Thrown Through Time

By fangirlsarecray

87.7K 3.3K 864

Three trios, from three generations, get swept up and all seem to end up lost in time! Harry Potter time tra... More

Lily, James, and Albus
Ginny, Ron, and Harry
James, Lily, and Sirius
Albus Dumbledore
Grimmauld Place
The Inhabitants of Grimmauld
Back to Godric's Hollow
Number 4 Privet Drive
Burned Alive
Malfoy Manor
A Short Time Captured
Leaving Shell Cottage
Life Changing
The Battle of Hogwarts
Dead or Alive
Frozen People
A Happy Ending
A Quick Promotion

All Over the Place

3.6K 158 26
By fangirlsarecray

Chapter 8

Unknown time, unknown date, unknown year,

Number 4 Privet Drive

Luna was once again the first to wake up. She was always a morning person. It took her a moment to realise where she was though. She was in Privet drive. Yes, with her time traveling family. Her mum, dad, uncle, and brothers, and little baby Remus who was still cuddled up in her arms.

She bolted upright at the sound of a key being turned in the lock. She grabbed the two invisibility cloaks that they still had and threw one over Al and Jamie and the other over Harry and Ginny. She took the throw blanket she had used overnight and threw it overtop of Ron, hiding him from view. Finally, she hid behind the couch and waited. She clutched Remus to her chest, for once she was quite thankful with how much this kid like to sleep.

The door opened and something like three sets of feet came through the door. Luna knew of about three people of who it could be. It would all depend on the time period.

"Dudley!" a shrill female voice called. The woman was walking through the doorway, toward the kitchen. "Can you fetch the post while you're there dear."

Heavy feet lumbered after the woman along with a second pair of smaller feet.

"Daddy, can you take me into London tomorrow to get my school supplies?" a young voice asked

"I don't know, Daisy." a man replied "You'd have to ask your mother. Your Gran and Gramps are coming over for dinner tomorrow so your mum might need some help in the kitchen."

"It'll only be an hour though!" the girl, Daisy, pleaded "You don't even have to come with me, you can just drop me off."

"I'm not answering that until I talk to your mother." the man repeated "Now go unpack your suitcase."

Two feet ran up the stairs and a door slammed.

"I swear, she's the only kid on the entire block who actually wants to go back to school next week." the man laughed.

Luna peered from her hiding spot. She saw her dad's cousin, Dudley, and his wife, Winifred. Luna felt Remus stir in her arms. He opened his little mouth and started to wail. Luna did the only thing she could think of and whipped out her wand. She muttered a quick 'Silencio' and Remus continued crying but with no sound this time. But it was too late. Her time travel companions were starting to stir. She peeked around the couch and saw bits of Jamie and Al peeking out from behind the cloak and GInny's disembodied leg was hanging off the loveseat. Ron was starting to fidget from underneath the blanket too. Dudley and Winifred started from the kitchen toward the noise that Remus had made. Luna cursed to herself that she didn't know a disillusionment charm.

She peered over again and once she got a clear shot of her relatives she hit them with two simple stunners and jumped to her feet. The only thing she needed to know now was how old Daisy was so she could know the year. Her time traveling relative still hadn't woken up completely though. Luna found that a bit odd. Al was a bit of a light sleeper, so were her mum and dad. Jamie could sleep through anything though.

Luna got up and looked at some of the photos decorating the hallway. She saw Daisy as a newborn, Daisy at five, Daisy celebrating her eleventh birthday, and the last photo had Daisy on platform 9 ¾ when she was 14. Luna was two years older than Daisy and since she was 17 herself that meant they were in the right time. Elated by the news, she sprinted over to the sleeping five and shook them all awake.

"Wake up! Wake up!" she cried "Al, Jamie, wake up!" Al jolted awake and screamed. Luna clamped her free hand over his mouth.

"What is wrong with you?" she hissed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he pleaded "I was startled by Ginny's leg and the lack of mine. Why did you have to put the invisibility cloak on me!"

"We're in someone else's house and if they saw us they would have freaked." Luna shushed him. "Well you woke everyone else up, so now I don't have to."

Luna laughed at her uncle who was having quite a hard time getting the blanket off his head. Luna helped him out with a quick tug on the edge of the blanket, it came off no problem.

"We have to leave before Daisy comes back downstairs." she told the others

"Who's Daisy?" Harry asked

"Our cousin." Jamie answered for his sister.

"Which Weasley?" Ginny asked excitedly

"Not Weasley," Al explained "Dursley."

"Dudley had kids?" Harry exclaimed in surprise

"Yes, him and his wife are just over there." Luna gestured to the stunned couple on the floor.

"You stunned them?" Al asked in disbelief

"How the hell was I going to explain this? I did the only thing I could think of." Luna defended herself

"Fine, did you figure out the year?" Albus rolled his eyes

Luna started grinning like a maniac, from ear to ear "We're home!" she exclaimed loudly.

"We have to go to Godric's Hollow then." Al jumped up

"Okay let's apparate then." Harry untangled himself from Ginny and stood up, clutching the cloak in his hand.

"We can't apparate from in here, we'll have to go out into the street." Luna gathered the other cloak from off her brothers.

"Why not? This is a muggle's house." Ron asked, dumbfounded

"Daisy's a witch." Al told them.

Harry was stunned into silence as he was led outside by his future children. Everyone apparated back to Godric's Hollow.

Or tried to.

They all ended up somewhere completely different. They were at the base of a long driveway that led up to a large house, more of a mansion really. Al and Harry recognised it immediately, for different reasons. Harry from a couple of months ago, when he was trapped there and held captive for a while, while Hermione was being tortured. Al because his childhood best friend lived there and he had spent a couple of Christmases there with Scorpius and his grandmother.

Suddenly, Luna shrieked, almost at the same time as Harry and Ron.

"Remus is gone!" she screamed frantically "He was in my arms but now he's gone!"

"What the hell are we doing at Malfoy Manor?!" Ron growled at the same time

Al and James ignored Ron and comforted their sister.

"I'm sure Remus is fine." Jamie hugged his sister

"Use your necklace." Albus encouraged

"What necklace?" Harry asked, he was a bit frantic and panicky, he didn't like being so near somewhere he had such bad memories.

Luna ignored him while she pulled on the chain around her neck. She muttered Remus' name three time and looked into the glassy mirror that held at the pendant.

"He's safe." She breathed "He's in Godric's Hollow."

"How'd you know that?" no one had noticed that Ron was slowly backing away from the gates to the manor.

"It's a mirror." Luna explained "It belonged to my grandfather and it communicates with the twin mirror so you can talk over long distances. My father retrofitted when James was born so that if you put on necklace around the baby's neck and you have the other, you can see where the child is."

"Dad gave it to Teddy when Remus was born and since he was nervous about Jamie being there while we were babysitting he gave the other to Luna." Al continued

"And for good reason." Jamie laughed

"So you admit this is all your fault?" Luna taunted

"I think we're past the point of blaming people." Al grumbled as he started up the path to the house.

"What are you doing?" Ron yelled at him

"Going to see if they can help us get to Godric's Hollow?" Al said unsure of himself.

"Do you know who live there?" Ron cried

"Yes." Al said simply

"Then why the hell are you going up there?"

"Oh, I forgot." Al rolled his eyes

"How could you forget that this is the Malfoys'?" Ron oggled at him.

"That's not what I forgot." Albus yelled over his shoulder

Ron glanced at Harry, sending him a pleading glance before they all ran after Al.

(A/N: Okay so all I did today was sit on the couch and write. My parents must think I'm really lazy. Which I am but that's beside the point. Who cares! My laziness is to your benefit. I'm probably crazy. -Jul)

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