Soaring over the Rainbow

By CharleyGehrke

8.6K 293 22

(COMPLETED)Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy go on a trip to a new town in the Crystal Mountains. They attend a new... More

Dash in a Flash
Flying Camp
High Hopes
Best Friends
Special Events
That Was A Date
A Spark
Small Talk
Five But Not Six
Twisting The Feelings
Pieces Together
Back To Flying
Last Day

A Rough Ride

581 18 0
By CharleyGehrke

"Fluttershy, wake up, don't nap out in me. Come on, get up." Rainbow Dash said shaking her.
"Fluttershy, come on, keep me company. Want to come get a snack with me?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, okay."
Fluttershy yawned as she walked with Rainbow on their way to the food cart. "Man I'm excited to see the camp, aren't you?"
"Yeah, kind of..."
"Kind of? Fluttershy, I know being up high and flying fast isn't really your thing, but even you could get into it and love it. I'll be there helping you out."
"What about Soarin?"
"Soarin? What about Soarin? I never said anything about Soarin..."
Fluttershy gave her a confused look. "Um, he wants you to do advanced activities with him. I can't do that."
"Oh yeah...he did..." Rainbow smiled turning away. "Um, well, we could find something for you to do in the meantime, if that's okay."
"Yeah, that's okay." Fluttershy smiled sweetly. Rainbow smiled back.
The two pegasus walked in the food cart to find it empty.
"What?? Where's the food??" Rainbow asked.
An older lime colored pony turned to her. "Sorry, but we seem to be out. We hope to stop and restock for the rest of the ride." he said.
"Out of food. Goodness, a lot of ponies must be on this train." Fluttershy said.
"You bet. And most of them are athletes on their way to camp at Mistville. And we don't normally stop there."
"What even is Mistville? Why is so unfamiliar?" Rainbow asked.
"It's not too big and doesn't have many ponies. But I heard that the founder and owner of the Flying camp grew up there and wanted the place to be known better. So he set up a camp for pegasus to make Mistville more popular."
"That's cool." Rainbow Dash smiled. "A snack would be too.."
"I'm sorry lady. I got nothing for you right now."
"That's okay, we'll wait." Rainbow said, and they went back to their seats.
"Crazy how a train could run out of food." Fluttershy said.
"Yeah, and according to this map, it's a long trip to get to Mistville." Rainbow said looking at a map from the seat pocket.
"Oh well, I'm not too hungry anyway."
"Yeah, I guess I'm not either."
Later on, ponies started getting pretty hungry. Some were even a little hangry...
"Uhh, when are we gonna get some food around here. This is ridiculous." Rainbow Dash complained.
"I'm sure they're doing what they can to get food for us."
"They stopped about six times and didn't come back with anything."
The lime colored pony walked into the train car. "Excuse me every pony, we're make a last stop before your destination. We're stopping in a little place in the Crystal Mountains. Every pony can stop by the food court while we restock."
At his last words every pony cheered. When the train stopped at the station, every pony had their hats and scarves on and got off the train.
"All right, food time," Rainbow Dash said.
"Wow, there's so many places to eat." Fluttershy said looking around.
"Of course," Rainbow said. "I'm sure this is the only civilized area in the Crystal Mountains."
The two pegasus settled for a big lunch and were just finishing up a few minutes before the train blew a time warning whistle.
"We got 10 minutes to spare." Rainbow said before picking up her plates and cup. She wasn't paying too much attention when she ran into some pony and their things were dropped.
"Hey, watch it," Rainbow said shacking her head. Her eyes looked up to see Soarin.
"Oh I'm sorry Rainbow, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. How could I be so foolish." Soarin said picking up a plate.
"Uh,, no, that's okay. I wasn't paying attention either. My bad."
"Guess it happens to any pony." Soarin said after disposing the plates and cups.
"Uh, thanks for gettin' that..." Rainbow said.
"Oh no problem. Hey, we should meet up when we get to Mistville. Or, some time after we settle in."
"Cool, sure, sounds great." Rainbow Dash smiled trying not to ramble.
"Great, but we better head back to the train now, or it will be a cold fly to get there." Soarin laughed as he galloped along.
"Hehe, yeah, um, lets get going Fluttershy."
All the ponies boarded back on the train and it was finally off to Mistville.

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