The Pack (and others) oneshots

By robyn2002httyd

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Hi! This is a book where I'll be posting all the one shots that I write. They'll mainly be The Pack and The S... More

Suicide Poem ~ Hiccstrid
Fix You - ???
Winter mornings
Fire is catching
Cold - Poofless
Throne ~ Poofless
Animal arithmatic ~ Vikklan -Punk/PastelAU-
500 words writing challenge ~ falling
500 words V2 - Fire (Preston)

Talking zombies ~ Wooflan

127 4 0
By robyn2002httyd

[Okay so this gets pretty fucking graphic. Don't read this if you don't wanna have pictures of dismembered limbs- ok I'll stop there. If you wanna read it go ahead that's what I wrote it for, just a little warning!]

/for the pack/

It was a beautifully dark night, snow fell rapidly, covering the feet of Rob and his secret companion following close behind him. Hoods covering their freezing faces, they ran through thick tall spruce trees until finally a clearing was reached. It held little safety from the elements, but the advantage of better vision was a safer option that staying in the trees where monsters would quickly surround them both. They knew they would be safe from monsters in this position due to them hating any direct light from the sun or the moon.

Body to body, they call us The Pack,
Body to body, square up and attack.
Body to body, these monsters around me,
If we do not die I'll be happy with that.

The two shook hands before pulling down hoods and glancing upon each other's faces once again. Deep brown eyes met with icy blue under the now calming skies. Stars were slowly forming overhead as the two men began to pull their bags off their backs and rummage through them for food and so on. Little did the two know a pair of eyes were watching them as they set up watch schedules for the night.

Hundreds of creepers are right in my face,
How in the world did they get in this place?
How in the world are we handling this?
Lucky for me I brought plenty of steak.

However the orange piercing eyes lighting the small area around them were quickly extinguished when Rob's companion checked around the clearing in a circle. As he scanned the rest of the tree line, the pair of orange eyes followed even the smallest of movements he made.

Rob's eyes flicked over to the pair of eyes for a second but he just disregarded them as two fireflies come out to play early in the night.

I've got your back and I hope you've got mine,
We been in this spot too many times.
We've been to the top, killed them all,
And took everything from like hundreds of mines

The flame orange eyes were soon joined by a pair of deep navy blue, adding to the glow in the shadows.

Signalling to each other, the beings began to make their way around the clearing, circling the two men as they set up a small fire. The pairs would be less noticeable now due to the rainbow fireflies coming out to play in the dark recesses of the tree line. Using this to their advantage, the beings began to climb higher into the branches of the trees.

Back to back we slay everybody,
all this time and they never got me.
All the time I've been one of the best,
If you don't think so just sit back and watch me.

Back in the small camp they had set up, the two men were now sitting and engaging in slightly awkward conversation.

"So, I never got your name." Rob said snowflakes falling into his and the other's hair, adding to the snow beneath their feet.

"I guess not eh? I'm Lachlan. Thanks for saving me back there, anyone else would have just let me die to them demons." Lachlan replied. "Thanks. For saving my life."

"Hey, gotta help a man out right? Besides, I've never really been one to sit back and watch action go down without getting involved, no matter what it is." Rob laughed as he sat back on his discarded jacket.

Now if we're talkin' zombies,
We gotta kill them all so get behind me.
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right,
I'll save your life.

"So I guess I owe you my life then. Hey, when we get outta here, I'm going to take you out somewhere nice. It's the least I can do for y-" Lachlan's voice was cut off after Rob's hand slaps over his mouth.

"Shhhhhh" Rob whispered at him. "Look. To our left in the tree line, you see it?"

Lachlan pushed Rob's hand gently away as he followed his line of sight, "No, w-what is it?..."

Rob leant in and tilted Lachlan's head towards his left and closer to Rob's face.

Now if we're talkin' zombies, /zombies/
We gotta kill them all so get behind me. /behind me/
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right, /do this right/
I'll save your life. /save your life/

"You see them fireflies there, the orange and blue ones just above them ferns?" Rob was directing both their eyes towards the sinister predators, lying in wait, waiting for the time to strike.

"Oh yeah, I see them now." Lachlan replied, "They're so pretty, shining brighter than all the rest around them too"

"They were out earlier than the others tonight." Stated Rob. "They've always been one of my favourite things."

After looking at them a little longer, Lachlan turns his face towards Rob's which was considerably closer than before. The two were no longer looking at the seemingly innocent lights around them, they were staring into each other's eyes. Both illuminated by the light of the moon, reflecting off the surface of the setting snow.

They both lean in while closing their eyes, connecting their lips, abolishing the gap between them both.

Half of them gone I've got half to go,
Killing more then I have before.
Back of The Pack all dressed in black,
With a kill streak you couldn't imagine though.

"Well then. What was that about those fireflies Rob?" Lachlan said after they both pulled away, he kept his eyes closed for a moment, "Rob?"

"Why hello." a demonic voice said in place of where Rob's should have been. Lachlan's eyes shot open and he was immediately greeted by something that looked as if it came straight from the depths of Hell itself. It looked as if some sort of dark matter had consumed the body of Rob, leaving only a small portion of his face left to identify him by. The eyes of this creature were a deep velvet blood red, staring eerily at Lachlan through the gloom setting over the scene. "Lachlan eh? Such a pretty name, pretty face too. Not for too long now though."

The demon laughed as Lachlan struggled to move backwards, being met by the fire he had created only minutes before, burning one of his palms as he places his hand directly into it. He screamed and rolled over away from the fire, clutching his hand for dear life.

"Oh little one, you're soon going to have bigger problems than that little graze there." The demonic laugh came again from the mouth of what used to be Lachlan's saviour, he was now Lachlan's downfall. "Boooooys." Rob called, two other beings approaching from the left and right sides of him. He grinned. "It's playtime."

I've got the left side and you've got the right,
Good thing that this didn't happen tonight.
Good thing that I've got my boys by my side,
If they weren't here then I wouldn't survive.

One was considerably smaller than Rob, with eyes like the deepest blues of the ocean, the other with passionate fiery orange ones. Both seemed to feel as if they were penetrating into Lachlan's conscience with every meter they gained on him.

"Finally." Said the one with blue eyes, their voice was gravely and sounded as evil as anything Lachlan had ever heard before. "I've missed the sounds of bones crunching and it's been so long since I've head the screams of sacrifice.."

The one with fiery orange eyes spoke up, "Can we at least keep the hands? Finger food is so delicious." He bit his lip and moved in menacingly.

"Or ribs. I fucking love spare ribs." The one with the deep blue eyes spoke.

The orange one replied again, "They're not the same without blood though, I'm getting shivers just thinking about it."

"Shut the heaven up you two. We were told to get a clean sacrifice tonight." The demon with red eyes spoke again, moving ever so closer to Lachlan who seemed stuck in his place, unable to move out of fear.

The three shadowy forms shifted into slightly more human-like figures with features such as arms and legs. Slowly but surely, the three turned into complete human looking beings.

Simple as that imma stick with the team,
The number of kills that we have is extreme.
We go around and around and we fight,
Slayin' them all through the day and the night.

"But we haven't eaten proper meat in years! And spare me the talk on how we don't need to eat, me and Preston have head it all before." The blue eyed demon turned to face the one with red, who was clearly the leader of the three. He laughed as he carried on. "The fact we don't need to eat, doesn't stop it being enjoyable. I'm sure the big man won't mind us having a bit of fun with the little cutie down there right?"

"Ugh alright, go ahead." Rob gave in, shaking a hand as if to send the two over, and immediately the demons came closer to Lachlan. They kept halving the gap between them again and again until finally they were both towering over the cowering Lachlan.

"Funny isn't is cutie," the one with orange eyes said to him, leaning down to get on the same eye level as Lachlan. "Most people run, not you. Too easy, you've made no fun for us. I guess me and little Vik over here'll just have to make the fun ourselves. eh Vikky?"

"If you apologise for calling me little I will." Apologies were made and the two raised their hands, pulling Lachlan's body with it.

Back up to find there's a monster behind me,
A zombie but not only that but a slime.
And a creeper and three of his friends from a mine,
I think we should just kill them all we'll find the time.

"Why no screams lover boy? To scared? Wanna kiss?" The one called Preston snorted and made pouty lips as the one called Vik simply looked unamused.

"I thought this was meant to be a torture session. Not some random gay bar. Can we not just go later instead Preston?" The one called Vik suddenly clenched his fist and Lachlan sent out screams of terror through the night skies as he saw static and a bolt of unimaginable pain sprang through Vik's hand and into Lachlan's neck, while Preston snapped both of his ankles so his feet fell limp.

Snow landed on the three demons, Rob watching from a few meters away laughing as he saw Lachlan's body curl into a defensive ball. "Oh little one, this is nothing compared to what is to come. You'll soon see some real blood and pain."

Now if we're talkin' zombies,
We gotta kill them all so get behind me.
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right,
I'll save your life.

The demons continued to toy around with Lachlan's body, he had now given up, assuming death was unavoidable now. Then after a few minutes the demons began to get bored and decided to cut to the chase and finish what they came here to start. Sacrifice.

"Let's just get on with it guys, he's no fun. What was his name again? Lachlan? Yeah? Nice, nice." The one with blue eyes was definitely more serious than Preston. "Not for much longer though. Soon you'll just be a pile of flesh and bones."

As Vik said this, he stopped holding Lachlan's upper half up and his head hit the ground hard. Rob came over and told Preston to keep him held up properly as he began to bend Lachlan over backwards with a twist of his hand, being careful not to snap his backbones quite yet. He carried this on until Vik spoke again.

Now if we're talkin' zombies, /zombies/
We gotta kill them all so get behind me. /behind me/
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right, /do this right/
I'll save your life. /save your life/

"It's a shame really. Someone so delicate, so pure, being destroyed by us three. Shame." Vik walked over to Lachlan's body which was floating around a half-meter from the snow beneath, he kicked his stomach hard. This lead to complications with some boots Vik was wearing. He seemed to be the only one out of the three with any sort of clothing. They looked like some ordinary winter boots but on the underside they were fitted with blades of diamond encrusted metal. The three looked pleased at their work.

"You see Rob? These things did come in useful eh?" All Rob did was grunt as he watched blood seep out of the cuts caused by the kick onto the snow beneath, staining it red not unlike his eyes.

"Whatever Vikky, just so long as this guy learns what pain is then it works." Preston looked over at Vik, eyes full of excitement at the upcoming 'fun' that he would soon be having.

/Hey... Hey/
We're gonna kill 'em if it's hunger games or PVP.
We're gonna kill 'em if it's hunger games or PVP.

Lachlan finally managed to splutter out some words as his hands limply clutched at his wounds. "W-why- you doing- t-to me?"

"Hmph, so cliche." Spoke Rob. "So dull really. Still, if you really need to know, we're doing this because it's fun. Nothing else. We don't need food, not have we been told to necessarily. It's just fun."

All the demons let Lachlan's body fall into the snow, crimson liquid beginning to pool and seep into the snow creating a contrast of colours. It would have been all to beautiful if not for the reality of the situation.

"Now now, I know what you're thinking in that head of yours." Vik stepped forwards and clutched onto Lachlan's short with a hand made of dark, black matter. "'Oh no! These guys are horrible! Am I going to die?'" He imitated a voice, meaning it to be Lachlan's.

"Well, if you are so desperate to know, then your answer is obviously yes. We are going to kill you, don't worry though, we'll torture you long enough to see the light slowly drain from your eyes. There'll be plenty of time to say good bye to the world.

/lets go/
On and on and on...
/lets go/

Vik pulled Lachlan's face closer to his eyes, intimidating the weaker to the point where he just closed his eyes and wished for this all to be over.

He wished to be back in his old life, back with his family, back without the demons overrunning the world. To be back where he could feel safe and content once more as a kid, to be loved and cared for. To be able to trust and care for others as well as himself.

To have a life.

Life in this world now was tough and at some point Lachlan had know he would die, he just begged it wouldn't have been like this. To be destroyed by some demon like creature from the depths of hell with a desire for sacrifice, blood and above all, to see the life drain slowly from someone's eyes.

But this is the way it went.

On and on and on...
/lets go/

He could imagine what it would have been like in another world, where the demons and humans could live together. Despite what most people wanted, this was, and never would be never possible.

Lachlan felt the pain, so immense his body was becoming numb, surging through every inch of his body. The struggle to open his eyes was too much, the struggle to carry on living through this immense pain was too much. So Lachlan closes his eyes and let the pain take over.

"Hey Vik?" Preston asked, not waiting for a reply, "Can I do the thing yet? Can I do the thing you said I could do?"

"Yeah, go ahead, my shoes have fucking human blood on them, now I'm real pissed." Vik turned away slightly but stared into Lachlan's half closed eyes out of the corner of his own.

Now if we're talkin' zombies, /zombies/
We gotta kill them all so get behind me. /behind me/
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right, /do this right/
I'll save your life. /save your life/

"Alrighty then, let's get going shall we?" Preston began to move his hands down, lowering Lachlan with them until he clapped once and his body slammed into the ground with an incredible amount of force.

"Wait a second Preston, is this what you did last time?" The red eyed demon made Preston take his eyes away for a second.

"Nah not quite, you'll see what I'm gonna do so enough."

Vik casually flicked away a firefly with effortless movement as he joined the conversation once more. "He's told me what he's going to do Rob, don't worry, it's going to be rather entertaining I should assume."

Rob and Vik took the positions of lifting Lachlan's almost dead body about four feet back up into the air while Preston trailed a needle like feeling up Lachlan's neck and up to his ear.

Now if we're talkin' zombies, /zombies/
We gotta kill them all so get behind me. /behind me/
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right, /do this right/
I'll save your life. /save your life/

"Alright, first for your toes I think."

Preston moved down to Lachlan's feet, ever so slightly bending his toes until snapping them completely. The sickening cracking noises could be heard clearly though the clearing along with a whoop of laughter from each of the three.

This process of bending and snapping individual bones continues up to Lachlan's neck where he could finally feel his life coming to an end.

Taking one last final look down upon his body, he could tell that the only way that he was still alive was because the demons were making it so. They were using all of their energy on keeping him alive even though their main goal was to kill him. They were forcing him to endure this horrifying pain just as they said they would.

Now if we're talkin' zombies, /zombies/
We gotta kill them all so get behind me. /behind me/
Swear it won't take as long.
If we do this right, /do this right/
I'll save your life. /save your life/

Dismembered toes and fingers could easily be seen scattered around the floor with the entire two meter radius around the situation being painted hot, blood red.

Half of his actual leg was lying on the floor, dismembered and tattered. Sharp, deep cuts had been sliced into Lachlan's chest where Vik had been kicking him multiple times and blood was fucking everywhere.

Slowly Lachlan could feel Preston's hands upon his neck, ready to go in for the kill. That what he thought would be the end of it all.

Well... Nope.

Lachlan's end came about through the form of a giant chainsaw wielded by Rob that cut straight through his skull in a second. That was finally the end of Lachlan.

Now if we're talkin' zombies, /zombies/
We gotta kill them all so get behind me. /behind me/
Swear it won't take as long.

"Oh shit, we've made quite a mess here eh?" Vik wiped some of the blood from Lachlan's face into a heart shape after he kicked it once more for final measures.

"We were going to get a clean sacrifice tonight but I don't even care any more that was hilarious." Rob answered with a snicker. "Nice ideas you two, innovative yeah?"

The three demons slowly started waking back towards wherever the hell they came from, shifting back into the shadows forms they called normal.

"So little Vikky, about that gay bar then eyyyyyy?"

Vik was about to full on punch Preston in he chest before he was stopped by Rob and had to settle for a slap to the face.

"I said later... Ok?!"

Preston laughed at Vik's awkwardness regarding the situation, it was just as if they were some normal guys who didn't just brutally torture and murder someone.

But they weren't.

And they did.

If we do this right, /do this right/

I'll save your life. /save your life/


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