Run Away.

By PoisonIvyLeague

5.9K 108 5

Renesmee Cullen finally snaps. But what happens when she runs away from her family, to the enemy family? Love... More

Run Away.
Run Away. Chapter 3.
Run Away. Chapter 4.
Run Away. Chapter 5.
Run Away. Chapter 6.
Run Away. Chapter 7.
Run Away. Chapter 8.
Run Away. Chapter 9.
Run Away, Chapter 10.
Run Away. Chapter 11.
Run Away. Chapter 12.
Run Away. Chapter 13.
Run Away. Chapter 14
Run Away. Chapter 15.
Run Away. Epilogue.

Run Away. Chapter 2.

566 9 0
By PoisonIvyLeague

‘Dad!! Please dad come back!! He’s here!! It’s Alec!!’

I screamed as loud as I mentally could hoping my dad was within ranger to hear me. I could still smell Alec, he was getting closer. Did he know that I was alone? I looked around my room, searching frantically for something to use against him. I jumped off my double bed, which lay beside my huge bay window, and ran, toward my closet. I had always loved this closet; it was made from a beautiful old oak. I searched through it, finding nothing. Next, I searched through my vanity table, finding nothing that would do him any harm. I turned frantically, there has to be something in here!

His scent was closer now; he was practically at the front door. What am I going to do!? Maybe I should just jump out the window and ran to find Jacob, or my family. Maybe he wouldn’t find me, but wait. Alec is a powerful vampire; he’s part of the Volturi for Gods sake! He must know I’m here. He should be able to smell me, hear my heartbeat, why hadn’t he used his power over me yet? He was special, just like me and my family. He could leave me helpless, totally unable to move. Why hadn’t he? What is he planning? That’s when I heard the knock. A slow, purposeful knock.

Oh God. This is how I’m going to die. He knows I’m here. I might as well just open the door. I walked out of my bedroom door, along the hallway, and jumped over the banister to the ground floor of my home. I walked over to the door, and sent my dad one more telepathic message, just in case.

‘I love you.’

Slowly, I opened the door to face my fear. I gasped audibly, but quickly rearranged my face to not show my shock to him. He wasn’t how I remembered him. He now looked sadder, like he had all but given up. The usual paleness you would see in a vampire wasn’t there; it had been replaced by several purpley, bluey, greeny bruises. What had happened to him?

‘Renesmee, I remember you. It was an... unfortunate meeting.’ Alec didn’t sound like himself either. He seemed weakened. I glanced at his eyes, afraid to see the crimson blaze in them, but was shocked to see his eyes looked dull, like he hadn’t feed recently.

‘Alec.’ I acknowledged him verbally.

‘I know you probably don’t want to see me here. I understand if you are dubious.’

‘Of course I am. What are you doing here? Where is your guard?’ I asked intrigued.

‘In Volterra. I’ve left.’ He looked so ashamed, so sad. For a moment I almost felt sorry for him.


‘I found out- It’s nothing. You don’t need to know why. Please invite me in.’

‘I don’t need to; you could walk in of your own free will, why do you want me to invite you in?’

‘Because if you don’t, I will walk away. Show you that I am trustworthy. If you do, then well, at least you can see that I’m polite.’ He’s logic was right, I suppose. Do I really want to let him?

‘Oh crap!’ Alec stepped back a little form my sudden outburst, then wrinkled his nose in disgust. Uh-oh. He’s smelt him. Damn it!

‘What is that fouls smell?’

‘That’s my friend, Jacob. He’s a shape shifter.’

‘Oh yes, I remember from when... well you know when.’ He seemed strangely hesitant to remember that night. ‘May I please come in?’

‘I don’t think that would be a very good idea, you should probably just go.’

‘Ok, I’m sorry that you don’t trust me enough. Goodbye, Renesmee Cullen.’ With that, he grasped my hand and kissed it softly. As he turned to go, I knew it was a mistake. Standing there, just behind him, was Jacob.

‘WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?’ yelled Jacob, I’ve never seen him this scary. Even I flinched away from him. ‘GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!’

‘Jacob please-‘

‘Renesmee come here now.’ I hated when he talked to me like this, but I obeyed, knowing that he was just worried for my safety.

‘Huh, I see. I just think you should know, I mean her no harm. I will return when the rest of her family are here, I need to talk them urgently.’ Said Alec, I could see that he was telling the truth, he wasn’t planning on hurting me. ‘But, how did you know I was here?’

Jacob didn’t answer, he just growled.

‘Oh, I see. You can feel when her emotions are at a peak. That is a strong Imprint you two have there.’

‘I’m sorry, but we have a strong what?

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