Lost Boy 2: Return To Neverla...

Por aussie_direction

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❝Come back... Come back to Neverland❞ ❝What's Neverland?❞ Mais

1. Love
2. Be Our Guest
3. Almost There
4. True Love's Kiss (M)
5. Someone's Waiting For You
6. Son of Man
7. Endless Night
8. Looking For Romance
9. I'm Still Here
11. Upendi
12. I Wanna Be Like You
13. Forget About Love
14. I'll Try
15. Little Black Rain Cloud
16. Look Through My Eyes
17. Little Patch Of Heaven
18. So Close
19. You've Got A Friend In Me
20. Here Beside Me
21. Be Prepared
22. Candle on the Water
23. Poor Unfortunate Souls
24. You Can Fly
The End.

10. He Mele No Lilo

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Por aussie_direction

10. He Mele No Lilo (From "Lilo and Stitch")

The tallest of rainbows, the work of passing love, beams of colours unrivalled along with the gently flowing rains


The light streaming in through the small window, hitting Louis' closed eyes was what woke him.

He stirred a little, squeezing Harry's waist a little tighter as he nuzzled his nose against the back of his boyfriend's head, smiling to himself as began to feel his body wake up.

Soon enough, his eyes fluttered open as he slowly leant forward to press a loving kiss to the back of Harry's neck, only his lips weren't met with skin, or even Harry's long curls. He was met with cotton.

Louis frowned, and realised in his arms, was a pillow, not Harry at all, and he sighed. He really though that the previous night had all been a dream, but no, there he was on an island filled with children, pretending his pillow was his boyfriend.

He let out a long breath and rolled onto his back, keeping the pillow in his arms for a moment before he let it go completely, and rubbed his eyes.

He missed Harry so much, and it had only been one day. It was pathetic, he knew, but he couldn't live without the boy. He was Louis' whole world.

Louis covered his eyes with an arm, thinking about his boy and what he was supposed to do to get back to him.

He felt horrible. He was tired and lonely. He had a slight stomach ache from the new foods he ate the night before. Harry was probably really angry that he hadn't come home at all the night before, and that was only the beginning of his problems.

How was he expected to save an island he didn't know anything about? How was he supposed to do anything if he had no clue where he even was? Especially with only teenagers to help him.

Sneaking out of bed, he quietly rummaged around the room for something to wear. Pan had told him that there was going to be a meeting that morning, so he decided he wanted to look at least presentable. He only had the clothes he was wearing home from work the night before, his Arsenal training gear, and apparently that wasn't quite in fashion in Neverland.

So he looked around the room until his eyes fell on a large chest at the foot of his bed. Zayn had one near the end of his bed too, so Louis assumed that this one was his.

He opened it to find a few shirts and shorts made of the same lightweight material. Blue, Green and Brown. Everyone else seemed to be wearing similar things too, so Louis thought it would be acceptable to wear the plain things. He paired a navy blue shirt with some beige shorts, before closing the chest as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake Zayn.

He also recalled being told about a shower block a few doors down, so that's what he did.

Once he was clean and refreshed, he went for a walk around the campsite. Seeing as though the sun was only just rising, there weren't many people around, which made him feel a little better. He was still nervous about the whole island, every step he took was unsure.

He wandered for a while, until he found a bridge between two trees, overlooking the ocean as the sun rose.

He stopped in the middle of it, leaning against the railing as he stared at the water, everything reminding him of Harry. Harry Harry Harry. Pan was supposed to bring Harry to the island, Louis thought to himself. Maybe he would go back today. Louis hoped he would. He was worried sick about his love.

He sighed and let his head rest in his hands, fisting his hair, frustrated, as tears began to form in his eyes. He had been trying to put on a brave face since he arrived the night before, but he couldn't do it anymore.

He was scared. He had no idea what was going on. He didn't really know where he was or how he got there. Even if he was in Neverland, he still could hardly believe it.

And worst of all, he had no idea if he'd even seen Harry again, which he really couldn't bear to think about.

Louis let the tears roll down his cheeks freely, wishing Harry was in his arms, when he was interrupted.

"Louis!" Pan cheered as Louis quickly wiped his tears and plastered on a smile, looking up as the boy in charge landed on the bridge next to him. "How are you?"

"M'Good." Louis mumbled. "I miss home, though. When are you bringing Harry?"

"We'll discuss it after the meeting." Pan laughed. "I want to talk to you first."

"What?" Louis narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "Why?"

"Well I did come to London to get you now, didn't I?" Pan chuckled again, still smiling like everything was a game. "If I needed Harry this urgently, then I would have gotten him first."

"Oh." Louis said quietly. He was a little angry that Pan wasn't going to get him straight away, but he supposed he could wait a couple hours while they sorted out exactly what was going on.

"Go to breakfast." Pan grinned. "Zayn will bring you to the meeting once we're done eating."

Louis nodded sadly, returning his gaze to the ocean as Pan watched him for a moment, and then flew away, leaving him along with his thoughts.


As promised, after they'd eaten breakfast, Zayn and Louis headed to the meeting. Apparently there were only a few of the most senior Lost Boys going, and Louis since he was the first to return of all the people Pan planned on bringing back. They'd have more meetings as the alumni of Neverland came back to the island.

Sitting in Pan's tree-top bedroom/office area, the boys began to speak.

"Okay," Pan said, placing his hands on the table they were all surrounding. "This is Louis. He's a veteran of the island and he's here to help us. I'll be spending the next few days going back to Earth to bring back more Ex-Lost Boys. We'll need all the help we can get."

"We need to explain the situation to him." Zayn commented, smiling at Louis as he tried to make the boy feel more welcome.

"The island is sick." One of the other boys, Louis didn't care to listen for his name. "And it's making everyone who's ever lived here sick too. We've already got a few in the infirmary unconscious. Tink is trying her best but-"

"We need an antidote." Louis interrupted them, all eyes turning to him. "I assume?"

"Yes." Pan nodded slowly, pushing the map further into the centre of the table. "There is a vine that grows up here." He pointed to the tallest mountain in the middle of the map. "And it's got healing powers. They say it can heal anything."

"You think it'll work?" One of the nameless lost boys asked, and Louis wanted to smack him. Of course they think it'll work, otherwise their leader wouldn't have suggested it.

"We should get it." Zayn said with furrowed eyebrows. "Why hasn't anyone gone to get it."

"You remember Liam and Niall, yes Zayn?" Pan asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hold on." Louis interrupted. "Liam Payne and Niall Horan? My best friends?"

"No way!" Zayn grinned, trying to contain his excitement. "They're coming?!"

"Yes." Pan nodded, ruffling the younger boy's hair with a light laugh. "I want you to take them and Louis with you to go and get it. You know the terrain best. I recall you boys always of exploring."

Zayn blushed, but nodded anyway. It was true.
"And Harry?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not doing anything. And I mean anything, until he's here too."

Pan watched him for a moment, before sighing.

"Okay." He nodded. "The five of you can go then. It's the leaves that grow on this vine, that you'll need to bring back and throw into the Infinities. You remember the underground caves where the river flows?"

Zayn and the other boys nodded as Louis sat there, his arms still crossed. He wasn't happy that Pan wasn't keeping his end of the bargain, so he refused to cooperate until he got his way.

"If we can get the leaves into the water system of the island, it'll be cured in no time." Pan clapped his hands together. "Bring some back to directly treat the people who have already been affected, though."

"Okay." Zayn nodded, still smiling. He was so happy he was going to see his friends again, even under the unfortunate circumstances.

"I have a question." Louis piped up. "How did the island get sick?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, looking to each other in surprise. They hadn't really thought of that.

"Uh..." One of the nameless Lost Boys drawled. "we're not sure."

"Well you should probably figure it out." Louis scoffed as he stood up from the table. "Don't expect anything from me until you fulfil your end of the bargain, Pan." He added, pointing at the boy before he left the room, scurrying down the spiral stairs.

He had an odd feeling he'd been there before, but couldn't quite place it. He supposed it was probably because he had, in fact, been there but simply didn't remember.

As he reached another bridge in the maze of passages through the tree house, he heard his name being called.

As he turned, he saw Zayn coming towards him, so he stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"You alright?" Zayn asked, and Louis nodded.

"I just miss Harry, is all." Louis mumbled as Zayn patted his shoulder awkwardly.

"Um, He'll be here soon, don't worry." Zayn reassured him. "Pan keeps his word."

"Mhm." Louis replied as the two of them continued walking, neither of them quite knowing where.

"I, uh," Zayn began, trying to break the silence. "I read the notebook, thingy, that you asked me to read."

Zayn dug into his pocket to reveal the worn notebook, full of Harry and Louis' stories, and handed it Louis, who took it with a grateful smile.

"Thanks." Louis answered.

"It's all true." Zayn confirmed. "Everything you wrote, it happened."

Louis' eyes went wide as Zayn laughed, clapping his shoulder.

"Maybe you should re-read it and reacquaint yourself with the island." The dark haired boy suggested, and Louis nodded, hugging him quickly.

"Thanks Zayn." Louis smiled.

And the rest of the day was spent by Louis swinging in a hammock he'd found by the beach, reading about him and his love in private. He smiled as he came to the memory of him and Harry first connecting on the island.


"What are you doing?!" Liam exclaimed. "What the hell is going on?!"

"Let us go!" Niall shouted.

"What do you want?" Zayn growled, struggling but getting nowhere.

"We know he knows where the treasure is," He gestured towards Harry as he walked around him.

Harry was nearly crying as he hung upside down, his eyes darting everywhere while he shook in fear.

"P-Please." He stuttered, trying to hold back his tears. "W-What do you w-want with me?"

"Oh you scared little boy." The stranger patronized, cupping his face. "You need to come with us, and show us where the treasure is."

"I-I," Harry looked to the others in fear, hoping they would do something.

"For fucks sakes!" Louis muttered under his breath, preparing for what he was about to do.

He stamped on his captor's foot, making him bend down so Louis could elbow his face and struggle free.

Then, he snatched the bow and arrow he was holding and aimed it right at the leader's face.

"Don't fucking shoot me." Louis growled. "Or I'll kill your head bitch."

"Yeah Louis!" Niall cheered in the background as everyone froze.

"Ha!" The leader laughed. "You'll be dead in seconds, my guys will get you first."

"Not a chance." Louis said, dead serious.

And the leader actually looked unsure as he looked at Harry and then at his minions.

All of a sudden, Niall, Liam and Zayn all sprung into action, smacking their captors so they could take their weapons too, just as Louis had done.

So now, they all had the weapons while the others were helpless.

"Let Harry go." Louis snapped. "Now!"

The leader let out a frustrated breath before pulling a knife from his belt and walking over to Harry, cutting him free.

Harry yelped as he fell, but Louis managed to catch him, bridal style as he dropped his weapon, and put him down safely.

"Screw you!" Louis yelled, picking up the bow and arrow and shooting the guy in the forehead.

He grinned before looking at Harry, who stood there with a smile as he realized Louis had just saved him.

Liam, Zayn and Niall all shot the others too, making them all dead and out of the game, having to go to the dining hall.

"Woohoo!" Liam cheered as the 'dead' guys all left the clearing, leaving the other five alone.

"Yeah, Louis!" Zayn laughed, clapping him on the back with a grin. "Where did that even come from?"

Louis became a little shy all of a sudden, blushing as he and Harry stood there, staring at each other in admiration.

"Harry's ours." He shrugged. "No one can take him away from us. He's one of us now."

Zayn shook his head at Louis' comment, knowing what was to come. Louis could be very territorial when it came to people he cared about and he secretly hoped that Louis cared about Harry.

"Yeah he is!" Niall cheered, hi-fiving Harry who blushed and looked at the ground before looking back up into Louis' bright blue eyes.

"Hey, what's your last name?" Liam asked.

"Styles." Harry answered.

"Hmm... how about... Team Style?"

"Team Style?" Louis asked his eyes never leaving Harry's. "Sounds great."

"I like it!" Zayn commented, nodding as he looked between the two.

"C'mon, lets get the treasure." Niall suggested, turning out of the clearing with Liam and Zayn in tow, chatting about their newly acquired weapons and team name as they disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked Harry, who was still smiling at him, his eyes glowing.

"You saved me." Harry stated with a smile.

"Yeah," Louis scoffed. "From a bunch of fake arrows. It was nothing." He laughed. "But you're okay?"

"It wasn't nothing." Harry protested. "But, yeah, I'm fine."

"Good." Louis nodded back, biting his bottom lip as he stepped forward and put a hand on his upper arm.

Harry stared into his eyes and smiled some more leaning closer and closer.

Louis gulped, his eyes flickering to Harry's lips once. He had this feeling, all over, like he was drawn to the new boy.

There was something about him that Louis felt like he needed to protect. He cared about him, all of a sudden, and he didn't know why, he just wanted Harry to be all his and have him all to himself.

Louis soon felt himself leaning closer too, before Harry surged forward, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Thank you." Harry whispered into Louis' neck.

But little did Louis know, Harry was thanking him for so much more than just helping him before. For the first time on the island, Harry felt like someone cared about him.

"Anytime." Louis answered, hugging him back just as tightly as the two stood in the clearing.

"We should go find the others." Louis suggested, pulling back, but leaving an arm around Harry's shoulder as the two of them headed out of the clearing.

"Yeah." Harry chirped, ecstatic that Louis was showing some affection towards him instead of annoyance like before.

"Um, good job with the 'Infinities' thing, by the way." Louis commented, like the two of them had been friends forever. "Good thinking. It's really smart."

"Thanks." Harry laughed and blushed. "But we should hurry up." He said as he caught sight of Zayn's back.

"Yeah," Louis laughed. "They'll probably find it without us and take all the prize for themselves, selfish bastards."

The two boys started laughing together, throwing their heads back as they kept their arms around each other's shoulders.

Harry blushed, letting his feelings go wild as he felt an overwhelming sense of happiness rush over him.

And walking beside him, Louis was feeling the exact same way.






just ignore mistakes because im a lazy bugger and couldn't be bothered editing (love me pls)

i hope you're all having a good day, wherever you are! and Merry Christmas Eve-Eve! xx

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