having to hold me down on the bed while my orgasm rushes through my body. Harry stands up from his spot on the floor and moves up to kiss my lips. I'm still panting, but I manage to stop myself from heavily breathing long enough to thank him with dozens of greedy pecks against his wet lips that still taste of me.

"You going to return the favor?" He asks in a low whisper, grabbing my hand from my side to place in front on the front of his pants. He's achingly hard and very obviously straining against his own stomach, which I can feel perfectly through the thin material of his sweatpants.

"Yeah, but I want you." I mumble back. He nods his head in agreement.

"Are you sure you're up for that? I could imagine you're pretty sensitive after..." I feel him smirk against my lips and we both giggle quietly.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I push him gently away from me and move in languid movements to turn my body around. Harry groans in a low tone from behind me as I pull my sweatshirt over my head and toss it onto the floor, then kneel down on the bed so that my ass is proudly in the air.

"Jesuuus," his hands grasp my hips and slowly skim across my skin, arousing me once again within merely seconds.

"You are so unbelievably stunning." He adds, leaning down to kiss the line of my spine.

"Yeah, I'm sure your opinion isn't at all bias right now." I tease in return. He doesn't say anything else as he plants sloppy kisses down my back before disappearing all together.

No less than a moment later, his touch returns, but this time it's not the gentle kisses and lingering skimming of our fingertips against each other's skin. Instead it's him pushing his length swiftly into me without any sort of warning. There's no pain from the stretch, but the unexpected fullness has his hand clamping over my mouth to keep me from screaming like he knows I'm going to.

"I can't comprehend how it seems to get better the more often we do this." He speaks in a low voice that already sounds abnormally husky. His hips are slowly moving to escalate our pressure and I already have a feeling we're both both going to last long.

"Faster." I plead in return, too worried about coming again to care about his comment.

Without saying a word, he begins to pound at a quick pace in and out of me. Our skin is slapping together in the most tasteful way that just the sound has my stomach churning. Thinking about the fact that the dorms around us probably know the exactly what the sound is has my pulse thrumming in my ears.

As expected, it doesn't take either of us long at all to finish. With Harry's hand on my mouth trying to silence my screams and my hands digging into his thighs as something to hold onto, the both of us can barely contain anything.

As we attempt to recover from our intense few moments of coming down from our highs, I roll from the bed to the floor while Harry collapses onto the mattress. We don't speak for nearly ten minutes while we both take our own time trying to regain ourselves.

"Do you need anything?" I ask with a sigh when I'm finally able to move again. I slowly get up from the floor and stretch my limbs while staring at Harry on the bed. He's laying proudly on mattress with his sweaty body completely bare and his arms tucked behind his bed.

"A kiss and something to drink, please." He answers in return, smirking as he looks at me. I grin along with him and step over to the bed with my lips puckered. He meets me half way, making us both laugh quietly as our lips connect.

"Alright, I'm ready for a drink now." He teases, patting my backside as our lips disconnect.

"Well then your demanding ass can get up and get it yourself." I stand up abruptly and move away from his hands that are grabbing for my waist as I walk away.

Without either of us saying anything else, I grab two beers from the mini fridge across the room and move back towards the bed. Harry's moved to sit up on the mattress and allows me space to sit between his legs after passing off the drinks to him to hold.

"That was undeniably the most amazing makeup sex I have ever had." I admit jokingly as I grab my beer from his hand. My back leans against the wall by the bed while Harry stays leaning against the headboard.

"Yeah, that was..." He huffs exasperatedly and we both crack small smiles. When neither of us advance to say anything else, I feel his hand creep up from his side to where my own hand is resting in my lap. Our fingers lock together perfectly as if our hands we're made just for each other. Out of everything he does to make my stomach feel queasy with overwhelming butterflies, my favorite things are the little gestures like holding my hand when I least expect it. He's a romantic at heart and sometimes I wish we had more opportunities for me to see that side of him outside of the bedroom.

"So, I guess you owe me dinner, huh?" He speaks up after another moment of silence. A sweet smirk is prominent on his plump lips as he sits with his head leaned back against the wall. He looks so carefree.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. The night is still young and I have plenty of time to give you an orgasm that will literally change your life." I bite my lip as I look over at him, completely amused by his surprised expression.

"Okay. Challenge accepted." He chuckles in return.

We continue to smile admirably at each other for another moment before I turn my head to take a sip of my beer. Today has been so up and down with emotions and all I really want to do is curl up in Harry's arms and forget about the fight, and the fact that our secret was almost blown to the dean of the school, and that I almost spent my night holding onto a pillow and a sweatshirt that used to belong to him in hopes of making my head stop spinning.

"All bets aside, I'm kind of excited to see you dressed up for me tomorrow. You'll have to forgive me if my smooth talk and footsie-under-the-dinner-table skills are a bit rusty. It's been a few years since I've been out on a date with someone besides the person I was married to." His words regarding his wife surprisingly don't fall heavy between us for once. I'm used to the frown that follows the mention of her, but instead he seems indifferent as if it's everyday conversation.

"That's okay. I'm a bit rusty too, to be honest. My boyfriend never used to take me out on dates after the beginning half of our relationship. We can be awkward together because I'm also not really sure how to do the whole date thing." I lean in to lay against his chest and smile happily as his arm snakes around my waist.

"I was hoping I wouldn't be alone on making myself look like some hopeless romantic fool." His fingers sift gently through my hair and I smile, feeling completely content on laying on his chest.

"Nope. We're equal when it comes to being hopeless romantics." My fingers tap some mindless tune against his bare thigh while silence falls over us once again.

The fine hairs on his legs I find amusing, and it takes all of my willpower to not make some silly comment about his unruly strands covering his skin. As the seconds pass, I move my eyes over to where his length is resting between his legs, now limp and slightly red from the friction only a few minutes ago.

"When did you take the condom off?" I ask, using my free hand to playfully poke the head.

"I didn't... Oh fuck." Both of our eyes widen at the realization and I'm up off the bed within seconds. Sure enough, now that it's been brought to my attention, I specifically remember when he came down from his high I was much more wet between the legs than I remembered being.

"Harry! You were supposed to remember!" I stomp my foot like a toddler while frustratedly running my fingers through my hair.

"I tried, baby, but I was a little sidetracked with you bent over the bed like that!" He stands up along with me and despite our nakedness, I find the standoff aggravating yet amusing.

"Well I thought that's what you were doing when you walked away before we started. I can't believe we forgot." I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration and shake my head.

"No, I was taking off my pants. Don't stress, though. I'm not trying to get you pregnant I just... Got a little excited..." He chuckles softly, but doesn't seem genuinely amused. I don't say anything for a moment.

"I'm on the pill, but that's not always one-hundred percent effective. Maybe we should get a Plan-B pill." I cross my arms over my chest and look down as he slowly steps over to where I'm standing.

"Those are so expensive. Don't you think we'll be fine? If something happens we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Don't stress about it." He brings his hand up to tuck some hair behind my ear, but it doesn't comfort me in the slightest.

"I can't not stress about it." I accept his embrace when his arm snakes around my waist and his lips press gently against my forehead.

"We can get a morning after pill tomorrow, if that's what you want. If that will make you not be stressed out then we can absolutely run to the drug-store in the morning and do that." He embraces me tightly in his arms and makes me smile even from the simple hug. Every time he touches me I feel like a teen experiencing affection from a boy for the first time.

"Really? I'll pay for it if that's what you're worried about. I would just feel a lot better if we did." I scratch my fingernails lightly up his bare back and inhale the musky scent lingering on his chest.

"The money isn't really the issue. I'm just being selfish. Better safe than sorry, huh?" His voice is low in my ear as he speaks. Our bodies sway slowly to a silent beat while we both embrace the moment of unexpected affection.

"That's what I was thinking." I nod in return. He kisses my temple with his soft lips, then the top of my head, then nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Lets go to bed. I'm proper exhausted and you're freezing." He slowly walks us back towards the bed until we're tumbling onto the mattress. We land in a heap on the bed and giggle like little kids as we tangle ourselves up under the blankets.

The argument this afternoon and the stress of our lack of planning on the birth control seem pointless for me to still be stressed out about. At the end of the day, we still have our silly arrangement that feels a whole lot like something for me to still get butterflies in my stomach over. Even though neither of us will admit it- I think we're both getting a bit too cozy with the whole ordeal.

A good kind of cozy, though.

A/N: Kate's not gonna get pregnant in this story hahaha been there done that with my trilogy (if you haven't read that you won't understand but I cringe when thinking about those books bc I wrote them like 4 years ago and they're terrible so I'm not even gonna recommend it)

Anyways #drama

Enjoy & I'll update again next Friday :)))))

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