
Galing kay saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 4

311 47 16
Galing kay saddepressing

Daisys pov.

It was a Thursday night, the sun had completed its tour for the day, and had now been replaced by myriad stars which dotted the inky canopy. A low waning gibbous moon hovered tenuously in the twilight firmament, bestowing a very dim light upon the land. It was a cool, windy night; the swaying of trees and rustling of leaves could be heard but not seen as the encompassing darkness had blotted out all but the faintest light. Briefly a dark, wispy cloud eclipsed the crescent moon. For a few shadowy moments it looked like there was a halo around the cloud, a dull aura of lunar luminescence.

My friend such as Alexa and I, had been watching some Netflix for the day eating junk that we considered food until I got a random phone call causing my song ringtone too come up; dead to me by Melanie Martinez.

I had turned my head too Alexa giving her a confused suspicious look as I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Daisy..." I heard a whispered, it was very quiet and I could hear some shuffling through the phone as I crinkled my head in confusion, "Yes this is Daisy, who's this?"

"It's Davy.. " He softly spoke giving a gulp, "Please come pick me up in the back of your school building."

"Why did your car broke down or somethin' ?" I raised an eyebrow still holding my phone to my ear as I plopped a popcorn into my mouth.

"No!" He cried, "Just please hurry, I'm hiding and this dude keeps trying too beat me up for what I did yesterday!"

I stopped chewing on my popcorn pulling my lips into a straight line, my eyebrows furrowing. My mind felt through confusion, but then all of a sudden realized. The girl jacket Davy had yesterday, the girl he hooked up must have had a damn boyfriend.

"Are you stupid Davy?! Are you telling me you slept with someone's girlfriend!"

"Maybe.. just please I'll explain later hurr-" He cut himself off as the phone line went off, me looking at the screen in confusion. What the hell was going on? Obviously he's getting hurt for sleeping with a guys girlfriend. This is one of the reasons why I never drink cause you can get drunk and do something stupid.

"Who was it?" Alexa was still focused on the tv show, chewing on Cheetos.

"It was Davy, he wants me too go pick him up behind the school building." I spoke not actually explaining why as we headed up too grab jackets and our things and head into my car.

"So why is he at the school at 10 at night?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow looking concerned as I shrugged.

"I'll tell you later but right now we have too focus on picking him up."

I turned on the engine, speeding away in the dark night with Alexa on the side. When night falls, a blackness, thick as velvet, engulfs the world. When the last light goes, drivers turn their cars' headlights to the brightest setting, rolling cautiously down the highways crisscrossing Sydney, Australia.

All what was on my mind was the boy. The boy who had been beating up my brother right now, how he looks like, what he thinks, and his personality is about. This kid can be crazier than you think and you don't even know. I mean I would be angry too if someone slept with my boyfriend at a party they never told you about. But hopelessly, right now I hope Davy is using his strong hands too keep him from bruising him. When we get there, I thought of Alexa keeping hold of the boy since she's strong about it and I will help my brother.

We were finally there after a few minutes, the darkness covering the two slided glass doors in the entrance of the school building while there was a tall pole on the corners of the building too show some orange bright light.

"Daisy can you tell me what we're doing here and why your brother is here?" Alexa repeated her question with different words while I pulled the key out of the ignition rolling my eyes.

"My brother is getting beat up for sleeping with someone's girlfriend now let's go!" I chanted not too loud though, her face was filled with shock as her jaw dropped. I ignored and walked out of the car slamming the door behind locking it while she did the same.

We didn't know what time it was but the sky was pitch black. The only thing illuminating the sidewalks were the dim fluttering lampposts and a few passing cars' headlights. There weren't any others around except for a hungry stray cat. All the stores were already closed and it gave the town an empty feeling. The both of us trudged behind the school building, slowly tiptoeing as we got closer too voices and Davy's familiar voice.

"Shh." I whispered to her motioning her to follow me behind the building.

"You better leave me alone."

"Why? So you can go around and go fuck other girls who are taken too?"

Familiar voices were yelling. The thundering voices echoed through the darkness.

"No so I can go and fucking hurt the shit out of you!"

"Haha not a chance."

Alexa and I had made eye contact and nodded at each other both agreeing on coming out randomly while Alexa jumps on him. So as we scattered up, there was Davy being gripped onto the cemented floor as he was groaning and Joshua was horribly holding him down until he noticed us and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh look who we have here too join the club." Josh chuckled, holding down on Davy who gasped.

"Daisy, Alexa, help!" He shouted, Alexa did as she was told and tried moving Josh who was fighting back. It didn't really worry me since Alexa was very much strong; stronger than most boys in school compared too me I'm like some stick always getting stepped on.

"What- what are you doing?" Josh hesitated scaredy backing up as Alexa got closer too him, her cracking her neck and fists.

"Your brother deserved it, he fucking had sex with my girlfriend!" He cried, giving me a glare darting his eye back at me then too Alexa who was already kicking him onto the floor.

"Well obviously he was drunk and is your slutty girlfriend's fault for not doing anything about it." I spat, I grabbed Davy from the floor who had cuts and scars around his face and a bruise. There must be a lot of blood coming from the Josh's mouth and nose you can see a river of it, he has been punched hard enough to knock several of his teeth out, and he's collapsed. So Alexa handled the fight pretty well. The Boy was down and out.

"She's not slutty!" He tried taking a deep breathe as he kept caught, "You are the slut and maybe that's why Luke broke up with you."

My face goes slack, mouth slightly open, body unmoving, and color draining from my face as I stare wide-eyed at something no one else can see. I just froze up to a point where I can hardly see myself breathing, but when shock begins to melt away, everything returns slowly.

I let out a sudden sigh and was going too open my mouth too speak until Davy beat me too it.

"Who's Luke?" Davy was besides me, he turned his head giving me a look of loss.

I let out a sigh as I gave a small glare too Josh and then turned back too Davy gulping, "I don't know."

"Yes you do you dipshit!" Josh was yelling cussing me names as Alexa kept slapping him one at a time.

I snapped my mouth shut before I decided too speak again. I gulped, then with a little more success I said something but it came out raspy, barely audible.

"Who is Luke?"

"Daisy is there something you want too tell me-" but before Davy could finish Josh did for him, "Yes!"

"Shut up!" Alexa kicked Josh in the balls causing him too grown in pain as he held his private, jumping around with his face crinkled up.

"He loved you. He did anything too make you happy and you ruined that."

"I said shut your stupid mouth!" And with Alexa shouting, she punched him in the face causing him too fall too the floor. I stood there as I gasped pulling my palms too cover my laugh, I could still catch Davy from the corner of my eye giving me a glimpse of confusion. I had never told Davy about Luke, nobody. Nobody except Alexa who I trust the most out of anybody.

We had finally thought of leaving, leaving Josh there on the floor since he was gonna wake up somehow. It was getting really late, Davy drove home and Alexa and I drove back too my place too continue doing what we were doing.

A song called a drop in the ocean came on the radio and it reminded me of the day Luke and I were in an arguement, I was walking in the rain alone, he walked up to me and sang that song. It was the most romantic thing ever.

"Woah Daisy, are you okay?" Alexa asks looking concerned, making me pop out of my thoughts.

I noticed tears were dripping down my face. I quickly wiped them off, and noticed we were home.

"Oh, uh yeah sorry." I smiled, as she playfully rolled her eyes coming out of the car.

As we got out of the car, we walked into my house and decided to forget about everything of what happened and make popcorn. Or at least try.

"So what kind of movie should we watch next?" Alexa smiles cuddling herself onto my couch as I make my thinking expression.

"Hmm.. a comedy movie?" I suggested, as she nodds excitedly.

As we were all night laughing and watching comedy movies, I still had what Josh said in my mind.

How could this boy possibly know my situation between Luke and I. It makes absolute no sense considering I never seen them hang out ever in my life. I kept thinking and thinking, I was so lost I gave up and just focused on the movie.




"Daisy, daisy!" Alexa's familiar voice chirped through my ears drums making me wake up. I did some groans as I lazily got up from my bed, wiping my eyes with my knuckles.

"Shut up it's me Alexa! Your phone keeps beeping!" She whisper/yells.

"Oh god Alexa you scared the crap out of me." I said putting my hand over my chest taking deep breathes.

"I'm not that ugly." She sighs, "Anyways your phone keeps beeping and it's getting on my nerves."

"Noo way, never." I said grabbing my phone and swiping it, as the message opened, it was the same number as yesterday.

I growled, as I shut off my phone.

"Uhh, it was just my stupid alarm, I set it at this time oops." I shrugged as she glared at me.

I gave a little giggle as we went back to sleep.

The thoughts in my head were so confusing, I kept thinking of Luke, and how Josh knew, and why Michael called me a whore.

Yes im still thinking about that.

I had so many thoughts running through my head, making me feel dizzy. At first I felt like I was floating, and man it gave me a headache.

Flashbacks from me and Luke kept popping up in my mind, like it mean't something.

That boy I bumped in today at school, he's one of the boys who hang out with Michael,Ashton, and Luke but he's the only one I don't know the name of.

As I kept thinking about my bad thoughts, I fell right asleep.

✿ ✿ ✿

Friday morning.

Waking up my eyes squint shut trying to ward off the filtered sunlight drifting in, the inevitable dread of opening them to the sudden glare of a dimly lit room I open only one quickly feeling the burn in my shocked retinas before slamming it shut again. The burn, all I can think of is the burn.

"Oh, morning Daisy." I fluttered my eyes open seeing Alexa eating a corndog. Her hair was straightened for the first time. A cute matching burgundy outfit with leathered black boots.

"What?You're ready?"I asked confused.

"Yup, I woke up 30 minutes ago, and now you only have.." She began, then glanced at her watch. "10 more minutes left, until class starts." She finished.

I gasped as I checked my phone seeing it was 7:39am, damn it why do all of my friends get to wake up earlier than me.

I quickly changed into an outfit, and quickly hurried my mascara, and didn't even bother brushing my hair and now it's going to look like a used mop the whole day.

"Did you make any breakfast?" I asked.

"Pfft no." She says in an attitude as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Wow what a nice friend." I exaggerated.

"You mean, 'wow what a nice best friend' ." She joked, playfully squeezing my cheeks as I gave her a look of disgust.

"And plus, you should be the one making me breakfast im the guest." She shrugs as I furrowed my eyebrows playfully.

"Okay whatever lets go, I don't want to be late again!" I yelled as she grabbed her backpack as I grabbed mine also and we both walked out of my house and drove to school.




1st period.

I had to sit next to a random student, as Ashton and this girl named Skyler were doing a Romeo and Juliet play, yuck, both of them together, I do not ship them.

"Oh Romeo, stop making me blush." Skylar acted like an annoying snobby plastic barbie with her pink fat bow on her head.

"Well it's true, your the most beautifulist girl i've ever seen here." Ashton says, holding her close to his chest, looking into each others eyes.

If you actually got to see this, you would've wanted to vomit. They weren't even saying the script right.

"I love you Romeo." Skylar smiles, staring into Ashtons eyes as everyone was snickering.

"Ugh." I groaned as Ashton and Skylar looked my direction.

"Excuse me? Daisy, you said something?" Skylar says as Ashton was smirking at her like they were some kind of couple.

"Nah, it's just, your acting is getting on my nerves." I sarcastically sighed, as the classroom lead with 'oo's

"Daisy please keep your opinion to yourself. You want to do this play?" The teacher yells, as everyone shut up.

"Nah." I smirked, slouching on my chair.

"My acting is getting on your nerves? Well I didn't want to say this but, everyday your face gets on my nerves." Skylar says, as Ashton and the rest of the class led with laughters.

"Skylar! Go sit down, no more acting for you! Both of you get detention next week!!" She yells, as we both groaned.

I furrowed my eyebrows giving a death glare at Skylar while squeezing my fist getting ready to punch her in the beauty she had. Obviously I didn't since I was too much of a crybaby and scaredy cat.

✿ ✿ ✿

It was finally lunchtime which meant a break from boring and hard exhausting work.

I was constantly strolling away through the halls with my books clenched into my chest as I was staring too the floor until I felt an all of a sudden bump hit my corner shoulder making me spill my things as a gasp came out of me.

I looked up, a boy with dark chocolate colored eyes that seemed too match with his small lashes, brown curly hair with a blonde stroke through it,

"Next time be careful." His voice, it was deep. So deep but it a nice calming way. Right when those words flew out of his mouth my lips just instantly turned into a glare. I barely know this kid and he's being a bitch?

He suddenly got to the floor picking up my books, me crinkling my forehead in confusion on why he would do that when he was just calling me out rudely.

"Here." He glared passing me the books, "Next time if this happens, I'm throwing the books at you."

"Im so sorry, im just in a hurry to meet with my friends in the cafeteria." My cheeks felt red with embarrassment and anger a the same time as he let out a chuckle walking away randomly ignoring my explanation. What a bitch. Oh right, he was one of Michaels little friends. No wonder he had that kind of attitude.

I thought of whatever giving a shrug, walking away into the chatty cafeteria with laughter filled.

✿ ✿ ✿

Lukes pov.

As Michael and I were waiting for the guys, we bought 2 bags of hot cheetos from the vending machine.

"Hey guys." Calum says running up to us, having his hand out, waiting for me to give him a bag of chips, as I gave it to him I gave him a concerned look.

"What took you so long? Your usually the first one." Michael asks Calum.

"I bumped into this girl, and accidently made her fall she-

"Hey guys im back! I got us some pepsi's and taco bell!" Ashton cuts Calum off, laughing as he gave us each 3 tacos.

"Yee buddy!" Calum says smiling at the taco, like he was going to marry it.

Michael was already about to give a chew at his taco, he motioned a thumbs up.

"Mmm so good." He mumbled while chewing his food.

"Gross man." I said with a disgusted look, as Michael purposely laughed with his mouth full spitting everywhere as girls were starring at him disgustedly. But that didn't stop him from eating out his taco in a weird way.

"So guys, are we gonna go to my sisters party tomorrow?" Calum asks, taking another bite of his taco as Michael and I looked at each other.

"Nah." We both said in unison.

"We should all just chill at my house this saturday, maybe eat junk food and play video games?" Michael recommends darting his eyes at me, Ashton then too Calum. We all agreed simply chatting about different kinds of video games and boy things.

"Maybe even go too the party." I looked at Calum who seemed sad for not agreeing with him, giving a smirk as they all high-fived each other yelling 'yeah' or 'hell yeah' .

Chapter E D I T E D.

So hey guys that was finally chapter 4! I know it was short, and sorry if there is any grammar mistakes , ill fix them sooner xD

I promised this story will get even way more better, and have more action so please be patient!


Ps: You guys are all beautiful in yor own way xx

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