
By saddepressing

8.1K 844 850

In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 3

393 52 50
By saddepressing

Daisys pov.

I was woken up randomly from the loud sounds of hard thuds that seemed like door knocks. I got up lazily with my eyelids still a bit closed as I moaned slowly looking at my phone screen too check what time it was. I was super surprised at the fact that someone was knocking on my door around 2. Who would? And why would they? Only tweakers come out at night.

The clouds hung like tattered gray curtains, framing an inky indigo sky as I stared out the window. Midnight is beautiful time of night. The stars twinkle brightly, faint clouds briskly float by the glowing moon. The sky's color is a magnificent, deep blue. But the most peaceful thing of all is the silence that stares at is from below.

I grunted as the loudly knocks went on my door again disturbing my thoughts.
The room was dark, so dark. I made sure my eyes were open, fearing I had gone blind. I couldn't see my hand, even though it was literally an inch from my face. I gathered my flip flops on and scurried downstairs like I was running from some kind of cereal killer as I jammed the door open without even looking through the peek hole.

"Sup Daisy." My brother was standing in front of me looking dozed with a wine cooler in his left hand and a girl looking jacket in his right. So the first thing that had popped in my mind was that he was drunk.

"Um..." I raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing here at 2am on a school night?"

He giggled and hiccuped ignoring my question making a little wet sound, " Can I come in now? I'm cold!"

He was whining so annoyingly so I had no choice but too let him in, me shutting the door behind and locking it as I crossed my arms around my chest since my body was getting cold from the outside wind.

While he walked passed me I could smell the familiar scent of beer and maybe a mixture of weed. Was he smoking pot too??

"What happened Davy? Why are you drinking on a school night?" I gave him a look of confusion while he laid himself on my couch, making himself comfortable.

"I wasn't drinking. I was partying." His words slurred so horribly as he let out a lazy chuckle, me rolling my eyes.

He had finally laid his body straight applying his palms under his head as he slowly closed his eyes while he put the random jacket on top of him.

"Oh and who's jacket is this? Cause I'm pretty sure it belongs to a girl." I asked, looking very concerned as I snatched it away from him giving it a better view.

"My girl." He smiled but his eyes were still closed, "It's my girls jacket.."

"Are you sure it's not just a girl you hooked up with at the party?"

"Just shut up and go too sleep damn."

I already knew he was completely wasted, he was slurring his words and couldn't even walk in a straight line.

"You told me you didn't have a girlfriend?" I asked so many question but couldn't careless.

"God are you a cop or something? Just leave aren't you tired?" He titled his head up a little from the couch, his forehead crinkled in pain and confusion at the same time.

"Yeah tired of your bullshit..." I mumbled making sure he wouldn't hear me, so I turned off the lights and walked upstairs back too my sleeping.

✿ ✿ ✿

I woke up feeling like a steaming pile of crap. Another day of sorrow. I heard it; the sound. The deathly screech of the electronic alarm clock. I drearily came too. I felt an awareness, I knew I was awake, though I didn't want too be. My arm, controlled by instinct reached out and found the snooze button. My eyes stood fast, clamped shut. I thought for a moment that I might recover, that I might just slip back into the comfort of a dream, I could feel the comfort of silence overcome my body, then beep beep beep. There was a sigh, a grunt, and a shuffling of blankets. My eyes were open, and I was ever so reluctantly awake.

"Good morning sis." I heard Davy's voice chirp from my door as I turned my head seeing him titling on the doorframe.

"Oh great, your awake." I said while gritting my teeth, forcing a smile.

"Yup and I made you breakfast but I ended up eating it." He sighs, a smile plastered onto his face.

"Ugh whatever." I rolled my eyes rolling the blanket off of my lap as I stood up from my bed walking too the bathroom unenergized.

I had washed my slobbered face then finally getting ready after applying my usual makeup; mascara, eyeliner, and eyebrows. Also maybe some lipgloss.

I crossed the hallway, aware of the sound of my shoes squeaking on the linoleum. How come I couldn't tread lighter? Teens surrounded me, spoke in hushed tones. I could only catch snippets of conversation, but I could almost feel eyes on the back of my head. Stomach growling, I hurried down the steps.

I couldn't find an eye for Troye or Alexa so I hurried too my 3rd period since I was late for the first two. My mind was so preoccupied I didn't notice all the racket happening around me until Leah started laughing extremely loud. God, this class was a mess full of annoying students. The jocks were throwing the football around, the girls were as usual gossiping. All the teacher was doing was...reading? How can he read with a noise like this? So loud I can feel it.

Rapping of pencils from against the tables. Bodies were blocking the view of the blackboard as nobody noticed me come in cause of all that ruckus. There was so much paper throwing passing my desks as I tried ignoring while pretty girls were just giggling and gossiping. Excitement at their freedom from our sub.

The teacher arched his neck and squawked over him, desperate and frustrated. The kids settling down because they feel a socially obligated to. Even in what the teacher calls silence, there are still laughs and minuscule coughs penetrating the quietness.

"Hello." I heard a voice chirp from in front of me as I jumped a little looking straight at a boy who had a grin on his face, an unfamiliar boy who seemed new.

"Hi?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion as he coughed a little seeming like he was clearing his throat.

"Mind me sitting here? Uhh.." He began, scanning around the noisy class, "There's too many noisy people sitting around and I really want too sit somewhere peaceful so I can finish my work."

He had Azure blue eyes, icy cerulean eyes that pierce your soul. Colbalt. Stormy blue eyes like crashing waves. His short curly locks of mocha colored hair that stood up.

"Sure." I whispered, not sounding clear enough as I repeated, "Yeah."

"Loud class huh?" He turned his head too me as I flinched seeing him with a smirk.

"Oh uh," I nervously laughed turning too the class, "Yeah and annoying."

It was an awkward situation since I didn't even know he was in this class, I never even seen him around school either. Maybe I didn't pay attention too him that's why, maybe he was a quiet person in class like me. He seemed nice and I don't even know why I never noticed him before.

Him and I the whole period had been getting too know each other more, his last name was Sivan while I told him mines. We decided too get too lunch together and hang out with his friends he wanted too introduce me too.

Troye was pretty cool he wasn't like the other boys in school, he was just his self. Nobody else.

I like Troye.

✿ ✿ ✿

4th period.

"So who has the answer for number 4?" The teacher says scanning her eyes across the classroom.

I looked as nobody raised there hands, so I rolled my eyes and raised my hands instead.

"Yes Daisy?" She says with a grin.

I had heard Michaels voice giving coughs, but they weren't real. They were the fake coughs that you would do and say a word in between them.

"Whore." He coughed, the whole class leading with girl and boy chuckles as I could feel my heart twist and turn in embarrassment.

I had turned my head, looking straightly at Michael with a look of confusion as he had a smirk tugged onto his face as he was tapping a pencil on his desk.

I had lipped silently 'what the hell' very confused on why he would call me that when he was just being polite yesterday. I swear boys are weird.

"Daisy, were waiting." The teacher calls tapping her pencil on the desk.

I gulped as I turned my head back too the board hastily, "-345.3?" I forced a smile as she nodded.

I finally look back at Michael as he was laughing at jokes with his friends.

I had ignored of what Michael called me in class and just focused on my work. But Did he know about Luke and I? Has Luke told his friends about us? Nahh he would never. He promised. He would never say anything to his friends about me.

As the 4th period class finally ended, I walked up to Michael. I had strolled over too him before he can leave into the distance, me getting on my tippy toes as I pulled his shoulder too face me roughly.

"Really Michael?" I looked at him sternly with a hand on my hip, "Why would you call me that?"

"What?" He says with a glare as the girls were behind him whispering things to each other.

"Why'd you call me a whore in class?" I yelled a little.

"What are you talking about." He smirked.

"You know exactly what I am talking about huh..." I did a pissed of laugh rolling my eyes as they went back too Michael, "And for once I thought you actually liked me as a friend.

He slowly lowered his face too become closer too mine, his eyebrows raised as he opened his mouth, "I will never be your friend. You will always be an ugly nerd too me, oh and about yesterday... have you ever heard of acting?"

I could feel anger filling up through my veins as I clenched my fists and pressed my jaws together. I felt like crushing his neck, his body, his whole fucking life! He thinks he can just go around saying these kind of things too girls who had done absolutely nothing too him. He had finally walked away with his friends, me turning on my heel as I bumped into Troye.

"Woah sorry, did I scare you?" He told me with his eyes growing larger in shock backing up a little.

"Oh hah." I breathed in relief a hand over my heart, "No you didn't I just thought you were somebody else sorry."

"Oh okay good." He chuckled pulling a grin, "Well I was going too remind you too meet me on the 3rd lunch table."

"Oh yeah," I nervously laughed, "Got it!"

Since I got invited to hang out with Troye and his friends, I would have to tell Alexa. Who knows maybe she will find one of his friends attractive and get over that stupid jerk Michael.

✿ ✿ ✿

After Troye and I getting our lunches, I followed him too the table full of boys. There was about 3 brunettes and 2 blondes while some of hem had glasses but still seemed too look attractive.

"Daisy!" I heard Alexa's voice call my name as I turned around seeing her wave her hand motioning for me too come sit over with her.

"Oh Hey Alexa I have some friends I want you too meet."

She walked passed tables with a tray of lunch, as she had a look of confusion as soon as she came up.

"Who's these guys?" Her voice sounded bored, sounded like she was disgusted.

"Well." I coughed turning my whole head too Alexa giving her this look telling her too be nice, "This is a friend of mine Troye, and he wanted me too sit with him and his guy friends."

"Ohh cool." Alexa's voice sounded sheep like, she gave of nervous laughs that obviously sounded fake as she took the seat next too me, her eyes awkwardly staring at the guys.

"You do know that these are nerds right?" Alexa leaned into me, whispering into my ear making sure nobody would here.

I shaked my head in disappointment  on how much Alexa was so rude and stared back at the guys with a smile. Before I could speak, a blonde won me.

"So your Alexa ay?" He raised his eyebrows in perverted action as a smirk was plastered on his face, Alexa slowly leaned on my side gripping on my arm causing me too giggle.

"Jeez Josh you weirdo, stop..." Troye cut him off quickly by slapping him in the chest and giving him a look of stern

"So, do you have any plans for this saturday?" Troye changed the subject, giving a bite on his sandwich.

Alexa and I glanced at each other, turning back.

"Nah, but we'd rather waste it then hanging out with yo-

I cut Alexa off by stepping on her shoe. She had a really big mouth. She'll say anything that's on her mind.

"What we mean is of course we don't! What do you guys have in mind?" I smile at Troye glancing back at Alexa.

"Oh haha it's fine if you guys don't want to hang out with us, we were just wondering if you guys wanted to go to a party." He suggested as Alexa raised her eyebrows.

"A party?!" She suddenly spoke up her voice with excitement.

"Yeah, a friend of mine is having this really big party and-

"Oh heck yes were going!" Alexa chants making us all jump, as a smirk tugged on her lips.

"What happened , I thought you would rather waste your weekend doing nothing than hanging out with us?!" The boy Josh says mocking Alexa, as she rolled her eyes.




Chapter E D I T E D.

Hey loves so that was chapter 3, sorry there is alot of grammar mistakes, it is because its 1:11am lmao, so sorry, but noticed Troye Sivan is in it? Hehe :) Well I promise more chapters will get even better than this, there will be more action what so ever!

Well I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 3! Comment if I should update! Xx

Ps: You guys are really attractive wow <3

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