By bashdepoitiers

30.6K 2.3K 575

Officer Hemmings is having a hard time solving a case about the murder of a black haired boy's father. More

Je serai bon
Tu es jolie pour moi
Il a tué son propre père
C'est mon évasion
tu es mon meilleur ami
Je voudrais mourir pour vous
que faisons-nous maintenant?
une leçon
la première étape
Je sais ce que vous faisiez ce soir-là
la maison est subjective
mieux que l'amour
je suis désolé
dans la future
elle est ma meme
dire la vérité est toujours difficile
les voisins font beaucoup de bruit
la espérance
dreamy suicide

Prenez note de mes paroles

735 58 18
By bashdepoitiers

Chapter twenty one; Prenez note de mes paroles

It has been a whole week since Mrs Clifford has gone missing and the police seem to not have any clue as to where she disappeared. It is almost as if she turned to thin and is sustaining her life as an invisible particle.

To help Michael keep sane after Calum being torn away from him, the whole crew decide to go on a field trip, perhaps a break is what all of them need. At this point Michael feels like a wonderer on the face of the earth, having no idea what he wants to do and allowing his feet to lead his path. 

He is still under supervision meaning Luke has to come along as well, which Michael doesn't mind but sometimes feels weird about; the amount of effect he has on people is ridiculous. All of these people who do not know him are willing to spend their weekend with him. That takes effort, and he doesn't understand where their energy comes from.

Because every time he looks at his reflection in the mirror, his face seems to be drenched from all the hope that could have possibly been in his body. He is empty and cold, his heart is never at rest when his mother is outside, perhaps not having the time of her life. Stormy nights have never felt more comforting for him; they distracting him from the life he has and takes him in to a fairy tale land.

And unlike his life, he knows the storm would eventually stop and allow the sun to take over.

He packs the last bit of clothing he would need and sat down on his bag to help him shrink the size for the zip would burst if he doesn't do so. The truth is, he is only going to wear two clothing during his stay, but lately he has been doing this thing where he occupies himself because that is the only way he doesn't have to deal with his demons.

"Are you ready?" Alex knocks on the door and helps him move his luggage down the stairs. As he walks down the stairs, he sees Luke for the first time without his uniform on, his youthful smile filling up the room as he attempts to dance.

Some type of RnB song is playing through the speakers, much of which is filled with foul language and Ashley is enjoying her time by dancing along. Perhaps they finally got to see the fun side of Luke because it seems like he is trying too much to 'hit the quan'.

Luke grabs Michael's hands and encourages him to dance along, and although the blue haired boy is flattered, he is not in the mood to hit anything. PARTYNEXTDOOR comes on the shuffle and oh lord maybe Ashley have had a few drinks because she is grinding on Michael.

The boy awkwardly attempts to leave the dance floor and actually start to leave the house. "Why are you in such a rush?" asks Alex and yeah, Michael had missed something because this boy is usually the one who is quiet unless an opinion or a comment is absolutely necessary.

He pulls Michael back and assures him that Tyler is not coming back for another hour or so, meaning they get to apparently ' drink the fuck out of his expensive gin and dance like there is no tomorrow'. Either way, Michael can not help himself but laugh at their stupid moves and move a bit along with the beat.

After a while, the others are still jumping up and down like a maniac as he is sitting in the background and just observing them. They are filled with so much kindness and love, it almost makes him forget all of the horrible things human cause.

This is when he spots Ashton, the curly haired boy dancing along with Luke and for the first time letting go. As far as Michael knows, this boy was so serious about his future, he protests to take his eyes off his text book for a snack.

And if Ashton can do it, so can he.

He gets up from his seats and chugs a handful of alcohol down his throat before joining the party. Everybody cheers as a response and he finds his mind slowly letting go of all the worries and instead feeling like he is floating on the clouds.

It is such an attractive feeling; to be reckless and brave; to face your demons and control them instead of them letting them control you. And Michael believes that he is in love with the feeling instead of the people.

That is when Josh walks closer and closer to him till eventually, Michael can not see any gap between their bodies. He leans in, and kisses Michael on the lips so subtly, it almost feels like a brush. 

Then Ashley comes and hugs him tightly, smiling at him as she did the same as Josh, but lasting a bit longer.

It is Ashton's turn and the boy takes a hold of Michael's hand; with his hands caressing the skin, he smiles  down at the green eyed boy before leaning in and colliding their lips. This one feels awfully better than the last two, perhaps because he is pecking his lips and letting him breathe ever thirty seconds.

The boy walks away and joins the party while Alex approaches him; something is wrong, Michael can feel it, and before the boy could show him that he cares, he is sucked in to nothing but darkness.

He looks around him and he can not see anything, almost as if he lost his eye sight, and all of the sudden he has the urge to scream while sitting like a ball. He can feel the walls closing in on him although he can not see them.

His demons are now taking control and have their hands wrapped around his throat; he screams but his voice box doesn't make a sound. He is lonely, cold and scared with nobody to tell him to have fun.

"It is not real." he mumbles to himself as he rocks backwards and forwards, trying to calm his heart from escaping his chest.

"It is not real!" he screams this time and his voice returns the same time he shuts his eyes. When he opens them again, he finds himself in the embrace of Luke who is smiling at him.

"It wasn't real."


sorry for not updating ugh I started watching gossip girl and it took over my life

like I need a chuck bass irl (without the assaulting part in the first season cause that shit was wrong)

I am only on s2 so no spoilers!

did any of you watch the show? if so who was/is ur otp?

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