Thing in the dark

By 0nesecondofsummer

21 0 0


Author's Notes

Thing in the Dark

3 0 0
By 0nesecondofsummer

The road seemed as it went on for miles as the couple slowly made their way down in the dark, the brown haired girl named Amelia held the brown haired boy Harry's arm as she was terrified. They we're with their best friends Clara and Hope, gently but slowly walking down the dark alley that was approaching. They turned the corner and made their way down the alleyway, Harry clenched Amelia's hand to protect her from what the dark was hiding. 

"Everything will be fine." Harry reassured Amelia.  

"I know. I'm just scared ya know." Amelia said.  

They carried on down the twisted dark alley way. 

"What the hell was that?!" Said the petrified Amelia

"I don't know..." Said Harry "I'm sure it was nothing" he said reassuringly.  

A figure stood at the end of the alley way, Amelia and Hary froze wondering wether to carry on along the alley, Harry and Amelia decided to brave it, they nervously followed the cold walls down the alley way the shadow being slowly absorbed by the dark. They reached the end of the alley way Harry turned and pulled Amelia along the road towards his house.

He said quietly "don't worry we will be back soon"

Amelia replied in a small voice "I am fine as long as I am with you" although they thought they were fine but what they hadn't realized was that Clara and Hope were no longer behind them, and no one knew what could be waiting for them when they reached Harry's house...... 

Amelia and Harry arrived at Harry's house when the penny dropped.  

"Where's Clara and Hope?" Amelia asked in a worried tone 

"I..I don't k-know." Harry stuttered 

"We can't leave them out there with that thing out there." Amelia exclaimed 

"Ok let's go but your staying with me I don't want anything happening to you." Harry said 

"Aww you little sweetie." Amelia said while picking his cheeks playfully. They slowly stumbled back down the alley way that they were just petrified in.  

Suddenly Amelia was getting pulled away! Harry was tying his hardest not to let her go but it was getting harder and harder to keep her tight. "AMELIA!!!" Harry shouted and shouted he was trying his very hardest to keep hold of the girl he loved."HAAARRY DON'T LET GO OF ME!!!" Amelia shouted from the top of her lungs. "I'm trying not to!" Harry said with a weakness in his voice. Sill not knowing what it was that was attacking his beloved Amelia, Harry kept hold of her so tight that he was sure she was safe, but then just at that moment were they both thought they were both reasonably safe her arm stretching by the force of the thing and Harry pulling on her, their hands sweating as they try to keep hold of her finally the thing gave one last tug and they both fell into the jaws of the monster and the loving couple left this world into another world waiting for them. 

The next day......Clara rang Amelia many times to explain she has seen David Nykes and went back to his house for the night and that she shouldn't worry, meanwhile Hope rang Amelia but there was no answer a search party was sent out by the towns police but no more was seen of Amelia and Harry.

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