Taken By A Vampire Prince

By poomly-not-book-shy

22.3K 518 22

"Who are you?!" My look alike growls while tightening his grip on my wrist I winced at the pain. "Please don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Final Chapter

Chapter 4

1.3K 29 2
By poomly-not-book-shy

Riker's pov:

I did a happy dance in my head as the map was put away. Finally I am free from this boring torture. The pack members agreed on the plan and went their separate ways.

I stood up and stretched a little bit. Matt poked me in the side.

"Let's get out of here before something else happens." He whispers.

I nod and we start walking out of the meeting room. A hand was put on my shoulder, it was my mom.

"You didn't pay any attention at all did you?" She asks.

"I can't lie to you mom..no I didn't." I reply nonchalantly. She sighed and let my shoulder go.

I heard Matt click his tongue and saw him shake his head.

"You should know better than to not pay attention."

"Matt, you didn't pay attention either."

He puts a sly smile on his face and holds up his hands.

"I'm not a prince, so it doesn't matter if I pay attention or not."

I shake my head and walk past him. I have no idea why I have to know all of this unnecessary crap. I'm not ruiling anything yet!!

While I was walking, I felt 'the pains' again. I do not want to deal with this today. I stopped and leaned against the wall.

It was happening in my abdomen, and my head was nagging me a little bit.

I took deep breaths and gently massaged my temples. The pain in my abdomen started to go away due to my healing powers.

Matt caught up to me and gave me a look. "Let me guess, your hurting again?" He says.

I nod and he helps me off of the wall and carries me back to my room.

"I will never understand those pains you have."

"Honestly Matt, I don't think anyone does."

When we make it back to my room, I lie down on my bed. My pain was completely gone now.

One day I will find out why I have these pains.

Matt takes a seat in a chair and sighs.

"So, how is your relationship with Terra going?" He asks.

I smiled when he said that. Terra the only wolf out there for me.

"You should already know the answer to that." I say.

He shrugs.

"Well, as long as you two are happy and satisfied with eachother, everything will be good." He says.

Maybe I should call her and ask to hang out. Mind link time!!

Riker-Yo! Terra are you there?!

Terra-Hey Riker, yeah I'm here. What do you need?

Riker-For you to get that pretty body of yours over here with me...please

Terra-Alright, I wasn't busy anyway, see you when I get there, bye.

Riker-Okay, bye babe

I sat up and went over to my mirror.

"Gotta look good for my girl." I say combing my hair.

"I hate being the single person in the group." Matt says.

I shrug and finish combing my hair. I look hot enough for Terra.

"Matt I am sure that one day you will find your mate, it just takes time."

"Dude I have been waiting my whole entire fucking life and I still can't find my girl!"

"You will find the right girl soon,I know you will."

He sighs and sits back in the chair.

"Maybe I will be alone forever." He says.

"Matt, you know that is not true. Everyone finds their mate." I say

"Yeah, everyone but me." He mumbles.

"Matt, stop downing yourself. As your best friend, I am telling you right now that you will find your mate." I say.

"Yeah, I guess." He says sadly.

Damn, I feel bad for Matt. But don't worry buddy, you will find your mate soon.

"I got an idea." Matt says.

He got happy really quick, which is a good thing.

"What is your idea?" I ask.

"When Terra gets here, all three of us should check out that house that the vampires attacked." He says.

That might be fun.

"That seems like something to do, but why do you want to do that?" I question.

"I'm bored and I want to see the atmosphere and how bad it is." He replies.

"Matt, you do know people died at that house right?"

"I know it's tragic what happened to those kids, but I am really curious."

I know Matt. The moment me and Terra say no, he can easily make us say yes.

I hear a knock at my door. Matt uses his telekinesis to open it.

Walked in was my very beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey guys." She walks over to towards me and kisses my cheek. I hear Matt groan and make gagging sounds.

"Aren't you a little to old to be doing that?" Terra asks.

"Nope, not one bit." He replies.

She shakes her head and pulls a strand of her light blonde hair out of her face. Her hair goes perfectly with her light green eyes.

I heard Matt clap his hands and grab his backpack.

"C'mon we better go now while the sun is still out."

Terra gives him a confused look.

Riker-Matt wants to check out the house that the vamps attacked.

Terra-WHAT?!?! The vampires attacked recently?!

Riker-Yep, they attacked a bunch of kids at a party.

The face Terra makes after I tell her that is a sad one. I keep forgetting that she doesn't take the vampires attacks well.

"Are you guys coming or do I have to drag you guys out of here?" He says putting on his backpack.

Me and Terra nod and make our way to the mortal world.


Wow..the vampires really fucked this place up.

All three of us were staring at the house. It was damaged really bad and had police tape all over it.

"I can't believe the vampires would do something like this." Terra says sadly.

I pull her closer and I take a glance at Matt. He is growling and his nails are growing sharp.

"Matt calm down, remember we are in the mortal world." I say. The last thing we need is Matt going on a rampage.

"I'm growling because I can sense a vamp nearby." He says before running down the street.

"MATT STOP!!" Me and Terra yell as we run after him. Damn it!!

He runs behind a house and we hear the sound of a struggle.

Me and Terra run faster and we catch up with Matt.

He is fighting with a vamp. I quickly use my telekinesis to hold him down.

Matt punches him hard in the face and moves away from him. I walk over to him and kneel beside his head.

"Why did your kind attack those kids at the party?" I ask.

The vamp smirks at me.

"Because we wanted to." He says.

I sigh and grab a stake from Matt's backpack. The vamps eyes widen and he shoots a laser beam at me, he misses.

"Last chance, why did your kind attack those kids?" I ask raising the stake above his heart.

"Because the prince ordered us to do it."

"What was the point of that?"

"He was looking for a girl at the party."

"Who was she?" I ask.

He smirks again.

"Bite me." He says.

Fine have it your way.

I stabbed the stake through his heart and his body went up in flames.

I stood up and placed the stake back in the backpack.

"So, that is the reason all those people died." Matt says shocked.

I nod.

"I guess that girl must had been really important." I say.

We better get home and tell mom and the pack about this.

"C'mon let's get out of here." I say before teleporting.

As I was teleporting, I was thinking.

Why would Quinton kill so many people just for a girl?

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