The Wedding Crashers||l.h

By aesthetickaty

247 12 7

Carly Smith is in love with Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings is in love with Hadley Heart. The only issue is, i... More

The Wedding Crashers||l.h


85 5 4
By aesthetickaty

a/n: Thank you to @carlie_girl for giving me this story idea:) I hope you enjoy it:) Make sure to vote and comment if you do!


"Which dress do you think Ashton would like best?" asks Hadley as she holds up two dresses in front of me. One a velvety rose colour and the other short and black.

For the past six months, I've had to fake smile my way through every conversation pretending that my best friend dating the man I love didn't bother me at all. In reality, it was tearing me apart inside.

I look up from my phone and shift my eyes back and forth between the two. "Uh the red one I guess," I reply before staring back down at my device.

Hadley was at my house getting ready to go out to dinner with Ashton. This was the first time she'd be seeing him after a few months of him touring with his band 5 Seconds Of Summer.

"Okay thanks hun." She blows me a kiss then leaves the room to change into her evening wear.

As she disappears down the hallway, my Fall Out Boy ring tone begins to blast from my phone loudly. I slide my finger across the screen and answer the call from one of my close friends, Luke Hemmings.

"Hello?" I speak with a smile.

"Hey wanna hang out at my place tonight? With Ashton going out with-" he pauses. "Hadley, I thought that maybe we could catch up on things," he offers.

I accept his invite and end the call just as Hadley walks into the room looking absolutely stunning. Hadley had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a perfect smile with perfect white teeth.

She does the finishing touches on her makeup until the sound of the doorbell echoes through the entire house.

She steps down the stairs, swings open the door and jumps into Ashton's arms. I watch from afar as I lean onto the kitchen's wooden doorway and tug on my bottom lip with my teeth.

Ashton, who was dressed in a black and white tux, mouths a 'hello' my way and winks before leaving for his car with Hadley on his arm.

Without fixing myself up whatsoever, I drive over to Luke's place sporting a baggy t-shirt and some flip flops. I had the window rolled down slightly letting the summer air blow through my coffee coloured locks. I had The 1975 playing in the background as I was beginning to get close to his house.

Once I arrive, I briskly walk up to the door and knock loudly waiting to see his tall silhouette standing in front of me. He welcomes me by pulling me into a long and tight hug with my head nestled into his warm chest.

He grabs my arm and leads me inside, taking me up to his room. We then do what we usually did whenever we hung out, which was talk about random things and have a movie marathon on Netflix.

Luke seemed a bit unlike himself. He wasn't anywhere as loud and outgoing as he usually was so I called him out on it.

I pause Mean Girls which was currently playing on the tv. "Lu you seem upset, has everything been okay with you?"

He sighs and looks down at the blankets that were covering us. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure of course. You can tell me anything," I assure him by placing my hand on his back and rubbing it softly.

"You can't tell anybody this...but I'm in love with Hadley and I have been for years now," he admits. His face turns a light shade of pink. "Is that bad? To be in love with my best friend's girl?"

"I don't really know if it's wrong but you're not the only one...I kind of have a thing for Ashton," I confess hesitantly. I tuck my hair behind my ear and shyly look up at Luke who looks as if a lightbulb went off in his head.

"You kn-" Luke starts with a smirk.

But he gets interrupted as the front door opens. We could hear Ashton and Hadley stumble in filled with giggles and chatter.

We both sigh in sync and stroll down the stairs towards them with forced grins planted on our lips.

"We have some news for you guys!" Ashton exclaims in excitement as he sees us come through the doorway.

Luke and I look nervously at each other both of our bodies flooding with anticipation and horror of what they would say next.

"We're getting married!!" They cheer together.

Our eyes get wide and jaws drop at the words that seemed to cut like knives.

"No way congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" I fib and hug them both giving Luke a 'help me' look.

At least I was pretending to be glad, whilst Luke was staring at the ground in pure shock and sadness written all over his face.

"We just really wanted to tell you guys first since you're our best friends," Ashton smiles contently.

"Uh hun," I nod, an obvious fake grin painted across my lips as I ball my hands into fists behind my back.

"We want to get married as soon as possible and we wanted to before he had to go back on tour and before I had to go back to university. So we made the date two months from today," she says.

"Two months?!" Luke and I yell at the same time.

My breathing was beginning to hitch since my body was flowing with disappointment and anxiety.

"Yeah isn't it great! We wanted you guys to be the best man and maid of honour." Ashton tells us holding Hadley's waist tightly pulling her closer to him.

"Holy shit," Luke mumbles under his breath.

"Well we should get going. We will call you both tomorrow and maybe we can start planning!" She squeals.

The two head for the door and step into the night.

Luke and I say nothing for a few minutes. We just attempt to take in what just happened.

I felt like I was going to vomit to be honest. Of course I was happy for my best friend but I was still upset, I mean who wouldn't be?

"I have a plan," Luke blurts out of the blue.

"A plan? What do you mean by a plan?" I question. I turn towards him and furrow my brow.

"How we're going to crash the wedding..."

"Luke don't be crazy. We are not going to sabotage our best friends' wedding!" I argue crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why not? Think about it. When the relationship 'doesn't work out' Hadley will come crying to me and Ashton will come to you. It's perfect," he explains.

"And how exactly do you plan on 'crashing the wedding'?" I shake my head.

"The possibilities are endless..," he says with a devilish grin appearing across his face.

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