I Don't Want to Drown Again (...

By SilentlySleepygaming

40.6K 1.1K 459

Ben x Jeff/Sleepygaming. I have a bad obsession with sleepygaming >.> ive finished this story on quotev... More

//Chapter One\\
//Chapter Two\\
//Chapter Three\\
//Chapter Four\\
//Chapter Five\\
//Chapter Six\\
//Chapter Eight (End)\\
Gay and Gayer (Bonus!)
Update 2

//Chapter Seven\\

2.7K 87 29
By SilentlySleepygaming

~Seeping blood between his stained teeth. He spat it out and fell to the floor~

It didn't take long, from what I know, for my body to snap back awake. I sat up quickly, automatically beginning to cough up blood once more. A sharp gasp was heard from the doctors surrounding me, some of them going to reach forward to help me. I growled as soon one of the hands came close enough to me, raising my lip into a snarl. I gripped the hand tightly and bent it back just as quickly. "Do not touch me," I muttered and with an easy amount of force, pushing the doctors hand back sharply and breaking the wrist. A shock by the bracelet came for this as the doctor screamed and pulled away. I wasn't exactly even mad in this situation, I was just being difficult. I clenched my jaw tightly at the shock, my body twitching terribly.

"What is going on in here?!" someone shouted after they burst through the door as the doctor and someone else left. My eyes shot up and locked eye contact with Adam's, his face contorting into a look of shock. "Ben? Are you alright?" The unusual concern in his voice made me flinch and my eyes darted around the room quickly. I wanted out, but with everyone surrounding me and one exit, I couldn't even move. I shook my head slowly in response to Adam's question, my hand moving carefully up to my eyes and mouth to wipe away the blood that still seeped from them.
"We put him in the testing chamber and began the tests. He passed out during the water test," Another male doctor said, standing up and straightening his lab coat before huffing. "The kid totally freaked out," he said, trying to hide a smirk as he answered Adam's first question. Adam opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him, my lips falling into a frown.
"I'm not a kid, you imbecile. I'm most likely older than you," I blurted, sitting up further and crossing my arms, watching as other doctors got up and went back to work. A laugh came from the doctor as Adam came over after retrieving my tunic and hat and handing it to me.
"Oh yeah? How old are you? 16?" The doctor managed to get on in between his laughs. I shook my head and stood up, slipping on my tunic.
"You're freezing," I said, a smirk rising onto my face. Seeing that I was going to take this as a game, the doctor shrugged and went on.
"Stop lying, you idiot. Just tell me your age. I can just look into files either way."
I gave a lazy shrug, slipping my hat on and taking a better look at him. "Technically I'm 38. Though I died when I was 18 so I am mentally and physically that old," I told him, tilting my head to the side. "I was trapped in a game for almost 20 years, you know. I just act really childish," I stated before laughing at the doctor's shocked expression. "Any other questions?" He shook his head quickly, turning around and going back to his desk.
--Jeff's POV--
"I can't believe Slendy refused to help up," Silver huffed behind me and Thomas. I nodded, the small amount of anger from the situation still lingering in the three of us.
"Yea. It's idiotic. Like, what else are we supposed to do? What if we all can't make it back?" Thomas rambled angrily beside me. I picked at the skin around my fingers and kept my eyes focused on our surroundings as we walked through the forest. I had always been the silent type but that's only because my emotions could change in the blink of an eye. I don't want people to point it out.
"He'd have no one to look over the house. Not like he cares. He thinks he's invincible," Silver mumbled harshly, his red pupils beginning to be consumed by the black. Silver was easily tempered and surprisingly strong for being in the condition he's in. Strong and when he wanted to be, smart.
"Well, whatever. Nothing we can do about it. Just focus on the task at hand, please," I said, glancing at Thomas than at Silver. That had to be the first thing I had said in an hour.
"It still sucks," Silver sighed, the black retreating and the bright red returning. "I just wish Slender cared for us like he does his proxies."
"He just sees us as tools to get his work done. That's never going to change," Thomas grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. Silence fell over us for the next half hour we walked before we finally made it to the Earth Well.
"It's about time we got here. I was starting to think we took a wrong turn," I mused, stepping aside and gesturing for one of them to jump in. "Ladies first." Silver gave a scoff before dropping himself in, followed by Thomas, who clutched his hat as he fell. I gave a heavy sigh before climbing in myself. I waited carefully, counting the seconds until I finally got shot out of the well on the overwhelm. I fell to the ground with a thud and a small groan. Thomas and Silver who could float laughed at me, having not even touched the ground. Thomas held out a hand pulling me up.
"You're not supposed to be resting. We have to get going," Thomas joked as I brushed off my clothes. I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly.
"Let's get going then," I told them as I started the path leading out of the woods and to the streets. Thomas and Silver followed behind, holding a conversation to help pass the time between themselves. I couldn't care enough to listen or join in. I was too eager to get to Ben. We were so close and although it was dumb, I missed Ben greatly. He hasn't even been gone two days and yet it felt like a lifetime.
I swallowed hard when I looked in front of myself about an hour later. It felt like only minutes but here we were, in front of the building. The building we were banned from coming even close to. "Are you guys ready?" Thomas asks, looking at the two of us. We both nodded and took a deep breath. I pulled out a butterfly and butcher knife from my pocket. Silver let his eyes turn pitch black and expandable gel-like pure black make shift arms shot out from the sockets. I've seen Silver do this but it still fascinated me. Any of the static figures could easily wow me. Thomas smirked at the display before giving a small wave. "When the lights go off, come in," he instructed us before glitching himself into the building.
"I'm going to go around back. Keep yourself safe, please," Silver told me before giving me a smile. "We'll all be fine. Don't worry about a thing."

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