Possession of Jack Frost

By acrisafu

210K 6K 4.6K

After 10 years, Pitch Black returns and there is just one thing on his mind. Jack Frost. He will stop at noth... More

10 Years Later
Black Fog
The Fight
A Plan is Formed
I Don't Want To Return
We Will Always Be Together
Epilogue: Cold and Dark

Changed Memories

23.1K 625 683
By acrisafu

-This is a Blackice fic, there will be fluff.

-Inspiration comes from this picture: http://loonytwin.deviantart.com/art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! All rights go to the proper owners.

Guardians POV

Jack was still laying passed out in North's arms. All they could do was stare at him and think about his words. No one was able to move due to the shock his words had on them.

Tooth was the first to break the silence, "Di-Did he just ask Pitch not to leave him?" She couldn't believe the words that came out of Jack's mouth, especially now that she repeated them herself.

"Now is not time. Ve must take Jack to North Pole. Fix boy up." North didn't want to think about what those words could mean. Jack was Pitch's enemy, as much as Pitch was theirs. He wouldn't call out to him. "Sandy, can you get Bunny? Bring him to pole." Sandy nodded his head and headed for the warren but not before he snuck one last look at Jack.

North watched Sandy head off to Bunny's warren but then looked back at Tooth. "Come," he stood up with Jack draped in his arms princess style, "We must get Jack to Pole. Figure out what is happening."

"North... What do you think Pitch did to Jack?" Tooth looked up at North with tears streaming down her face. She didn't seem to be able to make them stop since Sandy had come and told her about Jack. She couldn't bear to see the boy she had adopted as her son in pain.

North opened up a portal and stepped through without a response to Tooth. He didn't have one. He didn't know what was going on any more than she did. Once Sandy and Bunny returned to the Pole, they would try to figure out everything and come up with a plan. Jack came first. They disappeared through the portal, not noticing a shadow picking up a forgotten staff.

Bunny's POV

Bunny was in his Warren, unaware of the events taking place at Jack's lake. He was crouching in the grass, enjoying the warm, spring breeze painting eggs. Sure, it was a week till Christmas, but that didn't mean that he shouldn't be preparing for Easter. Painting eggs took just as long as creating new toys for kids. He had a smile on his face. He liked to think about how everything was at peace in the Warren now that Jack has joined them. Sure, frostbite would still pull pranks and get on his nerves, but Jack new to never severely mess up the Warren. He liked to think that Jack had come to like it here as well.

He couldn't help but think about Jack and how he used to treat him. He frowned as he thought about how he treated Jack as nothing but an annoying prankster who didn't care about children or the world. He felt so stupid and guilty. He was wrong about Jack in so many ways, Jack was probably the only Guardian among them that had such a strong connection to the children. Especially now that they could see him. He used every excuse he could use to play with them.

Bunny would often invite Jack to paint some of the eggs. At first, he had imagined that he would just paint them all blue and get bored. However, what he did do surprised him. Jack painted the eggs with such elaborate and vibrant colors and designs. The kid really did have an act for art. Although he supposed it was because of the frost designs Jack was used to leaving behind.

He stopped and sighed, he realized he didn't really like the quiet. He was so used to being around his little brother. What? Did he really see Jack as a little brother? Just as he thought that he had an answer. Yes, he did. Jack was his little brother, and he was damned if he ever let the boy be alone again.

He was about to go see if Jack would join him in painting the eggs when Sandy appeared right in front of his face and made him jump. He must have been daydreaming not to have noticed him.

"Crickey! Sandy, what are you doing scaring me like-" He stopped talking once he noticed his frantic arms and determined face. Once he looked up, he noticed Sandy was signing something. A pole and an arrow pointing up.

"North wants me at the pole?" Bunny guessed. Sandy was always vague with his signing so people could understand him, but Bunny was always the best in translating what the little guy was trying to say. Sandy nodded his head and began to rise.

"What's wrong?" Sandy was in a hurry, very much unlike the dream weaver. Sandy started signing again. A snowflake and a man hunched over.

"Jack is hurt?" He was panicking now. He had hopped he was translating Sandy wrong for once. Sandy nodded. But before he could ask what happened, Sandy took off for the North Pole.

Bunny tapped his foot, leaving behind his warren, and headed to the Pole.


Bunny's hole opened up in the middle of the workshop. Everything was chaotic. He saw Tooth and North speed towards the infirmary as Sandy flew in threw the window, soon following after them. All the yetis were running around trying to keep things going while their boss was busy. Of course, the head yeti, Phil, was following behind North. The elves were just as useless as ever. They were running around in circles, not knowing what was going on, as always.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" Bunny called out. Just as North turned around, Bunny's breath hitched. Jack was lying in North's arms, looking lifeless. He didn't look hurt, but he could feel something was wrong, especially with how the guardians were in a panic. What had he missed?

North waved for Bunny to follow him without speaking a word and started walking again. Bunny followed silently behind him and Tooth until they reached the infirmary. North laid Jack down on the bed and tucked him in. North turned to Bunny to be ready to explain what was going on.

"Pitch attacked Jack." Bunny couldn't believe this. How was the rat bag back so soon? And he attacked Jack? Oh no. We were not going to let this dirt bag get away with this. If he thinks he can hurt one of us, he has another thing coming.

"WHAT? Are you sure it was Pitch? How was he able to gain that much power so soon?" Bunny still couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"When we found Jack," Tooth whispered. She began again but louder, "When we found Jack, he was sitting up just... just staring at Sandy. He had a blank look on his face like he didn't know what was going on around him." She gulped, "But that's not the worst part. Black fog was coming out of his mouth."

Bunny interrupted her, "Black fog?"

"That's what we thought it was at first. However, when I touched it, it turned out that it was black sand." She let her tears roll down her cheeks. "When he woke up..." She trailed off, not able to finish.

"What happened when he woke up?" He stiffened at North's words.

"He asked Pitch not to leave him."

Before he could reply, they heard movement from the bed. They looked over and saw that Jack had sat up in bed and gasped for air.

Jack's POV

Jack awoke and started panting. He didn't know what was going on. Everything was fuzzy. He looked around and caught sight of his bedroom in the Pole, but everything was blurry. Not yet coming into focus. He almost felt... disappointed. Why? This was his home. His family was here, weren't they?

Your home is with me.

He gasped and looked around. He saw nothing but he was sure he heard a voice. That voice. He knew it. Was it just his imagination?

"Frostbite?" Jack looked up as his eyes finally focused. "B-B-Bunny?" His voice made him sound weak and confused.

"Jack, are you okay?" Jack laughed a little bit and smirked. "Awe, you do care." At that, the tension seemed to have left the room, a little at least. Jack was still his normal sarcastic, smiling self.

"Sweet tooth, what happened? What did Pitch do?" Tooth flew over to Jack and hugged him. Jack flinched, hoping Tooth didn't notice it. She didn't pull away, so he assumed she didn't.

He was quiet for a moment, thinking of why he was in the infirmary. Jack gasped, finally remembering his dream. "Pitch...where's Pitch? He was there when I died! Pitch, he helped me...he..." He trailed off. Why? Why would he be missing Pitch? Wasn't Pitch his enemy? No. He didn't like the way that sounded. Pitch was his friend. Jack smiled. Yes, Pitch was his friend. That sounded too narrow... was he more than a friend? He looked up and saw all the shocked faces of the Guardians staring at him.

Jack quickly looked away, not knowing why they were looking at him that way. He heard Tooth speak quietly but still didn't look up. "Jack....Why are you asking about Pitch? He hurt you."

Jack looked up after he heard that and yelled out, "No! Pitch would never hurt me he's my friend. He's my - "

That's right, Jack. I am your friend. Come on, Jack, give in to the shadows.

Just then, Jack gasped and stopped moving. His eyes got blurry, and his head fell to the side and rested on his shoulder. Black smoke began flowing out of his mouth, and he blanked out once again.


Jack opened his eyes and was met with darkness. Although this time, it felt comforting. He sat up and started looking around. He could see nothing but darkness. All of a sudden, he was face to face with bright, glowing yellow eyes that stared right at him.

Jack looked up at the man he came to see as a friend, "Pitch!"

"Hello, Jack." Pitch emerged out of the shadows and smiled a true, genuine smile. He began circling the boy. "So glad that you decided to come meet me."

"Why wouldn't I come meet you? Aren't you my friend?" Jack was having doubts. Something didn't feel right, but he didn't know why? He trusted Pitch. He helped him when he was dying in the lake. He made sure he didn't feel lonely.

Pitch grinned yet again, "No reasons, and of course I am. I wanted to speak with you in private." Pitch drew closer to Jack, not stopping his circling of the boy. "Jaaackkk, why don't you come home?"

"Home...? My home is at the Pole?" Jack was beyond confused. His home was at the North Pole with the Guardians. Why would he leave his home?

"They kidnapped you, Jack! Don't you remember?" Pitch stopped circling Jack and reached for him. He stretched his hand out and cupped Jack's cheek. "They took you away from me."

Just then, Jack gasped, finally remembering everything that happened since yesterday. How could he have been so stupid? How could he forget that Pitch was his enemy? He almost started to believe that Pitch was his friend. Pitch was doing something to him. Jack moaned and clutched his head in pain as he looked up at Pitch, suddenly feeling drained. "Wh-What have yo-ou done to me-e?"

Pitch laughed and drew his face right up to Jack's, their noses barely touching. "My, my, stronger than you appear, aren't you? I injected you-well your staff-with my nightmare sand. Once it entered your body, it began changing you, changing your memories. Soon, I will be the only thing on your mind. You will do anything to make me happy."

"NO! That will never happen." Jack shouted out. He could feel himself slipping away.

"Oh, but my dear Jack, it has already happened. This is nothing more than a feeble resistance that will soon come to an end." Jack was about to say something back until Pitch leaned in and kissed him. This was the second time that Pitch kissed him. The second time that he didn't pull away. Of course, he struggled at first but then slowly leaned in and gave in. He longed for the warmth that Pitch offered him, drawn to it. Sure, he had a family now, but none of them could make him feel so...warm? Wanted? He didn't know what he was feeling. Jack's mind clouded over, and all he could do was focus on the kiss.

Jack whimpered at the loss of contact as he felt warm lips leave his, unaware of the nightmare sand entering his mouth as Pitch pulled away. Pitch smirked, "Now Jack...who are the guardians?"

"They are your enemy." Pitch smirk grew in size.

"Who are the guardians to you?"

Jack looked down and stayed silent for a few seconds. He looked up and answered with a smile, "Your enemy's are my enemies."

Pitch chuckled, "That's my boy." He reached out and ran his hands through Jack's hair. He couldn't help but smile as Jack leaned into the touch. "Now Jack, wake up. Wake up and come home."

With that, Pitch faded away, and Jack let the darkness surround him once again.

Guardian's POV

Jack looked up after he heard that and yelled out, "No! Pitch would never hurt me he's my friend. He's my-"

Just then, Jack gasped and stopped moving. His eyes got blurry, and his head fell to the side and rested on his shoulder. Black smoke began flowing out of his mouth, and he blanked out.

"Jack!" North called out and reached for the boy, unaware of the losing battle going on in Jack's mind. What was going on! Something is very, very wrong. Pitch is doing something to Jack. They just had to figure out what it was before it was too late.

Before he could touch him, Sandy jumped in front of him, shaking his head. "Sandy," North asked, confused, "What are you doing?"

Sandy shook his head and pointed to Jack, and signed an X over his head.

Bunny spoke up, "He's saying we shouldn't touch Jack." Bunny looks at Sandy, "Why mate?" Bunny was just as worried as North was. However, he was able to hide his feelings better due to his pride.

Sandy didn't respond. However, he just turned around to face Jack and let his sand circle around Jack. He was still for a few minutes. All the guardians were anxious, wanting to know what Sandy was doing, just as they wanted to know if Jack was okay. All of a sudden, Sandy jerked and looked at the guardians. What they saw brought tears to their eyes, although they would not allow them to fall. Fear and hopelessness were the only features they could see on Sandy's face.

"Sandy, what is wrong with boy?" North spoke out loudly. Causing everyone to look over at Sandy.

Sandy looked at Bunny, knowing that Bunny was the one that could translate his images the best. He began flashing multiple symbols above his head, trying to be detailed but simple to better understand. Bunny could only stare and read what Sandy was trying to tell him. Once his explanation reached his end, Bunny looked furious. He turned to North and Tooth, but instead of an explanation, he lashed out.

"PITCH! That monster, he will pay for what he is doing to Jack." Bunny clenched his fists and looked down at the ground. For the Guardian of Hope, never has he felt so useless...so, hopeless. NO! He would help Jack. He would. No matter the cost.

Tooth spoke up, shaking. "Please, Bunny. What is wrong with Jack?" She couldn't stop the tears from falling this time. Never has she cried so much, but seeing the hopelessness in Bunny's eyes made her defenses fall. If Bunny lost hope, what good did we have?

"Pitch is...changing Jack's memories." He stopped once he heard Tooth gasp. He continued before she could ask any questions. "Sandy said that Jack had nightmare sand mixed in his blood. He tried to change the nightmare sand to dream sand, but it's too embedded into his system. There's nothing he can do unless he knows how it got in his system in the first place." Bunny slammed his fist against the wall. DAMNIT! He made a vow that he would protect him.

"Oh my poor sweet tooth...is there anything we can do, Sandy?" Tooth was booming with anger. How dare Pitch hurt Jack? He would pay dearly this time for what he is doing to her baby.

Sandy shook his head and lifted his shoulders, signifying that he didn't know what to do. Sandy signed above his head to which Bunny translated, "Sandy said that he could try removing the nightmare sand instead of change it but he would have to know the source of the initial site of where it entered him."

North spoke up, trying to calm down and think of a plan, "Why don't we ask Man in Moon? He might know?"

Just then, Jack gasped and jumped out of bed. His eyes became unclouded, and he was frantically looking around. He stopped after he spotted the guardians.

"Jack..." North approached Jack, only for Jack to turn and leap at him, aiming for his throat.

Jack's POV/Normal POV

Jack awoke scared, unsure of where he was. As his eyes focused, he realized that he was at Santa's Workshop. He frowned, and the guardians must have taken him away from his home... Pitch! Pitch wanted him home. He had to get home to Pitch! He looked around and noticed all the guardians standing around him, staring at him.

How dare they take him from the only person he cares about? The guardians...Pitch's enemies. His enemies. His thoughts were interrupted when North spoke out, "Jack..." He looked up and noticed the fat man was reaching for him. He would not be taken away. He lashed out and aimed for North's throat.

He was stopped when whips wrapped around his wrists and held him in place. He turned around to see Sandy behind him as the other three guardians formed a circle in front of him.

"Let me go! I have to get home."

"Jack... you are home. You need to calm down, a'right?" Jack looked up to see the Easter Bunny stepping towards him.

"NO! My home is with Pitch."

The guardians gasped. "No, no, no, sweet tooth, no. This is your home! Please, Jack. This isn't you. Pitch is tricking you." Tooth was fighting back tears as she tried to convince Jack to see the truth.

Jack continued to fight off the sand whips that were tried around his wrists. Without his staff, he couldn't fight back. That wouldn't stop him, though. He struggled harder.

"No! You're lying, Pitch is my friend. He would never trick me. He -" He suddenly stopped talking as he heard a chuckle come from all corners of the room. Jack started smiling as he knew that Pitch had come to rescue him.

"Do release the boy, Sandman. Can't you see he doesn't want to be with you?" Pitch appeared right behind Sandy. Sandy was forced to release the whips in order to avoid the swing from Pitch's scythe. Sandy appeared next to Bunny, North, and Tooth.

Jack turned around and hugged Pitch around the waist, "Pitch!" He buried his head into Pitch's chest. This is all he wants, so long as he was with Pitch, he was home. He would do anything for him. He broke away from his thoughts when he heard the guardians yelling at Pitch. How dare they!?

"PITCH! You dirty rat bag, release Jack this instant!" Bunny shouted out, pulling out his boomerangs and getting into a fighting stance. The other three guardians followed his lead, North pulled out his twin shashka's, Tooth flared out her wings, which were sharp as knives, and Sandy prepared his whips.

Jack was suddenly filled with anger at the guardian's attempts at attacking pitch. He would not let them harm him.

Pitch looked up and snorted. "Oh please, you don't scare me. Please calm down. You're upsetting Jack." Pitch said as he began stroking his hands through Jack's hair. Jack began to calm down. He enjoyed being touched by Pitch. He made him feel happy and made him feel like he had a place where he belonged. "Jack, are you ready to go home?"

Jack smiled and looked up at Pitch, still keeping his hold on his waist. He nodded without a moment's hesitation.

"You are not taking him anywhere!" Bunny threw a boomerang at Pitch. He would not let him take Jack. His boomerang was about to hit its mark until Jack spun around and blocked his way. Bunny began panicking, and the boomerang would hit Jack! Before it hit its mark, Pitch swung his scythe in front of Jack, knocking the boomerang to the ground.

Jack spoke out, not even caring that he was almost harmed. The only indication that he knew what happened was that he stepped back towards Pitch. "You guardians will not harm Pitch!" He said the word guardians with so much malice in his voice that it made the guardians shudder. This was not their Jack.

"Shhh, it's okay, Jack, let's go home." Pitch stepped into the shadows and held his hand out to Jack. Without a second look at the guardians, Jack smiled. "Home." With that, Jack and Pitch vanished without a trace. Leaving four guardians crumbled and broken.

Pitch's POV

Pitch teleported him and Jack back to the main room of his layer. Making sure that the entrance was blocked and there was no way in. He knew the guardians would come after Jack. He started walking towards the throne that was in the center of the room.

The cages that hung from the ceiling, collected dust, not being used since the Easter fiasco ten years ago. He felt anger rise within him as he recalled that day. He was so close! So close, and he would have the world kneeling at his feet. All he felt was anger towards the Man in Moon and the guardians.

"Pitch...are you okay..." Jack looked up at Pitch, sensing his anger. Pitch looked back and smiled at the boy holding his hands. His anger began to taper off, knowing that Jack was feeling nervous. That was all in the past. "Yes, Jack, I am absolutely perfect." For once, he was not lying. He has never felt more perfect. Everything finally falls into place. Jack smiled and released his tension.

Shadows danced off the walls, welcoming home their master and his new companion. The giant globe of belief shined in the darkness, the only source of light available in the dark underground cave.

Pitch walked over to his throne, grinning, still holding on to the winter sprites hand. He sat down and chuckled as he pulled Jack into his lap. He was beyond pleased when Jack didn't protest and gently settled comfortably in his lap. He had done it! He had won! Jack Frost was his. He would never again work for the guardians. All he would care about was making him happy.

He looked down at the young winter sprite settled on his lap and wrapped his hands around him in a possessive hug. Jack's hair shined like the moon as he laid his head on Pitch' shoulder. He was tucked as close as possible to Pitch, almost as if he was scared to let go. Pitch ran his hand through Jack's beautiful hair as his other hand soothed him by running tiny circles on his back. Before Jack knew it, he was asleep in the Boogeyman's arms.

Pitch could laugh at the irony of the situation. The man who gave nightmares to kids tormented them in the middle of the night was what soothed the young guardian-no. He was not a guardian. He was a prince. He was his nightmare prince, what he was always meant to be. Pitch sighed and relaxed on his throne. He was finally happy. The last thought on his mind was that he would no longer be alone as he drifted off to sleep, sending his nightmares to collect fear.

Author's Note:

Man, this was tough to write! I don't think it's my best chapter, but it certainly is my longest. This is 4300 words, guys. Man, was this tough. Bunny's accent is kind of non-existent in this. I tried in some parts, but like I said....I'm not good at the accent thing. Apologies if I offended anyone with the accents.

So, in case anyone is confused about Jack's behavior or what is happening. Yes, I meant it to be like that. Pitch changed Jack's thoughts and memories with the Nightmare Sand, making him only want to be with Pitch and do what Pitch wants. Pitch told him to "come home," so that's why he keeps saying he has to get home almost like a mantra. He won't always be as delirious as it continues.

Tried my best on this one. I'm not good with fluff and stuff, so if it seemed short or just a little shy on those parts, that would be why.

Please review, follow, and favorite the story if you'd like!

This chapter wore me out (lol weird but true), so I probably won't update until next month, but we'll see. I might change some things around on this chapter as well.

Until next time!

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